Devil Soul

By Saval3176

1.1K 69 19

Lilith, heir to Mafia Empire which started by her father murder. Lilith bounds to revenge; Follows a devilish... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29/ Last Part

Part 23

10 0 0
By Saval3176

Louis: Dallas is waiting in the main hall.
Lilith nodded and looked at Louis and Sarah.
Lilith: Where's Tom?
Louis: I don't know...
Lilith frowned and looked at Sarah.
Sarah: I didn't find him. No matter how many times I called him, he did not answer.
Lilith: But today's program was already told to him, why shouldn't he be here?
Lilith was angry. Tom had disobeyed her order very easily and it had been a long time since that had happened.
Louis and Sara quickly noticed Lilith's anger and knew that it could have serious consequences for Tom.
Lilith: After meeting with Dallas, we'll take care of Tom.
Without another word, Louis opened the door for Lilith and the three of them left.


Detective Decker stormed into the anti-smugglimg department.
Detective Decker: Detective Choi, Detective Choi...
He opened the door of detective Choi's room violently and threw himself into the room.
Detective Decker: Dete...
Detective Choi got up from his chair and slammed his hand on the table.
Detective Choi: Decker! It is better for you that this noise has a valid reason.
Detective Decker: Yes, sir.
Decker quickly went to the table and placed some papers on the table.
Detective Decker: Look here, Dallas came into town today and guess where he went? He immediately went to Blake's mansion...
Choi sat back in the chair.
Detective Choi: Who is Dallas?
Detective Decker: Huh?... Oh right, he...
Decker pulled out a piece of paper from among the papers he had brought.
Detective Decker: A big head from South Africa. They suspect him of smuggling diamonds, but they haven't found any evidence. Anyway...
Decker stood straight and waved his hands excitedly.
Detective Dekker: An important smuggler came here from the other side of the world, went straight from the airport to see Lilith Blake, stayed there for a few hours and then went to the hotel.
Decker tapped his index finger on the table.
Detective Decker: They are definitely doing something.
Choi put his elbows on the table and locked his fingers together.
Detective Choi: Hmmm, really interesting...
Decker crossed his arms confidently and smiled.
Detective Choi: And the most interesting thing is that...
Detective Choi narrowed his eyes and carefully looked into Decker's eyes through his clenched fingers.
Detective Choi: How did you get this detailed information? Because as far as I know, Lilith Blake is not under surveillance.
Decker's eyes widened, his confident demeanor disappeared and he gave way to stress.
Detective Decker: That's
Decker put his hand behind his back and locked his fingers together with stress. Without changing his expression, Detective Choi was still staring intently at Decker.
Detective Decker: Well, actually...I can explain it.
Detective Choi: Okay, then explain it.
Decker swallowed. His Adam's apple moved up-down and took a deep breath.
Detective Decker: happened, that is...
Choi got up from his chair, placed his palm on the table, leaned forward slightly and exhaled.
Detective Choi: So you were spying on Lilith Blake without a warrant.
Detective Choi came out from behind the desk and went to Decker.
Detective Choi: Decker, Decker, Decker...
Decker took a few steps back and raised his hand.
Detective Decker: It sounds bad when you say it like that, but I actually spied for a good cause.
Choi nervously closed his eyes and pressed them together.
Detective Choi: Would you like to go to the Archives department again?
Decker's eyes widened.
Detective Decker: No, not at all.
Decker hurried back to the door.
Detective Decker: I will not interfere from now on... Goodbye!
Decker left the room and closed the door behind him. Choi ran a hand through his hair.
Detective Choi: Stupid young man!


Louis held the car door and held his hand for Lilith.
Lilith took Louis's hand and got off with his help. She was wearing a black suit with black heels.
She looked at the sweet shop.
Louis: Right here.
Lilith put on her sunglasses.
Lilith: Let's go.
They went to the sweet shop and entered.
The shop had a warm atmosphere. The overall theme was brown, which made people feel more relaxed. A few tables and chairs were arranged and the smell of sweets and all kinds of hot drinks filled the space.
Lilith turned her head and looked around. She noticed Tom sitting in a chair with his back to the front door. He was facing a young girl and they were both drinking and eating cake. Lilith guessed that she was Julie.
Julie raised her head and noticed the arrival of new people. She hurriedly put the cake in the dish and got up from the chair.
Julie: You are very welcome.
Julie went towards them and her companion, Tom turned back, but his color paled when he saw Lilith and Louis.
The arrival of Lilith could not be good news at all, and certainly Telm did not want a murderer near his girlfriend.

