She is Fatal to Death (Standa...

By writeraliciagonzalez

12.1K 1.1K 109

She's dead by the third chapter. Okay, it's a bit more complicated than that. Okay, it's A LOT more complicat... More

Chapter 2 (Sobered Up)
Chapter 3 (A **** Ton of Trouble)
Chapter 4 (Too Late to Plead)
Chapter 5 (Show of Dominance)
Chapter 6 (One Long Punishment)
Chapter 7 (Two Daughters)
Chapter 8 (History of Friends)
Chapter 9 (Unnecessary Headaches)
Chapter 10 (Prince to Prince)
Chapter 11 (Magic Trick)
Chapter 12 (Sign of Hope)
Chapter 13 (Supernatural World of Madness)
Chapter 14 (Steal You Away)
Chapter 15 (The Menu)
Chapter 16 (Broke the Tension)
Chapter 17 (Making Things Worse)
Chapter 18 (So Suspicious)
Chapter 19 (Run Away)
Chapter 20 (Shark in Water)
Chapter 21 (An Unknown Time)
Chapter 22 (Many Names)
Chapter 23 (Don't Worry)
Chapter 24 (Twisted Her With Dread)
Chapter 25 (The New Incomer)
Chapter 26 (Bull**** is Brewing)
Chapter 27 (An Uncharacteristic Act)
Chapter 28 (State of Emergency)
Chapter 29 (UNAVAILABLE)
Chapter 30 (Quiver. Hide. Run.)
Chapter 31 (Happily Ever After)
Chapter 32 (Greatest Sin)
Chapter 33 (Between Her Thighs)
Chapter 34 (In My Bones)
Chapter 35 (Shadow Bolt)
Chapter 36 (The Crude Cut)
Chapter 37 (Outside of the Living)
Chapter 38 (How He Ends)
Chapter 39 (Tomb)
Chapter 40 (margin of error)
Chapter 41 (Honey and Blue)
Chapter 42 (The Punchline)
Chapter 43 (The Rest You Deserve)
Chapter 44 (Her Sacrifice)
Chapter 45 (sleeping beauties)
Chapter 46 (Dance With Death)
Chapter 47 (Delirious Moment of Horniness)
Chapter 48 (Goodbye Punch)
Chapter 49 (my own happy ending)
Chapter 50 (A Kiss From The Universe)

Chapter 1 (Spidey Senses)

1.2K 57 7
By writeraliciagonzalez


If there was one thing Renata loved, it was a fat nap. Hell, don't get her started on the glory of a full night's rest. Something about closing her eyes and allowing her body to recharge was always just so wonderful to her. It was a treat for actually making it through the day.

But even Renata had to admit slumber sometimes had downsides to it. For one, getting to sleep was a challenge in itself. Secondly, nightmares sucked. Third being how ridiculous it was that laying in a slightly wrong position would guarantee a sore neck for the next forty-eight hours. The worst was being awakened suddenly—she had been doing it in the middle of the night, every night for the past week. 

Her body knew something she didn't. Goosebumps would spread across her in chilling waves, like someone had turned up the AC just to fuck with her. She'd sit up, gasping, looking around with wild, terrified eyes, ones that would dart around, desperate to confirm whether the room was darker than usual.

It was the reason she looked like a complete fool in her granny panties and tank top, wielding her bright pink, hand-held taser.

Every light was on in her apartment. Her skin still crawled even after inspecting every room. Not quite satisfied but knowing there was nothing else to do, she switched every flip down, enveloping her home in darkness beside the cute night light she just purchased the day before.

Either she was losing her mind or some psycho was fucking with her hardcore. Her spidey senses weren't going off for nothing. Still, neither sounded very appealing.

After returning to her bedroom, she looked at the clock on her small bedside table and saw it was a quarter after midnight. Renata felt completely useless and unlocked her phone. She decided to update Diamond, who would undoubtedly make her feel at least a smidge bit better.

RENATA: It happened again...

The response was immediate. Renata expected nothing less from her number one girl.



