We're All High, Except For Ar...

By lunarshine44

54 1 0

Craziness, chaos and anarchy. Arlo's hierarchy is in ruins, and he's bawling his eyes out over a tub of choco... More

How to piss off a lemonhead πŸ‹πŸ‘±

Remi Has Done The Unthinkable

33 0 0
By lunarshine44

Remi has made a groupchat with John, Blyke, Isen, Seraphina, Arlo, and Elaine.

Remi has named the groupchat Last Ditch Effort.

Remi: Hi!

John: Wut. da. hell. is. this. bullsh*t.

John: wtf y can't i swaer

Remi: I censored the swearing and locked the groupchat, so don't try anything.

Remi: *Ahem* Arlo, John

Remi: And no "swaering", John.

John: well ther go my plans for the afternooon

John: also stfu

John: ....wait i agree w/ the groupchat name

Arlo: Ew, don't group him with me.

Arlo: Remi, change the settings.

Remi: No.

Arlo: I order you as King.

Seraphina changed Seraphina's name to Sera.

Sera: ooooooh

Isen: damn he pulled the King card

Blyke: oop-

Remi: I'm Queen. Nope.

Arlo: ......

Arlo: Please?

Remi: No, we're all gonna learn how to get along.

Blyke: isen and I already get along

Isen: if ya know wut I mean 😉

Blyke: bros before hoes

Sera: wtf isen you crackhead

Isen: 😉😉😉😉

John: exuce me whil i swallow my vomit

Arlo: The only vomiting around here is from your atrocious spelling.

Sera: oof

Isen: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn daniel!

Blyke: rip john

John: asslo i swear to god i will beat you to a pulp

John has changed Arlo's name to Asslo.

Asslo: ......

Asslo: so you can only spell death threats correctly?

Sera: ouch

Isen: ooooh kinky john

John: ur next, isen

Isen: Yes daddy

Blyke: wtf ur cheating????

Isen: nooooooooo bby i'm sorry he's learned how to use hairgel

Remi: 🤣

Remi: This is great, you guys.

Sera: *sniff* our boi is finally growing up

John: shut up sera

Blyke: double rip john

John: wait no sera i take it back

Sera: too late, imma throw you out your dorm window

Isen: wth sera that's 3 stories off the ground

Sera: exactly 😈

John: sera please i take it back

Sera: nah loseeeeeeeeer

John: i'll buy u boba!

Sera: fine

Asslo: Calm down, you sycophants.

John: ur one to talk asslo

Blyke: can someone tell me why i just heard a loud noise from john's room

Isen: what kind of noise? 😏

Blyke: like something hit the wall 😏

Isen: or the bed? 😏

Blyke: sera where r u

Sera: in my dorm u morons im not gonna beat up john

Isen: u sure bout dat???? 😏

Blyke: im pretty sure i heard john moan 💀

Blyke: yup i did

Remi: F for Blyke

Sera: F

Isen: F



John: the thud you heard was the bottom draw falling out

Blyke: mmhmm shore

Blyke: isen?

Isen: detective isen says negative, the defendant is lying

Isen: judge isen now rules in favor of the plaintiff

John: i will break every bone in your body and eat your unborn children if you don't shut up

John: then i will remove your organs and hang them on my wall

John: then i will grind up your bones for my protein shake 😈

Sera: .... john calm down

Isen: 🫣

Blyke: 😨

Isen: *confused and terrified screaming*

Blyke: *unholy screech*

Remi: Relax, John. I believe you.

John: bless you remi

Blyke: i bet john moans an awful lot 🤔

Isen: he did when i threw blyke through the wall after he WRECKED MY PEN 😤

Sera: he's had that since then?????

Sera: damn john go see a doctor

John: .......

John: sera i'm sorry but

John: respecftully stfu

John: *respectfully

Sera: spell it right first and i will

Blyke: ooooooooooooh

Isen: repent john!

John: wUt

Isen: idk ask sera

John: sera?

Sera: buy me double the boba next week

John: okey wheelio's the dealio

Isen: wtf

Remi: lol i'm taking that, thx john

John: sure np

Asslo: Shut up, I'm in class.