Julie arrived in front of Lilith.
Julie: Come on, you can sit wherever you want.
Lilith smiled.
Lilith: Oh thank must be Julie, right?
Julie smiled uncertainly and took Lilith's outstretched hand.
Julie: Um, right. You seem to know me, but I don't know you...
Tom rushed to them. Only one question kept repeating in his mind, "What is he doing here?"
Lilith: I am Tom's godmother, Lilith! Tom has told me a lot about you.
Julie laughed in surprise and put her hand over her mouth.
Julie: Oh my god, Tom said he had a stepmother, but he didn't say she was that young...
Julie turned to Tom.
Julie: Tom, you should have told me more.
Tom laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. He was looking for the right words and Lilith's presence was still bothering him.
Tom: Um, well...
Lilith: The truth is that I am very busy and that is why I am always traveling. Tom probably wanted to surprise you when we saw each other.
Tom: Ah...yeah...I didn't know you were coming today.
Lilith went to one of the tables with a soft smile.
Lilith: My plans got ahead of schedule, that's why I decided to come to you.
Julie laughed excitedly and went with Lilith.
Tom glanced anxiously at Louis. Louis raised an eyebrow in response and went behind Lilith.
Reaching the side of the table, Louis pulled back a chair for Lilith to sit down.
Lilith: by the way, my dear Julie, this is my assistant Louis.
Julie bowed with a slight smile.
Julie: Nice to meet you.
Louis smiled warmly in response.
Julie, as if she suddenly remembered something, moved away from them and returned within a few moments later.
Julie: What do you like to eat? Today you are all my guests.
Lilith glanced at menu and then looked at Julie who was waiting for her with a deep smile.
Lilith: Bring me a coffee, dear...
She looked at menu and put her finger on it.
Lilith: And one of these special donuts... they look delicious.
Julie laughed softly and confirmed.
Julie: Tom loves these donuts too.
Lilith smiled in response and looked at Tom. She had noticed that whenever Julie laughed or talked, Tom stared at her with happiness.
Louis: Me too, just a simple coffee.
Julie: Sure.
She took menu from the table.
Julie: I'll be back soon.
She quickly ran away from them and Lilith was following her with her eyes.

When Tom was sure Julie was gone, he angrily turned to Lilith and Louis.
Tom: What do you want here?
Lilith turned her head and looked at Tom.
Lilith: Sweet girl.
Tom swallowed hard. Lilith's eyes were completely cold and numb. He knew from the beginning that Lilith's arrival was not a good thing, but this look... it means that everything could be much scarier.
Lilith had only said a short sentence, but Tom had lived with Lilith and he understood what consequences this short sentence could have. He felt a cold sweat on his forehead and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. He tried to hide his trembling by locking his fingers together.
Lilith carefully watched Tom's changes. Seeing Tom's panic, she grinned. "Cowardly boy, why are you trying to make me angry?"
Tom swallowed again and tried to muster up the strength to speak.
Tom: Why did you come here?
Lilith smiled as she saw Julie approaching.
Lilith: We will talk at home, dear.
Julie brought the orders and sat on the chair next to them.

Everyone was talking warmly, although mostly Julie and Lilith were talking. Louis was enjoying his coffee and was mostly listening, but Tom was seriously focusing on Lilith's every move and waiting for a sudden movement.
Sometimes Julie would get up to take orders from other customers and then they would resume the conversation.

Hours passed and it got dark little by little.
Lilith checked the clock.
Lilith: Oh my god, time flies.
She got up from the chair. Julie got up with her. Lilith hugged Julie warmly.
Lilith: Dear Julie, I am really glad to meet you... I hope to see you again.
Julie: I hope so, please come again.
Lilith moved away from Julie but still held her hand. Tom chews his lower lip with stress. Now that Lilith was ready to leave, she would strike at any moment.
Lilith: Oh by the way...
Lilith turned her head and looked at Tom.
Lilith: Can you come with me to house? You know that I have not been here for a long time and I am completely unaware of the situation. It would be great if you come and help me.

Tom looked at Julie worriedly. He was terrified of leaving Julie alone. Who knew what was going on in Lilith Blake's head?
Julie: Go Tom, see you later.
Tom kissed Julie's forehead very briefly and moved away from her. He took Julie's hands and looked into her eyes. His voice could hardly be heard.
Tom: I'll send you a message.
He separated from Julie and went with Lilith and Louis, although Julie accompanied them to the front door of the shop.

All three sat in the car. The silence of the car drove Tom crazy. Finally, he could not bear it.
Tom: What did you come for?
Without turning her head to look at Tom, Lilith answered in her usual cold tone.
Lilith: I said we will talk at home.

So What do you think about Julie? Is she in danger? 😃

I'm willing to hear your ideas.

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