call me baby ひ exo

By namjachingus

26.3K 1.4K 986

❝Hey Seulgi, what's with the nervous face?❞ ❝I just pranked call 12 different men and they're all after me.❞ ... More

☏ trailer
call me baby.
☏ first call.
☏ second call
☏ fourth call
☏ q & a..?

☏ third call

2.8K 183 146
By namjachingus

call me baby
an original -incheongal storyline

{ this chapter is dedicated to wonwhoore- unnie's mom, hi maa'm!! I'm really glad you like my story 🙈🙈}

{this chapter is dedicated also to tinkeobell unnie because she made a cover and asdfghjkl she's so sweeeet}

third call

Keep it together Seulgi, you can do it.

Shut down Seulgi. Shut down Seulgi. My brain was telling the rest of my body parts to shut down. Argh! Cue me mentally slapping myself.

"It's so borrrrrrriinnng here," Amber sighed as she put down the magazine she was reading.

"No shit Sherlock," I replied in a rather loud voice, earning me a scold from the desk lady. Amber just stifled a laugh as the desk lady continued sending glares at me.

Today is Bring Your Child To Work day and yes, such day exist in Amber's dad's office. Being the good best friend she is, Amber dragged me with her so she could have someone to bother. Fantastic right?

It was pretty neat at first since Amber's dad worked at a company which sells Disney merchandise, we were taught how to draw our favorite Disney characters in a really cute way. Next, we were shown some never before seen Disney Animations. Also, they gave us adorable Disney Tsum Tsum stuffed animals! (I got a Donald Duck one while Amber got a Dumbo one).

But everything after that, things became really boring. Like they started talking in adult language which Amber and I clearly understand since we're still small, baby girls. Heck, I even managed to fall asleep! Soon enough, the lecture ended and we're free to do whatever we want.

Amber and I ended up near the reception desk since the Wifi is really strong here not to mention the air conditioner too. It was pretty fun at first since we were busy stalking some people but now, everything's just plain boring.

"What to do~ What to do~" Amber started looking around, finding possible ways to kill our boredom.

"Well~ We could try one of those jobs that they would let us try," I suggested. Amber shot me look as if my idea was the dumbest idea ever. What?! As if we have anything else to do!

"We could try that job," I continued and pointed to an old lady carrying a cart filled with snacks. I mean, selling snacks isn't that hard enough right? All you have to do is just go around and provide food to everyone in the building. It's a pretty badass job if you ask me, it's because everyone's stomachs are depending on you.

"Sounds like a good idea," Amber gave a smirk. She stood up and started running to the old lady like there's no tomorrow. This caused some of the employees on their breaks to be alarmed since it looked like Amber was gonna attack the old lady.

I calmly got a magazine and tried hiding my face away from the secondhand embarassment I'm about to get. Okay Seulgi, just pretend that you don't know that idiotic tomboy who's talking so enthusiatically to the old lady and earning dirty looks from the employees. 

"Oh, it was my best friend Seulgi who suggested the idea!" I winced at Amber's sudden mention of my name. I took a little peek as I lowered down the newspaper a little bit only to meet Amber pointing at me and the old lady nodding her head as if she was agreeing to something.

I watched Amber and the old lady talk a little bit more then the old lady smiled at Amber and walked away. Amber looked back at me, grinning triumphantly. She motioned me to come closer, telling the coast is clear.

Looking around, I stood up and slowly went my way to Amber. "What in the world did you tell the old lady?" I raised an eyebrow at Amber.

"Just asked her if we could try her job for a little while," Amber answered, still proud of her convincing skills "She was a little confused on why did we choose this job though, she said it seemed a pretty off from what we learned a while ago,"

"And what did you say?" I questioned her. Amber gave me her most cocky smile yet and said "Well~ I told that her job is the best job one can ever have! Despite the low salary, everyone's stomachs are saved because of her! She's like a real superhero!"

I mentally facepalmed. Tell me again, why am I best friends with this girl?

"The old lady was really happy about it that she said we could use the cart as long as we like!" Amber proudly continued. Cue me mentally anime falling. Even the old lady fell for it?! My mind's currently debating if that old lady was just playing dumb or Minho's flaming charisma is finally rubbing off on Amber.

"Either way, let's go! Many stomachs are waiting for us!" I raised my fist in the air and started racing the cart down the hallway, heading to the elevator. Amber was happily trailing behind me.

Despite all the fun we had, I swore I heard someone scream "No running in the hallways!" but nah, all adults are like that right?

