A Tale From Lanoria: The Prin...

By JohnandJensMythopias

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Oriana Barough is the sole heir to the throne. Her mother was killed by a mage when she was young. Since then... More

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Chapter 1: Barough
Chapter 2: Long live the King
Chapter 3: Garden of Blood
Chapter 4: Battle Mage
Chapter 5: Arrogance
Chapter 6: Head of the Table
Chapter 7: It's the Little Things
Chapter 8: The Wonders of Magic
Chapter 9: The Fragrant Orchard
Chapter 10: The Trouble with Love
Chapter 11: The Prince of Winter Haven
Chapter 12: Old Promises
Chapter 13: The Game
Chapter 14: Healer
Chapter 16: Blossom
Chapter 17: Asra
Chapter 18: The Show
Chapter 19: A Sorrowful Storm
Chapter 20: Determination
Chapter 21: Twisted
Chapter 22: Memories
Chapter 23: Agnodice Imperium
Chapter 24: On Dragons Wings
Chapter 25: A Celebration is in Order
Chapter 26: The Hero of Barough
Epilogue: A trip to Dymoria

Chapter 15: A Bond

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By JohnandJensMythopias

Over the next few weeks, Donovan continued to heal people. Oriana allotted two days a week for people to come. That way, Donovan was able to get some rest. Not to mention, he seemed uncomfortable with all the people swarming him. The Mage didn't mind the praise; it was the people who hugged him. Those who thanked him for changing their lives seemed to make Donovan uncomfortable. By the end of the second week, he got more used to it. Though Oriana could tell that it was unnatural for him, either way, she was too excited about the trip to Asra to really prod him about it.

It would be Donovan's first event in high society. It was customary for nobles to arrive in their kingdom's colors, as well as their courtmages. For Barough, their colors were pink, white, and gold. One of the pieces she had made for him was a silken surcoat meant for lavish events such as the one they were going to. The surcoat was a brilliant white, with long golden sleeves. The material stretched over his broad chest, playfully hinting that he had strong, bulging muscles.

There was even a flowing pink cape with a gold inlay to offset the bright white material of his robes. A sparkling golden chain adorned his cape, securing it tightly to his shoulders, which was adorned with a quartz circlet. The outfit was completed with golden calf-high boots. It was obvious the princess had spared no expense in making sure everything was tailor fitted. All he would have to do was wear a crown, and he would look like the new King of Barough. 

By the time Oriana was ready, she looked rather beautiful herself. The long, pink silken dress showed off her soft, creamy skin with a curved shape in the front as well as the back. Delicate white embroidered roses raced up the middle of her dress and around the cuffs of her long sleeves. Her long hair was left loose and curled as it spilled down her back like a golden waterfall. A small, delicate golden circlet, inlaid with beautiful pink diamonds, glittered atop her head. The gold had been shaped into swirling patterns, adding to the amazing craftsmanship. And in the center, a rare star ruby stood out brightly from the other gems, all perfectly cut and polished.

Oriana would come out of her bedroom to find Donovan waiting for her. "You look quite handsome," she told him with a warm smile.

"Thank you. I don't mind pink, but I do prefer the color red. I guess I will have to deal with it." Donovan replied, looking at his outfit before looking at Oriana. He gave her a smile and said, "Though you look beautiful as well, the dress really brings out your breast features... your best features."

Oriana felt a bit embarrassed at his comments, looking down at her chest before saying, "Do you think it's too much?"

Donovan put his finger on her chin, making her look up at him before saying, "You look divine, the loveliest woman in all of Lanoria." Looking right into his eyes, Oriana practically melted. But she felt something was wrong with Donovan. He seemed to fidget and almost tremble.

Killian had walked in at that moment and saw the way the two of them looked with Donovan's finger on Oriana's chin. The princess looked up at him with rosy cheeks. He would glare at Donovan before speaking, "We are leaving the Princess in your care overnight for the first time since you arrived, Donovan. If I keep seeing you put your hands on her, I will go to the theater in your place!"

Donovan removed his hand from her chin and replied, "You have a dirty mind, old man. If a knight cannot tell his princess how beautiful she is, then chivalry will die in Barough."

"Watch your mouth! I am still your superior! Not to mention, you're a mage! Not a knight!" Killian barked back, but Donovan just winked at him, infuriating the old man.

Killian turned to face Oriana, giving her a warm, proud smile. "You have grown up to be such a beautiful woman. I know the only time you get out is to visit Lanor. So have fun tonight and don't let this big oaf ruin it."

Oriana smiled brightly at Killian's words before saying, "Oh Killian, thank you so much! I know tonight is going to be magical!"

"Your carriage is ready for the trip into Asra." Killian told Oriana.

"Thank you, Killian; I know the castle will be safe in your stead."

Oriana gave Killian a curtsy, who bowed in return before she headed outside with Donovan right behind her.

However, Killian grabbed Donovan's arm before he could pass and whispered, "If anything happens to her," he' began to threaten. Donovan quickly spoke up before he could finish. 

"I know, you're going to cut my dick off. You have told me almost a hundred times in the past month. You're becoming senile, old man. At least try to remember your threats." His comments had Killian growling like an angry dog.

Once Donovan joined her, Oriana started to show off the carriage to him. "Isn't it nice?" she asked. "I had it made with you in mind!" For a large man like Donovan, she needed a custom carriage. Oriana wanted the seven-foot-tall giant to be comfortable during their ride.

"It's very nice, Princess. Thanks." 

Donovan wasn't very interested in it, but he was listening for her sake. Oriana could see him looking around, almost paranoid, something she had never seen him do. She hoped that after sitting in the new carriage for a bit, he would feel better. 

