TBA (Tits, Booty, and Ass) (w...

By BBBUniversityPark

8 1 1

(August 26th - August 29th) More

The Night of and the Day After (TNA).

8 1 1
By BBBUniversityPark

Coming home, I lived in a 2 story brick house with a patio in the back. My house was distinct compared to every home on my block due to the placement of it being between a small hill, meaning you could see it 2-3 blocks away. On a clear day you could see my house all the way from the Main Street near my house. My neighbourhood was relatively peaceful compared to my friends from the other side of the school. Our school district covers Atleast 20 miles of land. Going home I had my favourite meal from Culver's, A double Butterburger with cheese curds and lemonade with some marinara sauce. This personally is a top tier mix of food. No matter how many times I rebuke acid from my mouth like this shit is Mortal Kombat, THIS SHIT HARD!
Since this was our first couple of days, We didn't have any homework assignments or anything major. Instead we had to get our parental guardians to sign our syllabus and would you look at that, My ID came in the mail. I went to my parents room to do as such and we chattered about our day, From jokes to deep conversation. One thing for sure was that I always had my parents always had my back and felt like they'll be together forever, I hugged them and went on about my day.
I chilled out for the rest of the day watching Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon and some Adult swim to top the night. My favorite show at the time, Aqua Teen Hunger Force had aired its final episode at the time and me watching it felt like the start of a new era and a end of an old. Maybe I'm just overly sentimental? As it hit 10:00pm, I hit the shower and started preparing myself for the upcoming school week. Due to my inability to keep up with time in the shower, I often find myself spending a luxurious amount of time in the shower. Anywhere from 15-45 minutes. It's gotten so bad to the point where my mother gave me a timer and of course being who I am I set it to 9:11 every time. Getting ready for bed, I set my outfit for the week and turned off the lights and hit the hay.

Throughout the day I couldn't help but get sexual imagery out of my head and I guess being there at night only striked a cord to my libido as I sat complacent with my hormones, Damn my teenage years.
I couldn't help it anymore. I felt like a nutt just sitting there with thoughts full of lust and wanted to bust. I picked up my 3DS and looked up pornhub for my favorite video and went to town. For some reason it didn't work for me and I sat there at 12:30am looking like SpongeBob wiping off that one stain that won't go away, MORE POWER! Giving it time I just wouldn't budge open. I said fuck it and went on my Pc and decided to do the dirty work. Looking up my favorite site and proceeded to be entertained, Feeling like the squirrel off of ice age I was on the verge of finding that nutt I longlasted while watching a brunette woman suck down a man after losing a bet. Something about the way she repetitively went to town aroused me and While this happened an FBI Warning appeared and said my laptop had been encrypted and if I don't hand in 500 dollars I will be seeing the Federal agents. This shit scared me beyond relief, I hammered on the off button and just went the fuck to bed bruh, Man I was disappointed as hell. I was in too much of a state of frenzy to even do anything.

August 27th, 2015-
The time was 5:30am, My alarm clock rang and sprung me out of bed. I was flat out tired and was washed with fatigue as well as a percentage of heavy thoughts as I sat on the floor. As I was about to pass out my sister opened my door and told me to wake up, this process continued every 5 minutes until 6:05. My bus leaving at 6:20 I had a few minutes to get ready. I put my black sweatpants on with a red and black sweater feeling better and brushed my teeth. For breakfast, I had waffles and orange juice. Me and my sister walked a block down to the bus stop. Our bus stop had about 5 people today, we drove throughout our neighborhood and saw the usual Exchange street meat, Niggas being Niggas. What I didn't anticipate was the wave of memories from last night that plagued me. What the hell was I gon do about this? How the fuck do I get 500 in 2 weeks? How much ass do I have to sell? How much cheeks do I need to bust? Who's house do I need to Rob or cock I need to slob? Jeez, On my way to school, more real niggas came on with their G Fazos, Wave patterned hair sitting down blaring the whole bus with their brightness. Our bus had arrived at 6:55 like most busses, only time we came late was during a snow day or a unexpected turn.
     Our bus door opened at 7:00 allowing every student to leave. Large crowds of people simultaneously began exiting their bus walking their way to the school doors. I always find it funny because through the Through the large crowds of people you'll always find the ones who matter to you. They come to you like moths nesting on a light at night. Like attracts like. One of my closest friends named Hills who I've known since I came to the district in 2009 was walking beside me as well as several others. He's always had my back and kept all of my secrets. Me and my crew walked and talked our way there and went on about our day. He's considered cool peoples. My student ID let me in the back of the building and I pulled my Class sheet out telling me where all my clssses are as well as my locker. My locker was B140 near the stairs. Surrounding me was Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors. The day went by as normal, From english to reading to social studies, The more time passed the thought of me being arrested for engaging in watching two white people have sex on my 2001 IBM laptop. Imagine wanting to have a good time and instead a big 5"8 nigga named Jared screams "GIMMe YoUR BOOTY" in Cook county correctional Center ramming you with his 29 inch cock. The weight of this situation put me through a whirlwind of sweat as My reading teacher begins teaching and I raise my hand to use the bathroom to have a panic attack. "WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!?!?" I thought to myself, The stress started to cause dandruff from my head to appear exposing the fact I didn't moisturize my hair from the night before. I left to the bathroom for some private time, scattering my thoughts like finding civilization in the middle of a haboob I riddle and knew my realization that 2 weeks wasn't gonna cut and I'd be in jail soon. That is until I heard the sound of an armada March through the halls decking their way to the bathroom...
August 26th, 2015 12:15pm.

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