Life's Not Fair(Was It Ever?)

Bởi quietProblemChild

5.8K 395 491

The world isn't a kind place for many people. The odd few learn that earlier than others but many only realis... Xem Thêm

Little friends?
Will 'o the Wisp
New places
Tough Love
Shopping with Mom
The Accident
How did that happen?
How Is He Allowed Near Kids?
Injuries? Ha, All Might Laughs In The Face Of Injuries! HAHA-
Media! Fuck those guys
Goofy Boys
A Trip! What can go wrong? WHO IS THA-
Hospital beds, we don't like them
Why Is Everyone Hating On The Class?
Who Is That Stranger?
Is This Legal? I- It is- HOW?!
Sports Festival And Dark Hallways! Fun...
Looks Like He Needs Some Water!
Some Restraint Was Needed!
Eyes Through The Blinds
Crutches? Noooooo....
Not Those Damn Camera's Again!
Noise At Night
Familiar Faces
Hero Names
New Acquaintance
*Plays Mission Impossible Music*
Not The Best Start...
Chaos, Classmates, Potatoe, Potato
Is That A Knife?! Mine Now!
Maybe Hospitals Aren't So Bad-
Hugs For Everybody!
A Bit Of Normality.
Studying = Student Dying (Prove Me Wrong)
Bothersome Trouble.
They're Bonding! Secrets Spilled?
Getting Away(Or It's A Date!)
Burnt Out Fuse
Teacher vs. Students! GO-*SMACK*
Thank You!
Heroes Aren't Always Heroic
Comfort From The Heart

U.A. And A Fun Day

185 14 1
Bởi quietProblemChild

Hitoshi stands beside Miyo, as they gaze up at the entrance to UA. Its still huge, nearly reaching the height of a three story building. Then the main building is in the shape of a "H", it stands at an intimidating seven stories high. They nod to each other and enter the building.

Every door they pass is the same height as the ceiling, each one is labelled, other students walk the halls all around them. After wandering around the building, trying to memorise the layout, Miyo and Hitoshi end up standing in front of a door with 1-A on it. He can hear shouting from the opposite side, two voices both male.

Hitoshi opens the door, the explosion boy and the stiff boy from the entrance exam are the one's yelling. The blonde yells about "extras" and something about "crushing us", then the guy with glasses is screeching over "upper classmen" or something similar...

Miyo ignores them and heads to a seat, the second back seat along the window row is free so he places himself there. Hitoshi ends up sitting two rows over from him but in the same line. Miyo really doesn't feel like socialising at the moment so he turns into his mist form, no one notices as far as he can tell so he just spreads out around the room. In his exploring, Miyo finds Aizawa, in a sleeping bag, behind the teachers desk at the top of the room.

Ao is floating to the right side of a white and red haired boy in the back line. Miyo reforms and calls the ghost back before he can cause any trouble. The bell rings but everyone in the room stays standing and talking. After five minutes shuffling comes from behind the teachers desk, followed by a zipper and a quieted groan. Aizawa clearly has had enough of everyone's blabbering. He emerges from his hiding spot, no one but Miyo notices him, the man nods at him in approval.

His hair lifts off his shoulders and his eyes glow a menacing red, Ao disappears, and Miyo feels his body shifting between his solid and mist forms, all talking in the room stops abruptly. No one moves, it doesn't seem like anyone other than Aizawa and Miyo are breathing.

"It took all but one of you to notice me in five minutes, in a real life situation just that person would survive if there was a danger. I'm Aizawa, put these on-" He pulls gym uniforms out from behind the teachers desk, "- and meet me outside."

Aizawa turns and leaves the room, Miyo quickly grabs a uniform, then heads to the changing rooms Hitoshi and he had passed in their wandering earlier, Hitoshi isn't far behind him but by the time both of them are dressed everyone else in the class are still chatting and only beginning to taking off their clothes. Hitoshi and Miyo leave as soon as they're ready, Miyo sends Ao out to find Aizawa, he finds him quick enough and they both get there within five minutes. Aizawa's eyes lock onto the two of them as they approach, he nods his head in approval.

