Cobra Kai Oneshots

By NewYorkDoll

34.8K 381 114

Just some ideas I've had whilst watching my new favourite show! 🐍đŸĨ‹ Now including Season 5 based stories! #... More

A Dangerous Part-Time Job
Drive-In Fight
King Cobra
The Body
New Job
Robby's 18th Birthday
"You're Going To Be a Grandfather."
Sex Tape
The Princess and The Pauper
Birthday Gift
Heartfelt Shit
Queen in Distress
Aftermath (1)
The First Proposal
The most important piece on the chessboard
What the hell did I miss?
Someone Different Behind the Door
Finding Out About the Consequesces
The View Through The Window
Brothers Bonding
Girl Stuff
Boy Problems
No Caller ID
Switching Rooms
Seeing The Future
The Meaning of Queen
Who wants to be King?


1K 12 6
By NewYorkDoll

An AU rewrite of the season 5 finale based off a storyline from Emmerdale.

/ /

After Daniel had given Kreese the number of his very good lawyer they had made an appeal to the police regarding Kreese's innocence. Kreese explained to them that he already had help on the outside in trying to find proof that Silver had set him up.

The police approached Tory and asked her if she would be willing to help them in their investigation by talking Silver into a confession whilst they were watching and listening from a safe distance, promising her that he would not know they were there and she would be perfectly safe.

Tory had already pushed her friends and loved ones away during her and Kreese's scheme and was determined to see it through so that is wasn't all for nothing, therefore she happily agreed to help. However, as the Miyagi-Fangs and their allies done some digging of their own they began to discover that not all was well at Cobra Kai. The latest ally in the fight against Silver and Cobra Kai was Mike Barnes, who turns out had a personal connection to Tory. She wasn't exactly pleased to be reintroduced to her father or have him worm his way into her business but she didn't have much of a choice as the police needed parental consent for her participation and there was no way Tory could let her sick mom know about the dangerous events in her daughter's life. Mike didn't agree with Tory's decision but due to the numerous amounts of making up he had to do he let her have her way and signed the parental consent form. Mike just so happened to be a lawyer and managed to talk his way into watching the surveillance of Tory and Silver with the police.

One morning on her way to training Tory noticed a familiar car (thankfully not a painfully obvious one) the occupant had chosen to take his mom's car rather than his dad's but it was still a risk. Later in the day, Tory went to pay the occupant of the car a visit. Entering the apartment complex she found who she was looking for with his new brother.

"Hey, you okay?" Robby asked once he noticed who had entered.
"Yeah. Have you got a sec?" Tory asked. Things were still a little tense and awkward between them since their break up; sensing this Miguel stood up from the patio chair and went inside his apartment saying "He's all yours."
"I saw you outside. You need to stop. If I saw you, then he's gonna see you and he's gonna know something's up." Tory said sitting down and leaning close to Robby so that they could argue quietly. "Something is up." Robby argued. "I want you out of that dojo."
"Not until I have nailed him."
"And how long is that going to take, eh?"
"I've already got him to confess about bribing the ref."
"So why isn't he in the nick?"
"Because that was before the police got involved and it's not what their looking for. Listen to me, I can get this, I know I can." Robby shook his head thinking it was a terrible plan. Tory tried to look through the window's to Miguel and Johnny's apartments to make sure they weren't seen. "They want me to wear a wire, in case Silver tries to delete the dojo's security footage before they get to him."
"Oh my go-"
"Robby, I can do this. I just need your help."
"I thought you didn't need my kind of help."
"Well you'd have to restrain yourself from caving his head in." Tory said to which Robby scoffed. "Oh what? You want to see him go free, is that it? You want to watch Kreese go down for assault-"
"You know I don't want that-"
"Right, well then help me end it." Robby sighed before nodding asking "What do I have to do?"

/ /

The police had set up their surveillance room in a building across the street from the dojo and were going over the plan with Tory as they set her up with the wire.

