Devil's Trap

By Marvel_nerd05

18.6K 422 437

In which Lucifer's son falls in love with a Hunter's daughter (I do not own Supernatural) #1 in Jack Kline Ja... More

Chapter One: First Hunt
Chapter Two: Devil's Son
Chapter Three: Stabbing is a Hazard
Chapter Four: Bonding Time
Chapter Five: Grief Counceling
Chapter Six: 24 Hours
Chapter Seven: Yee-Haw, Partner!
Chapter Eight: Worlds Apart
Chapter Nine: Coping
Chapter Ten: New World
Chapter Eleven: The Grand Escape
Chapter Twelve: That's My Shirt
Chapter Thirteen: It'll Be Okay
Chapter Fourteen: Tonight I'm Yours
Chapter Fifteen: Dean's Back!!
Chapter Sixteen: Catfight
Chapter Seventeen: Hold On
Chapter Eighteen: Desperate Times
Chapter Nineteen: Let Me Protect You
Chapter Twenty: Snake-eyes
Chapter Twenty-one: Shopping
Chapter Twenty-two: Finding Mary
Chapter Twenty-three: Deceit
Chapter Twenty-four: Minutes Together
Chapter Twenty-five: Belphegor
Chapter Twenty-seven: Well, That Was A Short Honeymoon
Chapter Twenty-eight: Time To Punch Death
Chapter Twenty-nine: Surprise
Chapter Thirty: Hello Again, Boys
Chapter Thirty-one: Deliverance
Chapter Thirty-two: Semi-normal Life
Chapter Thirty-three: Hello, Love
Chapter Thirty-four: Day with a Demon
Chapter Thirty-five: Weird Days Ahead
Chapter Thirty-six: Dyeing is Fun!
Chapter Thirty-seven: Happy Thanksgiving
Chapter Thirty-eight: Bloody Hell
Chapter Thirty-nine: Bonding Time: Part Two
Chapter Fourty: Christmas Joy
Chapter Fourty-one: Park Playdate
Chapter Fourty-Two: Starting New
Chapter Fourty-three: Weather Warning
Chapter Fourty-four: Look Who's Back!
Chapter Fourty-Five: Epilogue

Chapter Twenty-six: Hello, Winchesters

305 6 11
By Marvel_nerd05

6 months later

I sat down at the table and drank my coffee, watching horror movies and preparing for Halloween in a few days.

The door knocked and I set my cup down, switching off the tv and getting up to answer it, opening the door and seeing the Winchesters standing there.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"We need you to come back." Dean said as he and his brother pushed their way into my rented cabin.

"Guys, I'm done Hunting. I told you this." I said as I closed the door.

"We need you, Anna. You've had a good six months of this life. There are fewer and fewer Hunters. And none of them are like you." Sam said.

I sighed. "I take it the world isn't saved yet?"

"Far from it." Dean shook his head.

"Just this one Hunt. Then you can come back to this life." Sam added.

I looked at him and wrung my hangs, nodding a little. "This last one. What's happening?"

Sam looked at my hands and saw the ring I still wore. "You're still wearing your engagement ring." he stated.

I looked down at the ring and nodded, looking back up at him. "Yeah. I am. It keeps him.....close."

"Nice haircut, by the way." Dean commented. "Goin' short, I see. I like it."

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

    "Yeah. It looks good, Anna," Sam agreed, the two brothers taking a seat across from me on the couch. "Okay, so, you've missed a lot while you've been gone. But the main thing is people died, and we have a case."

    "Where is it?" I asked.

    "Here in Sioux Falls." Dean answered.

    "Did you tell Jody about about this already?" I asked, knowing that she would want to know about this.

    "Actually, she's the person we need to save. Come on. We need to get going." Dean said.

"There's also something else you should know." Sam said.

"Sammy. Not now. Let's leave it a surprise." Dean said.

"If you guys prank me again by putting a vamp head on a stake in the car, I'll kill you two." I said to the two.

Sam laughed. "I'm sure you'll like this one, Anna. It's back in the bunker."

"I better. For your guys' sake." I said in a light-hearted voice and the three of us walked out to the Impala.

"Okay, so what's this surprise?" I asked as we drove down the darkened dirt roads.

"You'll see. Just a few hours until we get there." Dean said as we turned onto the main road.


"Jack?" I asked, my eyes wide in shock and disbelief when I came down the bunker steps with the brothers, Dark Kaia, and Jody, and saw him and Cass.