Cue awkward elevator music.

"So this is what elevator music sounds like?" I nudged the elevator man, hoping to get an answer from him. But all what I got was a poker face. Can't read his, can't read his, no I can't read his poker face~

"So all what we have to do is barge in and announce there's food?" Amber asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. I've never had any experience with this!

"I guess so, but we gotta make our entrance awesome!" I raised my fist in the air. Amber smirked and high fived with me. "We're gonna be the most badass snack cart sellers ever!"

Amber and I contiued suggesting ideas on how we were going to enter the offices. To be honest, we were making a lot of noise that despite there were only 3 people in the elevator, it sounded like there were 9!

I even pity the poor elevator guy. He's probably finding ways on how to let kick Amber and I out of his sight. But so far, he's been maintaining a poker face so does that mean he's not annoyed...? Silence. Silence means yes riiight?

After minutes of endless noise, the elevator door opened. Amber pushed the cart happily to the hallway of the 5th floor with me excitedly trailing after her.

I took one last look at the elevator guy, who was still maintaning his poker face before the elevator closed. Seriously, what is with elevator guys and poker faces?

"Where do we start?" My attention reverted to Amber, who instantly became clueless. I shrugged my shoulders, she isn't serious about that badass entrance?!

Great, we're back to square one. Not to mention, the hallway of the
3rd floor was just a series of closed doors.

Who would've knew that this cart thing could be actually hard?! #BeastMode

"I should have asked that old lady on how to do this goshdamn job instead of complimenting her," I heard Amber muttter as she took a pretzel from the snack cart. My eyes widened and smacked Amber in the arm, causing her to wince in pain and glare at me.

"Don't eat the snacks! You might finish them all!" I scolded as I pulled the snack cart away from Amber, much to my best friend's dismay. Amber even tried doing aegyo, which was definitely gross, to get it back but I just rolled out my tongue at her and started walking to our first door.

"Remember, I do the talking and you do the working," Amber suddenly said which made my jaw drop. She definitely did not tell me about this. I rolled my eyes. Might as well play along, too lazy to think of a comeback.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" I motioned Amber to knock the door. "Knock,"

Amber cockily smiled at me, mouthing "Watch and learn,". More like, watch and get secondhand embarassment. then started knocking on the door multiple times.

A few seconds later, a man who looks like he's somewhere in his 40s, opened the door. He smiled upon looking at the snack cart "Everyone, the cart's here! What do you want?" he turned to the the board members behind him.

The man turned back at us and suspiciously eyed at us. "You're not the regular cart lady," he told the both of us. Amber and I nervously shared eye contact. I was about to open my mouth to answer but Amber pinched my arm, causing me to shut up. She's really serious about this talking career isn't she?

"Um, she's taking a break," Amber answered innocently "We're here for the Bring Your Child To Work day,"

The man nodded and commented "I never knew that they would actually put you to work,". He then motioned us to enter so I pushed the cart inside with Amber shyly walking behind me. I stifled a laugh, her flaming charisma got burned out..?

I examined the room carefully. It was just like any of those typical movie meetings. The serious atmosphere, old men discussing with their hot, female assistants about their decisions, a projected Powerpoint, silence and a young man staring at me....Yeah, this is totally what I see in movi—Wait a second, a young man staring at me?!

I squinted my eyes. It really is a young man! Not to mention, a really really tall one. Like, this guy can be 21st century Goliath while Junmyeon can be the 21st century David. Pfft.

Did I also mention his visuals can become an extreme danger to girls? (A/N: I got that line from Hyorin from Unpretty Rapstar lol lmao)

"What are you waiting for?" I snapped back to reality when Amber nudged me in the arm. "Two hot coffee, four iced coffee, three hot choco, and one iced tea," she whispered. I immediately went to work after Amber's order.

But it was hard working knowing that someone's staring at you. Like, can this guy just turn around and appreciate the view and leave me in peace?! Why is he even staring at me in the first place? Is it because he found Shrek's long lost face or he noticed I look like Jessica Jung? It's usually either of those two options.

"Shit," I silently cursed when a few drops of hot coffee spilled on my skirt. This would be totally fine if Grandma lets me use the washing machine but does Grandma lend me the washing machine? Nooooo.

I gasped again as another few drops of coffee spilled this time on the carpet. Seriously, what is wrong with me today? Is it because of that guy staring at me? So I guess his visuals are not the only danger, his stares too.