"You can always change your mind." Detective Flanagan informed Tory.
"She's sure." Mike said having already tried to talk her out of it. "Let's get it over with."
"Right, I wanna try something new, get him talking quicker, Robby's gonna help."
"You'll get a better result if you stick to the same routine." His partner Detective Kennedy told Tory.
"Why don't you just hear her out?" Mike suggested. "Or do you want to go home to your Sergeant empty handed?"
"Go on then. I'm all ears." Detective Kennedy said sitting down willing to hear the girl out. Tory explained her plan to fake an argument with Robby in front of Silver as the two men had a history of distrusting and hating each other and she thought Silver would slip up when convincing her to believe him and stay at Cobra Kai, and to her surprise the detectives and officers agreed to it. "Okay, same drill for inside the dojo. If you get outside stay as close to him as possible - more than a couple of arms distance and all we'll get is your heavy breathing."
"Yeah, and we need to hear it. I've got it."
"If you do leave the dojo, remember the further away from us, the greater the risk. Don't deviate from what we agreed, if you do we might have to intervene before we've got enough evidence."
"And what happens when he confesses?" Mike asked.
"As soon as we're certain what we've got will stand up in court we'll move in to arrest."
"How long will that take?" Tory questioned.
"What happens if she needs you before then?" Mike asked.
"I won't." Tory said surely. He rolled his eyes at his daughter and continued "How does she call you in?"
"Well, we can use a code word or phrase. Is there something you'd like to use?" Detective Flanagan asked.
"Well he, he thinks I'm ill, doesn't he? That was my excuse for leaving early yesterday. So I could say I feel sick."
"That's perfect."
"Right, you need any help you say that no matter what." Mike demanded.
"Yes, Dad. I know." She assured.

/ /

That afternoon everyone put the plan into action. Robby and Tory had their fake fight in front of the dojo where Silver is watching from and just as she predicted Silver couldn't resist asking what it was about when she walked into the dojo.

"Robby doesn't like you. He doesn't trust you, least of all with me."
Silver barks out a laugh "Oh that's ridiculous! The safest place for you is with me, at Cobra Kai where I will teach you how to be strong. I'll protect you from your father, the LaRussos, hell, Mr. Keene if that becomes required."
"I thought you only cared about protecting Cobra Kai."
"Your Cobra Kai's champion. Protecting you is protecting Cobra Kai - they're synonymous."
"I don't know... I think I need to get away from here for a little while."
"Well, that's just Robby talking."
"It's not him. It's just everything, the tournament. I can't stop thinking about what happened."
"Right, so this is why you've been so up and down, you think I can't be trusted?"
"No, I trust you. But what if something changes? What if in a year when I've aged out of the All Valley and you decide you can't trust me."
"Oh what? Knowing what I know."
"So what?"
"I want to know that I will be safe. I mean, what if they all find out? The whole Valley will have me pegged for it!"
"That's not going to happen. You have nothing to worry about."
"Fine. Go over it one more time. Make me understand. Make me understand how you are so calm about everything and tell me how I can be too!"
"No, you know what? I'm done talking about it. I've explained it. You know everything there is to know!"
"Right. Well then I guess I'll see you around." Tory headed for the door but as she opened it Silver called her back "Wait, Tory. Stay."
"Talk to me then."
"Do you really think I'll hurt you? How can I change your mind?"
"You need to make me."
"By going over and over what's done? I'm sorry, how's that going to help? Yeah? This is about you and Robby now. I hate to tell you this, kid, but not all teenage romances work out. Perhaps your and Robby's problems keeping you apart are bigger than Cobra Kai."
"Maybe... Maybe it would be different if we both won. Why did the ref only change things in my match? You never explained that." Tory said getting the conversation back on track. Terry explained everything again adding one detail which Tory was able to use to steer the conversation towards his other crime.

"Sensei Kreese had too much of a soft spot for you. For Cobra Kai too, in a way. He wanted to protect it but he was going about it all wrong. You've done bad things for the right reasons before, haven't you Tory?"
"I would say so. Some might argue they weren't valid reasons. Have you ever done that? Besides bribe the ref I mean."

/ /

"Too leading." Detective Kennedy tutted. Mike sighed he knew it was true but his concern for his daughter outweighed his legal head. "You've got to be kidding me."
"She's inviting him to talk about it, it won't be admissible as evidence you should know that."
"Yeah, I do. But she doesn't. How's she going to know what to do after he talks about it and then you don't come in to get her?"
"We'll just have to hope she'll work it out."
"Ugh!" Mike huffed.

