Pieces Of Me

By CassidyRoseNZ

42K 3.1K 252

Eve isn't your average she-wolf. She's an ass kicking, potty mouthed, head warrior. She has no plans of findi... More

Trigger Warning
Chapter 1 Eve
Chapter 2 Eve
Chapter 3 Darius aka 'Hulk'
Chapter 4 Eve
Chapter 5 Eve
Chapter 6 Sirus
Chapter 7 Ruben
Chapter 8 Darius/Hulk
Chapter 10 Eve
Chapter 11 Darius/Hulk
Chapter 12 Eve
Chapter 13 Eve
Chapter 14 Garret
Chapter 15 Eve
Chapter 16 Eve
Chapter 17 Eve
Chapter 18 Darius/Hulk
Chapter 19 Eve
Chapter 20 Garret
Chapter 21 Sirus
Chapter 22 Darius/ Hulk
Chapter 23 Garret
Chapter 24 Eve
Chapter 25 Reece
Chapter 26 Eve
Chapter 27 Darius/Hulk
Chapter 28 Eve
Chapter 29 Darius/Hulk
Chapter 30 Eve
Chapter 31 Garret
Chapter 32 Eve
Chapter 33 Reece
Chapter 34 Eve
Chapter 35 Eve
Chapter 36 Darius/Hulk
Chapter 37 Eve
Chapter 38 Reece
Chapter 39 Eve
Chapter 40 Devlin (Lycan King)
Chapter 41 Garret
Chapter 42 Eve
Chapter 43 Darius/Hulk
Chapter 44 Eve
Chapter 45 Garrett
Chapter 46 Reece
Chapter 47 Eve
Chapter 48 Eve
Chapter 49 Devlin
Chapter 50 Eve
Chapter 51 Eve
After word

Chapter 9 Eve

925 56 5
By CassidyRoseNZ

Trigger warning. Eve’s chapters are going to be brutal for a while. Will contain torture and rape.

Muffled sounds filter through to my ears as I stir. I hear a laugh and groan. Jesus, how much did I have to drink last night?

My body feels like it has been hit by a truck and there is a jackhammer going off in my head. I am so disoriented. The sounds around me were unfamiliar and the musty smell in the air was foreign. I crack open an eye, my vision is blurry with little light.

I move my hands to rub my eyes, finding them numb and uncooperative. I hear a jingling noise when I try again. I realize my arms are raised above me and restrained.

For a moment I smirk. Reece and his kinky ass are at it again. But the laugh I hear suddenly has my head jerking up to take better stock of my surroundings. I carefully scent the air. Beyond the musty smell is the scent of old blood and excretion. I can faintly smell the scent of my brother, his mate, as well as other unknown wolves I don’t recognize. My vision moves into focus, and I can see walls of bars surrounding me. I am in a cell. Three walls of bars and one of stone.

I raise myself cautiously from the floor, the chains at my wrists clinking as I move. Bracing a foot against the stone wall, survival mode now kicks in. I grip one of the chains in both hands and yank as hard as I can against it, but let go fast, hissing in pain as the skin of my hand's burns and bubbles. Bloody silver! Thin material wrapped around my wrists has stopped it from burning prior.

I rack my brain trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I start listing events in my head.

1. Sex in the shower with Reece (Whoop!)

2. Unmated party ( boo!)

3. Found my mate (groan! Bloody Hulk)

4. Dad in the office acting all weird

5. …...The pack was attacked!

My brain floods with memories and I choke back a sob. Mum! Dad! They are gone! Dad’s voice told me to run and then I was overwhelmed by the enemy.

I sniff the air hoping for the familiar scent of Reece but only the faint scent of Caleb and Kasey is in the air. I try through the pack link to reach my brother but it oddly lies uninterested in my mind, unwilling to relay a message.

Feeling through the tethers in my head, not that there were many left, they are all lying quietly, without energy. I stumble across a new link that wasn’t there prior to the attack. It is as quiet as the rest, but I have no idea who it leads to.

I shake my head in confusion, before refocusing on the chains at my wrists. I weave my fingers together to strengthen my grip, careful to avoid touching the silver chain and cuffs. Again, bracing my foot against the stone wall, I pull, while my sore body protests against using any force. Stubbornly I place the second foot on the wall, pulling against it as hard as I can. Not that it makes a difference, with chains and their anchor holding firm.

