We're Both Broken

By amyd1236

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What if Bella had enough of Edward controlling her and someone else comes to her aid in Port Angeles, someone... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

640 19 2
By amyd1236

<<Mature content ahead>>

Bella's POV

In the few weeks after we had arrived in Alaska, we had managed to settle well enough, given everything that led us here.

Rose and I had gotten a room next to Alice and Jasper, and that certainly made things easier when it came to the preparations for our wedding, which surprisingly she wasn't

rushing us for.

Right now Alice and I were talking in her room, since Rosalie and Jasper had decided to go on one of their 'sibling trips'.

"So Bella, are you feeling the nerves already?" She asked with her ever present smile.

I smiled at her. "To be honest, no, I'm not feeling the nerves yet, but I think that is because I haven't seen the design for my dress yet. When I do it'll be a lot more real."

She smiled at that. "I have some sketches ready, but nothing set in stone just yet. Once I have something to show, you will be the first one to see it, but I think you will love it,

since you have made your wishes clear."

"I'm so happy you are willing to design a dress for me, because I don't even want to think about the trouble we would have had to go through shopping for a dress." I said with a

soft smile.

"I am honored to be able to design a dress for you, dear sister. I don't want to brag, but I like to believe that I know you almost as well as Rose does, so I know what you would

like in a dress." She said with a smile.

I smiled and hugged her. "I would want to say that you know me even better than Rose does. You always know exactly what I need, and while Rose is getting better at that, you

have known me and have been close to me longer than she has."

Alice smiled at that. "We all know Rose would have been all over you if it hadn't been for Dickward, and a vision I had just before we met you showed me that all of that shit could

have been avoided, no just what happened in Port Angeles, but the whole incident with James as well."

I smiled at her. "But would our family be as complete as it is now?"

"As a matter of fact, it would. Victoria and Laurent would still have met Tanya and Irina and Edward would still have met his end, since he would still have tried to rip you and

Rosalie apart, although I saw that Rose was the one to kill Edward. We wouldn't have seen the Volturi until years after you were turned, so I guess that seeing them this soon was

the only positive, since Renee has been nothing short of amazing in the last few weeks." She said with a smile.

"Don't remind me, it's almost like she is adamant to make up for lost time now that we have an eternity to spend together." I said with a slight pout.

Alice smiled at that. "You are so adorable when you pout like a five year old, but I rather think your mother wants to help with the wedding planning, since I think she never

thought she would be able to see you in a wedding dress."

I growled at her. "I am not adorable, and I certainly not when I pout."

She giggled and hugged me. "Yes you are, and I think Rose will agree with me on this one, but I'll drop it for now. Let's get back to planning. Have you thought about anything

else for your wedding?"

"Beside my dress, not really. It's all been a blur for the last few weeks. I guess I'm still adjusting to the mindset of a vampire." I said with a soft smile.

"It'll slow down soon enough Bella. Everyone has gone through this at some point, and Rose and I will be by your side the entire way."

I smiled at her. "Thanks Ali. I really appreciate that."

"All in a days work, my dear sister, and perhaps we should curb the talk of your wedding and go for a hunt. I always found it slowed my mind down considerably." Alice said softly.

I nodded and followed her outside, letting our instincts guide us to our meal.

Rosalie's POV

It had been too long since Jasper and I took the time to do something together, and while I wasn't a big fan of museums, I enjoyed the time I got to spend with my closest male

sibling. "So Rose, I guess you're finally getting the wedding you have always dreamed of." He said with a kind smile.

I smiled at him. "I guess I am, and I still can't believe that I had the guts to propose to Bella. I really thought that she would never want to get married after what happened to

her mother's marriages, and of course that shit with her father wouldn't have helped."

"You have always been gutsy, Rose, and Bella has jumped at every opportunity to be with you. I have always felt so much love and lust coming from her whenever she was around

you that it sometimes still baffles me. Your emotions were always clear to me of course, but even as a human Bella failed to keep a lid on them whenever you were close to her."

Jasper said softly.

"How amazing it must sometimes be to have your gift Jazz, but I know it can be a curse as well, how on earth do you manage it?" I asked softly.