/ /

"Maybe... once or twice in the past. But it's always been to protect someone or something-"
"Like Cobra Kai." Tory said.
"Exactly. And now, you. Like I said Cobra Kai and it's champion are synonymous."
"No. You've only ever wanted to protect yourself. I'm sure as hell not gonna be your excuse. Nor am I going to let you use Cobra Kai as an excuse, something that Sensei Kreese and Sensei Lawerence built to teach kids how to protect themselves. You... you use it as a way to hurt people, to hurt kids, to have kids hurt other kids. Why!? Why did you have to ruin it? I loved Cobra Kai! I loved the tournament! I thought I won, it was everything I ever wanted!"
"You did win."
"You want to be Cobra Kai? You want to be Cobra Kai? I'll make you Cobra Kai. You've just gotta do something for me first." Tory quoted.
"Recognise that? He was defenceless, you hurt Stingray and framed Sensei Kreese for it. Old people don't realise just how clever technology is - it never really goes away. You beat Stingray up and framed Sensei Kreese for it."
"And just where is this recording of me hurting Stingray?"
"Somewhere safe."
"I want to see it."
"So there's a fake recording of me hurting Stingray and I don't get to see it."
"It's not fake."
"Where'd you get it?"
"Doesn't matter where I got it."
"This is Robby, in'it? You can't trust him, he wants to destroy Cobra Kai - destroy everything you've worked for."
"It doesn't matter where I got it because I heard it and I know what you did!"
"I didn't do anything, this is Robby!"
"You told me that he was hurt when you found him!"
"But you didn't find him like that. You caused him to be like that!" Tory shouted hitting him unceremoniously with her fists.
"I didn't do anything! Calm down!"
"I am not going to calm down 'till you give me the truth." Tory shouted pointing her finger at him.
"We need to work this out."

/ /

"Get in there. She's lost it." Mike demanded.
"She knows the bribery confession is only a small piece of the puzzle. She's getting us the bigger piece."
"She's freaking out. Get in there and nick him."
"We weren't investigating the bribery. We can't arrest him for that on its own. We need what we came here for first."
"Like that's ever stopped you before."
"Put the team on standby but I want to see how this plays out." Detective Kennedy told her partner. Detective Flanagan picked up his radio saying "Standby to strike. Suspect is in the downstairs dojo."

/ /

"Stop lying." Tory demanded.
"I need to think this through."
"Stop lying!"

/ /

"I know my daughter and I'm telling you, you need to get her out of there."
"She hasn't used the code phrase - she's okay."
"She is not okay!"

"Make sure they don't get to close." Detective Kennedy warned to the person on the other end of the line.

"Are you thick or what?" Mike exclaimed "Get in there and storm the dojo and get him out!"

/ /

"Okay, I did lie. I lied. But I was doing it to protect you - to protect all of my students - Sensei Kreese was leading you down the wrong path."
"You're aware I have trust issues, right? And you've already gone behind my back once, so I need you to tell me the truth if you want this partnership to continue." Silver remained silent. "Tell me!!" She screamed.
"That buffoon walked into the dojo the morning after your prom. To tell you the truth, from what I heard, you had a much better night than what I had. So I was a little upset. He wanted me to go against Sensei Kreese's decision and I spied an opportunity. He said he wanted to prove himself to me. He said he would do anything. I'll admit I started hitting him before I told him my plan. I told him the ambulance was on it's way. You hear that bit? Why would I say that if I wanted to kill him? Huh? It was all part of a plan, Stingray agreed to it. He was calm and knew what was coming."
"You weren't calm though, were you? You were drinking and on something else it looked like. It was so easy for you, wasn't it. He wasn't going anywhere. He couldn't put up a fight."
"You don't know how it was."

/ /

"Get him out! Now!" Mike shouted but the detectives didn't move. "Alright, fine. I'll do it myself."
"Detective Flanagan arrest Mr. Barnes for obstruction!" Detective Kennedy called out as Mike stormed for the door. The detective managed to pin Mike against the wall "Michael Barnes, I am arresting you for obstruction."
"I don't believe this!"
"You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned-"
"Right! Shut it!
"-something you later rely on in court."
"You're lucky we even let you in here." They all argued over each other.
"I'll be quiet." Mike promised. "Just don't let her get hurt."