I flop against the wall, resting my aching arms. Why am I so sore? I should be halfway healed by now. My wounds should be sealed, bruises in their final stages, yet I feel like I'm not long off the battleground.

I try to call forth my wolf form but it is like a static noise in my head. Well, there goes plan B.

“Caleb?” I hoarsely call as loud as I dare, not wanting to bring attention to myself. But my surroundings are silent with the exception of the muffled voices from earlier and that stupid laugh I keep hearing. Seriously, was the man a damn seal in a past life!

The voices are too far away for me to make out their words and the cells around me are still and quiet. I eventually sit back down with my arms back above me, pulling my legs close to my chest as my adrenaline slows down. It is cold and I am sore and tired.

With nothing else to take my attention and nothing immediately to do, I allow myself to doze off. I’m sure my captors will make themselves known soon enough and in the meantime, I need to regain what strength I can.


A sharp prick to my neck makes my eyes jerk open. My feet lunge me into a standing position, instantly alert and growling. There is some light now but only enough to show the outline of two men in my cell and the glint of the needle tip in one of their hands. I feel the chains that had gone slack when I stood, tighten and lift me off my heels. I kick out my leg as one of the men steps closer to me.

He evades it neatly but I get him with my other foot that swiftly followed. He gives a grunt and falls back momentarily. He smells of wolf but not one I am familiar with.

“Uh, uh, ah, none of that, that’s not how you treat a new friend.” He chastises, moving to my side, stroking my hair, and following it down to cup one of my breasts. “And we are going to be such very... good... friends.” He pushes his nose into my hair and lets out a groan, drawing my scent into his nose loudly.

I move my face fast, latching my teeth onto his cheek and digging down hard. He thrashes, trying to get away. Finally landing a punch to my ribs, before pulling himself free.

“That wasn’t very nice.” He growls. I spit the trophy in my mouth at him and hear it hit his chest before it audibly plops on the ground.

“You're right,” I smirk. “You taste like ass.” His hand goes to his cheek where the large chunk is now absent.

“You bitch!” He roars, raising his hand to me. It is swiftly intercepted by the second man

“He said not to mark her face.” The second man says laughing.

“Yeah, well he said nothing about the rest of her, turn the feral bitch around.”

The second man walks back out of the cell and there is soon a humming noise, as my chains tighten further, feet dangling above the floor. I feel myself turning against my will, until my side scrapes the rock and then my nose, as I face the wall. I feel what was left of my dress, torn off my back before that disgusting man’s hands start roaming over my bare skin.

“Beautiful and soft, it’s a shame really.” He moves my hair aside and lays it over my shoulder. “Sorry, not sorry bitch.” He whispers harshly in my ear. He moves away from me and I strain my ears for a clue as to what he is up to.

It isn't long before I hear a strange swishing noise, swiftly followed by a crack, as my back burns like fire as it is torn open. My eyes bulge and my breath whooshes out in a rush. Before I can recapture my breath, the whooshing comes again and I know the whip is again airborne.

I struggle to keep my silence. Biting down into my shoulder to contain the screams that want to claw their way out of my throat. The whip flies through the air again and again. Every strike hits true and rips open a new part of my back until there is no more space and they begin to just cut deeper. I can feel my blood pouring down my legs.

I have no idea how long my torment lasts or how many times the whip kisses the raw meat of my back. My breath comes in harsh gasps, my body trembling in shock, and my consciousness wavering in and out. Still, I make no sound. I will not give them the satisfaction.

Suddenly it stops. Only the harsh breathing of my attacker and my own, the sole sounds in the now quiet cell. The lights slowly brighten showing me the rock wall is a pale grey, with spots... nope not spots, that is my vision struggling to cope with the blood loss.

There is a tutting noise coming from the second man, as I feel him step closer to me. “You made a mess of the floor Alaric.” He says to the first man.

“Worth it” He gasps out, trying to drag in much-needed oxygen after his workout.

“It truly is a work of art, one of your best I think. It feels like thanksgiving with the most succulent turkey, nicely dressed on the table, dripping in its own juices.” He leans into my ear and hisses. “And I am....famisssshhed!” His faint scent warns me he is a vampire and here I am bleeding everywhere. This definitely is not going to end well.