DIAMOND: We gotta get you to the doctor

DIAMOND: Something is clearly wrong bestie

Renata couldn't contain the small smile on her lips. She could hear the concern from Diamond, who was convinced these were signs of some kind of health issue. Well, it's not that it wasn't a possibility, but this felt different than anxiety.

RENATA: Your shift done?

DIAMOND: Almost. You caught me during a break

DIAMOND: I have another dance in 15

DIAMOND: After that, I could be convinced to take off early O.o

Renata looked down at her attire. The drive down to Nope Corner would be at least twenty minutes, and that's if the city traffic wasn't complete trash, which was just about as rare as a sparkling green elephant floating in outer space.

RENATA: Need a ride??

DIAMOND: Sleep over?

Renata wasn't in the best mood to socialize with the general public, and especially those who sought the unique comfort of silver, shining poles, heels higher than heaven, and thongs, but she'd make the sacrifice if it meant surrounding herself with the healing energy that was Diamond.

RENATA: I'm omw


Renata threw down her phone onto her unmade bed. She approached her dresser and removed her underwear, exchanging them for a more cheeky pair. After switching her pink top for a black one, she pulled on some baggy mom jeans and scruffed up sneakers.

A slicked back bun at the nape of her neck would have to do considering she wasn't washing her hair for several more days.

As she grabbed her little black shoulder bag, she put on her silver necklace. It was heavy, shaped as a heart. Renata never left without her mother.

Renata locked her apartment door behind her.

The front desk security, Jordan, raised his brows at her, taking her in once she made it into the lobby. He never bothered to conceal his liking for her, but he thankfully never pushed her boundaries either. Because of that, she gladly chatted with him. "Late night on a Tuesday, huh?" He ran his hand over his shortly cropped hair, not that there was a wave out of place—there never was.

"You know me," Renata applied some chapstick as she spoke, "always the party animal."

"Just stay safe out there, okay?" She appreciated the real concern coming from him, especially paired with that thousand-watt smile. Okay, maybe Renata thought Jordan was cute.

"Have a good night, Jordan."

As Renata stepped into the outside world, the cars raced by, whipping up the air. The back of her neck tickled and she glanced around, doing a spin for good measure. She took the taser out of her bag and held it close as she booked it to the parking garage.

Renata considered the idea that she was in a horror movie as the lights flicked above in the parking lot. Yeah, she moved with a pep in her step. She checked her small black car before getting in and locking the doors behind her. Feeling a little better, she started the car, put on some reggaeton, and got to driving.


Renata pulled into the parking lot of the medium-sized building. The purple and mint green neon sign read 'Nope Corner'. The muffled music warned that her eardrums were about to be furious with her. Instead of waiting in the car, she decided to go in and collect her best friend instead. Besides, it would be nice to see some old pals.

The night sky loomed with promises—what kind, she wasn't sure of just yet—as she approached the entrance.

The bouncer, who stood at a solid six feet, recognized her. "Well if it ain't Lolli!"

Renata put her hands on her hips. "Well, are you going to let me in or what, Mario?"

He scratched his beard hair, contemplating a response. "I've gotta think about it."

"How's school?"

Mario smiled from ear to ear. "Going into my senior year this next fall semester. Thank you for asking. I'm gotta take a guess and say you're here for Diamond? Or is Natalia getting one of her best dancer's back?"

Renata frowned. "You've got me. Also, 'one of'? That's just mean. But, no, you're not seeing this ass —not for free anyway." She winked.

Mario nodded his head with a remorseful look to his face. He opened the entrance door for her. "Go ahead, I didn't mean to keep you. Diamond's almost done soon with her dance."

Renata patted him on the shoulder and headed in. "I'll see you on the way out."

"Sounds like a plan."


The layout of the strip club was pretty simple. A big stage in the middle. Tables surrounding the big stage. Booths lined the walls beside the heavily stocked bar. The air smelled of sweat, perfume, overpowering cologne, alcohol, you name it. It was dark on purpose, to mask the shame, the wicked energy, a force not so easily hidden by a couple shadows and flashing pink and yellow lights.