Amber immediately came to the rescue and helped me finish the orders. The man who greeted us by the door thanked us for stopping by and before we knew it, we were outside the door.

"What is wrong with you today?" Amber asked me as we started walking. "You're not usually like this,"

"So I spilled a bit of coffee on the carpet, it's not a big deal," I answered nonchalantly.

"It would have been a big deal if you spilled it all over on one of the employees," Amber scolded. I sighed, seriously why is that guy bothering me so much? He's just like any ordinary guy, right? Just forget Seulgi! Forget!

"Just do a better job in the next room," Amber smiled at me and walked a few centimeters away from me, probably to check on the next door.

I sighed to myself. Okay Seulgi, this is supposed to be fun. Just forget about that guy and do your work.

Seulgi fighting!

"Aaaaaaaand that's the last door for today!" Amber triumphantly smiled as she closed the door behind us. I breathed a sigh of relief, a lot of stomachs are safe from hunger for now all thanks to Amber and I! Sooo, can we get a CNN Hero Of The Year Award? or the Nobel Peace Prize Award?

"WE DID IT!!" I exclaimed and raised my fist to the air. Now cue imaginary music and Amber and I dancing our victory dances in the middle of the hallway. We currently look like Dora and Boots dancing like maniacs with all the confetti and shit and don't forget that snail trio playing instruments!

"I wonder what does that old lady do with all the leftover snacks?" I took a look at the cart which was still filled with snacks and drinks. Amber smirked and took a waffle from it.

"She eats it of course!" She took a bite. I shrugged my shoulders and took a chili cheese burger from the cart. It's a waste to throw them all away right?

Amber and I continued munching away with all the snacks. There were meat pies, pretzels, hamburgers and cheese burgers, sandwiches, waffles, slices of pizza and did I mention there were smoothies, iced coffee, hot choco, juice and hot coffee? Soon enough, Amber and I were leaning againsn't the wall acting like huge Snorlaxes that block your way in the Pokemon games.

"Best day ever," Amber smiled before she let out a big burp. I stood up immediately and went a few centimeters away from her.

"Amber!" I scolded, in return Amber laughed loudly. I sighed, aish this girl!!

"Hey, what do you wanna do now?" Amber stood up and dusted off the dust on her jeans. She took a glance at her watch "We have like 2 hours to spare,"

I smirked. I know exactly what to do.

I dropped down my backpack and immediately went on a treasure hunt. After a few seconds, I pulled out the treasure and smirked. Guess what it was? Yes, it was my phonebook.

(A/N: *Tiffany voice* HERE COMES TROUBLE!!!!!!)

Amber gave me a disapproving look and threatened to smack my head. "Do you ever learn girl?"

"Nope~" I laughed as I opened the phonebook and scanned through the numbers. "This one looks like an interesting number," I pointed to one number, grinning excitedly.

"Every phone number looks interesting to you..." I heard Amber mutter under her breath before she facepalmed.

I shrugged and started dialing the number.


The number you've dialed is busy at the moment, please ttry again later.

Great, this is like the Junmyeon incident all over again.

I put the phone down and sighed. "It's busy...." I pouted and leaned against the wall. Oh well, there goes my fun.

Amber sighed and was about to say something but her phone beeped. Whipping out her phone, she checked the screen. "Dad's telling me to meet up with him downstairs," Amber said, I was about to stand up when she continued "..alone," making me slump back down to the floor.


"I'll just text you when our little conference is done," Amber smiled at me before she turned her heels on me. I wonder what they're gonna talk about? Maybe her father's gonna announce that he has an arranged marriage for her! Omggg.

Buuut~ That's gonna be a different story our author here is yet to write. Can we focus now on what's more important? Cough me cough

I probably look like a lost child right now in this endless series of doors. I decided to play some mindblowing Ketchapp games on my IPad in attempt to lift the boredom away but it was no use. I even tried reading Wattpad but that made it worse.

This only meant one thing. I desperately want to prank call. What? If those school playboys and slutty cheerleaders have their needs then I do too. At least mine doesn't involve lust, sheesh.

I started dialing the number I tried to call a while ago, hoping he/she would finally answer it.


The number you dialed is busy at the moment, please try again later.

Playing games with me huh? Well, two can play at that game motherfucker.


"Yobosaeyo?" Finally! Someone answ—WAIT A MAN?! Damn, this guy's voice deep! His voice can put my dad's stern voice to shame. "I'm so sorry I wasn't able to answer your call a while ago, we had a meeting a while ago," he quickly explained.

