Here We Go Again

By Casslexy99

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"What do you think they're gonna do with him if they find him,Sam?" Amy said "I don't know but I know what we... More

Chapter 1 - Back Again
Chapter 2 - Something Is Not Right
Chapter 3 - What Are You Talking About
Chapter 4 - Secrets
Chapter 5 - Break Ups And Kisses
Chapter 6 - Who's There

Chapter 7 - You Sure

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By Casslexy99

Amy was on her way to her car. When she suddenly felt someone taking her arm and stopped to turn around to see who it was.

"Warn a girl next time, would you! Cause you scared the hell out of me. So what's up with you cause it has been a while. It almost feels like you were avoiding me, Sammy!"
Amy said. When she tries to find her heartbeat back to normal.
"Hey,sorry about that. But I need your help with something. If you are up for it?" Samantha said.
Worried about what her best friend will say cause there will be questions.
"It depends on what you want me to do. Are you going to tell me why I haven't heard anything from you in the last couple of days? Because you and I don't have any secrets. I might not always like what's going on in your mind."
Amy said. With a concern but still forward in her voice and hopes she gets what she wants to hear.
"If I tell you, would you please not yell at me for doing it on my own? Because you would have stopped me from doing it anyway." Samantha said.
Very firmly and super calm, but on the inside, she was nervous as hell.

"Let me guess it has something to do with Bruce Willer and his cousin Gregg Rivers, then you are absolutely right. Cause it's only the Montgomery sisters who run straight into danger and put everyone at risk."
Amy said truthfully with a tone of seriousness.
"Well, I guess we have it in our blood. Consider that our dad works for the FBI and our mom is a lawyer." Samantha said with pride. She is proud of her parents and hasn't decided what she wants yet.

"Do you know what I think?"
Amy pauses before she begins, again. "I think that in the future. You and your sister will join the FBI or even the CIA.
Because you two will finish high school. Then, you will join the police academy and graduate and become a police officer. Then your dad will let you work a few years, and then you become a federal agent." Amy said cause she knows her bestie and what she's thinking most of the time.

"How can you be so sure about what I choose?" Samantha said, questioning her bestie cause not even she knows what to do.
"Honey, we have been best friends since 3rd grade.
Which means I know you better than you think."
Amy said with a smirk. Suddenly, she felt Samantha push her against the car.

"Ow,what was that for?"
Amy said with a surprised tone and a smirk on her lips while she locked up to her friend. Their eyes looked at each other. When Samantha put a finger to Amy's mouth to shut her up While she said ,
"Sorry, I got you by surprise. Greg and Bruce are at our 9 a clock." Samantha said, whispering and pointed to her left.

Amy turned her head to look where Samantha pointed. She could see them, and before she knew it, her and Samantha lips were connected.
Just in time when the cousins looked right at them.
So Amy and Samantha continued their makeout session with each other, so it wasn't obvious that Samantha was looking for them.
When she heard them jump in their car and drive off, she pulled back so they both could breathe for air.

"Let me first say wow, and secondly, what was that? And thirdly, let a girl know what you're planning next time." Amy said, still trying to catch her breath and surprised what happened between them just now, and she would be lying if she said she didn't like it for a minute.
"If this is how it feels like to kiss your best friend, I would gladly do it again," Samantha said with a wink, and a smirk pulled over her lips before she continued.
" Sorry, I will fill you in next time if I decide to do something crazy like this again or worse.
Well, I don't know for sure if they know that I am following them, so I improvised at the first thing that popped up in my head." Samantha said, still trying to catch her breath from before and thought to herself that she hoped it would not be weird between them after this.

"Alright, I will help you just because to keep you from getting into trouble and keep an eye for your sister. Because I can tell she's part of it just that she doesn't know you follow her." Amy said truthfully cause she could tell that her friend is doing something like this just to keep an eye on her sister in case she gets in trouble.
" How did you find that out that I am doing this to track the cousins and my sister?" Samantha said with an impressed tone and surprised that her bestie figured out. She should have known cause she knows that Amy is amazing at it when it comes to knowing her actions and most of it.
" Like I said, you Montgomery sisters are insane but brave and crazy but you two think alike it's crazy and if you want something, you do it yourself." Amy said, and the two friends looked at each other and began to laugh at Amy's words. When they calmed down,they jumped in Amy's car and took off from the parking lot.

