A Year Agreement (PUBLISHED!)

By OutOfMyLimit17

25.1M 717K 168K

Jenna Howard is not your regular 19 year old. She's been by herself since she was just 5 years old. After bei... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13...
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27..
Chapter 28...
Chapter 29...
Chapter 30...
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32...
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35...
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37...
Chapter 38...
Chapter 39...
Chapter 40...
Bonus Chapter 1...
Bonus Chapter 2...
Bonus Chapter 3...
Release Day!!

Chapter 7...

557K 16K 3.3K
By OutOfMyLimit17


Picture on side of Lennon Anderson played by Victoria Justice :)

Dedicated to IHateHumansJustCuz for all the covers she's sent me and for always talking to me :) Lennon is named after her <3

"But mommy I want to go with you!" My five year old self cried to my mom. My little hands were on her wrist trying to pull her back towards me. Her blonde hair fell around her face as she slid onto her knees in front of me. Her green eyes stared into mine and I tried not to cry. It was dark and I was tired, wanting more than anything to go back to bed.

"Honey I will be back soon. I just need you to stay right here until I get back." She said putting her hands on my little shoulders.

"I don't want to stay here." I whined again holding my teddy bear in one hand and her arm in the another.

"Jenna. Be a good girl and listen to mommy." My mom said sternly. Her soft tone gone replaced with something else. She has been doing that a lot lately, being nice then a second later cold and rude. It wasn't always directed towards me but these last two days it has been. I dropped my eyes to the ground and nodded softly. I would always listen to mommy. "I want you to know I love you Jenna. I'll be back soon." She stood up and laid a quick kiss to my forehead. Giving me one last look she turned and walked away leaving me on the doorstep of some house.

I watched her go clenching my teddy bear tightly against my chest as tears rolled down my chubby cheeks. Even though I was 5, I somehow knew she wasn't going to come back. I watched her until I couldn't see her anymore. I sat down on the steps and stared in the direction she'd went. Hours past and soon the sun started to come up. My tears had stopped and dried on my cheeks, my eyes drooping every minute but I would force them open in case my mommy came back. Mommy will be back. I thought as I sat there waiting to see her tall figure come around the corner.

I woke up with a start and felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Reaching a hand up I wiped them away feeling my chest ache. I haven't dreamt that in a while, I use to a lot when I was younger but over the years it disappeared. With a soft sigh I slumped back in my bed. Wait? I'm in my bed? I jerked up and looked around my room. I don't remember coming in here last night. I remember watching a movie and falling asleep on the couch not here. Confused I got out of bed and walked out of my room oblivious to how my hair looked and that I was only in my pjs.

Surprisingly Liam was sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and eating what looked like eggs. I saw it was only 7 in the morning. I headed to the coffee machine in dire need of some caffeine. My head hurt and my eyes ached since I cried in my sleep.

"Good morning." Liam's voice said behind me surprising me that I almost spilt the coffee I was pouring.

"Morning." I croaked out my throat dry. Bring my cup to my lips I took a quick gulp wetting my mouth, needing the caffeine.

"Did you sleep okay?" I was really surprised that he was talking to me but not wanting him to stop I turned around.

"I did thank you. Did you put me in my bed last night?" I asked leaning against the counter in front of him. He looked up and I saw his eyes travel over my attire than back to my eyes.

"I did. I came home late and found you asleep on the couch. Thought you would be more comfortable in your own bed." As he talked I couldn't help but like the way his voice sounded. It was kind of deep but smooth and seemed to wash over me like water. Wonder what his morning voice sounds like? I wondered. Shaking the thought away I replied back to him.

"Thank you, my bed was a lot more comfortable than the couch." I sent him a smile to which he nodded at. Hey it's progress.

"I hired an assistant for you." Liam said a minute later. I raised my eyebrow at that. I needed an assistant? He must have seen the look on my face. "She's not really an assistant more of a, what do you girls call it, makeup fashion person." He waved his hand around. I bit back a grin at his words. "She'll help you pick out clothes, do your make-up for special occasions, and later help with your schedule."

"My schedule?"

"Yes when we come out with our engagement people are going to want to see you and meet with you, your going to have to be a social elite. Being a Stanford you have to attend events and become involved in certain activities." The idea of having to social elite didn't sound so good. I didn't want to go to parties and talk to snooty rich people. Just the thought of it made me want to crawl into a hole and stay there.

