Our War ||Shingeki no Kyojin...

By VcJuly

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≺≺𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⋆ 橱ぱ I hope you like it -Warning, this story will be long, since I'm going... More

Տeason 1
S1 [To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshia, Part 1]
S1 ‹That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2›
S1 ‹A Dim Light Amid Despair: Humanity's Comeback, Part 1›
S1 ‹The Night of the Closing Ceremony: Humanity's Comeback, Part 2›
S1 ‹First Battle: The Struggle for Trost, Part 1›
S1 ‹The World the Girl Saw: The Struggle for Trost, Part 2›
S1 ‹Small Blade: The Struggle for Trost, Part 3›
S1 ‹I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4›
S1 ‹Whereabouts of His Left Arm: The Struggle for Trost, Part 5›
S1 ‹Response: The Struggle for Trost, Part 6›
S1 ‹Idol: The Struggle for Trost, Part 7›
S1 ‹Wound: The Struggle for Trost, Part 8›
S1 ‹Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost, Part 9›
S1 ‹Can't Look Into His Eyes Yet: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 1›
S1 ‹Special Operation Squad: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 2›
S1 ‹What Needs to be Done Now: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 3›
S1 ‹Female Titan: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 1›
S1 ‹Forest of Giant Trees: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 2›
S1 ‹Bite: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 3›
S1 ‹Erwin Smith: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 4›
S1 ‹Crushing Blow: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 5›
S1 ‹Defeated: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 6›
S1 ‹Smile: Assault on Stohess, Part 1›
S1 ‹Mercy: Assault on Stohess, Part 2›
S1 ‹Wall: Assault on Stohess, Part 3›
Տeason 2
S2 » Beast Titan
S2 » I'm Home
S2 » Southwestward
S2 » Soldier
S2 » Historia
S2 » Warrior
S2 »Close Combat
S2 »The Hunters
S2 »Opening
S2 »Children
S2 »Charge
S2 »Scream
Տeason 3 Part 1
S3 »Smoke Signal
S3 »Pain
S3 »Old Story
S3 »Trust
S3 »Reply
S3 »Sin
S3 »Wish
S3 »Outside the Walls of Orvud District
S3 »Ruler of the Walls
S3 »Friends
S3 »Bystander
S3 »Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall
Տeason 3 Part 2
S3 »The Town Where Everything Began
S3 »Thunder Spears
S3 »Perfect Game
S3 »Hero
S3 »Midnight Sun
S3 »The Basement
S3 »That Day
S3 »Attack Titan
S3 »The Other Side of the walls
Տeason 4 part1
S4 ‹The Other Side of the Sea›
S4 ‹The Other Side of the Sea› Part 2
S4 ‹Midnight Train›
S4 ‹The Door of Hope›
S4 ‹The Door of Hope› Part 2
S4 ‹From One Hand to Another›
S4 ‹Declaration of War›
S4 ‹The War Hammer Titan›
S4 ‹Assault›
S4 ‹Assassin's Bullet›
S4 ‹Brave Volunteers›
S4 ‹A Sound Argument›
S4 ‹Deceiver
S4 ‹Deceiver part 2
S4 ‹Guides
S4 ‹Children of the Forest
S4 ‹Savagery
S4 ‹Savagery part 2
S4 ‹Sole Salvation
S4 ‹Above and Below
Տeason 4 part2
S4 Part 2 ‹Judgment
S4 Part 2 ‹Sneak Attack
S4 Part 2 ‹Two Brothers
S4 Part 2 ‹Memories of the Future
S4 Part 2 ‹From You, 2000 Years Ago
S4 Part 2 ‹Thaw
S4 Part 2 ‹Sunset

S3 »Descent

465 23 0
By VcJuly



[Soldier]: Defend them at all costs!..Protect them until they reach the door, even if it costs you your life! Don't let any of the Titans get near them!..-A soldier shouts as he and a group go after the Titans that were near Eren and (Y/n)-

From the distance, Reiner and Bertolt were watching the scene go down, remaining calm as Bertolt mumbled with a little panic.

[Bertolt]: They're going to plug the hole with that? It's insane... Eren might end up getting eaten. And if that happens, we still won't know a thing...-Reiner firmly nods-

[Reiner]: Yeah... if it comes to it, I'll have to do something with my Titan somehow...-Bertolt furrows his brows-

[Bertolt]: But if their plan works, it'll plug the hole we finally opened...