"Shinsou, Takei, good time."

The three of them stand together for a whole ten minutes before the sounds of Miyo's new classmates blabbering voices comes from the building behind them. Aizawa is visibly unimpressed with their tardiness and volume, he activates his quirk. Everyone goes quiet and Aizawa quickly deactivates his quirk,

"It took all of you fifteen minutes to get here, if you were rushing to save a civilian, they would have been injured or have already died by now. Now we're doing a test-"

A girl with bobbed hair puts her hand up and cuts Aizawa off,
"What about orientation? Or the speech principal Nezu is saying to the whole of first year?"

Aizawa slips eyes drops into his eyes and blinks a few times before replying,
"In U.A. all teachers use independent ways in their classes, that includes the classes location. Now let's move on shall we?"

Aizawa huffs and pulls a black device and a white ball out of his scarf, he throws the ball to Miyo, who fumbles while trying to catch it. Hitoshi chuckles at him from behind his hand and Miyo glares at him.

"Takei, how far were you able to throw in middle school?"

"I think it was something around 60 or 62 metres sir..."

"Great, now try it with your quirk, you have to stay in the circle on the ground."

Miyo walks over to the circle and look down at the ball. He tosses it to Ao while whispering,

"Bring it as far as possible buddy, maybe into the atmosphere? Or further if you can..."

Ao bobs before disappearing in a swirl of blue and black. His classmates murmur to each other in confusion and they glance about the place, peering around to try and find the ball or Ao. The device Aizawa is holding beebs loudly and he holds it up for everyone to see, it shows infinity. Ao solidifies on top of Miyo's head a few seconds later, he's huffing through our linked thoughts. Miyo pats him gently.

"Good job Ao."

Miyo rejoins the class and wait for Aizawa to continue.

"In these tests you're going to use your quirks to assist you."

A girl with pink skin and small yellow horns speaks,

"We get to use our quirks?! This is going to be so much fun!"

Other classmates chatter eagerly to each other and Aizawa's face morphs into a terrifying scowl, Miyo's heart plummets to the ground, "God, they've set us up for hell..."

"'Fun' you say? Are villain attacks fun? What about natural disasters? Death? Discrimination? In my class all of you are going to try your hardest at everything. And since you all think this will be 'fun' how about this... the person that comes in last is expelled from the hero course... good luck!"

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

We did eight tests in total and his scores in each were,

Ball Throw - Infinite,

Standing Long Jump - 185 metres,
(Miyo had reached the edge of the area and he wasn't permitted to go any further)

50-Meter Dash - 0.14 seconds, (He shifted into his mist form and solidified at the finish line)

Long-distance Run - 10.6 kilometres in 25 mins,

Grip Strength - 103.7kg, (he got Ao to assist a little)

Repeated Side Steps - 49,

Seated Toe-touch - 57,

and lastly,

Sit-ups - 53. (Miyo had started to tire at 48 but Ao wanted more so he pushed him up and down another 5 times.)

Miyo feels like he placed high enough in each test to be comfortable and he was hardly out of breath over doing gymnastics and silks for years, his endurance and physical condition is considered exceptional for someone his age. At the moment the last two people were doing the ball throw, they were Midoriya and Hitoshi. Both of which haven't used their quirks yet in any of the tests.

Hitoshi looks antsy as he catches the ball from Aizawa and he bites his inner cheek while surveying the crowd of our classmates. He glances once more at Aizawa before speaking,

"Hey, Uraraka? Do you mind if I use my quirk on you?"

"Use your quirk on me... uh sur-"

Her eyes glaze over and Hitoshi calls her to come to him.

"Use your quirk on this ball."

She taps the ball with her left hand and it floats straight up, Aizawa's device beeps and he shows us the score. It's infinite, just like Uraraka's score when she had her go.
Hitoshi takes a couple steps back from Uraraka and her eyes unglazed in a flash, she blinks and turns to rejoin the class group with out saying a word, other classmates murmur quietly to each other. Hitoshi hunches in on himself over Uraraka's and our classmates reactions.