"So how's Liam?" Amy said. I tried to start a conversation between them so it wouldn't get awkward for them after the kiss they shared.
"Well,He is good evan though I broke up with him, we stayed as friends." Samantha said. Evan, though , knows that Amy will ask questions about why.
" Let me guess you broke up with him because of Bruce Willer?
I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't be a little hurt, for not telling me. Because we are honest with each other last time I checked anyway.
But you are who you are, and still you tell me things no one knows. But I am still mad at you for avoiding me in weeks, for that matter. But because I love you, it won't last long, though. Did you break up with him before or after this whole mess?" Amy said truthfully and serious.
She loves her bestie, but sometimes she is out of control and insane but she will always let me know what she's thinking, but I do hate when we don't speak at all. Amy thinks.
" Yeah, I kind of feel bad for not telling you about us, and part of why we broke up has something to do with Bruce Willer but not all of it.
I promise you that I will be honest and tell you everything and what I might have discovered about myself. Because you matter more to me than anything else, and I love you too. You are always there for me, evan though I don't always like it, but you know me too well for my liking guess that what makes us so good." Samantha said with a smirk and wink to her bestie.

They both begin to laugh because they are to sentimental right now. They drove right up to a that was Naomi's car. Amy parked her car right behind the car in front of them.

"Guess you are not the only one who decides to get your bestie in this?" Amy said as a joke but still not surprised about how this sister thinks.
"Well,I guess I found who she's working with and sneaking out to meet in the middle of the night.
The craziest thing is that she doesn't know that I know what she's doing." Samantha said with a laugh.

Then they both got out of the car and walked to the car in front of them to see if anyone was in there, but it was empty.
So they began their trail and walked in the forest to see if they could locate Shelly and Naomi.
Maybe even Elena was with them cause it wouldn't surprised them. Luckily for them, it was still during the day, but is not that long before it went dark out. Because you never know what will happen in the night in the woods.
They are pretty far into the woods now. Hopefully, they will find their way out from there later.
Suddenly, they heard someone walking toward them this time.
It was Amy's turn to push Samantha behind a big tree, but she accidentally took her by the boobs instead of her shoulders.
Amy instantly took her hands when she realized what happened in this situation.

"Well,this was not what I was expected. I would be lying if I wasn't thinking of making out with you right now, but we have bigger fish to fry." Samantha said in a whispering tone and winked at her friend, and smirked at her.
Amy just looked up at Samantha for a second and shook her head with a smile on her face.
They stayed hidden behind the tree when they saw the people they were looking for.
So Amy and Samantha decided to walk up to them.

"Sam,what are you here? Did you drag Amy into it, too?" Shelly said. She was not surprised that her sister followed her, but she wanted to know more.
"We followed Bruce and Greg to this location but also you.
I didn't ask her to work with me until today. Just so you know, I have been working on my own for a while." Samantha said truthfully to her sister.
"Wait, did you say that Bruce Willer and his cousin Gregg Rivers are here?" Elena said. I'm a bit worried about their safety.
"Yes,according to the GPS, they are here." Amy said. It's really calm cause someone needs to stay calm so no one will panic.
"So,are we going out of here, or are we going to investigate further?" Naomi said. With a curiosity tone and a slight of, I am not gonna stay here for another minute mixed vibe.