[Reiner]: It doesn't matter. We've been searching for a clue these past five years and we finally found it...

[Marco]: Hey... you guys? What... were you just talking about?..

Reiner and Bertolt's hearts drop and they tense up. They slowly turn their heads around, mouths hanged and eyes wide like saucers to see it was Marco standing at the edge of the roof. He flinches at their stares but then asks.

[Marco]: What do you mean by "my Titan," Reiner? What's this about "The hole we opened," Bertolt?..

The two don't say anything other than the repulsive expression they have. Reiner swallows thickly and spoke lowly.

[Reiner]: Marco... That conversation just now... was a joke...-Marco looks between the two, processing that information, then lets out a confused laugh- 

[Marco]: H-Have you guys lost it? This isn't like you! Focus on the Titans!..-He points his left blade in the direction the Titans were- Look, the Titans are coming! Let's go!...

He then flies off as the two Titan Shifters watch him leave. Marco looks over his shoulder nervously, his heart beating within his ears as he quickly looks away and bites his lip. He boosts himself further away from the two as he goes deep in thought.

[Marco]: Eren transformed into a Titan...(Y/n) transformed into a Titan...Humans can become Titans... So if the Colossal Titan appeared out of nowhere and suddenly vanished... it's probably a human, too..

He then lands on top of a roof. 'In other words, the enemy Titans are hiding as humans somewhere. He suddenly hears a gas boost from an ODM gear, making him gas, and whips his head around to see Reiner coming at him, blades in both hands as he tackles him to the ground.

Marco's blades fall from his hands as he's pinned. The boy's eyes increased as he struggled within his grasp.

[Marco]: Reiner?!..-He gives him pleading eyes- This is a joke, right?!..-But he just gets a cold gaze in return while sweating bullets-

[Reiner]: No, Marco... The problem is you're too damn sharp...-Bertolt watches, conflicted as tears start to form Marco's eyes. He gasps and screams-

[Marco]: Someone help--!..-Reiner covers his mouth as Marco continues his muffled screams until he sees a figure land in front of him-

It was Annie, and he had a dejected expression plastered on her face. She was panting heavily as Reiner's hand slips off Marco's mouth. He doesn't hesitate to yell at her, begging her.

[Marco]: Annie! Help me out!..-Annie's eyebrows furrow as she looks between Reiner and Bertolt-

[Annie]: What's this all about?..

[Marco]: Reiner's acting crazy! Help me!..-He continues to plead while Reiner looks up at her-

[Reiner]: He heard our conversation. We can't let him live...

Her face drains of color and she begins sweating hard. She forms a big frown with sad eyes as she utters. 

[Annie]: You're shitting me... You asshole!..-Marco just stared helplessly at her-

[Marco]: What?..

But then the sound of a Titan's footsteps were heard. The three Titan Shifters all look at the Titan not too far from them, making Bertolt shriek.

[Bertolt]: A Titan! It's coming this way!..

[Reiner]: Annie! Take off Marco's ODM gear!..-Annie stares at him with disbelief, her shoulders sagging while Reiner continues to yell- Do it, fast!..-Annie begins to panic-

[Annie]: Why... do I have to?..

[Reiner]: Back there, you risked your life for Connie, didn't you? Why did you put yourself in danger? Have you become attached to this evil race or something? if I'm wrong, prove it to me right now! If you, and your father waiting for you to come home, are any different than this filthy race, prove it right now!..-Reiner narrows his gaze-

[Bertolt]: Reiner! It's almost on top of us!...

[Reiner]: Annie!!..

Annie contemplates but soon gives in as she clenched her teeth and kneeled and began removing Marco's gear. The poor boy begins to sob and lets out a heartwrenching scream.

[Marco]: Stop it! Annie! Don't do this! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why do this?! Annie!..-Those words struck her and she abruptly stops, staring at Marco with a grim look-

[Reiner]: This is what makes us warriors. Annie, you did well...

Marco's eyes then widen when he remembers when he and the three were on the roof together with Annie asking Reiner a question.

[Annie]: Reiner. What now?..

[Reiner]: Not yet. We have to let them gather first..

[Marco]: I see... They were waiting for all the Titans to gather...

Annie soon removes the ODM gear off and tosses it through the window next to them. The three Titan Shifters then run to the edge and fly off while Marco watches them leave him to his death.