"I have too?" I asked sending him my puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, you will. And nope puppy dog eyes don't work on me." He said standing up and gathering his plates. Damn it.

"Fine." I siad defectively. "What is my assistants name?"

"Lennon Anderson. She will be here around 9, where she will be taking you shopping for some clothes. This Saturday we are going to my parents so they can meet you."

"Isn't that a little to soon?" I asked. I wasn't ready to start meet his family and immediately start lying to them.

"No. My mother keeps pestering me on meeting you, as is my sister." Liam said setting his dishes in the sink. "I am thinking tomorrow we will go out and get a ring."

"A ring?"

"Did you hit your head last night? Yes an engagement ring Jenna." Oh right. Sorry it's only 7 o'clock in the morning, too early for this much information.

"Right. I knew that." I said sending him a sheepish smile.

"I have to go to work. Let me know when Lennon gets here." He nodded at me then left. I stared after him trying to absorbed everything he just told me in 5 minutes. I have an assistant, I'm getting an engagement ring tomorrow, and Saturday I have to meet Liam's parents. Wow I could easily freak out right now. And on top of that Liam had an actual conversation with me.

With everything running through my mind I headed back to my room to get ready before Lennon got here. I spent the next 2 hours taking my time to get ready. I showered, shaved, made my bed, did my dishes as well as Liam's, then got dressed. I slipped on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a teal colored thin sweater. I would like to say I have pretty good style but not having much money I usually just bought cheap items. Most of my clothes are really worn and/or came from the Salvation Army. I guess having an assistant dressing me and money my style should go up.

Right as my butt hit the couch the sound of knocking on the front door had right up again. I unlocked the door and opened it up revealing a petite, pretty, dark haired girl. Her hair was dark brown and went passed her upper back. Her skin looked porcelain with a mix of an olive tone, I knew she must have a mixed heritage. Staring up at me was a pair of pretty brown, almost hazel, eyes.

"Hi you must be Jenna, I'm Lennon!" She beamed at me sticking her hand out to shake mine.

"Oh hi, yes that's me. Nice to meet you." I shook her hand than stepped back. "Come in." Following her to the leaving room she jumped onto the couch.

"So what did Liam say about me as your 'assistant'?" She asked looking at me.

"Um just that you'd be picking my outfits and helping me get ready for events, then my schedule later on. That's about it." I was surprised she called Liam by his first name honestly.

"Of course that sounds like Liam." Lennon said rolling her eyes. She must have seen my confused looked. "I grew up with Liam." Ohh that made sense. She didn't look to be 24 though.


"I can tell from that tone that you don't really like him?"

"No I do he's just..." I tried searching for the right word.

"Confusing? Cold? Shuts everyone out? Yeah I know what you mean. But once you get to know him he is the greatest person you could ever have." She smiled at me. When she talked about Liam I could tell they had history together, rather romantic or just friendship I didn't know. "And I want you to know I know about the deal. I didn't want you to worry about that around me." 1 less person to lie to. "Anyways ready to go shopping?! We are going to make you look sexy."

I couldn't help but grin. Something about Lennon I liked, I don't know if it was that carefree vibe she gave off or that slight quirkiness she's seemed to have. I knew I would like her even if I had only just met her 2 seconds ago.

"Okay let me call Garrett to come around." I said grabbing my phone.

"Hey Jenna. What can I do you for?"

"Would it be okay if you came and picked me up? Lennon, my new assistant, is taking me shopping."

"Sure no problem. Be there in just a minute." With that he hung up.

"He'll be here in a minute. What are we going shopping for?" I asked.

"Everything! We need to get you dresses, skirts, blouse, heels, makeup." She rattled off. I stared at her as she listed off what we needed to do today. Well good thing we are starting a little after 9 or we wouldn't be finished by tonight. "I know it's a lot to take in but don't worry I will prep you with everything you will need to know. And you'll look great while doing so." She grinned cheekily at me.

I quickly went back to my room to grab my bag before meeting Lennon at the front door which was open, and she was talking to Garrett.

"Hey." I said interrupting their conversation.

"Hey Jenna. Ready to go shopping?" Garrett asked as his voice changed to a high pitched tone at the word shopping.

"OMG yes!" I said back in an annoying high pitch voice. Beside me Lennon laughed and he chuckled.

