Black Prince and White Prince...

By my_magical_thoughts

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He owns the darkness and she is the only light in his darkness. He tried to keep away himself from her but he... More

Chapter 1: - Helped the Stranger
Chapter 2. - Wondering About My Helper. ( part 1)
Chapter 2: - Wondering about my helper (part 2)
Chapter 3. Lucky day
Chapter 4. Nice to meet you again.
Chapter 6. Announcement.
Chapter 7. Is it fate? (part 1)
Chapter 7. Is it fate? (part 2)
Chapter 8. I kept her words.
Chapter 9. I love her.
Chapter 10. My Painful Past.
Chapter 11. My Perfect Family? (part 1)
Chapter 11. My Perfect Family? (part 2)
Chapter 12. Worried.
Chapter 13. Helper or Abductor?
Chapter 14. My Chocolate Fairy.
Chapter 15. A Nightmare.
Chapter 16. Do You Remember Your Promise?
Chapter 17. INVITATION.
Chapter 18. Her Happiness
Chapter 19. Adoring Him.
Chapter 20. Couples?
Chapter 21. Wedding
Chapter 22. Scared.
Chapter 23. Her Unforgettable Past.
Chapter 24. My Babygirl. (Part 1)
Chapter 24. My Babygirl. (Part 2)
Chapter 25. Interrogation.
Chapter 26. Setting a Trap
Chapter 27. Right Time.
Chapter 28. All Clear.
Chapter 29. Love?
Chapter 31. A Happy Ending?
Book 2

Chapter 30. Plan B.

1K 65 32
By my_magical_thoughts

Author's Pov.

A girl wearing sky blue colour glitter frock which was touching her keens, with beautiful sliver sandal and crown hairband. She was looking like cute little angle and she has to look like one because today is her birthday but instead of celebrating her birthday with her family and friend, she is waiting at her house door for her special guest so that with him she can celebrate her 8th birthday.

Her eyes sparkle in happiness when finally her special guest arrived.

"Y/n, Y/n"

Someone called little Y/n but she decides to ignore it as she was very happy by seeing her special guest. She hugged him as he stands infront of her. "I was waiting for you, come I want you to meet all my friends" she said cutely and was about pull him inside her house but the boy stopped her and said "Sorry but I can't come inside" this made the little Y/n sad.

"Why you can't come inside?" Little Y/n asked with sad pout. The boy chuckled and said "Because I have to go. I have some work to take care of" He tried to make her understand. "But you just came now, how can I let you go?" Little Y/n protest. She folded her hands over her chest and looked other side showing that she is very angry. The boy smile seeing her stubbornness. He came forward and placed a kiss on her left cheek making little Y/n surprise and happy at same time.

"Even I don't want to leave you for a second but I have to go and I promise once I am done with my work, we both will live happily" his promise light up little Y/n's mood. "But before that you have promise me something" little Y/n looked at him begin confused. "What promise?" she asked cutely. "You have to promise me that you will wait for me no matter what" little Y/n nod getting agree with him. "I promise you that I'll wait for you" they both locked their pinkie finger and made a pinky promise to wait for each other.

"Y/n, Y/n"

Again someone called little Y/n but again she decide to ignore it as if she want to enjoy every second with him. The boy was about to leave but little Y/n held his hand "Please don't go now, stay with me little more" she said with teary eyes. The boy smile and placed a kiss on her forehead after wiping her tears "Just wait for me, I'll come back for you" with that he started to walk away from there leaving her alone.

"Y/n dear"

Y/n slowly open her eye when she felt soft pat on her shoulder. She saw her Aera who was trying to wake up her from past few minutes.

'It was a dream' Y/n thought as she around her room.

Aera smile seeing Y/n woke up from her sleep. "It seems that you had good sleep" Aera said with smile in return Y/n gave small smile and nod her head. "Now get up or else you will be late" Aera said while pulling curtains and let the sun rays come inside Y/n room. Y/n nod at Aera's words and went to bathroom to do her morning routine and Aera went down stairs to prepare breakfast.

Y/n came downstairs when she was done with her morning routine. Aera smiling seeing Y/n coming towards dinning room and she sat on her chair. "Good morning everyone" came Yoongi's voice as he enter the dinning room. "Good morning love" "Good morning Oppa" Aera and Y/n also greet him. They all were having breakfast then Yoongi called Y/n while having his breakfast "Y/n?" "Yes Oppa" Y/n looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

"Is everything ok between you and Taehyung?" Y/n was silent. "I mean he used come our home with you after you are done spending time at park but it's been few days, he didn't show himself." It's been few days to that incident, after that night Taehyung is calling Y/n every day but she is ignoring him every time which is very painful for him.