Blyke: class is for losers

Asslo: So don't complain about your failing grades.

Sera: damn ouch asslo which side of the bed did u wake up on?

John: still better than ur failing LIFE

Blyke: oooooooooooooooooooh i'm dead

Isen: charred, roasted, toasted, crisped, destroyed absolutely demolished

Remi: lolololololol time to delete yourself asslo

Blyke: fetus deletus

John: and sera, to answer ur question, my side 😏

Isen: asslo u liar u said u were in class

Asslo: I am!

Blyke: so it was asslo i heard in john's room and not the dresser???? 💀

Remi: F

Sera: F

Isen: F

John: ......no comment

Asslo: .......I hate you all.

John: except for me, right bby?? 🥰😘

Asslo: You disgust me most of all.

John: I'm so special 😍

Sera: true love right there folks

Blyke: still a better love story than twilight

Isen: Hey!!!!!

Blyke: he's got a thing for jasper

Isen: shit up or you die

Blyke: good luck lols

Sera: what's this now? do i smell blackmail?

Remi: omg that explains it!

John: explains what?

Remi: so i was in isen's dorm to hang out with him and blyke

John: "hang out" but go on

Remi: >:(

Remi: anyways, he went to the bathroom and i found a copy of twilight and a jasper poster stashed under his bed, he has a pic of jackson rathbone under his pillow

John: lmaooooooooooooooo

Sera: im dying isen

Isen: rEmI yOu PrOmIsEd

Remi: sorry not sorry

John: find any other blackmail?????

Remi: we're done torturing isen today

Isen: thank you 🙏

John: so anybody wanna traffic pigeons with me??

Sera: john....? u need a therapist?

Remi: why would you do that to those poor pigeons?

Isen: sure

Blyke: i'm in if isen's in

Sera: john, how did u come up with this??????

John: socrates pigeon house=pretty cheap to rent

John: plus there;s a nice villa for u sera


Sera: john why the hell are u on airbnb

John: i need a place to hide the bodies 🤷

Asslo: ......

Isen: me too, find anything?

Blyke: i've got a couple, drop some cheap locations

John: sh*ts real cheap if u filter it :D

Remi: that smile creeps me out John stop

John: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Remi: i am ✨ uncomfy ✨

Remi: >:(

Sera: alright i'll help u

Sera: but ur paying for the motorboat, i looked it up

John: fine fbffuyduyfiysdryehfkj

John: lemme call my sugar daddy

Isen: wtf

Blyke: wtf

Remi: um, WHAT?

Sera ...?

Asslo: ...... John, why is my phone ringing?

John: 😏

Asslo: ..... And how did you get my new phone number?

John: 😏😏

Asslo: I hung up.

Blyke: oof

Sera: sucks to suck

Isen: if ya know what i mean ;)

Sera: shut up

Asslo: No. Just no.

John: daddy why? don't u wanna traffic pigeons with me?? 😭

Asslo: No, John, I do not want to illegally traffic pigeons with you. Stop calling me "daddy".

Sera: get rekt

John: but i want u to traffic pigeons w/ me........

John: i'll give u 15% profit?????

Asslo: Depends on the profit.

John: let's say we make $500 a day

Blyke: $500??? remi u sure?

Sera: john how in the hell r u gonna make 500 bucks off a few pigeons?!?!?

John: easy sell them as rarer pigeons, make sh*t up

John: ppl will buy anything if it makes them feel more important than their neighbors 🤷

Asslo: Fair.

John: speaking from experience?? 🤨

Asslo: No. There's no way you could correctly spell "experience".

Sera: i installed a useful autocorrect 2 mins ago

John: thx sera

Sera: no prob 😊

Blyke: sooooooooo we gonna change names or nah

Isen: yes plz!

John: i'll handle this

John has changed Remi's name to Lightning McQueen.

John has changed Isen's name to Isen O'Lantern.

John has changed Blyke's name to Nobody.

John has changed John's name to Drug Dealer.

Sera: john wtf

Drug Dealer: i'm not lying

Isen O'Lantern: gimme some

Nobody: isen did u say something????

Isen O'Lantern: no

Nobody: remi?