"That's alright sir," I gave away my acting voice. I was in deep thought for a few seconds, thinking what could be the perfect prank for this dude. Aha! "Congratulations sir! You won first place in our raffle draw!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Ah yes, another classic prank in the book of golden prank calling. This prank is 100% bulletproof and this is the prank that I mostly use, what can I say? Everybody loves winning in raffle draws.

"M-Mwo?! Really?!" I can sense the excitement in his voice. Poor guy, I wonder how he's gonna react when he finds out this is all just a prank? We'll never know because I won't get caught this time. "I don't remember joining any raffle draws though.." he trailed off.

"You bought one of our products, Sir," I explained, my acting mode still on. "Really? What product..? I bought a lot of products you see," the other line said sheepishly.

Oh shit. "U-Um, our Infires Gel!" I blurted out. Cue me mentally faceplaming. INFIRES?! SERIOUSLY SEULGI?! This is why my dear friends, the ARMY fandom is a dangerous fandom.

"Wow, cool name!" I heard the dude applaud from the other line. Don't thank me, thank Min Yoongi. "I don't remember buying that gel though...nah, it doesn't matter. Sooooo what's my prize?" His tone was dripping with excitement.

Now to think of a prize. Um, a VIP Concert to The Red Bullet II + meet and greet + you get to sleep in your bias' hotel room? Um, you get to touch Park Jimin's abs for free..?
Argh! Now is not the time to think about BTS! By the way has anyone seen the Run MV? Jimin looks so fine—Argh Seulgi concentrate!

"You get tickets for two to Disney World in Florida!" I exclaimed. Everybody loves Disney right? Plus, this seemed like a more decent prize than what my Bangtan filled mind suggested a while ago.

I mean, who would want to touch Park Jimin's abs for free?

"Really?! This must be my lucky day!" I can imagine the guy jumping around in the air right. "So...when can I get my prize?" he asked, excitement still lacing around his tone.

He's totally falling for it.

"Well sir," I said "All I need is your name, your address—"

"Park Chanyeol!" He cut me off. Park Chanyeol..? That sounds like CEO kind of name. I wonder how old is this guy? 30..? 28...?

"Please wait a minute, I'm kinda hungry so I'm go look for those coffee girls," This Chanyeol guy said and I heard him standing up from his seat and he started walking. Coffee girls...? That's weird cause that's the same job Amber and I have at the moment...Could it be?! Nah, it's probably just a coincidence.

I then heard the door opening from the other line. At the same time, one of the doors in the hallway opened and a tall ma—Hey! That was the man that was bothering me a while ago! It also seemed like he was talking to someone through the phone.

"Aish, where are those coffee girls?" I heard Chanyeol mutter through the other line. I continued staring at the tall, Yoda-like guy who was by the door and it also seemed like he was looking for someone.

"HELLO ANYBODY THERE??" Gosh, my ears nearly died from Chanyeol's sudden outburs—Wait, that was the same thing the tall dude screamed just now.

Oh hell no.

So my dear friends, this is another encounter wherein I prank call someone and I happen to be in the same place as him. Watch me as I smoothly get out of this like the great Houdini.

After looking around for a few seconds, Chanyeol's eyes finally met mine and he triumphantly smiled as if he found a long lost treasure or something. He walked over to me, causing me to panic a little. What should I do?! HE CAN'T FIND OUT!

Aha! I know!

I pressed the end call button and innocently hid my phone behind me. I smiled innocently at him as Chanyeol walked towards me. Hah, I know, I know, I'm a genius.

"Good morning," Chanyeol bowed a little, resulting in me bowing back. Damn, this guy's polite. "You still got some snacks there?" he flashed me a pearly white smile.

I was kinda shocked on how white this guy's teeth is. Like what toothpaste does he use?!

"Uh yeah," I awkwardly replied, looking at the cart for some snacks that Amber and I didn't terrorize. "We still got some pizza slices, pretzels and waffles," I continued.

"Oh! Oh! I like pizza slices please!" Chanyeol said as if he was like a kindergarten kid waiting in line in the school's cafeteria. I smiled to myself, what a cuti—Wait a second, what an I saying?

I grabbed a pizza slice and gave it to him. "Here you go," I smiled innocently at him, putting away the fact that I just prank called him. Now everybody shush.

Chanyeol said thank you and started munching away. In the midst of his munching, he grabbed his phone and raised a brow. I guess he's noticed that I ended the call.

