Only For You - Steve Harringt...

By WeTookAChonce1208

207 4 7

When Nicole and her family move to a new town. She doesn't know what to expect. Small town life wasn't really... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

7 0 0
By WeTookAChonce1208

Fire in the hole

Nicole rolled over hugging someone's arm.

"Hey Steve." She mumbled kissing the person.

"Will you stop making out with my foot." Dustin said shaking his foot away from Nicole.

"What?" She asked, sitting up wiping her eyes. She turned her head seeing Max driving. "Oh god were all going to die." She said laying back down.

"Nicole?" Steve asked, looking up at Mike who gave him a disgusted look. Steve moved his hand to touch his eye.

"No, don't touch it." Dustin said moving his hand.

Steve looked up at Dustin. "Hey buddy, shhhhhhhhhhh. It's okay. You put a good fight. He kicked you ass but you put up a fight. Your okay."

"Okay your going to keep straight for half of a mile. Then make a left at mount Sinai." Lucas instructed Max.

"What's going on?" Steve asked looking at Max. "Oh my god!" He said when she realized she was driving.

"Just relax she's driven before." Dustin reassured.

"In a parking lot." Nicole says.

"Yeah it counts." Lucas says.

"Oh my god." Steve repeats.

"They we're going to leave you both behind, but I reassured you were cool." Dustin said.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! What's going on!" Steve says.

"Shhhhh! Your giving me a headache." Nicole says sitting up.

"Stop the car! Slow down!" Steve yells.

"I told you they would freak out." Mike says.

"Stop the car." Steve repeats.

"It's just him freaking out, Nicole seems chill." Dustin points out. Nicole sat on the floor poking her swollen eye. "Stop." Dustin said quietly, moving her hand.

"Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Max yells.

"Oh wait, that's Mount Sinai. Make a left." Lucas says.

"What?" Max ask.

"Make a left!" Lucas yells.

The car quickly turns hitting a mailbox. Everyone screams.

"This is fun!" Nicole laughs.

"No. No this is not fun!" Steve yells.

"It's like a roller coaster." Nicole continues.

"Yeah if you died at the end of roller coasters!" Steve yells. Suddenly the car stops. Steve falling off the seat and landing on Nicole in the floor board.

"Hi." She said.

"Hey." He said kissing her.

"Your mouth taste like blood." She said.

""I think that's your mouth babe." He laughs.

"Will y'all too just get a room." Dustin said. Max and Lucas got out of the car, Lucas pulling up the front seat so the others could slide out, Nicole started to push Steve off of her but Dustin shoved him back down climbing over both of them getting out of the car, Mike doing the same after them.

"So do we have to get out of the car and go after them?" Steve ask.

"Yes." Nicole responds.

"Did Billy, do all that to you?" He asked, lightly touching her eye.

"No, my dad when I got home yesterday did." She said.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"You fine, I was thinking-"

"Are you both just going to stay in the car?" Mike asked sticking his head inside.

"No." Nicole responds pushing Steve up, and him climbing out of the car, Nicole climbing out after him.

"So what are we doing here?" Nicole ask.

"We are going to light the hole in the ground on fire, to help extract bad guy from possessing Will, and Eleven close the portal. Did I get that right?" Steve ask.

"Yep, good job!" Dustin replies high fiving him.

"I thought Eleven was dead?" Nicole says.

"Nope, she's been living with Hopper for months." Steve says.

"That's a plot twist." Nicole says putting on a pair of googles and bandana over her mouth.

"No, your staying here." Steve says.

"Like hell I am, you are not going down there with a group of barley teenagers alone. My sister being one of them." She said taking out her pocket knife.

"Whoa! What are you doing with that!" Steve asked.

"Defending myself, what do you think?" She said.

"Whatever you say love." Steve said. They helped the kids get into the hole in the ground, then Steve helped lower Nicole in.

Putting his hand on her ass on accident, but once he realized apologizing, jumped down.

After she looked up at his with a smirk on her face as he jumped into the hole in the ground.

"Holy shit." Steve says looking around.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way." Mike says looking at the map he had.

"You're pretty sure, or are you certain?" Dustin asked.

"I'm 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know." He replied, beginning to walk off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't think so." Steve said.

"What?" Mike asked.

"Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame. Got it dipshit?" He asked. "From here on out, I'm leading the way. Come on, let's go." He yelled, the kids following him, Nicole at the back to make sure nothing attacks them from behind.

"Come on!" Steve continued to yell. "Hey a little hustle!"

They walk a long ways, Nicole was positive the were going the wrong way.

Suddenly Dustin stopped looking up at the ceiling.

"Come on bud, let's go!" Nicole said putting a hand on his shoulder.

Suddenly something spit something on them from the ceiling knocking both of them over.

"Shit!" Dustin yelled as he fell.

"What the hell?" Nicole asked.

"Help! Help! Help!" Dustin said jumping up and running towards the group, Nic slowly getting up behind him.

"Dustin?" Mike said.

"Shit!" He yelled falling.


"What happened?" Steve asked.

"It's in my mouth! Some got on my mouth! Shit!" Dustin yells, before breaking out in a fit of coughing.

"I'm okay." He says after a second looking up at them.

"You serious?"

"Very funny man."

"Wait, where's Nicole?" Steve ask. The all look behind Dustin, too see she's not there.

"She was right behind me." Dustin says. They look with still no sight of her.

"Who are we looking for?"

Steve turns around to see Nicole right behind him making him jump.

"Geez Nic. You!" He laughs.

"Oh sorry, come on." She says motioning forward and they start walking again.