Lightning McQueen: nope

Nobody: john did u stalk me?!?!?!?!?!

Drug Dealer: ehehehehehe

Nobody has changed Nobody's name to Famous Enough To Be Stalked.

Sera: john now you

Drug Dealer: ......

Drug Dealer: fine

Drug Dealer has changed Drug Dealer's name to Boba God.

Sera: that's better

Asslo: Can you all shut up? I'm still in class.

Bob God has changed Asslo's name to gRuMpY aSsLo.

gRuMpY aSsLo: ....

gRuMpY aSsLo: John, I hate you.

Boba God: tell me something i don't know 💅

Famous Enough To Be Stalked had changed Famous Enough To Be Stalked's name to Pen Wrecker.

Isen O'Lantern: :(((((((((((((((((((((((((

Isen O'Lantern: blyke whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Sera: ....as in home wrecker?

Boba God: 😏

Isen O-Lantern: 😳

Isen O'Lantern has changed Isen O'Lantern's name to Pen.

Pen: 😏

Pen Wrecker: 😏

Pen Wrecker: is this consent??? 😏

Sera: blyke wtf

gRuMpY aSsLo: Blyke, Isen, stop.


Pen: yes daddy wrecker 😏

Pen Wrecker: im omw

Pen: okay daddy 😩

Pen Wrecker: wait u come here 😏

Pen: yes daddy 😩😜😈😫💦

Sera: wtf

Boba God: even im sHoOkEtH

Lightning McQueen: calm down you 2

gRuMpY aSsLo: Stop. Isen, I can see you. Stop this instant.

Pen: you stalker asslo

gRuMpY aSsLo: You're literally outside my classroom. I don't have to stalk you.

Boba God: ya you get isen to do that for u

Sera: ouch

gRuMpY aSsLo: Fair enough.

Pen: when the predator becomes prey *james bond theme song*

Boba God: wait blyke we're dormmates

Boba God: oh sh*t

Boba God: and not just bcuz that almost autocorrected to "doormats"

Sera: doormats lol

gRuMpY aSsLo: Autocorrect's on to something there.

Boba God: stfu

Boba God: blyke don't let him come over

Pen Wrecker: you better hide john 😏

Pen: im at the door daddy open up 😩😩

Boba God: i can hear them oh hell no

Sera: F for john

Lightning McQueen: F

gRuMpY aSsLo: F

Sera: F

Boba God: *spams f*

Sera: oh look john even asslo feels bad for u

Boba God: *le gasp* 😳

Boba God: 😜

Boba God: d-d-d-daddy???? 😫

gRuMpY aSsLo: I give up.

gRuMpY aSsLo: john wtf

Lightning McQueen: must be a bug

Boba God: 👉 🥺 👈

gRuMpY aSsLo: that is the ugliest damn thing i've seen in my life

Boba God: well why don't you look in a mirror 😤

Sera: ouch

Lightning McQueen: want me to call elaine to heal you from that burn asslo??? 😆

gRuMpY aSsLo: i hate you all

Sera: how're blyke and isen??

Boba God: i just heard someone moan 😳💀

Sera: id stop them but i don't wanna be the one to interrupt their "bro time"

Pen Wrecker: that was isen 😏

Pen: thank you daddy 😩

gRuMpY aSsLo: if you don't stop i'm giving your position back to cecile

Pen Wrecker: ew i don't want her on my lap

Sera: eye-

Lightning McQueen: mcxuse me?????

Boba God: ayo wut-

Pen: am i good daddy?? 👉 😩 👈

gRuMpY aSsLo: that's even uglier than when john did it

gRuMpY aSsLo: just stop blyke and isen, now

Sera: i'm gonna bleach my eyes

Boba God: imma bleach my ears

Lightning McQueen: i shall invest in bleach for my mind

Sera: i regret that home wrecker comment very much now

Boba God: as you should

gRuMpY aSsLo: you're one to talk john

Boba God: you can stfu you rotten lemonhead

gRuMpY aSsLo: seriously

Boba God: yes you rotten lemonhead

Boba God has changed gRuMpY aSsLo's name to grumpy rotten lemonhead.

grumpy rotten lemonhead: why me

Sera: i ask myself that every day

Lightning McQueen: samesies

Boba God: wait hol' up

Boba God has changed Lightning McQueen's name to Snap, Crackle and Pop.