[Marco]: Wait..-He notices Bertolt look over his shoulder as he laid there on the roof, tears still streaming down his face- Why? What are you such in a hurry for?! We haven't... even... had a chance to talk this through!..I want to live!!...

He lets out an unbearable scream as the three lands on a roof and turns around to see the Titan had finally appeared and had picked Marco up. They watch the Titan bring him close to its mouth as Marco continued to let out terrified screams, eyes full of tears as he tries to push himself away from its mouth.

[Marco]: I want to live!!...

Annie can feel her eyes start to gloss as Bertolt's and Reiner's eyes widen and their mouth drops. The Titan begins to eat half of his body. Annie begins to cry her body shaking and looks away from the gruesome sight while the boys watch.

[Reiner]: Hey... Why..-They hear Reiner start speaking as Annie and Bertolt look at him. Bertolt's eyes widen, little tears edging his eyes when he sees Reiner's face falls with tears on his- ...is Marco... getting eaten?..


Now in the present, moments before the Scouts had shown up to retake Wall Maria, Bertolt stares at the warm fire, knees pressed against his chest as he held a cup in his right. He glances over at Reiner, who takes a sip from his drink and stares at the fire.

[Zeke]: I already told you... Annie is doing fine, I'm sure...-A voice said, making Bertolt look in front of him and stare at the blond man, whose name turns out to be Zeke- There's no way she's getting tortured..-he assures the boys- For starters, don't you think that's unlikely? With powers like ours, one scratch and we can pretty much handle anything...-He uses his right hand to scratch behind his left ear- And remember it's Annie we're talking about here. I bet she's in hiding somewhere practicing her kicks and what not..

[Reiner]: Still, there's no mistaking her identity was revealed...-Said Reiner as Bertolt furrowed his brows and looked down-

[Bertolt]: Even if it's Annie..-His sentence trails off when Zeke raises a brow-

[Zeke]: Oh? Does this mean you're not fully committed yet?..-The boys tense up- Is that right? And what about the agreement we came to? Was that all for nothing?..-They stare at the older man with tense eyes while he stared boredly at them- We can go at it again if you want, Reiner. But the next time you lose, you give up your armor to another warrior..

[Reiner]: N-No, that's not what I meant..

[Zeke]: Then pull yourself together. We only have one goal..-Zeke began to explain- To recover the Coordinate and put an end to this cursed history..-He then turns to Bertolt and asks- You mentioned a girl. (Y/N), was it?..

[Bertolt]: Yes, she is also a Shifting Titan .. But it's impossible, because there are only 9 Shifting Titans in the world ...

[Zeke]: (Y/N)..-He murmured the girl's name, while looking away while he thinks to himself- It's possible..-He looks at the two boys again- We also have to capture the girl and find out more about her..Let's... end this..-Bertolt and Reiner just stare at Zeke's calm form- I want to end all of this, with us..-The older man states-

The raven-haired pursed his lips together, thinking for a moment before looking up and speaking.

[Bertolt]: Understood. I'll try to keep Annie out of my head for now. There's no need to put anyone else through this hell but us..-Zeke's gaze turns to him- Let's..-Bertolt pauses, thinking back to Marco, then spoke again-...end this..

[Reiner]: Bertolt..-The light blond just continued staring at Bertolt as silence was in the air again. The only sound that was heard was the fire crackling and heating the pot-

[??]: War Chief Zeke..

The sound of a distorted voice was heard, making the three rush over to the other side of the wall and look down to see the other Titan Shifter below, informing them.

[??]: Enemy troops are approaching. They've reached the foot..

Moments later, Zeke, Reiner, and Bertolt all held their cups and clinked them together.

[Zeke]: My brave warriors. It's time to settle this here and finish our mission once and for all..-The boys nod and the three of them began chugging their drinks- Hot!..

Soon enough, the sun started to slowly rise within the distance. Reiner kicked the fire and supplies off the wall, leaving the black smudge as he puts on his ODM gear. He turns to see Bertolt looking at him while Zeke was already in position.

[Reiner]: Let's go..

[Bertolt]: Yeah..

They then began jogging to the right, making their way to their spots while Reiner suddenly spoke up.

[Reiner]: Bertolt. I've told you a bunch of times, but... You and I will be in separate positions. So try thinking on your own for once..