"Alright Wheeler." Steve says eventually. "I think we've found your hub."

"Drench it." Mike says.

They began pouring the gasoline all over the walls and floor. Trying to be as hasty as possible. Once finished they gathered towards the way they came into the hub.
"You ready?" Steve ask.

A chorus of replies can be heard in response, all saying yes.

"Light her up." Dustin says. Steve opens the lighter.

"I am in such deep shit." He says before Igniting the flame and tossing it at the center of the room. Causing flames to ingulf their view and the teens to step back in reflex.

"Go! Go! Go!" Steve says grabbing Nicole's hand and running.

"Let's go! Let's go!" He said ushering the kids forward.
"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Dustin yells.

They run more closer to the exit.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Steve screams. "Hey this way!" He said Turing a corner.

"Are you sure your reading it correctly?" Nicole ask.

"Probably." Steve responds.

Suddenly something grabbed Mike's ankle, a tentacle wrapping around it.

"Help! Help! Help! Help!" He screamed.

The group ran up to him, "hold on!" Steve yells.

"Steve pull him out!" Dustin yells.

"Everyone back!" Steve yells pulling out his back prepared to hit the vine, Nicole put up her hand stopping him, quickly pulling back out her knife in a clean cut she sliced it in half. It let go of Mike, him quickly jumping to his feet.

"you good?"

"You okay?"

"Guys we gotta go!" Steve says but when they turn around they are met with a demo dog. They all stop staring at it, until Dustin suddenly goes, "Dart."

"Dustin get back!"

"Trust me, please." He said approaching the creature.

"Hey. it's me, it's me. It's just your friend, it's Dustin. It's Dustin alright? You remember me? Will you let us pass?" He asked, earning a growl from Dart.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?" Dustin asked taking off his backpack.

"He is insane!" Steve whispers to Nicole.

"Shhh! They're having a cute moment!" She responds.

"I've got our favorite. See? Nougat." He say holding up the chocolate bar, then unwrapping it. "Look at that. Yummy. Here, all right? Eat up buddy, come on, eat up." Dustin said tossing him the chocolate. He quickly motioned for the others to pass while Dart was distracted, them doing so.

Dustin walks past him putting back on his goggles and looking down at his friend. "Goodbye buddy." He says.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Steve says pushing everyone down the creepy tunnel.

"That was so sweet." Nicole whispered to Steve.

"He gave a baby demogorgon chocolate, how is that sweet?" Steve ask.

"Men are impossible." She mumbles.

They were almost there when suddenly the ground began to rumble causing them to fall over. They could hear faint roaring in the distance.

"What was that?"

"They're coming. Go! Run!"

Let's go! Let's go!"

"Come on Mike!"

"Move Mike!"

They turned a corner corner seeing the rope they climbed in on.

"There! There!" Lucas yelled.

"Go, go, go! Let's go! Come on! Come on!" Steve yells ushering the kids to climb the rope. Helping Max up, then Nicole. After that Lucas and Mike. Nicole looked down wondering why they stopped. "Dustin come on!" They yelled.

Demo-dog rushed towards them, suddenly running past Steve and Dustin paying them no interest at all.

"Eleven." Mike mumbled.

Dustin and Steve climbed up, they hurried back to the car, driving back to Joyce's house to wait on the others, Steve driving this time, with Nicole in the passenger seat.

"That was crazy." Steve said.

"Yep, I never thought this much shit would be going on when I moved here." Nicole laughed.

"Same." Max agreed.

"It's turned into a normal occurrence really." Mike shrugs.

"Well let's hope this is the last time we have to deal with monsters and shit." Steve says. The group nod in agreement, as they pull into the Byers driveway, seeing Will, Joyce, Nancy, and Jonathan. The kids run up and immediately hug Will making sure he was okay and telling him about the fight and the fire.

"You got into a fight!?" Joyce says, over hearing the kids conversation and turning to the older teens. "Oh goodness!" She said when she saw their bruised faces. "Let's get you both some ice packs."

They followed her inside sitting down at the table when Nancy and Jonathan walk up.

"Hi, I don't think we've met, I'm Nicole." She introduced herself to both of them.

"I'm Nancy, and this is Jonathan." Nancy said, even though Nicole already knew.

"So why did you two get into a fight?" Joyce asked, handing them the ice packs.

"Well, Billy, Nic's brother, was trying to find Max, their stepsister, who is also the little red head over there. But when he found her here with me, he wasn't happy, because he knew Nicole was already hanging around me, and thought I was doing something with his sisters. So he beat me up pretty badly, and Nicole up a little bit." Steve says.

"Nicole looks beat up more than a little bit." Nancy points out.

"Well most of this isn't from the fight earlier. It's from a fight yesterday." Nic responds.

"Who did you get into a fight with yesterday?" Nancy ask.

"My dad." Nicole replies.

"Oh," Nancy responds.

Joyce just hugged Nicole again, just because she felt bad.

"Elevens here!" Dustin called to the others, they all went outside to greet her except for Steve and Nicole.

"You know you didn't have to tell them about your dad." He says.

"And you didn't have to tell them about you hanging around with me, but it's fine, I chose too." She responds. Steve leans forward to kiss Nicole on the check but she turns her head so she kisses him on the lips.

"Still tastes like blood." She laughed.

Hello everyone! How are you doing? My week has been good. Here is this chapter! so season two is officially over the next couple of chapters will be in between season three and two, and soon we will get to summer with season three. I hope you enjoyed this chaotic chapter and have a great day! Bye 🤗!

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