The carriage had a large square top instead of its usual rounded shape. The top had also been extended, so that Donovan could also relax and sit upright. Their seats were quite plush, and the window frames were decorated with crimson curtains. Four other knights of Barough joined them to act as footmen, to ride along with them, and to help steer the carriage through Lanoria.

Before Oriana had a chance to step into the carriage, Celsy put a hand to stop her and started to fret over Oriana's dress. She simply adjusted the sleeves for the princess and made sure it all looked perfect. Stepping back, her hand flew to her thin face as the tears stung her eyes. Celsy's hand gave a tiny tremble. 

"You look just like your mother, she'd be so proud of the woman you're becoming." Celsy told her. Oriana would hug Celsy, being careful of the dress but still happy to comfort the housemaster.

"Thank you, Celsy," she told her, trying not to get emotional herself. Oriana didn't want to cry; it was supposed to be a happy day.

As they left, Celsy and Killian saw them off. The housemaster wiped the tears from her eyes as she waved. It was Oriana's first event representing Barough after her father's funeral. "She makes you so proud, doesn't she?" Celsy said to Killian.

The old man nodded in agreement. "Yes, she is growing up so fast. Her parents would be proud of her... as I am. It's Donovan I worry about."

"Yes... though since he has come, the Princess's smile has returned."

Killian sighed, "I know... That is what worries me. She's quite fond of him, too fond. He may be a ruthless warrior, but at the same time he is a gifted healer. Through the two of them, the kingdom is starting to liven up again. That means everything to Oriana, to see her people happy, and her kingdom thrive.

"Though you know how things are, all mages, regardless of what part of Lanoria they are in or what kingdom they swear allegiance to, must follow the laws of Medeis. This means they cannot be together, and Oriana cannot risk falling for a mage. Medeis is still the strongest force in all of Lanoria. To go against Medeis will end in the death of Barough."

Celsy watched the carriage with a worried look on her face before saying, "Oriana is a smart girl. She will not make such a mistake. Especially falling for such a brutish man."

"I know. He is a good fighter and has protected Oriana up until now. It's his attitude and disrespect towards authority that bothers me. Not to mention how he talks about the great families of Medeis, which reminds me of the mage who killed Oriana's Mother." Killian replied.

"Yes, it does. I don't want to see anything happen to Oriana like what happened to her parents. I think he just wants to get in her pants." Celsy said to Killian.

"For now, we will have to trust him. After all he has done for Oriana and her people, he at least deserves a chance. Though Oriana's heart belongs to Prince Tyir. As her father wanted, it's what she deserves."

"Speaking of which, I made sure the letter got sent. I let the prince know we are still working with her, though she isn't ready yet." Celsy replied.

The princess, meanwhile, couldn't stop smiling as they rode away from the castle. She was ecstatic as her orchards and trees passed them by. When she turned back, she noticed Donovan had a look on his face that Oriana had never seen before. A look she couldn't quite place. Not that she could give much thought to it. Oriana was overcome with so much excitement that it was hard for her to concentrate on much else. She nearly bounced in her seat as she looked back and forth between Donovan and the outside world.

"Donovan, aren't you excited? We are going outside of Lanor and the Castle!" Oriana chirped happily. Donovan continued to look out the window as well.

"It's not that far, not even a full day's trip." Donovan replied with a shrug.

"I suppose... for a well-traveled mage such as yourself, it is probably nothing. Even if we are going to my next city, I want to see them all! Maybe I can visit the other kingdoms! I have read all about the great kingdoms of Lanoria and the different wonders out there. I have always wanted to travel south and see the Great Dymorian Bridge and the Great Fissure. The one created a thousand years ago by the Dragon King Igneous. I heard it is such a beautiful sight." Oriana told Donovan.

That made Donovan turn away from the window finally, and he replied to her by saying, "That is why I hate nobles. They shelter their kids. Keep them locked up and waiting. Never give them a chance to grow until they're dead. I bet it's because, deep down inside, they all fear losing their power. Worried about a coup or their heirs trying to take the throne from them."

Oriana shook her head. "You mean like my father? He was not like that. I know you have never met him, but please don't speak poorly of him. He did his best to protect me." 

Tears stung her eyes, and she found them slipping down her cheeks faster than she realized. She considered Donovan a friend. Hearing him say such things about her father hurt her and made her angry at the same time. This was supposed to be a good day, and now all she could do was think about her deceased father. Crying in the back of her carriage was not the way she had envisioned the trip going.

Donovan looked away and, for the first time, apologized, "I am sorry, Ori. I didn't mean it like that." Oriana looked up at Donovan as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She noticed right away that Donovan was trembling. Her courtmage, who had shown no fear, nothing but resolve and courage, was looking so lost and scared.

Oriana reached out and put her hand on his. Something was profusely bothering him, and she wanted to know what it was. "What's wrong, Donovan? In the time we have spent together, I have never seen you tremble or hesitate. What is it that makes you so fearful?"

Donovan gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not afraid. There is nothing, I fear. Absolutely nothing. Not even them; I hate them! Those noble scum!" His hands tightened into fists, but it didn't seem to stop the shaking. Standing carefully from her position, she walked the short distance to him. She moved her hand to his chin and made him look at her. She saw a look in his eyes, one of fear and anger. It seemed so easy to read his face, especially now that she thought about it. She only wished she had noticed it before.

Oriana asked him sincerely, "Donovan, please be honest with me. No matter what you say, I promise I won't get angry. I just want to know why you hate nobles so much. I want to know so I can better understand you." He looked right into Oriana's eyes, his own staring back at her. Donovan's emerald orbs were filled with rage and sorrow. When he replied, he spoke only one sentence.

"They killed my mother."

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