Assassin Love ✓

By sihle0071

71.8K 3.3K 432

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED] What happens when you fall in love with your enemy? Well you do know what ha... More

Phone call?
One night stand?
Big Case?
Old friend?
Heartbreak Anniversary?
That's a wrap?
Why her?
Why me?
I need your help?
Retail therapy?
New boss?
Yah neh life?
Virtual meeting?
Roles reversed?
Shoot now ask later?
Moving out?
Surprise shawty?
The Mole?
Annual Mafia Gala?
Way bigger than we thought?
Secret Admirer?
Flirtatious conversations?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Baby daddy?
Your type?
Sorry not Sorry?
Non-paid actor?
Justice was served?
Huge thunderstorm?
Family reunion?
Made life easier?
Miss me already?
Step two?
Remember where home is?
Special Treatment?
Body party?
After glow?
Beg for it?
Kiss and Make up?
Tension and Anger?
Free man?
Final Verdict?
Getaway Trip?
Late night conversations?
Appreciation date?
Bonnie and Clyde?
Lights out?
Death bed?
Unwanted visitor?
Snoop Around?
Role model?
Critical Piece?
Alternative plan?
Shake the world?
Special Delivery?
Let the games begin?
Spare my life?
Innocent boyfriend?
Small world?
Thinking about him?
Block them out?
Trust fund?
We need to talk?
One step closer?
Regret your desicion?
Clear message?
Meant to be?
Source of happiness?
Lines blurred?
One last time?
Revenge? (part 1)
Revenge? (part 2)
Assassin Love?
Out Now!


557 29 0
By sihle0071

Amukelani's POV

I take my stuff and go to my car. I drive to the police station where the human trafficker is kept at. I get there and go inside and look for Khayelihle Khumalo. They take me to his holding cell and i see him sleeping.

"Sengfikile." I say. (I've arrived.) He wakes up and sits up straight. "Uright?" he asks.  (Are you okay?) "Ngiyaphila wena." (I'm good and you.) "Nami ngiyaphila." (I'm good.) The policeman leaves. "Thank you for coming." "Don't be so quick to thank me. I have a few questions to ask first before I tell you about the bail hearing."

"You can ask away." he says. "You were arrested because of human trafficking and sexual assault?" I ask. "Yes." "Are you guilty of those charges?" "No." "You don't have to lie to me. It will be kept as a lawyer client confidentiality." "I'm serious I didn't commit the crime."

"Do you know anybody that set you up?" I ask. "I know a few people." he says. "Are you 100% sure that you didn't commit the crime." "I'm a million percent sure." "Okay then give me the names of the people that you think are trying to set you up then I'll check them out."

"Okay. When is the bail hearing?" he asks. "It's next week Monday." I say. "Will you represent me?" "It depends with the information I find this weekend. If I find out that you guilty then i won't be able to do that cause i draw the line at sexual assault and human trafficking." "Okay. Thank you for coming." I give him a piece of paper so he can write down names of the guys.

"I'll see you on Monday. If I don't represent you I'll send you a good lawyer that will be able to help you with the case." I say. "Okay thank you but i promise you i would never sexually assualt anyone neither human traffick kids." he says and i nod. I stand up and leave.

I know as a lawyer you need to keep your emotions 1.5 meters away but then i have my own reasons why I'm not willing to help a human trafficker because it hits home and it's not something I've managed to get over so it will be difficult having to represent a person that is guilty of these charges.


Sthembiso's POV

I knew that my charm had worked on her the day she talked about maybe changing or shifting dynamics of our relationship so I knew me asking her out at the gala will be easy. I don't know how to feel about her giving in so easily to me. A part of me feels guilty for using her the same way they used me and this war could result in one of us dead.

But the other part of me wants me to continue using her because her family is after my dad's territory and they need to be gone because no one decides to come after us and expect to get away with it. I question if she has any hidden agenda being with me but there is nothing to gain out of me, right?

I know at some point we will have to get intimate as the relationship progresses because there is no way we can stay Mary the virgin unless she's those ones that believe that sex is for marriage. I am nervous about being intimate with her because intimacy is a whole new level and it's not just about fucking her until she falls asleep there are emotions involved...