[Bertolt]: R-Right...-He nods-

[Reiner]: You don't always have to wait for my signal...

[Bertolt]: Yeah, I know..

[Reiner]: You're supposed to be the one with the greatest ability of all, yet you leave it to others when it matters..-Reiner states harshly- To be honest, I never thought you reliable..-Bertolt obviously felt hurt, but he masked it- Up until now..-The Colossal Shifter's eyes slightly increased- We're ending this here, right?..

Bertolt's face softens and he nods determinedly.

[Bertolt]: That's right. We're gonna win and end this..

Reiner looks over his shoulder and smirks and the two soon stop jogging once they reach the gates.

[Reiner]: Keep up the attitude till you're with your beloved Annie...-Bertolt's face instantly turns red and he becomes a stuttering mess-

[Bertolt]: I-It's not like that...-But Reiner continued to tease him-

[Reiner]: I bet even Annie would appreciate the one who rushes in to save her... and mistake him for her prince. Even if it's you..-With red cheeks, Bertolt's shoulders sag and he forms a sweat- And... Christa..-Bert's face returns to normal when he sees Reiner look down at his shirt pocket and taps it lightly with his closed fist-

[Reiner]: We'll save her no matter what. That's our promise to Ymir..-The raven-haired looks away-

[Bertolt]: Yeah, no matter what..

The two then turn away, back to back as Reiner nudges Bertolt's shoulder lightly. Bertolt does the same.

[Reiner]: See ya. I'm counting on you, buddy..

[Bertolt]: Leave it to me..

After that, they took their separate ways and went into position.


Bertolt was still inside a grate, listening sharply.

[Bertolt]: It's been a while since Reiner transformed... No signal yet? Reiner... Are you okay out there?..

Currently, the Scouts were celebrating their success with the Thunder Spears as they can see Reiner's boy popped out from the nape.

While some of the Scouts were hugging and cheering at the success, Hanji, Mikasa, Armin stare intently at Reiner's body while across the three, Jean was laughing in mild relief.

[Jean]: We did it... You were such a pain in the ass for us..-Beside him were Connie and Sasha as the food lover falls to her knees and stares at the accomplishment- Serves you right, scumbag!..-He grins, but it falls when he looks to his left to see Connie and Sasha crying and whimpering. His eyes widen with confusion, glares, then grabs both the collar of their cloaks and shrieks- What the hell are you crying for?! C'mon, get up! This ain't over yet!..

But the two continue their small sobs, which soon leads to Jean forming tears in his eyes.

[Jean]: Don't cry! We're the ones who killed him!..

Not far from Reiner and his Titan form, Eren's Titan self has kneeled on the ground while (Y/N) remained standing, both staring at their once fellow comrade until Hanji shouts and begins giving orders again.

[Hanji]: It's not over! Ready your equipment for the next round!..-She and Moblit walk down the roof tiles as Mikasa goes to follow, but she stops and looks over at Armin, who was frowning. Her eyes show a bit of worry as she approaches him and places her hand on his shoulder-

[Mikasa]: Armin...

[Armin]: It's not like... we had any chance to negotiate..-He starts to say, which leads to Mikasa remove her hand off-guard- It's our side dealing with the overwhelming lack of information..-The blond continues- We don't have the power to capture someone who can turn into a Titan..-His face starts to falter and his frown grows big- There was... nothing we could do..

Mikasa sends her friend sad eyes but remains quiet. She averts her gaze from him and back at Reiner, but she suddenly gasps when Reiner's Titan starts to move. Then, the Titan lets out an ear-piercing roar, leaving the group shocked and cover their ears from the sudden turn of events.

Eren and (Y/n) quickly get in a fighting stance, both too, shaken until Reiner's Titan stops roaring and slumps forward. Erwin, who is still on the wall, whips his head over to the sound, eyes huge at the sound, and mutters.

[Erwin]: It can't be...-Along with Erwin, Levi heard it too as his eyes had increased-

From the distance, the fourth Titan Shifter makes its way over to the Beast Titan while inside, was Bertolt.

[Bertolt]: There it was! The signal!..

The Beast Titan grabs the huge barrel, reels his arm back, and throws him over the wall. Levi, Louis and Erwin's eyes watch the barrel fly down to the district while the other Scouts inside seemed unaware of what had just happened.