Today was not as slow as Renata thought it would be, but slow all the same in comparison to the weekend.

There Diamond was, on stage as promised. Finishing up. Flawlessly, of course. 

Renata watched her friend moving like she was dancing for the devil. Hell, Diamond could seduce the devil if she desired such a thing. Her olive skin sparkled with spray-on glitter. Her cat-eye makeup enhanced her beautifully dark, hooded eyes. She was certainly stunning to say the least. And in her pink wig and barely-there babydoll dress, she was a downright killer.

Their eyes met right as the song ended and the lights dimmed. Renata scurried toward the back as Diamond waved her over. 'Go to the back' Diamond mouthed, pointing toward the dressing room entrance.

Renata gave a thumbs up. There was a new security guard blocking off her stride.

"Lolli?" He was on the heftier side, but his big, round belly fooled no one. She didn't doubt he could put anyone within a five mile radius flat on their ass. "Diamond said you were coming by."

Renata arched her brow. "It's Lollipop to you, new guy."

"I'm Jimmy." He opened the door.

"Well, thank you, Jimmy. I hope you have a quiet rest of your night."

There was a barrage of greetings as Renata entered the back. She couldn't help but look around at the place she started working at eighteen. She was shaking in her boots the first time she had to prepare herself in front of one those individual vanity mirrors. Her painted face would always seem over done under the bright yellow lights, but it helped her, eventually, get into the zone. It was like playing a character. Once she came upon that realization, it made this job a whole lot easier to digest, and even easier to be proud of the wads of cash she brought home because of it.

Diamond pounced on her. "Hi, baby!" She squealed, jumping up and down.

Renata laughed and pulled back to look at her. She gently tugged the synthetic wig off Diamond's head to expose a bright blue buzzcut. "You smell delicious," Renata teased.

"Thanks a lot. Give me a sec to clean this shit off my face, then we can go."

Renata grabbed Diamond's arm before she could leave. "Is Natalia here?"

"Yeah, in her office. Go say 'hello'."

Renata nodded along and walked to the back wall, where another, smaller door awaited. She knocked on the door three times and waited. "Come in." She wasn't sure what to feel as she saw Natalia's deeply wrinkled face. Her sharp, intelligent gaze took her in before ultimately softening.

"Ah, my lost child returns."

Renata crossed her arms and took only one step into the room that smelled of stale roses, as it always did and as it always would. "I thought it'd be rude not to stop in before leaving."

Natalia rose slowly from her seat. She wore a black satin dress and rocked that popular mini 'fro of hers. To put it simply, age did nothing to diminish the undeniable appeal of this woman. But she was dangerous too. Even after all these years, Renata wasn't sure what to make of her or if she could be a hundred percent trusted. "What might a former employer of mine be doing here on a Tuesday? Don't tell me you've lost your corporate job so soon."

Renata's smile tensed but her shoulders remained straight. "I work from home a day out of the week... Anyway, I'm just picking up an old friend."

"All she does is brag about you, you know?" Natalia scoffed and shook her head in amusement.

"Well, I'm equally as proud of her."

Natalia reached behind her to hold her half-filled glass of liquor. She raised it in a toast. "As you should. She's been quite a shining star around here."

Renata looked around the room. It was filled with past and present dancers, including Renata. She finally focused her attention on Natalia. "Well, it was good seeing you. I should get going."

Natalia returned to her desk. "Goodbye, Ren." 


Author's Note 

Hey, everyone, thanks for coming. I have not done a story like this, so it's exciting to put my own twist on a classic genre. 

I hope you all enjoyed the introduction of our main baddie, Renata. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. I love talking to ya'll! 

Warning: this story includes mature content of all kinds: sex, violence, mention of suicide, suicidal ideation, self-harm, possibly the topic of SA or abuse of different kinds—okay, hopefully I've made myself clear. 

I do not put warnings at the beginning of chapters anymore (I also don't do author's notes too often either). I think it's just better if you know what you're getting yourself into in the beginning and making the decision as to whether you are comfortable reading further (no judgement here if you decide not to). 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy Renata's story.

Peace out,


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