"That's weird...why did she end the call?" I heard Chanyeol mutter under his breath, causing me to wince. Possible events that could happen next suddenly started playing on my mind, causing me to gulp. He could call back and boom! My cover's blown.

"Um sir!" I called out to him, trying to detour him from his idea of calling me back. "Here, you can have another pizza slice, you don't have to pay for this one,"

I'm so getting killed by the original snack cart lady if she hears about this.

Chanyeol shot me an astonished look before he slowly got the pizza slice from me. "You know, you should be the official cart lady," Chanyeol said as took a bite on the pizza "The official one's really strict,"

"Sir, I'm underage," I deadpanned but I think he didn't listen at all.

"Anyway thanks for the free pizza slice," Chanyeol smiled at me "But I need to get back at a call," he said before turning around, probably to go back to the meeting room. I nervously gulped, better run as fast as I can before he calls me ba—

Ring! Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ring! Ring!

Oh shit.

What to do?! What to do?!

"Um hello...?" I calmly picked up the phone as I turned my back on Chanyeol, quickly running away from Chanyeol. I went inside the girl's bathroom and hid inside a stall. There's no way he can find me now! Hah!

"About my prize?" Chanyeol's impatient tone rang across the 4 cornered walls of this stall. Damn, this dude's pretty excited about Disneyland. "Where can I get my tickets? When can I get my tickets? Where am I going to stay? Is it an all around trip?"

I've never seen someone so hyped up about Disneyland.

"Calm down sir!" I ended his nonstop Q and A at once. "All will be explained once I meet you," The good thing is, I won't be meeting him hehe~

"Very well," Chanyeol answered. "I guess I'll be calling again later," he added before ending the call.

I was a bit confused on why did he end the call so quickly. I bet the dude's a superhero in disguise and he just received a transmission that his arch enemy is up to something again. SpiderYeol, SuperYeol—any superhero name and end it with Yeol.

Awkwardly stepping out of the bathroom stall, I took slow steps, y'know just to make sure that a mirror monster or a fucking mascot from Five Nights At Freddy's would pop out of nowhere and scare the poor soul out of my body.

Just a few steps more....

"So it was you all along, huh?"

Dammit, the thing that just popped out now is even worse than Freddy wearing a two piece bikini holding a chainsaw.

"C-Chanyeol?!" My jaw dropped the moment I saw the said man standing by the door. "Y-You found out?!"

And I thought my plan was bulletproof.

"Well, your voice was so loud that I actually thought there was a ghost in the bathroom," Chanyeol sneered at me, rolling his eyes after. Is my voice loud or are your ears just too big?

He's by the door, I can't run out. Not to mention, I don't have any superpowers to reassure myself that I would still be alive after jumping out of the bathroom window. Wait a second, why is he not entering the bathroom...? Probably that's because...

"HAH!" I laughed, pointing at Chanyeol. "I bet you wanna kill me right now but you can't because your gender is preventing you from coming in!" Everybody knows that a male entering the female's bathroom is worse than committing one of the seven deadly sins!

"Girl, you're in the unisex bathroom," Chanyeol deadpanned. "We only have one bathroom per floor," he added. Well, curse the architect who designed this building.

Everyone, this is the end of Yoon Seulgi.

"LOOK! IT'S DARTH VADER!" I screamed, pointing at a random direction. Being the idiot he is, Chanyeol turned around and asked "WHERE?! SHIT, I DIDN'T BRING MY LIGHTSABER!"

Hah! Not today bitches!

Taking the opportunity, I quickly ran out of the door, hoping that this would end peacefully just like my encounter with Baekhyun. But boy I was wrong,

"Come back here!"' I heard Chanyeol shout from behind me. Wait?! He's actually chasing me?! Shit. Shit.

"Make way, Queen Seulgi coming through!" I shouted as I ran through some employees who were supposedly enjoying their coffee break, hitting a few of them in the process. "It's not too late to say sorry!" I gave them a peace sign before I started running again.

I finally made it to the elevator. The elevator finally opened and I was about assure my safety when—


I turned around to see Chanyeol entering the elevator with me. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT.

A few minutes have passed since the elevator doors closed and the awkward tension between Chanyeol and I is on. Also, where in the fucking world is the elevator guy?! He's supposed to be the abyss between Chanyeol and I!

I eyed Chanyeol who was leaning against the wall. I bet he's containing himself from strangling me now. To be honest, he actually looks attractive–slaps self. I'm pretty sure I'm just getting dizzy from staying in the elevator for too long.

