Lavey | KilluGon

By karaageonigiri

535 17 9

Who knew being inlove had so many consequences to it? Killua and Gon are inlove with each other, the only pro... More

Ignorance × and × Selfishness
Full × of × Misunderstandings
Reason × of × Living
A × Phone × Call

It × was × midnight

77 2 2
By karaageonigiri

Killua and Alluka had departed a few hours ago with the older being relcutant to hurry over.

Although he was curious and concerned, he didn't feel like seeing Gon until he's settled down.

Their plane-balloon landed at 11:30 in the night, the stars were bright and sparkling in the sky. The moon however, was glum in contrast to the shimmering sky.

Leorio and Kurapika were waiting for the two in the recieving area, they had arrived at the airport only 30 minutes ago and seemed like they rushed there.

"Sup, you guys look beat." Killua greeted.

"Hey.. Sorry we were uh.. busy because something came up earlier.." Kurapika said almost out of breath.

"Oh right, this is my little sister Alluka." Killua said as he grabbed his sister's shoulder.

Alluka bowed, "Nice to meet you" she said.

"The pleasure is ours. Let me formally introduce myself, my name is Kurapika of the Kurta Clan. This gentleman is Leorio Paradinight." The blonde introduced.

"Sorry we were in a rush, Gon just woke up an hour ago.. He'd slept the whole day.." Kurapika said with a small smile, his dark circles barely visible but present.

Killua was irked at the sudden mention of the name.

He sighed, "What happened to him anyway?" he said with tired eyes.

"That's what we wanted to ask you, did you know he was at Kukoroo Mountain a few days ago?" Kurapika asked, sorrow in his eyes.

"...He came to visit me a few days ago, why?" Killua asked suddenly curious.

"Yep! He and Canary even nearly ran me over ahaha!" Alluka said jokingly, earning a few looks of concern from the three.

"Well..." Leorio scratched his head. "Three days ago, Hisoka found him heavily injured near the gates.."

Killua's eyes shot wide.

How on earth...? Who.. rather... what on earth got him injured? As far as Killua was concerned, their house was one of the most protected areas in the country. It was impossible for something that strong to have passed by their radars.

"How? What the hell happened?! There's no way someone could've gotten under our watch!" Killua said his volume a bit louder than earlier.

"Illumi said there were Foxbears that got in... and Gon had, large scratches all over him. We think it was those..." Leorio said looking down.

"It sounds so impossible, but the possibility is high based on his injuries. I don't know what happened to him for that to occur, he won't talk to anyone at all, not even to Mito-san. That's why we were hoping that he would talk to you..."

Killua was speechless.

A pack of foxbears hospitalized a prodigal hunter just like that? And right after their arguement too....

'He's out of his mind....' Killua suddenly thought, thinking that Gon had himself deliberately injured out of spite.

The ride to the hospital was fairly silent, even Alluka felt tense and stopped talking after a few minutes. Killua kept watching the view, leaning on the window, watching as cars passed and street lights went in and out of sight. His head was empty, gladly, he wouldn't be thinking of anything until they arrived at the hospital. Unlike him though, Alluka chugged the liters of Mountain Dew she bought at the airport as a way to stop feeling awkward around these sadboys.

Finally reaching their destination after a few minutes, the two older men helped Killua and Alluka unload their bags from the cab.

"We'll go get some food, you guys go on ahead" Kurapika said.

The blonde handed Killua the keys, ringlocked to a tag that said 'Unit 304-5'. Though he found it odd that there were two keys for just one unit.

The siblings carried their luggage, most of it especially the heavy ones being carried by Killua. They enter the lobby wherein they were met with a few injured Hunters who Killua and Gon have encountered in the past.

Killua checked in with the nurse manning the counter, her workmates all staring at him in awe with blushes on their faces.

"I... need to go to the bathroom..." Alluka suddenly stated, fidgeting. She started to regret downing a whole case of the dew as her bladder urged her to pee.

'Ah shit.' Killua thought. He scratched his head trying to hide the displeasure in his eyes "Go, but straight to the room once you're done alright?". Alluka nodded and ran off to the nearest comfort room, "Don't wander around!" Killua shouted.


Now he was left alone to meet Gon, he tried to think positive, in this way he could settle things with him before the others ever find out. But he also felt disgruntled, he didn't really want to be alone with him at the moment, not after what happened.

His fear of rejection and his anger of being tricked all dragged his feet as he walked towards the elevator.

. . .

The elevator bell rang as it reached the 5th floor then opened to reveal a dark hallway. The lights were very dim, it was already midnight after all.

He walked towards the doors that had numbers going progressively, searching for the unit where Gon was in.


Then he stopped.

Frozen like a deer, he stared at the numbers on the white steel door. He hesitated, and thought 'Should I go in?', he wanted to because of the heavy luggage he was carrying but his legs wouldn't move.

His eyes stared at the door until he noticed that it was slightly open. With his attention suddenly changed in direction, his hesitation also flew. Instead a feeling of fear took over him, an anxiety he's felt before.

He quickly slams the door open hoping to see what he expected to see, he stared for a moment as if he was processing what he was looking at.

A wide hospital suite, the lights off and the wind blowing through the open window to the flowing white curtains.

And an empty bed.

The IV drip was still there, but where was the patient? Small drops of blood could be seen on the white sheets indicating that the IV wasn't removed by the medical staff.

No way...

Killua dropped the bags and zapped out of the room to the elevators. The elevator panel that flashed 'RFT' caught his attention. He aggressively pushed the elevator buttons as he broke in a cold anxious sweat.

The ride to the rooftop felt excruciatingly long for Killua, it was as if a single second was as long as an hour. He watched the numbers slowly go up as he grew more anxious and impatient.

Finally reaching the destination, the elevator bell rang. The door had not fully opened but Killua slid right through it in a rush.

There he saw a small figure in the dark, the contrast of the city lights making them appear as a blurry silhuoette.

His eyes took no time to clear and they widened, the moment he recognized the raven hair flowing in the wind.

"You..!" Killua gritted his teeth and his eyebrows furrowed.

To be continued...

[My apologies for the extreme delay, something came up in real life and I had to postpone this chapter's finalization]

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