He smiled. "Hey, sweetheart."

I walked forward and threw my arms around him in a hug, pulling back moments later. "H-how are you here? Am I—Am I dead? Am I an angel?"

He laughed and cupped my face in his hands, kissing me. "You are to me."

I smiled and kissed him back, burying my nose in his shoulder. "I missed you so much."

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "I missed you too, baby."

"Why didn't you call?" I asked Jack as I pulled myself from his arms and took his hands.

"I wanted to. I wanted to call you so badly every day. But I couldn't. I needed to keep off God's radar, because then if he knew I was back, he'd kill me again." he answered.

"Just don't leave me again."

"I won't."

"You guys still have a wedding to plan," Sam said, turning around and looking at me. "I'd have it soon, if I were you. You know, in case God decides one of you."

    I looked at Jack and then back at the brothers. "If God tries to kill Jack, I'll break his nose off and shove it up his ass."

    "That's not a pleasant image." Dean said, giving me a thumbs up. "But good for you getting all protective about Jack."

    "Yeah. Didn't even miss a beat before going all Mama Bear." Sam added.

    I smiled and looked at Jack. "I already lost Jack once. I'm not doing that again."

    "We're running out of time!" Dark Kaia shouted, drawing our attention to her. "He's standing right there. He could bring us there now."

    "Hey, Not Kaia—not helping." Dean said.

    "I can help in other ways. Research." Jack offered.

    "Good. In the meantime, what're we gonna do about her?" Dean asked, pointing to Dark Kaia.

    "Well, she killed a prise heifer just to get my attention, then she jumped me, beat me up, and threatened to kill me. Do I get a vote?" Jody asked.

    "Jack. I'll help you with the research." I took his hand and went over to the bookshelves, grabbing books of lore and ancient spells before coming back over to Jack, setting them on the table beside the chair where he sat.

    "You guys are actually doing research." Dean said when he and saw looked over to where Jack and I were.

    "Yeah. Where's Jody, Cass, and Dark Kaia?" I asked as I flipped through a book.

    "They took her to a separate room. In handcuffs so she doesn't escape." Sam answered.

    "Hey. How about you two quit researching and get to 'researching' huh?" Dean winked.

    I looked at the older man. "Did not miss that."

    "You know you love me." Dean said with a smile.

    "I guess I do." I answered with a smile, going back to my research.

    "Hey, guys. What about this? La Piegatrice Mondiale. It's an old Italian spell—Stregherian magic. It means "The World Bender." Jack said.

"What are the ingredients?" Dean asked.

"Basic stuff—crystals, herbs, and the "liver of a mandragora." Jack listed off, looking at Dean as he scoffed. "What? What is that? Some kind of monster?"

"Yeah, one that's extinct. Our dad wrote about it in his journal. "A Hunt in Fargo"—killed the last one." Sam said.

"Hey, why don't you go see if Cass and Jody are having any luck?" Dean suggested.

Jack nodded and closed the book, setting it back on the table before leaving the room to go find Jody and Cass.

I stood up and made my way over to the Winchesters. "We're not finding anything."

"Yeah, we know." Sam answered.

"I mean, nothing that doesn't require angel grace, which we don't have. And it's not like Michael left us a forwarding address." Dean said.

"Listen, I can try and jerry-rig up some magic using a substitute. But then again, the only substitute we have that would even stand a chance of working is nephilim grace." Sam said. "And I'm guessing that would be against Billie's rules."

"What? What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Oh, yeah. Um, Jack made a deal with Death. A along as he does what she tells him to, he should be strong enough to kill God. In time." Sam said.

"Wait. He made a deal with Billie? She hates us." I said.

"Yeah, she does." Dean agreed.

Jack came back into the room. "I'm saving Kaia. I owe it to her."

"What?" I asked.

"She's running out of time. I saw it." Jack said.

"Wait. Did you dreamwalk? Jack, what about Billie's plan?" Sam asked.

"I know, I know, but....this is the right thing to do." Jack said.

"You've got to be kidding me." A voice scoffed, making us all turn around and see a grey-haired lady walk into view.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Name's Merle." she answered.

"She's a reaper—works with Billie." Jack added.

"How did you get in here?" Dean asked.

"Piggybacked on the boy." Merle said.

"She's been watching me." Jack said.

"Watching you screw up. One measly life on the line, and you're ready to risk it all? That's not just dumb. That's Winchester dumb." Merle said.

"I'm the only one who can do this." Jack said to her.