[Hanji]: Nail him with Thunder Spears! We'll just have to blow his body to bits!..-Hanji yells while Armin on the other hand was deep in thought- 

[Armin]: That scream just now... Was it for Bertolt?...-He gasps and looks up at the sky to see the flying barrel over the wall. His pupils shrink, quickly looking back at their captain and states- Wait! We need to get away from Reiner!..-She turns to him as Armin points- Up there! The Colossal Titan is coming! We'll all get blown away!..

While inside the flying barrel, Bertolt was straining himself from moving around too much the cramped object and watches through one of the holes.

[Bertolt]: Where are you, Reiner?! I'm coming!..-

Erwin watches the barrel with a big glare, his teeth grinding at the sight.

[Erwin]: Tsk. They got us...

With the new information, Hanji and the other Scouts quickly start flying away from Reiner's defeated self.

[Hanji]: Shit! Everyone, get away from the Armored Titan! The Colossal Titan is falling our way!..
While the Scouts use their gear to fly, (Y/n) and Eren were currently running off, eyes staring sharply at the object in the sky. Armin stares at it with worry with his mouth hanging.

[Armin]: Shoot! At this distance... none of us can avoid it...

[Bertolt]: I'm close to the ground..-Thought Bertolt as he was slowly descending- It's now or never. I'll blow this whole place away..-He brings his hand up to his mouth, ready to bite down until his eyes catch notice of Reiner's Titan. Horror takes over him as the Scouts and the two Titan Shifters watch Bertolt pop open the top and fly himself out- Reiner!..-He screams, loud enough for the whole district to hear-

He quickly uses his gear to fly himself down to Reiner, quickly landing on the Titan's body and called out to him.

[Bertolt]: Reiner?!..-He kneels down to his level- Reiner?..-He puts his hand against Reiner's chest, feeling a heartbeat. Relief washes over him- He's alive! But he... He transferred his consciousness through his whole nervous system? But that was... a last resort. To think he'd actually do it... It's hard to believe they cornered you like that. Reiner...

A shadow casts over his eyes and they become half-lidded. He then leans close to Reiner's half-opened head.

[Bertolt]: I need you to do something for me. You're going to have to move a little. And if you can't, I'm sorry... Prepare for the worst..-He pushes himself up, backs away, and looks over at the left corner of his eyes- I'm ending this..

Far from the smoke coming from Reiner, (Y/n), Eren, and the main squad all stare at it by some ruined homes. Hanji, who was on Eren's shoulder, speaks to the group.

[Hanji]: In any case, our mission objective came falling into our laps. You can even call this lucky...-Then, they can see Bertolt using the gear, making Moblit announce to everyone-

[Moblit]: Target approaching from ahead! It's Bertolt!..

Armin watches the shifter with narrowed brows while Hanji continues with her orders.

[Hanji]: Our plan is as follows: Levi Squad protects (Y/n) and Eren under Armin's command! All others work together to take down the two targets!..

Hanji, Moblit, and few other soldiers follow after their captain, making their way to Bertolt first, but Armin suddenly flies his way to Hanji and quickly says.

[Armin]: Please wait!..

[Hanji]: Armin?!...

[Armin]: This is our final chance to negotiate!..-He proclaimed before flying off, leaving Hanji and the others to just watch him. The blond-head lands on a roof, eyes glaring over at the shifter, and shrieks- Bertolt! Stop right there!..

As said, Bertolt lands against a roof, looking over at him while the others watch in puzzlement.

[Eren]: Armin... What are you trying to accomplish?..

[Armin]: Bertolt! Let's talk this over!..-The shifter's expression doesn't change as he takes a deep breath and replies-

[Bertolt]: If I agree to talk, would you all agree to die?!..-Armin's face falls and it slightly turns pale as he listens to him screech- We only want two simple things! We want Eren and (Y/N) and the demise of humanity in the walls! That's the harsh truth of reality, Armin! It's all been decided already!..

[Armin]: Wha--?! Wh-Who decided any of that?!...

[Bertolt]: I did...-Bertolt mutters. Armin raises a brow and cups his ear, shouting once more-

[Armin]: What was that?!..

[Bertolt]: I decided it! Your lives are coming to an end right here!..

An immediate glare was sent up at him. This plan of negotiating was failing by the second.

[Armin]: That's very unfortunate! I was hoping... I wouldn't have to hear Annie's screams any longer!..-A reaction finally came upon the enemy's face- The only one who can save her from the savages in the Military Police... is you, and no one else!..At his rate, she'll end up as feed for the pigs!...