Snap, Crackle and Pop: i approve :)

Pen Wrecker: im done

Pen: im back in my dorm room ;)

Sera: oml you guys

Sera calm tf down

Pen: haha you wish

Pen: i mean yes sera *bows*

Pen Wrecker: >:(

Snap, Crackle and Pop: what's wrong blyke?

Boba God: isen's never that submissive with blyke

Boba God: and blyke hates being a bottom

Snap, Crackle and Pop: lolz ouch

Sera: oof :)

Pen Wrecker: speaking from experience, john?

Boba God: ....

Pen Wrecker: asslo?

grumpy rotten lemonhead: shut up blyke

grumpy rotten lemonhead: and no

Pen: mmhhmmmmm that's what they all say

Pen: i'll just ask holden :D

grumpy rotten lemonhead: ISEN NO

Boba God: damn asslo in all caps

Sera: i was gonna say that :(

Boba God: apologies ig

Sera: :)

Pen: oh yes i've found the king of wellston's weakness

Pen: i have a way to break through his shields and destroy his defenses

Pen: leaving him helpless for me to prey upon

Sera: other agenda?????

Pen: so he can never take away my position again

grumpy rotten lemonhead: i'm insulted that this is how you think

Pen Wrecker: this isn't even half of it

Boba God: oh.....?




Pen Wrecker: ....oh

Pen Wrecker: another time, then

Boba God: :(

grumpy rotten lemonhead: good luck

Snap, Crackle and Pop: ooooooh dramatic

grumpy rotten lemonhead: i'm squeaky clean

Boba God: he even washes behind his ears

grumpy rotten lemonhead: ..... wtf

Boba God: not my fault you leave your balcony unlocked and bathroom door open lemonhead

Sera: ewwwwwww

grumpy rotten lemonhead: i have been ViOlAtEd

grumpy rotten lemonhead: everything will be locked up from now on

grumpy rotten lemonheaded: john you creep

Boba God: good thing i know how to pick locks

grumpy rotten lemonhead: let me alone john you CREEPY STALKER

Boba God: make me

Pen: ooooooooooooooooh

Pen Wrecker: what say you, asslo?

grumpy rotten lemonhead: go to hell john

Boba God: gladly

Boba God: but i'm already here

Sera: fair

Snap, Crackle and Pop: really?

Boba God: really and truly

Boba God: all cause of one backstabbing, hierarchy-obsessed, lemonhead piece of banana shit

Pen: bananas shit?

Boba God: don't question it

Snap, Crackle and Pop: but im pretty sure asslo's married to the hierarchy

grumpy rotten lemonhead: i am NOT

Pen Wrecker: EXCUSES

grumpy rotten lemonhead: TRUTH

Pen: methinks the lady doth protest too much

Boba God: what alien language is that?

Pen: snakespearean 😎

Boba God: teach me the ways of the snake 🐍

Pen: hissssssssssssssssssss

Sera: me too

Pen: hisssssssssssshisssssssssssshissssssssssssssss

grumpy rotten lemonhead: wth

Pen Wrecker: he has taught me

Pen Wrecker: hisssssssssssssssssshisssssssshisssssssshissssssssssssssssssssssssss

Snap, Crackle and Pop: ummmmmmm i decline

Pen: join our cult remi

grumpy rotten lemonhead: she declined

Pen Wrecker: this cult doesn't welcome wet blankets asslo

Boba God has changed grumpy rotten lemonhead's name to grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket: ......

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket: i hate you john

Boba God: we know, we know ;p

Sera: but do you now?


Boba God: wtf u stalker

Pen: i'm gonna screenshot this for, um, medical purposes

Pen Wrecker: 😳 honestly same

Snap, Crackle and Pop: agreed

Boba God: wth you guys

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket: i don't see what's so great

Sera: shut up you lemon pancake

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket: oh no

Boba God: 😈

Boba God has changed grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket's name to grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake.