"Yes Oppa, everything is ok. It's just that we both are busy with our work and now a days I don't spend much time at park so we haven't meet for few days" she assured to which Yoongi nod his head and with that they started to have their breakfast not knowing a person setting next to them had a smile.

'Every soon you will know your place in Y/n's life Taehyung' Aera thought with a victory smile on her face knowing Y/n didn't meet Taehyung for few days.


Y/n had a smile whileadoring stars. "I wish, I could hug you all" she said staring at stars with sadsmile. "Anyway, now I have to go. Bye Eomma-Appa, Bye Peach" Y/n waved goodbye to stars and got up from the bench, Y/n got freeze at her place as she turnedtowards her right and she saw Taehyung standing few steps away from her.

There he was standing staring at Y/n showing his boxy smile. Y/n look here and there not wanting to make any eye contact with him. Taehyung's smile grew up when Y/n walk towards him but his smile vanished when Y/n pass by him without saying a word, this behaviour of Y/n clenched Taehyung's heart. 

Taehyung followed Y/n and stand infront of her, blocking her way. "I am sorry Princess for my behaviour that night" Taehyung apologizes for his behaviour but Y/n didn't utter a word, she was looking at her foot and playing with her finger. Taehyung placed his index finger under Y/n's chin and lift her face up to see her beautiful eyes but she was gazing everywhere except Taehyung. 

"Princess please look at me" Taehyung plead which melt Y/n's heart. She slowly shifted her glance at him. Taehyung had smile on his face while his eye were shining. Y/n was lost in his eyes, his eyes were showing joy and guilt at same time. Joy because he gets to see his Princess face this close after days and guilt for making his Princess uncomfortable that night.

Y/n came to her sense when Taehyung held her both hand and said "I am sorry Princess, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable that night. I don't know what happened to me and I miss behave with you. I didn't mean to pull you like that and came that close to you. I don't know why I was about kiss you. Please trust me I didn't want to make you uncomfortable" by his tone Y/n can sense that he was every guilty for his behaviour.

"It's ok. I already forget about that night you should also forgot about that and it's not like something happened between us" Y/n said calmly and gave him assured smile. "Then, why you are ignoring me?" Y/n was silent at Taehyung's question.

'He is right, if you forget about that night why you are ignoring him from past few days and even few minutes back when he was standing infront you decide to ignore him' came Y/n's unconscious mind voice.

'Because I am scared' Y/n said to her unconscious mind voice.

'Scared of what?' her unconscious mind voice questioned her.

'I am scared that I might fall for him which I don't want to happen. I don't want to break my promise' Y/n confess her true feeling to her unconscious mind voice.

Her unconscious mind scoffed at her 'Is your love that weak for him?' she again questioned Y/n.

'I love him that most but some where in my heart Mr. Princes is getting soft corner which I never felt before for anyone' Y/n tried make understand her unconscious mind.

'What's his mistake in that. It's your problem not his. Your ignorance is giving him pain. All those days he tried to talk to you but what you did, you just ignore him' her unconscious mind scold her, for her immature behaviour.

Taehyung was just staring at Y/n who standing there not a saying a word as if she is in deep thought. "Princess, can we sit there for sometime because it's been days we spend time together" Taehyung said and bring Y/n to her sense. They both walked towards near bench and sat there.

"So how is everyone at orphanage?" Taehyung asked wanting to start conversation. Y/n smile and said "Everyone are doing great and kids are missing you. They will be happy if you come to meet them" Taehyung gave big smile before saying "Of course I'll come to meet them, even I am missing them, I was unable to meet them because I was busy with new project. But I promise once I am done with my work, I'll come to meet them." Y/n smile and nod at his words.

After spending sometime at park they decide to go home. Taehyung asked her if he can drop her and to his happiness Y/n got agree to him. The ride was silent. Y/n was admiring the outside view. Taehyung was drive while gazing at Y/n time to time, after sometime he take out his phone from his blazer's pocket while driving by his one hand. He open his phone and send some videos to Y/n and put his phone back into his blazer's pocket.