[Bertolt]: Fine by me!..-Bert then pushes himself off the roof and flies, catching Armin completely off guard as Mikasa decided it was time to step in and make her way to the two- Let 'em feed her to the pigs! If they really have her, that is!..

Armin goes to move and land on the roof behind him, ready to run off, but Bertolt blocks his way and holds the blade tightly. He glares at the blond and perks a brow.

[Bertolt]: What's the rush, Armin? Aren't we going to talk?..-Armin quickly whips out his blade, breath uneasy as the two have a mini stare down- Did you think that if you talked about Annie, I'd lose my cool again?..-Bert was the first to break the silence- That since I'm meek and timid Bertolt, you could fool me into letting my guard down?..

The group watched with anticipation and worry, especially Eren, who was tempted to barge in, but Jean though, standing on his shoulder, quickly reminds him.

[Jean]: Stand down, Eren. You should know. You've got a slim chance against him. This isn't yours or (Y/n)'s fight yet...

[Y/n and Eren]: Shit... Armin, why?!..

Bertolt takes a step forward, his blade lowering down to his side.

[Bertolt]: I know what you're doing. You're just buying me time. Surrounding me with soldiers... and distracting me with this ruse while the others finish off Reiner! I can tell. You're standing there shaking so much, you can't do a damn thing...-And Bertolt was right, Armin's hand was shaking- 

[Armin]: If you knew that much, why did you even come to talk?..-He lets out a jagged breath. He notices Bert's eyes averting to the right corner and states-

[Bertolt]: I wanted to know. To know whether, if I faced you guys, I'd start whining and beg for forgiveness again. But..-He returns his glare and raises the blade-...seems like I'm fine now. Yeah. You are precious comrades to me. I also intend to kill you...

Armin's jaw tightens, looks down, and starts sweating profusely.

[Armin]: Is that... because you think we're spawn of the devil?..

[Bertolt]: No. None of you have done anything wrong, and you're not devils either...-He admits, his face slightly softening- But you all still have to die. That's just how it is..

Then suddenly, Mikasa files up to Bert, blades raising as she goes to swing. Bertolt was quick though and turned around to block the incoming attack. The blades start to scrape against each other, physically making Mikasa recoil before using her other blade and swung at his face. 

Bert had surprisingly dodged that attack, but it resulted in his right ear being cut off. He slightly groans but returns back to fighting mode. He throws a kick, trying to aim for her face, but Mikasa blocked it and lost her balance.

[Armin]: Mikasa!..

His lowered guard makes Bert look over and charge at him, raising the blade as Armin turns back and gasps. The ravenette quickly stands and throws his blade off from her gear, but it only bounces off when the Titan shifter blocks it. She uses the gas to boost herself and get closer to him as she thrusts her other blade at him. Bert merely misses it as he turned around and flew off.

Armin gasps and goes to follow, but Mikasa puts her arm out and states.

[Mikasa]: Armin! Don't chase! There's no knowing when he'll transform. If we don't keep our distance, we'll get caught in another explosion..-She starts panting lightly and kneeled down-

[Armin]: I don't think Bertolt intends to just yet..-Armin replies- Reiner's on the verge of death, so if he did, he'd finish Reiner off. We could take Reiner as a hostage and fight him straight on with swords...

[Mikasa]: We should, but...-Mikasa looks down at her blade as Armin eyes her-

[Armin]: It seemed like he had some sort of plan though..-Armin purses his lips and returns to watching Bert while Mikasa fixed her elbow pads-

[Mikasa]: Still, was that really Bertolt just now? To me, he seemed like a different person..

[Armin]: Me, too..- Armin mumbles, the two remain at that roof while the other soldiers and Hanji were going after Reiner-

[Soldier]: Hurry! The Armored Titan is weak! Let's finish him off!..-A soldier yells as he and two others start approaching the Titan body to only see it flipped over to show him laying on his back- He's facing upwards now?!..

The three soldiers land on the roofs and looked down at him.

[Soldier 2]: We can't finish him off!..

While the remaining soldiers were making their way towards the Armored Titan, Bertolt was still flying in the gear, face unreadable as he thought.