/ /

"I was as gentle as could be whilst still trying to make it look convincing." Tory's shaky breath. Silver steps forward caressing her cheek "You know, you and I are a lot alike. We both have taken extreme measure to protect what is ours."
"I feel sick." She whispered horrified and in shock. "I feel sick." She repeated at a normal volume before becoming hysterical "Come and get him. Please, I am done!" She shouted running her hands through her hair.

/ /

"Go! Go! Go!" Detective Kennedy shouted through her headset.
"Go! Go! Go!" Detective Flanagan repeated to another SWAT team through the radio.

/ /

"Who the hell are you talking to?" Silver asked Tory.

/ /

Detective Kennedy and Mike ran out heading for the front door of the dojo catching the attention of the Lawerence-Diaz family who had just come out of a more successful trip to Olive Garden. "Oh my god. Mike! What is going on?" Johnny shouted frantically running over.
"They're arresting Silver."
"Why? What has he done?" Carmen asked having not been caught up on the karate war due to being preoccupied with Miguel leaving and then discovering she was pregnant.
"Mr Barnes. Mr Barnes! Step back!" Detective Flanagan ordered.
"No way!" Mike shouted. Robby instantly realised why Mike was acting that way and ran up to him "Where's Tory?"
"Get off!" Mike shouted as Detective Flanagan manhandled him away from the entrance to the dojo.
"Is Tory in there?"
"Get back!" Detective Flanagan shouted trying to herd to two men away from the building.
"Oh my god! Is Tory in there?"
"Come back. Quick as you can."
"Where is she? Is she in there with him?"
"Move back please."
"Oh my god!!"
"This way." He said moving them to behind a car at the side of the building.

/ /

"Who's coming to get me, Tory?" Silver asked before looking out the window. Whilst he was distracted for a moment Tory tried to run for the door but Silver grabbed her before she could get away. Silver picked Tory up and threw her to the ground before turning and locking the front door and pressing a button to darken the windows. Fortunately, his long range meant that Tory was now closer to the back door and she tried to escape again. Silver chased after her and easily picked her up again, wrapping his arms around her and pinning her arms to her torso so she couldn't escape from him as he carried her back to the main area. "You're a monster and you are going to pay for what you did." Silver held Tory against the wall by the neck "A monster? Huh? A monster?" He shouted before pushing her down to the ground. Silver stared ahead at the blacked out windows as he thought out his next move.

/ /

"Keep your eye on these two, make sure they don't go anywhere." Detective Flanagan ordered one of his officers.
"What have you done?" Robby asked. "Please, just talk to me Mike. What has he done? Is she in there with him?" Mike's only response was a sigh "She's in there, isn't she? Oh my god."

Daniel and Sam walked up behind them "Please tell me that they got him?"
"You told him and not me?" Johnny questioned.
"I told him nothing."
"My lawyer contacted me about Kreese's case. The police said we had to act like everything was normal."
"And what were you doing letting her do this?" Robby angrily questioned Mike.
"It's the least that she could do!" Sam spat. Robby only had time to spare her a glare before going back to panicking "And you didn't think to stop her?"
"I tried." Mike insisted.
"Well not hard enough obviously because she wouldn't be held hostage now, would she?"
"She's what?" The LaRussos said in shock.
Mike sighed again "She's let on about the police. He's threatening to kill her."
"Not that you'd care." Robby spat at Sam.
"Of course I care!"
"Well a fat lot of good that's gonna do now, isn't it?" Robby sighed leaning his head on his hands on top of the car.

They all waited there for a few minutes before Mike got bored "What are they playing at?" He muttered and left going round to the back of the dojo were the detectives were waiting with the SWAT team.

/ /

"Sensei Silver, please. Please, just let me go." Tory begged from her position against the wall.
"Oh, I'm afraid I can't let you leave Miss Nichols." He replied from where he was crouched down across from her so as not to be hit by bullets.
"You've proven that you can't be trusted and you know far too much to just let you leave. Who knows what and who you would tell?"
"I promise I won't."
Silver laughed "I already told you I don't trust you. Your promise means nothing to me."

