Dear Unborn Daughter

By Divya_Adu

3.4K 270 54


Dear Unborn Daughter

3.4K 270 54
By Divya_Adu

Dear unborn daughter,

I hope you dream ..

Dream about fairies and unicorns , ask me to play along as if they're as real as we are .. Because as a child I never did

Jump on the couch and leap into my arms because with me you'll always be safe no matter how old you grow , I'll love you even when im on life support and you've got grey hairs in your bangs..

I hope you ask me questions about life.. Like "why are the traffic lights red , yellow and green and not pink , blue or orange" , "how come boys look different ", & questions like "am I pretty?"

Because I will give you all the knowledge I have in me , feed your brain with history , show you how to unlock a soul and how to touch others with your mind..

tell you that you're beautiful the way you are , that your skin is chocolate and your hair defies gravity , let you know that stereotypes aren't what you become but to Defy the odds, give something positive for the papers to talk about and not become a Hashtag on social media..

Dear unborn daughter,

I can't wait for the moment you cry to me that you're bleeding because I will tell you how strong women are and how that blood is the blood of our society , with out you , the world can't plant seeds..
If you just so happen to start before the rest of the girls in your class and that one boy makes fun of you ,

baby you call me and I will let that kid know to his face that the same blood you bleed is the same blood his mother bled before he was conceived ..
Dear unborn daughter,

Don't be afraid to be different , know who you are if u lose sight of that, you come to me and I'll put you back on the right path.

I pray you have a father who is there for you & one who takes you on dates to show you how a man is suppose to treat you , I hope he dances with you like a Luther Vandross song and I hope he tells you how much you mean to him ..Because mine never did

Dear unborn daughter ,

When you laugh , you'll be laughing heavens trumpets like a symphony, when you smile you'll smile like diamonds shined under light , and when your curls bounce they'll remind me of how beautiful life is..

Dear unborn daughter ,
Inspire to be inspired , grow and travel but I know you won't stray to long because I need you & you will need me .. When you are born I will finally know what it feels like to love someone more than I love myself , or anything else in the world ..

Dear unborn daughter ,
I hope you read this too your child just as I read this to you

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