"Well, try, and I'll tell Death." Merle said.

"Okay," Jack said, nodding. "Go run to Death. In the meantime, I'll open a rift to the Bad Place. I'm sure Billie will appreciate hearing about it after the fact that it's too late."

"Okay. And how about I just stop you?" Merle replied. "Right now."

"You can try. Run to Billie. Tell her everything went sideways on your watch, and see how she reacts—what she decides to do to you. Or, you could help up. Help us time the safest, smartest way to pull this off, and Billie will never know." Jack said.

Merle sighed. "Now...this is Winchester stupid. But there might be a way. The, uh...cosmic wardings that Amara peeled off these walls that somehow you've all been stupid enough to try and repair..."

"We fixed that." Dean said.

"You fixed part of it. You slapped up some anti-demonic monster warding. You didn't come close to restoring the original cosmic-grade stuff." Merle said.

"How do we do that?" I asked.

"You can't. Not permanently. But I know how to get it back up. For a while. But, I'll need your angel." Merle said, looking at Jack.

Jack put his arm around me and drew me closer to his side.

Merle scoffed. "Not her. Castiel."


I sat in the cushioned chair while I waited for Dean, Sam, and the real Kaia to return.

Jack walked over to me. "Hey, Anna. Can we talk?"

"Of course. What is it?" I asked.

"Cass. He told me you quit Hunting. Is that true?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah....I did."

"For good?"

I looked at him. "....I don't know."

"Well. Whatever you choose. I'll go with you." he said with a comforting smile. "It'd be nice to just be with you. Without our lives being constantly in danger by Hunts."

I smiled a little. "Yeah. That would be nice."

Sam and Dean fell out of the rift with Kaia and looked around at us.

"Kaia?" Jody looked at the girl, walking over and hugging her, Kaia hugging her back.

I stood up and was immediately enveloped in a hug by both Winchesters. "Woah. I love you guys, too. But what's up with this sudden affection?"

"You don't need an explanation when you get affection from Jack." Dean pointed out.

"Yeah. That's because he's my fiancé." I told him.

"About that. Anna? Can we talk?" Jack asked.

I looked at him and got out of the hug. "Sure., or....?"

"I kinda want the others to hear. Is...that okay with you?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. That's fine," I nodded. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Given everything that's happened, I don't want to wait anymore. I've already died once without marrying you. So..." he smiled and took my hand. "How about today?"

"What? You-you want...?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I really want to."

"We haven't even planned anything. Where would it be held? What—we have nothing prepared." I said.

He chuckled lightly and brushed his thumb over my cheek. "Sweetheart, I don't need a big wedding. I just need to marry the woman I love."

A smile spread across my lips and I nodded. "Okay."

"Can I invite the girls? They'd love to see you again." Jody asked.

"As long as Claire keeps her gear at home." I told her.

"You guys got plenty here. I'll tell the girls." she said with a smile and dialed one of the girl's numbers, her and Kaia heading out of view.

"About time you two finally got hitched," Dean said with a proud smile. "Pay up, Sammy."

Sam looked at his brother, confused. "Dean. We never bet on when they'd get married."

"I know. Just keepin' you on your toes, man," he clapped his brother on the back. "Come on. Let's get into our suits."

"Wait a second. Anna, what're you gonna wear?" Sam asked. "Do you have anything white?"

"No. It's all stained with ghoul and vamp blood." I answered honestly.

"You don't need to wear anything like that, Anna. Knowing our lives, something's gonna go wrong minutes after." Jack said.

"Probably." I agreed.

"Okay. I called the girls. They'll be here in a few hours. Alex insisted on bringing you a wedding dress. In the meantime, Anna, let's get you ready." Jody said and took my arm, the two girls dragging me away and into my room.


"Anna, Jack, uh...yeah. You guys can kiss now." Dean said with a smile. "Make it good, kid. You're not gonna get married again."

Jack laughed at Dean's comment and kissed me, his arms going around my waist and pulling me closer as my arms went around his neck.

    "Yeah! That's my girl!" Claire shouted happily, dancing around.

    Jack pulled back and smiled, kissing my forehead. "I love you."

    "I love you too, Jack." I replied with a smile.

    A loud crack was heard and we looked to our left to see Billie standing there, looking menacing as ever with her giant stick.

    "I wasn't invited?" Billie asked.

    "Get out of here, Billie. This is supposed to be happy, and you're killing the vibe." Dean snapped.

    "I have a message for you." Billie said, looking at Dean.


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