"Sthandwa.." says Siyanda. (Love.) Oh yes I'm in the presence of Siyanda. I just want the court case to end so all of this can be over. "Yeah." I ask. "Are you okay?" "I'm okay and you." "I'm okay. What are you thinking about?" "It's just about the case that's it." "Don't let it consume you otherwise you will suffer from heart palpitations." I chuckle.

"I can't help it though because my innocence is on the line." I say. "Stress less cause you hired a pretty good attorney that will get you out of this sticky situation." she says. "Yeah." "Eat up so we can leave." She is joining me in court today which is annoying but I have to suck it up.

After eating she washes the dishes and we leave. We get to court and the paparazzi are doing what they famous for. We get out of the car and the cameras are flashing and I'm being asked questions about whether I'm guilty or not. I roll my eyes. I wish i wasn't guilty...He would have betrayed you far worse had he been alive.

We get inside and find Amu and Jessica talking. We greet each other and we go and sit down. "Look who decided to show her face to support her man." says Amu. "I don't like the fact that you making fun of my dead relationship." I say. "It's nice doing that. It's kind of entertaining." I roll my eyes and she chuckles.

"All rise." says the policeman. We all stand up. The judge walks in. "Case number 882266. Mbele vs Khoza. You may sit down." We sit down. He gives the judge the docket.

"May we bring in the guard that was working at the border on the day of the trafficking." says the judge. The guard stands up and walks to the stand and puts his hand on the bible. " Do you promise to speak the truth, nothing but the truth so help me God." says the policeman. "I promise." he says.

"Prosecutor." says the judge. Nthabiseng stands up. "May you introduce yourself to the court and tell us what you do for a living." she says. "My name is Mpho Matladi and I'm a security guard." he says. "Where do you work?" "I work at the border."

"Can you give us a background about yourself." she says. "I'm a security guard and I'm 39 years old. I have two kids. I have been working as a guard for the past 5 years." he says. "Have you ever faced problems at work?" "No."

"Have you ever done illegal things or engaged yourself in illegal activities?" she asks. "No." he says. "What happened on the day of the trafficking?" "I was doing my shift and a truck came by. I stopped the truck to search it and i found drugs, weapons and diamonds and called the police."

"Did you ask the driver any questions pertaining the things you found?" she asks. "I did ask him and he didn't answer me he was trying to bribe me to let him go through." he answers. "Did you accept the bribery?" "No." "That will be it your honour." She sits down. "Defense." says the judge. Amu stands up.

"So you say that you found the illegal stuff in the truck and called the police." she says. "Yes." he says. "What was his reaction when you told him you calling the police?" "He was nervous and tried to convince me to let him cross the border." "Did he offer you anything to stop you from calling the police?"

"He tried offering me money and told me that his boss was dangerous." he says. "Did he tell you the name of the person he was working for?" she asks. "No." "Did you find anything else beside the drugs, weapons and diamonds?" "No."

"What happened when the police got there?" she asks. "They asked me to explain what happened and then they took him away." he says. "Did his arm look like it was injured?" "Which one?" "Whichever one." "No it didn't look like he had been injured." "That will be it your honour."  She sits down. She just proved that Sipho was lying about his condition on the day of his arrest claiming that I broke his arm.

"May we call in one of the truck drivers that work for the defendant." says the judge. He stands up and walks to the stand and puts his hand on the bible. "Do you promise to speak the truth, nothing but the truth so help me God." says the policeman. "I promise." he says.

"Prosecutor." says the judge. Nthabiseng stands up and walks to the front.

"May you introduce yourself to the court and tell us what you do for a living." says Nthabiseng. "My name is Ziphozonke Mabaso and I'm a truck driver." he says. "Who do you work for?" "I work for Sthembiso Khoza but sometimes I help his brothers with deliveries from time to time."

"When did you start delivering for his brothers?" she asks. "Around 2020." he says. "Did he promise a higher salary if you do that?" "Yes." "How do his brothers treat you?" "They treat me the same way he treats me."

"Has he ever laid a hand on you?" she asks. "No." he says. "Has he ever not allowed you to take leave at work?" "No." "Have you seen him engage in illegal activities?" "No." "That will be it your honour." Nthabiseng sits down. "Defense." Amu stands up and walks to the front.

"Can you describe the relationship you have with Mr. Khoza and his brothers." says Amu. "Its a professional relationship but Mr. Khoza makes sure that he checks up on us as his employees from time to time." he answers. "Have you ever been unfairly treated by him or his brothers?" "No."