He smiled at that. "It's difficult at times, but having the background I have has made it easier to cope over the years."

I smiled and led him to the museum restaurant, so we could get something to eat. "Sometimes it bugs me that I'm one of the few members of the family that doesn't have a gift,

but then I see what you, Alice and Bella sometimes go through, I'm glad I don't have one."

"Everyone has a gift in some way. Your gift is your beauty, but since you never had eyes for anyone else but Bella, I presume you never noticed." He said with a smile.

"Of course I noticed, I just never cared for the lust filled stares from those prepubescent boys, or the jealous stares from those bimbos at school. Only my Bella has been able to

draw my attention from the moment she walked into that cafeteria."

Jasper smiled at me. "It seems she did more than just draw your attention, since you are set to be married soon enough."

I nodded at that. "She has always been the only one for me, but of course Edward had to get in the way, as he always did when it came to anyone in our family."

"Edward was the one thing that kept our family back, and now that we are rid of him, we can finally move forward, and I must apologize for not doing anything about him sooner,

but apparently Alice had already seen how most things were going to play out, and she asked me not to interfere and that everything would sort itself out." He said softly.

"I know, Alice told me of her visions while Bella was resting after her attack, and I don't blame you, far from it. If anyone would get the satisfaction of enjoying his end, it should

have been Bella, and I am glad that you two are starting to bond as well. She needs a big brother who she can have real conversations with." I said with a soft smile.

He smiled at that. "I love to be that brother to her, and I think I will ask her to accompany me to the opening of that Egyptian exhibit. I think she will love it."

"Oh she will, and I think it's long overdue that you two spend some quality time together, just promise me that you won't let her get too much in terms of souvenirs."

"I promise Rose. I'll keep an eye on her, but what do you say about going back, I just know our mates must be missing us." He said with a smile.

I nodded and hugged him before we made our way back to my car, since he had insisted that I drove today.


The months in preparation for our wedding absolutely flew by, and now that we were on the last night before we would be married, I will admit I am feeling the nerves a bit.

To make matters worse, we had been separated by the family for the last week, since Alice needed Bella almost around the clock for her preparations and input.

I had chosen my dress carefully and had made sure it would look good next to Bella's, since I know what colors she was going to use in her dress, but thankfully nothing else

about it.

I had chosen to spend my last night as an unmarried woman with Kate and Irina, and I knew Bella would be in good hands with Alice and Victoria.

"So Rose, anxious for tomorrow?" Kate asked with a smile.

"Of course I am. Somewhere in the back of my mind that fateful night still haunts me and while I know something like that won't happen again, I can't help the fear that creeps up

to me that something will go wrong tomorrow." I said softly.

"Trust me when I say that nothing will go wrong. Everyone who was against you is dead and the Volturi adore your mate. You two will just have to focus on each other tomorrow."

Irina said with her usual smirk.

"I suppose you're right. I can't think of anyone to ruin this for us." I said with a soft smile.

Kate grinned at that. "That's the spirit Rose, just think of how hot your future wife will look like when she walks up to you on Carlisle's arm."

I smiled at her. "She still hasn't decided yet. It could very well be Eleazar who walks her to the altar, or knowing her, she'll want them both to walk her down the aisle."

"And being the doting fathers that they are, I'm sure they will both jump at the chance." Irina said with a knowing smile.

I only nodded at her. "Have you even thought about a Maid of Honor yet? because you know Alice is going to be Bella's" Kate asked uncharacteristically serious.

"I've asked Jasper to be my Best Man. I thought it would be appropriate since he has always portrayed himself as my twin brother while we were forced to go to school over and

over again, and he said yes, so we've got everything covered by now. All that remains is to say the words." I said with a smile.

Irina grinned at that. "I told you it was going to be Jasper. Pay up Katerina."

Kate grumbled a bit, but fished out a hundred dollar bill from her bra. "Don't act so smug Irina. One day I will be right about a prediction I make."

Irina shrugged at that. "Perhaps, but until you do I will always be happy to take your money from you."

"On another note, don't you have like ten thousand purses. Why do you keep your money in your bra of all places?" I asked a bit confused.