They stayed there crouched for a while until Tory got her confidence back to try and escape again. Silver immediately ran after her and caught her again. "No! Noo! Get off me!! Get off me!" He takes a struggling Tory upstairs "Get your hands off me! Get off me! Get your hands off me" In her panic Tory had forgotten all of her training. Luckily, due to his panic Silver had also forgotten some of his and one well timed back kick from Tory sent Silver tumbling down the stairs. Tory gasped gripping the railing for support as she looked at the unconscious Silver with a large gash above his right eyebrow. A thought crossed her mind quickly wondering if this is how Robby felt when he looked at Miguel at the bottom of the stairs. She slowly made her way down the stairs still gripping the handrail and wall but received the fright of her life when she reached the bottom and a hand grabbed her ankle. Tory let out the most terrified scream before stomping on Silver's stomach growling "Get off me." Once more to free herself from him. Tory ran for the back door moving the weight bench that Silver had thrown in front of it as she ran.

"We've got it covered. Get back behind the cord." Detective Flanagan told Mike as he tried to push him back.
"Like hell you have." He growled shoving the detective's arm off of him.
"Contact!" One of the SWAT shouted as they saw Tory come running out the back door and for the first time in 11 years she was very happy to see that familiar face. "Daaad! Dad! Daaaad!!" She screamed running straight into his arms whilst he caught her.

In the dojo there was a mixture of shouts as they ran in to get Silver:

"Stay down!"

Tory continued to cry and sob hysterically in her father's arms as he hugged her tightly whispering that he'd never let anyone harm her again whilst a police officer tried to move them back from the scene.

"Terrance Silver, I am arresting you on suspicion of assault, obstruction of justice and bribery. You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence! Get him up!"

The police officer and Mike succeeded in moving Tory back whilst she remained distraught in her father's arms; she could no longer stand and collapsed to the ground in fear and exhaustion whilst Mike tried to calm her down "Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh." But it was no use.
Detective Flanagan walked up to Mike saying "You and me are gonna take a walk while they bring him out. We'll take care of Tory."
"Really?" Mike asked incredulously.
"Really." He confirmed.
Robby and Daniel had run forward and Robby took Tory from Mike as the detective led him away "We'll just be round the corner, okay?" Detective Flanagan assured Mike.
"Tory, baby. Come here, darlin'. I'm here now. I'm here babe." Robby soothed as he crouched down on the ground and took her into his arms. Daniel stood over them horrified at the state of the young girl and having flashbacks to his own experiences with Silver. Tory was instantly more comforted by Robby's presence than her father's; as Robby had proved time and time again that he would be there for her unlike her father. Just then Tory spotted the police leading Silver out of the dojo and she scrambled up trying to get further away from him. "Tory. It's alright. It's alright." Robby comforted quickly jumping up "Babe, I'm here. I'm here. Don't worry. Don't worry. You're safe." Robby had moved Tory behind him and was shielding her from Silver. As Silver and the multiple police officers walked by Tory's breathing quickened again. Silver stopped to speak to the man standing next to the two teens "You turned her against me." He spat at Daniel.
"You did that all by yourself."
"I won't forget." Silver said over his shoulder as the police moved him along. "I'll never forget." As he was put into the police van Tory let loose on her emotions and started hyperventilating and sobbing again in Robby's arms as he hugged her tight slightly swaying to try and calm her down. "He's gone babe. He's gone. He's gone, babe."

A/n: First of many fix-it/AUs/ficlets from season 5. I liked the season but I also didn't (if that makes sense 🤷🏻‍♀️). There was a lot that I expected to happen but there was also a lot that I didn't - some good and some bad. I can't believe Mike Barnes was sane and a good guy - I really thought he would be a villain. I just feel like they underused him by giving him that storyline. And, of course, I'm upset there was so little Keenry. We lost our episode 8 streak 😭 I even thought there was something less intense about the season, particularly the finale 🫢. I feared for Johnny and Chozen's lives, but like the kids' fight didn't feel as good 🤷🏻‍♀️. I thought the Robby and Miguel fight would be a longer scene and more intense as well. I hope S5 grows on me as I rewatch it but I think I preferred S4 🙈❤️

I feel like I might get some hate for that opinion 😂 Everyone has been like "S5 was my favourite season!" Maybe it's just because my favourite characters were miserable and barely had any screen time together 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think the adults were definitely more of a focus this season.

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