They all talked about what they should be doing next,
but they decided to investigate it more in another direction.
They have been walking around, and they have been splitting up in two groups without any success and decided to meet up with each other again.
Talk about if they have been seeing anything or heard anything, but no one found anything about the two cousins.
So they all agreed to walk out of the woods and back to the cars together, though it's getting dark outside.
They finally reched the cars jumped in the cars they went with and decided to meet up in the usual place downtown for something to eat.
When all of them got to the place, they walked outside of the car and went in the side and ordered their usual.
They eat and have a solid conversation between them.
When they are done, they pay for the food. And agreed to call it for tonight.
So all went home, and they went their separate ways. Naomi and Elena went to Naomi's car, and Shelly and Samantha went with Amy, and when she dropped them off, they thanked her for the ride home.
Went in side and go upstairs and went to theirs room. For a while, Samantha knocked on Shelly's bedroom door.
"Come in," Shelly said. Knowing it was her sister.
"Hi,I think we need to talk." Samantha said. A bit serious and nervous, which means that she wants to say something important.
" Okay,what's up?" Shelly asked curiously.
" Well, I kind of know that you have been sneaking out in the middle of the night to meet Naomi." Samantha said. Confirming that she knows.
"Well,I know that you know. In case you don't remember you have asked me too many questions. But I also know that you have avoided Amy for some reason. I did notice notice something about you two. You acted differently than you did before." Shelly said. I am quite proud of herself. She knows something, and she can tell that she's right, though Samantha does not look her in the eyes anymore. So she put on a smirk on her lips and walked over to the bed and sat down and petted down that she wanted her sister to sit.
"How does you always get your information so straight and right for that matter. Am I really that obvious about what happens or is going on in my life?" Samantha said. I'm curious about her sister always stepping a head.
"No, not really, but I have noticed that when Amy is not around or you try your very best to avoid her, that's when I start to take mental notes of both you. Our father has always told me I would make an awesome agent because I am always quick to figure out things and good at reading people. You are good at it, too, and would make a hell of an agent. Sometimes, I can't lie about that, but together, we are a killer team." Shelly said. Truthfully cause she knows that her sister always wants her to be honest, and most of the time, they have no secret though they want nothing bad to come between them. They have their moments when they argue with each other but always make sure they end in good terms.
"Thank you for your honesty,sis. But there is something I want to talk about with you, though. Just promise me that you won't see me differently than you do now." Samantha said with a nervous smile.
"I promise sister forever and always." Shelly said truthfully and a bit curious about what her sister wanted to talk about.
"Okay. Ever since I broke up with Shawn and Liam, I have been questioning my sexuallty for a while, but now that I have been single for a while. I have been trying to focus on myself. I have discovered that I am Bisexuell, and it feels great to finally say it out loud." Samantha said proud of herself for opening up.
"First of that explains how you and Amy acted earlier cause you two acted differently than you usually do. Second, welcome to the club." Shelly said. Smiling at her sister like she's already put the pieces together.
" Well, now you said it, and no wonder I feel like you have a weird relationship with your friends, or should I say you and Naomi rather do." Samantha said with a smirk on her lips.

"Hmm,say the one who has a massive crush on her best friend or both of you may I might at to my statement. Me and Naomi are complicated in a good way. We are a perfect match for each other, but we will not act on it." Shelly said truthfully and curiously to her sister.

"I might have discovered that I am attracted to Amy, but I am also not sure if I decide to tell her that part. She is amazing enough to figure out things on her own, or sometimes she's just looking at me and knows what I was thinking about. But I feel like Naomi can read you like a book and knows exactly what you are thinking without saying anything. Cause Amy can do that with me, so it's kinda hard for me to lie about something to her cause she has already figured it out. That's why it is easier to avoid her, but she's always known what I am up to evan when we don't are together." Samantha said truthfully and smiled at what she just said.

"I kinda know exactly what you mean. But yeah, it's crazy how annoying it can be sometimes, and the weird thing is that she is the only one who can make me change my mind over some things, too. So yeah, the way Amy knows you and reads your mind like an open book. That is exactly how it is between me and Naomi." Shelly said and admit that her sister is right that their friends know them the best.

"I will just tell you, and I figure you might already know it cause you are you. Earlier , I and Amy, and I ran into you guys. We kinda had a make-out session with each other. When I was following the cousins and I kinda scared her from behind, I might add that it was not on purpose." Samantha said truthfully, wonder what her sister may say.

"Hmm,so that's why you two couldn't stop staring at each other, and here I thought you two talked through your eyes. I think you should go for it." Shelly said with a smirk on her lips.
"You want me to ask her out? When you barely make your own move to a certain person." Samantha said with a teasing tone towards her sister. Which just roll her eyes at the comment.

"Sam,trust me, you really don't wanna know my complicated relationship with Naomi.  Besides, I did date Eliza Turner for a while, too. And she asked me out to be her date tomorrow too." Shelly said she knows exactly what her sister thinks of the Turner family. They are not the nicest people in town if we say so. Very powerful and rich with a lot of authority.

Samantha just looked at her sister and didn't evan know what to say. Her sister dated one of a woman you don't want to be involved with because of who her parents are. She couldn't understand why her sister wanted to be involved in that corrupted family, well, mostly her father, but anyway, why? Of all women out there, she gets involved with the last person on earth you evan wanted? I mean, why not just ask out Naomi already.

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