"Well right this way malady." He stepped back and gestured to towards the car. Lennon and I slide into the back seat as Garrett started the car and drove down the driveway. "So OakRidge Mall?" Lennon answered for me since I didn't know that mall.

"This mall has the best stuff. It's a little pricey but that's not a problem." She said waving her hand.

"Can't I just get some new pair of jeans and a few shirts?" I asked. I really didn't like dressing up at all.

"No can do. Liam talked to me and said I can only let you get 'fancy' clothing. His words not mine."

I guess I couldn't say I hated shopping since I've never done extensive shopping but the thought of going to thousands of stores to, try on thousands stuff did not sound fun to me.

"Come on Jenna doesn't shopping for hours sound like a blast!" Garrett asked in a high pitch tone again looking at me in the review mirror.

"Very fun." I said sarcastically back.

"It's going to be fun don't worry." Lennon said. Yeah right. We pulled up to the entrance of the mall and Lennon got out.

"Do you want to tag along or want me to call you when we are finished" I offered to Garrett.

"Shopping with two girls... I'll come and pick you guys up later. I have to keep my masculinity in tact, but have fun." He said shaking his head at the thought of shopping with us.

"I'll try. Call you later." With that I got out of the card and shut it before following Lennon inside the huge mall.

(Sorry I'm skipping the most of the shopping scene because honestly I'm not good at that, and it can be boring to read sometimes)

For next couple of hours we went to thousands of different stores trying on practically everything they had. I stopped counting how many times I had been inside a dressing room. I was carrying about 6 bags that were full of clothes and Lennon said we still have a few more stores to go to. So far shopping hasn't been too bad actually. Lennon was fun to hang out with and a few times I almost on the floor laughing at her stories.

I learned a little bit of her childhood with Liam and another guy named Blake. Apparently they all three met when they were in 7th grade, Lennon had moved here from New Hampshire in the middle of the school year. Liam and Blake were already best friends, since their parents were friends, so when Lennon was getting picked on by some kids they came to her rescue and the have been friends ever since, along with Liam's sister Julie.

When I asked about Blake I watched as her eyes glazed over as she described him. He was tall, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He apparently was also muscular and went to the gym on a regular bases. Blake worked at his fathers company as CEO. I didn't really understand what the company did, all that I got was that it's some kind of marketing business. As Lennon described him I knew she had a crush on her best friend. I hadn't met the guy but I felt like I would like him already.

I also learned that Lennon was a professional stylist/makeup artist. She has done everything from Actor/Actresses make up to Victoria Secret Models. Right now she had a small vacation so she agreed to be my stylist for a while. As we walked into one last store, Lennon's words even though she has said that the last 3 stores, she turned to me.

"I don't want to intrude on your personal life or anything but what made you take the deal of Liam's? I still can't believe he has stooped so low so he can take over his fathers business." She asked leafing through the rack of clothes.

"Well I...I have some money issues and I know it wasn't that best decision I have ever made but the deal sounded good at the time. I never really thought what I would have to do or what would be expected of me. I don't know what I was thinking at the time agreeing to being his wife." I admitted. "It has only been 5 or 6 days and I already regret it."

"What do your parents think of all this? Do they even know your going to be marrying a stranger?" I thought of my mother and sighed inwardly. I don't know what she would say if she was here. I bet she wouldn't be proud of what I am doing but I don't really have a choice. I have no money, I was working two low end jobs, and living in a shitty apartment in the shitty part of town.

"They aren't here anymore." I said not wanting to go to deep into it. I knew the moment I told her that my mom left me she would pity me and I hate when people do. "I don't really like talking about it."

"Oh I am so sorry." She immediately apologized.

"Don't worry about it, most don't know."

"Does Liam?" I thought about it and shook my head. I don't think he does honestly. He probably still thinks I'm some rich spoiled girl that needs money since her dad won't give her any.

"So does anyone else know about Liam and I's deal?" I asked changing the subject.

"Um well there's me, Liam, Blake doesn't know...yet. I don't think anybody else." She answered.

"I told Garrett and my one friend at my old job but that's it."

"You know no one else can know right? If Liam's parents find out then Liam is going to be super pissed. I know I don't know practically anything about this deal between you guys and I only just met you but I don't want you getting hurt. This deal is bound to hurt someone and that might be you. I know Liam is my best friend but when it comes to woman he is not the greatest." She looked at me sadly.