"He's having second thoughts on using his quirk like that in the test. The others talking about it isn't helping either..."

Once he returns to Miyo's side Ao flops down onto Hitoshi's shoulder and snuggles into his neck trying to reassure him that he did well. Finally it's Midoriya's turn, he enters the circle and Aizawa tosses him the ball, he catches it and stares down at his hands for an extra number of seconds before shaking his head and readjusting his stance.

Miyo watches him inhale deeply and pull his right arm back, aiming for an over head throw. It leaves his hand and drops to the ground not even two seconds later, his face pales dangerously. Miyo notices Aizawa's hair drop back to his shoulders from the corner of his eye, he didn't even notice him activating his quirk.

"You were about to destroy your arm for that throw, weren't you? You will just be a hindrance in the field if you do that. You have one more shot, hurry up."

Midoriya looks like he might cry, after grabbing the ball he repositions himself back inside the circle, he pulls his arm back like he did in the first shot and Miyo sees a flicker of light from his middle finger. The ball goes flying from his hand, Miyo can spot from his spot that his finger is turning a painful looking purple, Miyo winces to himself.

"That has to hurt..."

Explosions go off loudly to the right and Miyo directs his attention to them, that aggressive blonde boy, -wasn't his name Bakugo or something?- from this morning is going over to Midoriya at speed and has a malicious glint in his eyes.

It's similar to the look Father used to get when he would hurt Mom and Miyo with his quirk, yelling and screaming plays in his head, his hands shake at his sides, Miyo grips his uniform to stop them.

Aizawa still hasn't done anything about Bakugo speeding towards Midoriya, Miyo surveys the class, they haven't moved from their places and they don't appear bothered by Bakugo's shrieking or explosions.

Bakugo is five metres away from Midoriya,

Miyo sends out a ghost and possesses Bakugo, he goes silent, his explosions have stopped and he just stands there, Miyo makes him sit down on the ground. Midoriya looks aghast, his eye's darting from Bakugo to the crowd of students.

Miyo sees Aizawa's eyes narrow, he gulps quietly and grip the jacket of Hitoshi's gym uniform. The purple haired teen looks at him and nods, he wraps his arm around Miyo's abdomin for comfort, seeming to have gathered that it was him that stopped Bakugo from doing anything. Ao is flickering nervously on Miyo's shoulder, he moved back to him when Midoriya took his first throw.

Our classmates whisper to each other and Aizawa makes his way over to Bakugo, he crouches down in front of the boy and pokes his shoulder. It does nothing, Midoriya takes this as his chance to slip back into the crowd of students. Aizawa sighs, annoyance clear in his tone,

"Alright, whoever used their quirk on Bakugo revoke it now."

Fearing any consequences, Miyo banishes the ghost as quick as possible. Bakugo leaps up from the ground and practically growls at the whole class, -He's like a rabid dog...- Aizawa gets him to rejoin the group and he pulls a controller out of his scarf, -What else can he fit in there?- Aizawa clicks on a button and a chart appears on the wall closest to them.

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

Name - Rank :

Momo Yaoyorozu - 1st

Shoto Todoroki - 2nd

Miyo Takei - 3rd

Katsuki Bakugo - 4th

Tenya Iida - 5th

Fumikage Tokoyami - 6th

Mezo Shoji - 7th

Eijiro Kirishima - 8th

Mina Ashido - 9th

Ochaco Uraraka - 10th

Mashirao Ojiro - 11th

Rikido Sato - 12th

Tsuyu Asui - 13th

Hitoshi Shinsou - 14th

Yuga Aoyama - 15th

Hanta Sero - 16th

Denki Kaminari - 17th

Kyoka Jiro - 18th

Izuku Midoriya - 19th

Toru Hagakure - 20th

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

The invisible girl -she must be Hagakure- wails and Miyo thinks she fell to her knees? It's hard to tell with her being transparent. The girls surrounding her try to console her. It's a pitiful desplay.
Aizawa clicks a button on the remote and the chart disappears off the wall, he spares the wailing girl a glance,

"Oh, about the whole expelling issue, I lied, it was a logical ruse to make you all work harder. Midoriya go to Recovery Girl for your finger, now. Lets go back inside we're wasting precious time just standing out here."