"Well, why aren't you strangling me yet?" I asked Chanyeol who was leaning against the wall. "I bet you wanna take out my internal organs and strangle me with them," I glared at him.

"I am mad, but damn, do you actually think I would be wasting my precious sweat on you?" Chanyeol laughed at me, making me shoot a disgusted expression at him. "Talk about major narcissim," he added with a sneer.

I mentally sighed in relief.

"Well, what are you gonna do about my trip to Disneyland?"

I take that back.

"You're rich! Go to Disneyland with your own expenses!" I shouted at him. Rich people these days, letting low class people do everything for me. Such tyrants.

"I'm very serious about Disney! In fact, I'm all about Disney!" Chanyeol shouted back. In the process, he grabbed a wallet which had a Mickey Mouse design from his pocket and shoved it to my face. "I even have—"

"I didn't ride this elevator to hear about your entire Disney collection," I cut him off, sneering a bit. He rolled his eyes before folding his arms. "Rude much," I heard Chanyeol mutter under his breath.

"You better save a lot of money, you still gotta treat me to Disneyland," Chanyeol let out his tongue at me. I gasped and shook my head "NO WAY AM I EVER BRINGING YOU TO DISNEYLAND!"





Ting! Ting!

Chanyeol and I momentarily stopped our argue the moment we heard the elevator's interruption. We finally reached the first floor. Damn, that was one long elevator ride.

"I hope this will be our first and last encounter," I stepped out of the elevator, leaving Chanyeol behind. "Don't even try calling me back, I change my number 24/7"

Just kidding guys, I'm not that rich to buy sim cards 24/7. Lol.

"Then I'll definitely find you," I heard Chanyeol behind me and I can sense the warm smile on his face. "Whether you like it or not, I'm making you come with me to Disneyland," and those were his last words before the elevator closed again. I bet Chanyeol's going to the ground floor, where the cars are parked.

The way how he said it....somehow made me feel all fuzzy inside. Argh! That jerk! Does he really think that he can convince me to take him on a trip to Disneyland?! Chanyeol, you ain't cooler than me!

"Seulgi!" I turned around to see Amber, running towards me. "You can't believe it but my father just announced that I–"

"...have an arranged marriage with some random guy you don't know?" I guessed. Amber shot me a confused look "What the fuck Seulgi? I know you have a crazy mind, but I didn't know that you're that crazy. Gotta take you to a mental hospital sometime." I rolled my eyes, Amber's just jealous that she doesn't have an amazing, creative, cool, awesome and all positive adjectives in superlative form like me.

"Anyway," Amber continued. "Dad just announced that we're having dinner in some fancy restaurant tonight, I can't wait!" she excitedly said. Yes! Foooooood!

"What are you waiting for? A DELICIOUS DINNER AWAITS US! LET'S GO!" I grabbed Amber by the arm and dragged her towards the stairs. Don't worry food, you don't have to wait any longer, Seulgi will be coming to eat very very soon! Hehehe~

"By the way, what happened to you after I left?" Amber asked me as we walked down the stairs going to the parking lot. "You seem a bit sweaty,"

"Nah, just met someone with the Disney virus and I had to ran away because all he ever talked about was his Dumbo underpants," I laughed. Amber shot me a disgusted look and commented that it was gross.

"He kept on saying that I should bring him to Disneyland," I chuckled and Amber commented "Geez, people these days, telling random strangers just to take them to Disneyland just like that,"

"Well, are you gonna really take him to Disneyland?" Amber gave another follow up question.

I smiled as I looked down at my phone.

Sent from: 09****************

"Maybe I will~"

You received one message.

Sent from: The Annoying Byun Baekhyun
Heyo brat, mini reminder that you still have to pay for car.

Shit, I still got to pay for Baekhyun's car.

what did i just write. lololololol. hello guyyyyssss! here's the update that everyone's been waiting for!! i know, i know, it's not really the best chapter so far (since everybody loved the baek chapter) hehehehehehe and omg guys so sorry for the long hiatus!! i was so busy but when i saw how eager you guys were, i became motivated to update!

first of all, thank you so much for all the support! like i swear, last time i checked it was 200 reads and now it's 7k?! omfg thank you guys!

second, you guys sent some pretty interesting questions in the q&a chapter (which will be posted this weekend) so thank you for all those who participated!

i hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter~! ti'll the next update! (And trust me, it won't take months for me to update again. I promise!)

xx shay ♥︎♥︎♥︎

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