"Have you ever met Thabiso Mbele?" asks Amu. "No I have never met him." he answers. "Have you ever met Sipho Dlamini?" "No." "Do you believe the allegations that Mr. Khoza used to ill treat Sipho Dlamini?" "No because no employee has ever complained about him and his brothers."

"Do you believe that Mr. Khoza transports illegal goods out of the country?" asks Amu. "No he has never asked us to deliver such." "No further questions your honour." She sits down and the witness gets off the stand.

"The next meeting will be on the 29th of July at 9:45. Case dismissed." He hits the gavel and stands up and leaves. We all stand up and leave. She says her goodbyes and leaves with Jessica.

"I see Nthabiseng is starting to give up." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "Yeah and that's a good thing." I say. "I guess we can start celebrating slowly but surely."  "I need to meet up with you guys I have something to tell you." "Siyanda you not pregnant right?" asks mom. "No ma." she said. "Oh thank goodness we don't do kids out of wedlock." Siyanda chuckles.

Why on earth would she think i made her pregnant? I have always been playing it safe when it comes to her. I wouldn't want to put myself in a deadly situation. "Then uzoza endlini sizokhuluma." says dad. (We will talk when you get home.) I nod and we leave. 

We get in the car and i drop Siyanda off at her workplace. "I want us to go out this weekend." she says. "Askies I can't I'm very busy this weekend." I say. (Sorry.) "Okay then maybe next week." "Yeah definitely next weekend and i promise to make it up to you." She smiles and i kiss her and she gets off.


I get inside and i find my mom cooking in the kitchen. "Uphekani?" I ask. (What are you cooking?) "Ukudla." she answers. (Food.)"Is it ready?" "Almost. Your dad is in his office." "Okay. Why did you think I made Siyanda pregnant?" "I can't help but assume cause that's the type of announcements people be making nowadays." "I didn't and i will never." "Be careful." I nod.

I walk to my dad's office and i find him working. This man has always been a workaholic even at his big age he still overworks himself. "Your eyesight is ruined because of that thing in front of you." I say. "This thing helped you live a luxurious life when you were a child." he says. I sit down and pour myself a glass of scotch.

"You making yourself comfortable with my own bottle." he says. "I'm trying to bond with you." I say. "Since when." "Since ngin phatele indaba ezimnandi." (Since I've brought you good news.) "Zikhipe." (Tell us the news.) "Be patient." "Look whose talking." "I'm a patient man baba unlike you." He chuckles.

"Ngthelele." he says. (Pour for me.) I pour him a glass and give it to him and he thanks me. "How is life?" he asks. "As you can see its not going good I'm even losing weight." I say. "Everything will be okay. After this you must go on a vacation." "That I'm definitely doing."

The others enter the office and sit down and pour themselves a glass. "This is my bottle." says dad. "And you are our father." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "Yes baba. You must take care of us as it is your responsibility." says Sbongakonke. "And you are supposed to know that the minute you have a child its not only yours." says Siphelele. "I told you but you don't listen." I say.

"Sthembiso spill the beans." says Sbongakonke. "Hopefully you didn't make her pregnant." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "No don't worry i will never put myself through lifetime trauma and commitment." I say. "Okay then that's good news."

"I have started with the seduction plan." I say. "Which one cause you have two?" asks dad. "Amu and secondly I only have one seduction plan going on." "So you in?" "I'm in." "Okay that's good news." "Yeah it is."

"How did you do it?" asks SimphiweyiNkosi. "The same way you approach the ladies." I answer. "I'll slap that sarcasm out of you." "And I'll continue replying sarcasticly to rhetorical questions." "Baba khuza umtanakho." (Reprimand your child.) "Leave me out of it." says dad. "Can't keep running back to dad when things don't work out." He rolls his eyes.

"Have you decided what to do with Siyanda?" asks Siphelele. "She is dying. I'll kill her a few months after the case so there is no suspicions raised about if i did it." I say. "She won't see this one coming." "What about her daughter?" asks Sbongakonke.  "She should have thought about the consequences before crossing me." "Okay."

"I guess its time to celebrate." says dad. "Let us celebrate." I say. We put our glasses in the air and clink them together. "So do you have a plan for the Mngomezulu's now that Sthembiso is in?" asks SimphiweyiNkosi. "I'll let you know later for now let us just enjoy..." 

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