I guess I already knew I couldn't tell anyone about Liam and I and that we would have to come up with a story on how we met. And I figured Liam was a womanizer when he brought that random girl home. The more I thought about this the more I realized I am a fucking idiot. Nothing good is going to come out of this whole ordeal.

"Jenna don't worry I mean things could turn out different then what we think. Plus I will be here to help you along the way, with Liam and everything else." She sent me a smile I smiled back at her. Well at least I will have someone through this.

2 stores later Lennon said we were done and I almost kissed her right than and there. I called Garrett to pick us up and followed her outside my arms heavy with bags. It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon and we started at 9. I was more than ready to be done. I had gotten 7 dresses, all fancy ones for events, matching high heels for all 7; Lennon wouldn't let me get anything lower than 4 inches. I got a lot of new tops and even some new jeans that Lennon said were 'in style'. Most of the stuff I was carrying were picked by herself. I only got a few things I really wanted like the jeans since they fit me perfectly. Lennon even made me buy a shit load of makeup so she wouldn't have to use her own on me.

As we piled everything into the trunk of the car I only felt slightly bad for how much we had spent on everything. The first store we went into and I saw the price tag of the dress I almost fainted and told Lennon there was no way I was going to get it. All she did was pull out a black card and wave off my protests saying Liam had given her permission to buy whatever I needed at no expense. Spending some of Liam's money didn't make me feel so bad cause this is his whole idea anyways.

"Have fun shopping you two?" Garrett asked as he drove away from the mall.

"Actually yeah." I answered. He turned his head and looked at me surprised, I was surprised with myself... I enjoyed it a little bit.

"See told you it would be fun." Lennon said grinning widely as she leaned back in the seat. I rolled my eyes inwardly but turned to her.

"Thank you for taking me shopping Lennon. It was nice doing something somewhat normal."

"No problem I don't mind."

The ride home all three of us talked about random topics before we pulled up the driveway. Garrett helped Lennon and I grabbed my bags from the back before heading inside.

"God woman what did you get? Do you have the entire mall in these?" Garrett asked his arms full of bags.

"Oh shut up." Lennon replied. As soon as I got the door open we all trudged in before dropping the bags in the living room.

"Thank you Garrett. You can go home I don't plan on leaving again." I sent him a smile. He nodded and said goodbye to both of us before leaving.

"Thanks again Lennon." Just as I said it another voice spoke behind me.

"Hey Lennon." Liam's said.

"Hey." She went over to him and hugged him. I stared at them with wide eyes. I haven't heard nor seen Liam so informal since I met him. He always talked formally and I don't think I have ever seen him smile like that before. His face was relaxed as he smiled at Lennon. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at work all day."

"I have a few things to talk about with Jenna." He said looking over at me. Just a glance in my direction his facial expression seemed to change. It seemed just the thought of me made him go sour. I looked down at the ground hating the way he looked at me.

"I better get going than. See you later Liam." I looked up just in time to see her kiss him on the cheek and hug. A flash of jealous ran through me at the sight of them. For some unknown reason I wanted to know what it was like to be hug by Liam. His strong arms wrapped around me making me feel safe.

"Bye Jenna. Thanks for all the fun today. I'll text you later." She came over and surprised me by giving me a hug before leaving. I stood there shocked by her hug, it's been so long since I've been really hugged that it was weird. There have only been 3 people I have hugged in the last few years and they were Sophia, Candy and Tom from work. They didn't really count though.

"Jenna." Liam jerked me out of my thoughts.


"Are you ready to go?" He asked. I stared at him confused.


"Did you not hear what I said?" He rolled his eyes at me. "I said we need to leave and pick out a ring."

"I thought we were doing that tomorrow?"

"We were but not anymore. Instead of meeting my parents on Saturday we are meeting them tomorrow."

Hot man say what?


Hi everyone. I am very very very sorry for the late update. I have been busy lately and haven't really been in the mood to write. Yesterday I was gone all day long hiking with my family. I hope everyone had a great mothers day and are grateful for their mom, I know I am. (:

I know this isn't the greatest chapter but I wanted to update as soon as possible, it is mostly a filler. I hope you guys like this chapter though and thank you for getting this story to almost 9k reads!! :)




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