Y/n open her phone as she got the notification. She frowned when she saw Taehyung send her some videos "What you have send to me?" Y/n asked out of confusion, she don't understand why he send her those videos when she is seating next to him and he can show them in his phone. "You will get to know first open them" Taehyung with smile while glancing at road.

Taehyung smile grew when he heard Y/n laugh. "Youuu Youu lookkk funnnyyyy" she can't speak properly because of her laugh which made Taehyung more happy. He spend his funny videos to her. Y/n's laugh got louder as she saw his more funny videos. 

Y/n was amazed when she saw the last video in which Taehyung was doing hand dance. "Wow, how you did this?" Y/n asked Taehyung while showing his hand dance video. Taehyung smiled at her and asked "You wants to do the same?" in respond Y/n happily nodded her head. Taehyung stopped car in side of road and looked at Y/n.

"Ok, let me teach you then" Taehyung said turned towards Y/n so that he can show her properly. "Ok, first do this and then put this index finger on other index finger, move this index finger forward and then place the this middle finger on top of other index finger and then bend them like this and then slid them down to bring them at one level and we are back to same position" Taehyung said while showing his hand dance.

"Umm it's confusing" Y/n nervously smile when she found difficult to understand. Taehyung chuckled at her remake. "Don't worry it's not that hard" Taehyung again started to explain the steps and Y/n tried to follow the steps with him.

'she look cute' Taehyung internally smile seeing Y/n struggling while doing the steps.

Everything was going back to normal how it was before between Y/n and Taehyung which Aera didn't like.

It was usual day for Y/n like always, going to orphanage, spending at park with Taehyung and going back to home with him, but she was unaware that from tonight her life is going to change. Y/n was babbling about her day while Taehyung was in deep thought. Suddenly he stopped the car in side making Y/n confuse.

"What happened?" Y/n asked with concerned. Taehyung turned towards her. "Princess, I want to tell you something" in respond Y/n smile and nod her head signally him to continue. "Princess, I tried my best but I failed, I can't control my feelings" his each word was making Y/n confuse. She tilted her head a little and frowned a little.

Taehyung softly held Y/n's both hand and then he continued "I love you Princess" these three words stop her world for a moment. Taehyung was about say something further then Y/n withdrawal her hand from his grip and said "Sorry, I can't accept your feeling. I love someone else" Taehyung feels like he lost his everything in a second.


After dropping Y/n at her home Taehyung came to his manor which is in woods, where he once brought unconscious Y/n. he went to his secret room in that manor. The whole room was decorated by Y/n's photo from her teenager to till now.

He collected Y/n's teenager photos from his man whom he appointed for Y/n's safety after meeting Y/n at her Oppa's party. And from that day Taehyung is decorating this room by Y/n's photo by adding her photos. He walked towards one of his favourite photo, in that photo Y/n was laughing while talking to him.

He caressed her head while smiling "I never thought that I have to use my plan b. But it's good that I am using it because it will be pleased for both of us, specially for Aera. " he said with evil smile.

'Aera, you can't stop me from taking my Princess from you' he thought with evil smile while admiring Y/n's smile.


Y/n was staring at TV blankly thinking about Taehyung, it's been 4 days she rejected him. She was feeling sad but she can't betray to her first love. She took her phone to see if Taehyung reply to her messages or not. To her bad luck Taehyung didn't reply to her single message, she even called him many times but no responses.

'why he is not responding?' Y/n thought.

'then what do you expect him to do after you rejected him' replied her subconscious mind

In respond Y/n just gave sad pout.

A smile came on her face when she got the notification. She open her phone hoping to see Taehyung's message but it was from her Aera Unnie. Today Aera and Yoongi went out of Seoul because of some work and they will come by tomorrow.

"It's 10:30 now, I hope are on your bed and not watching TV" Y/n read out Aera's message.

'is they install camera somewhere, how she always know what I am doing in their absence' Y/n thought

"Yes, I am going to my room. Good Night Unnie." Y/n replied her and walked towards her room.

"Good Night My Precious" came Aera's reply.

Y/n did her night routine and all ready to sleep. After few minute she went to her dream land but after more than half an hour a call disturbed her sleep.

'Urghhhh who is calling at this time' she internally groaned.

It was Mark's call "Yes, Mark what happened?" Y/n asked in sleepy tone but Mark's words jolt up from her sleepiness.

"Y/n, we can't find Areum. She is missing." 

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