"I usually keep a few notes there just for occasions like this one. You know I love to make bets that I usually do not win, but I am a woman of my word, so I always pay." Kate

said without any trace of her usual humor.

I smiled at that. "I have always known you were a woman of your word, but I didn't know you had such a gambling problem."

"I don't consider it as such, any and all bets are made in the family, so I am always assured that they are friendly bets." Kate explained with a smile.

"Just out of curiosity though, who beside yourself did you expect I would ask?" I asked softly.

She smiled at that. "I thought you would ask either Tanya or Emmett."

"Honestly, the thought of asking Emmett crossed my mind, but it just wouldn't be right to keep your mate from his rightful place by your side for the ceremony, and the same

goes for Tanya. I cannot in good conscience keep her from Victoria's side." I said seriously.

Kate smiled at that. "That is very considerate of you, Rosalie. Bella has really brought some life back into your life."

"Of course she has, how could she not have done. I know I have the reputation of being an Ice Queen, but with Bella I just can't help but be a love-sick puppy." I said with a

dreamy smile as I thought about my mate.

Bella's POV

The next day the entire house was abuzz with activity, and a certain pixie couldn't help but be overly excited as she helped me put on my dress, and afterwards Victoria would do

my hair and make-up.

"Alice, if you don't sit your pixie ass down this instant, I swear to every known God that I will find a way to tie you down and keep you there." Victoria said with a growl.

She sat down as requested. "Sorry Victoria, I just can't help but be excited for today. I've seen this day in my head for months already."

She narrowed her eyes at that. "That is still no reason to make us go crazy with your antics. I want Bella's make-up to be perfect, and that is not going to happen if you bounce

around the room the entire time."

"I'll keep quiet, I promise. Is there anything else I can do in the meantime?" She asked contrite.

She shook her head as she put the finishing touches on Bella's hair, starting on her make-up afterwards.

"I think I'll go and get Renee, Esme and Carmen, they will probably want a word with Bella before we are ready." She said with a smile.

"Sometimes you still forget I am right here Ali. But you go do that. I'll keep Victoria entertained in the meantime." I said with a slight pout.

Victoria smiled at me. "You can entertain me by not pouting and sitting still while Alice get your mothers, and while I know you now have the ability to sit perfectly still, you

sometimes resemble your sister a bit too much."

"I blame the newborn phase. It must be the blood left in my system." I said a bit unconvinced by my own words.

She quirked an eyebrow at that. "You don't believe that yourself. Your newborn year has been unconventional to say the least, and so far you have done everything like a vampire

a few centuries old. Just admit you take after Alice a bit. It is a lot more believable."

"Fine, you're right. Alice has always been an inspiration for me. I never was that happy go lucky and carefree girl that she is. I wish I could be that bubbly sometimes." I said a bit


Victoria smiled at that. "I for one think it is a good thing you two are so different in personality. I don't think the family could handle two bouncing balls of energy."

I quirked an eyebrow at that, but understood where she was coming from, and thankfully our banter was interrupted by Alice when she entered with Carmen, Esme and Renee.

"I never thought I'd see the day that I would see you in a wedding dress, although I have to say you managed to give your own touch to it. I absolutely love the colors." Renee

said with a smile.

I smiled at her, since I couldn't give her a hug just yet. "Alice designed and made it herself. I wanted a unique dress for my wedding day and Alice delivered on her promise to

make me one."

Renee smiled at that. "It looks absolutely lovely, if only your father hadn't been such an asshole, he could have walked you down the aisle."

"Charlie was waiting for us when we came home, I ended up killing him because he kept insulting me and my mate. But Carlisle will be the one to walk me down the aisle. He has

been more of a father to me in these last few months than Charlie has been in sixteen years." I said with a smile.

"It served him right, he never could get over the fact that you were different from other girls your age. I just hope you made sure no one could ever find him." Renee said with a


I smiled and nodded. "I hid his body in a bear cave, so I think he is all bones by now, and I am pretty sure that no one will ever search for him there."

Renee, Esme and Carmen smiled at that. "We're proud of you Bella. It couldn't have been easy to do that to your own father." Esme said with a motherly smile.