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: john i hope you fall off a cliff and die >:(

Pen Wrecker: ooh the emoticon he's serious

Boba God: ur coming with me

Pen: that's what he said ;)

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: ISEN NO MORE DIRTY JOKES

Pen: :(((((

Pen: fine your lemonheaded majesty

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: oml not you too

Pen: oh yes my cute wittle lemon

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: ._.

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: blyke take his phone away

Pen Wrecker: yes sir

Pen: take away something else, too, daddy 😜

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: ISEN WHAT DID I SAY

Pen: sorry i'm a bad boy 😩😜

Pen: i need someone to discipline me 😏

Pen Wrecker: omw kitten

Pen: kInKy daddy 💦

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: blyke not helping

Pen Wrecker: thx, lemon captain of obviousness 🙄

Sera: oooh sassy blyke

Sera: i approve 👍

Pen Wrecker: glad to be of service

Pen Wrecker: btw lemonhead im letting my kitten keep his phone

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: whatever just stop calling each other "kitten" and "daddy"

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: it's lewd and disgusting

Boba God: jealous that ur sad, alone and single??

Sera: he's married to the hierarchy dumbass

Snap, Crackle and Pop: lol true tho

Boba God: oh right

Boba God: lemme rephrase

Boba God: jealous that ur date can't reciprocate physical affection?

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: no

Pen Wrecker: why are we talking bout pasta?

Snap, Crackle and Pop: what pasta?

Pen Wrecker: lewd

Pen Wrecker: or is it dish soap? i forget

Boba God: .....

Boba God: pls tell me you're joking

Pen Wrecker: what?

Sera: lewd isn't pasta or dish soap, blyke

Pen: lol u dummy

Pen Wrecker: >:(

Pen Wrecker: well, what is it?

Sera: lewd is an adjective that means to be crude in a sexual way, or vulgar; obscene

Pen Wrecker: oh


Boba God: knowledge has been made

Snap, Crackle and Pop: hooray

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: yeah so stop

Boba God: jealous hoe lemonhead

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: i still hate u john

Boba God: 🎶 i'm so sick of that same old love 🎶

Sera: is dat selena gomez?

Boba God: shush


Boba God: it was on the radio stupid


Sera: twinsies

Snap, Crackle and Pop: adorbs 😍

Boba God: my dad does loser

Pen Wrecker: oh

Pen: for a second i thought you were 81 like lemonhead

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: IM 18 U MORON

Pen: something an 81-year-old would say

Boba God: notice how he suddenly reappeared into life after u insulted him

Sera: lazy ass lemonhead

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: you try fixing and running wellston's hierarchy

Sera: id be better than you lemonhead

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: psh this is a job best suited for me

Boba God: whoops almost boasted there lemonhead

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: stfu john

Sera: so can i run the hierarchy?

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: no

Sera: pls?

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: definitely not

Sera: c'mon

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: a cold, hard, icy, solid no

Boba God: got blue balls, lemonhead? 😏

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: wtf no you psycho

Sera: well if i can't rule the hierarchy i'll ruin the hierarchy




Snap, Crackle, and Pop: i stand with sera

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: over me?

Snap, Crackle and Pop: besties before the resties

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: i'm a restie? :(((

Snap, Crackle and Pop: yep! :)

Boba God: lol get damaged

Snap, Crackle and Pop: DOWN WITH THE HIERARCHY

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: i hate you all

Boba God: contact sera privately for meeting info and details

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: i hope you all die

Sera: lol good luck you're looking at wellston's new ruler bish

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake: i'm done

grumpy rotten lemonheaded wet blanket pancake has logged off.

Snap, Crackle and Pop: see u at the meeting!!

Snap, Crackle and Pop has logged off.

Pen: yep

Pen Wrecker: count me in

Pen has logged off.

Pen Wrecker has logged off.

Boba God: cya sera

Sera: cya

Boba God has logged off.

Sera has logged off.

Elaine: Hi!!

Heyyyyyyyyyyy! Welcome to anarchy. The other chaps likely won't be this long, I just got carried away for my first chatfic. :) Hope you enjoyed!

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