I feel a tug at what's left of my dress resting on my hips before I hear it tear. He pulls it free, before tossing it aside. All I have left is the tiny black lace thong I had donned in anticipation of Reece, the night of the attack.

The man behind me licks across my shoulder, making his way down my back and I shudder in revulsion. He smacks his lips together in appreciation as he comes to rest his cheek on my butt cheek. I try to squirm away, my movements slow and clumsy, but he swiftly leans his weight against me, pinning me to the wall. His fingers play with the edge of my thong at my hip, before he swiftly grabs it and tears it from me.

He comes back up to my shoulder and turns my head to meet his eyes. I head-butt him. He staggers back a step laughing and lifts what is left of my thong and smells it, before sticking them in his front pocket.

“The turkey is lovely darling.” He croons. “But now it’s time for dessert.” He reaches his hand down and out of my sight before I hear a zip being lowered. My eyes widen, realization coming to my exhausted mind. I choke on my protest; my throat is dry as a bone. He smirks and moves behind me, hands on my hips as he positions himself against me.

“Now darling, open wide and say AHHHHHHHHHH!” He yells, impaling himself halfway and then forcing himself the rest of the way, tearing his way through my unwelcoming inner muscles. He bites into my neck as he shoves his way inside, drawing my blood into his mouth in loud gulps, his teeth burning inside my flesh as his cock destroys my nether region.

A garbled sob falls from my mouth, which I quickly cut off and bite my lip. He begins to move inside me, sliding easier each time as my blood becomes his personal lubricant. He thrusts brutally, using his species’ speed to move faster than normal. He changes his angle, hammering into my cervix entrance like he is trying to push out my belly button.

My screams choke in my throat, wanting me to give them a voice, but I swallow them instead, as well as my tears. I will not give him the satisfaction of hearing my pain.

I hear a gasp not far from me.

“EVE! Oh God no!” The man behind me stops thrusting.

“Turn her!” He orders. The humming of the mechanism sounds in the cell as my chains turn me. Pulling my attacker from my body until I face him. The man grabs my thighs, lifting them as I feebly thrash in protest. My body refuses to do what I want it to do. Then he is back inside me, deeper this time. One hand holds my chin firmly as he grins into my face.

I shift my eyes over his shoulder where I can see my brother being chained to the wall of another cell opposite my own. Tears pour down his face in horror as he watches, thrashing against his restraints.

“Don’t look, Caleb!” I bite out, trying to keep the pain from my voice and make myself sound unaffected. My voice lets me down, coming out slurred “It’s just a body, turn away, it’s just a body, it doesn’t matter, it’s a shell, not me!”

Caleb’s eyes meet mine and hold me captive. “Please Caleb,” I whisper. “Don’t look.”

His jaw clenches and his eyes harden, as he looks into my eyes. I give him my best blank eyes. Finally, he turns his eyes to the side, hands balled into fists.

The vampire chuckles as he speeds up, thrusting even deeper than before. I close my eyes, thinking of my beautiful forest, of running free, desperate to send my mind elsewhere.

A swift slap to my face quickly brings me back to the dark evil eyes of my attacker. I would spit in his face if I had the saliva to do so. I try to bite his face as I had done with his buddy, but my body is sluggish and my neck moves like I am in the water. This allows him plenty of time to grab my jaw and squeeze it into submission.

The spots in my vision worsen and my head spins. I hear him give a growl and his movements become erratic. With a roar, he pauses for a moment head thrown back and eyes rolling as he comes, before thrusting four more times. Kissing my temple and stroking my hair he laughs.

“I haven’t come that hard in years, gorgeous. I’ll definitely be back for seconds.” He withdraws himself slowly from me. “Right, lower her back down, she’s done for now.”

The vampire steps away as the humming noise sounds and my chains slacken, allowing my feet to be flat on the floor before they slacken off completely. My body screeches in protest and my legs refuse to hold me up, buckling under my weight. With the chains slackened, my butt slowly touches the ground, and my arms rest at head height.

My weak body falls to rest against the wall behind me, grazing harshly against the raw meat of my back. I don’t have the strength to move away. My vision wavers in and out, and my limbs tremble.

I don’t know if it is blood loss or whatever they have injected me with that's causing my body to rebel against me. The black spots fill my vision until all I can see is black. Then thankfully I pass out.

Poor Eve 🥺
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