"He deserved that and more. You have heard what he said to me when he came to your home, and it was even worse when he broke into our cabin." I said softly.

They three women smiled and kissed the top of my head. "We'll let your sisters finish their work. We'll see you soon sweetie." Carmen said softly.

I nodded and hugged them as they took their leave, before I returned my attention to Victoria. "You're almost ready Bella, just a few finishing touches." She said with a smile.

I smiled and waited patiently as Alice and Victoria finished my hair and make-up, although I couldn't see what they were doing since Alice had covered the mirror.

As soon as they were done Alice pulled the sheet from the mirror, and I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips. "Oh wow, I never thought I could look so pretty."

"You always had such a natural beauty that it was almost a shame to alter that too much, so I just amplified it with my make-up, and as for you hair, I think curls suit you pretty

good." Victoria said with a proud smile.

I hugged them both and smiled at them. "Thank you so much. This means so much to me."

Alice smiled at me. "Then I suggest we make our way outside. I think Rose is just as anxious to get married."

I nodded and followed them to the foyer, where Carlisle was waiting with a proud smile on his face. "You look beautiful, my daughter. Thank you for the chance to let me walk you

down the aisle."

"It was a tough choice between you and Eleazar, because you are both my fathers and I will always love you as such." I said softly.

He smiled and held out his arm for me to take, which I took with a smile as the music outside began to play the Wedding March.

Rosalie's POV

As the music began to play, I had to contain myself not to turn around on the spot, mostly because I wanted to see Bella's dress when she stood next to me. "I can see you want

to, just look at her." Jasper said in a whisper.

I smiled and turned to Bella and Carlisle, and I once again reminded myself to thank both Alice and Victoria after the ceremony. She was dressed in a colorful dress mostly

consisting of reds, black and purple colors which contrasted nicely with the bright red heels and lipstick she was wearing. Her hair was curled and framed her beautiful face

perfectly, and even the light sheen of make-up only added to her perfect beauty.

When she stood next to me and Carlisle placed her hand in mine, he gave us both a kiss of the cheek. "Take care of her Rosalie, because she will do the same for you."

I only nodded as we turned to Aro, who would marry us. "Good morning young lovers. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Isabella Marie Higginbotham and

Rosalie Lilian Hale. I believe you two have prepared your own vows?"

We nodded and smiled at each other. "Bella, my love. The first time I saw you in that cafeteria I knew no one could ever come close to invoking the feelings you stir up in me. We

were both broken, but together we are stronger than anything else in this world. I promise to always be by your side and support you in everything you want to do. I love you,

and if I could, I would shout it from every rooftop in the world."

"Rosalie, I have loved you from the time I saw you walk into that cafeteria, and I knew from that moment my life was yours. There is no place I would rather be than by your side

for the rest of eternity." She said softly.

I smiled at her before we turned to Aro again. "Those were beautiful vows indeed. May I ask you to take each other's left hands?"

We did as instructed and turned to each other. "Do you Isabella Marie Higginbotham, take Rosalie Lilian Hale as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for richer and

poorer until the fires of eternity rip you apart?"

"I do." Bella said softly.

"And do you Rosalie Lilian Hale, take Isabella Marie Higginbotham as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for richer and poorer until the fires of eternity rip you apart?"

Aro asked kindly.

"I do." I said in a similar tone.

He smiled at us. "Then by the powers invested in me by the Volturi and our laws, I hereby pronounce you two married, you may kiss your bride."

Not having to be told twice, I kissed her passionately, under loud applause of our entire family and the present Volturi.

After our first dance and more couples had joined us on the dance floor, I pulled my wife to the side, so we were out of earshot from the others. "I love you Bella, thank you for a

perfect day."

She smiled and kissed me. "I should be the one thanking you my love. You have given me what I never thought I could have."

"I meant what I said in my vows, my love. We're Both Broken, but together no one could ever hurt us, and I just know that we are the only ones who can help each other heal, we

have an eternity to do that after all."

She only nodded and kissed me deeply as our family's last surprise was revealed, a gigantic fireworks display that lit up the sky.

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