He turns and strolls back into the main building. Hitoshi and Miyo follow after him, they head to the changing rooms and swap their uniforms.

"What do you think of our new classmates? I don't like that Bakugo guy... Did you see the way he looked at Midoriya?"

Hitoshi winces over Miyo's last question, recognising the hinting and clearly thinking of someone else, he looks Miyo over as if trying to reassure himself that he's not injured in anyway.

"That's why you stopped him earlier, because you thought of him? Do you think Midoriya sees Bakugo in that way?"

Miyo hums to himself before replying,

"I don't think he sees Bakugo in that way, but he definitely envisions Bakugo in a similar way to Father... and Bakugo... I think he just sees Midoriya as a weak and annoying obstacle in his path, do you understand what I mean?"

Hitoshi sighs and nods his head.
Just as they close their lockers the rest of their male classmates enter the changing room, the majority of them are conversing loudly together while the odd few drift away from the noise, such as the boy with the shadow quirk -Ao and his shadow quirk tried to play or converse with each other during the tests earlier- , the boy with multiple arms -didn't he get the highest grip-strength score?-, and the white and red haired boy.

That white and red haired boy -Isn't his name Todoroki? How did he get the scar over his eye?- is the most obvious at avoiding the others, going straight to his locker and changing as fast as it's humanly possible. Within two minutes he closes his locker and leaves the room, it was as if he was never there.

Hitoshi and Miyo slip out of the crowded room right after him and manage to return to the classroom without any further delays. Once they're inside Miyo looks up at the clock at the front of the room, it's just gone 15:55 meaning they would have another fifteen minutes until the school day ends, but Aizawa has written "Go Home" in large letters on the board. Hitoshi taps his hand and Miyo tilts his head up at him,

"Shall we go? Aizawa has basically banished us from the school."

Miyo chuckles under his breath before standing and slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Sure, let's head to the train station."

They exit through the enormous gate and travel home on the train. Miyo had noticed Midoriya leaving the school behind them, he was going to go say hi to him and try getting his number but that stiff boy from this morning (and the entrance exam) and that gravity girl practically ambushed him once Midoriya stepped a foot outside the building.

Miyo had heard gravity girl call Midoriya 'Deku', that was the same thing that Bakugo called him. Taking one last look at Midoriya, Miyo watched as he curled in on himself at the 'nickname' but he was too far away to see his expression or hear his response to the word.

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

That evening Miyo lay in bed, his thoughts acting as background noise. They ranged from what to have for breakfast tomorrow morning all the way to what sort of hero he wanted to be in the future. Ao is after claiming his hair as his bed for the night so Miyo can't move around much, the ghost would get grumpy and cause so much trouble if Miyo ever kept him from his sleep.

(It had happened before and Miyo ended up needing to get a whole class new pencils and erasers because their own items ended up getting wedged into the ceiling of the classroom during the lunch break. Ao, that evening was way too smug for Miyo's liking as he went to sleep.)

While thinking of random topics, he comes to a realisation, "I need to submit my hero costume design..." Grabbing his notebook off the desk without moving his head and open it in his lap, a pencil is left in the most recently used page, Miyo picks it up and flips to the next page over. He writes 'Hero design' at the top of the page and begin to write and scribble down ideas that flow through his mind on the page.

After a while Miyo nods to himself and turn his attention to the next blank page, 'Hero Outfit' is the new title and he begins to describe what he would like, going from support gear to the colour scheme. He also put down small rough sketches of what he would like certain things to look like, such as the boots and things similar to that.

Miyo analyses the page and smiles to himself, pleased with his work. He closes the notebook and slides it under his pillow. Pulling the blanket over him, Miyo drifts off to sleep with a slight smile on his lips.

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