[Bertolt]: This is a very strange feeling... I don't feel that scared at all. I can see everything clearly. I feel like, no matter how this all plays out, I can accept whatever happens. That's right, nobody's in the wrong. There's nothing we could do...-He then launches himself in the air and looks down at the district with no emotion in his eyes- Because this world... is just... that cruel..

[Hanji]: He's going up! Don't tell me...-Hanji's eyes increase as Moblit yells behind her-

[Moblit]: But I thought Reiner was right over there!..-After piecing the two together, Hanji gasps and screams-

[Hanji]: Quick, get out of here!..

Soon enough, Bertolt begins his transformation. A bright and large electric field fills the sky as Hanji stares in awe while Moblit shouts.

[Moblit]: Hanji!..

Everyone's eyes widen at the giant yellow circle as Mikasa and Armin were flying away and over to the group. The yellow field then explodes as the winds speed causes some of the buildings to break and knock over.

Eren and (Y/n) protectively have their arms wrapped around their friends, hands hardening to keep balance while Mikasa and Armin were not too far from them, hiding behind a building as the ravenette kept her tight grip on Armin. The explosion was huge that even Erwin was able to see it from his spot. He covered his eyes from preventing harm and stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of him..Eventually, the wind dies down and all that remains was dust and smoke.

[Jean]: You guys alive?!..-Jean yelled, standing up from (Y/n)'s arms, and yelled at Sasha and Connie, who was clinging onto Eren's-

[Connie]: I don't know! Are you?..-Connie snapped as Sasha's breath hitches-

[Sasha]: I-I'm hanging in there...

The five then hear the sound of ODM gear, making them turn their heads to see Mikasa and Armin return.

[Jean]: Mikasa! Armin!..-The two land on the roof, facing all five of them as jean asked- Are you okay?!..

[Mikasa]: We're fine...-Mikasa nods-

[Jean]: Hanji's Squad?..

Mikasa looks away with a disgruntled face while Armin just frowned and rolled a sweat.

[Armin]: They were so close to Bertolt...-Their eyes widen until they turn their gaze up to see the Colossal Titan kneeling with fire and smoke surrounding him. They glare up at the sight- 

[Jean]: You don't think..-Jean trailed off as the group continued staring at Bert's Titan form-

While that, inside the Armored Titan. His brain was exposed, his eyes sockets were nearly gone, the muscle seems nonexistent, and was close to looking like a skeleton.

[Jean]: ...the only ones who survived...

They watch the Colossal Titan stand at his full height.

[Jean]: ..are us here?..

The Titan brings his hand down and sweeps his hand through the buildings, destroying them easily.

[Connie]: H-Hey...-Connie fumbles as the buildings that were flown in the air start falling down and crashing into more buildings. It slowly forms a fire circle as Jean quickly looks down at Armin and shrieks- 

[Jean]: Armin! What now?!..-He turns to Jean with wide eyes- Wait for burning houses to flatten us?!..

He didn't say anything when Mikasa placed a hand on his shoulder, making him look up at her with nervous eyes.

[Mikasa]: Armin. You're in command. We follow your orders...

He gasps lightly, looking back at his friends to see him looking down at him, then timidly answered.

[Armin]: We retreat... Rally at the commander for new orders. We'll engage the Colossal Titan in a battle attrition as originally planned..

[Jean]: Hold up, Armin...It'll be a disaster if we let Bertolt near the wall and the others. If the houses in the inner gate catch fire, they'll be sandwiched between the fire and the Beast Titan..-Armin's eyes shrink-

[Armin]: Th-That means... we have no choice but to defeat Bertolt right here? And we have to do it... with the people, we have here?..

Everyone stares at each other with worried and determined looks as more and more buildings kept crashing by. One building fell nearly next to them, making all of them flinch at the sight.

[Connie]: A-Armin! The fire! Your orders?!..

[Sasha]: Hurry it up!..

Armin didn't know what to do. His thoughts were going crazy as he looked at his friends and the giant Titan causing destruction. Erwin watches from the wall, remaining calm and unfazed as he slowly looks over his shoulder and at the Beats Titan.

[Erwin]: What will you do? Beast Titan... Is this exactly what you wanted?..

All the Beast Titan does is a sly smirk, his red eyes saying it all as he scratched behind his ear.



With the Colossal Titan's arrival, Shiganshina becomes a blaze. 

Meanwhile, Erwin and the others take a serious blow from the Beast Titan. 

Next episode: "Perfect Game"

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