By hfjjjdjcnccj

33.2K 591 111

after losing his sanity, izuku midoriya became insane and a seriel killer after being betrayed by half his cl... More

BIO part 1!!
BIO: PART 2!!!


1.9K 40 15
By hfjjjdjcnccj

after people saw the horrorfying video of katsuki and mineta raping inko and eri who looked like they enjoyed it,
the public has been beyond angry as well as the police force as they demand justice for what the two did. UA has made
no word as alot of UA students started to leave the school and join the public as to demand jsutice and death for the two

but the next when the public returned to demand UA mineta was seen on the ground and covered in grap juice as he was
unconsious, after that the police took him to a prison and as the grapist arrived he was treated like non human as prisoners
beated him in his sleep as well as out in the open and the guards didn't fuck all as they enjoyed watching pedo rapist suffer.

mineta then would go on to be raped multiple times,brutalised beyond repair,shived and stabbed and being treated like a dog.
mineta couldn't take it any longer as he cried wanting to die already and did as he hanged himself in his own prison cell as the
prisoners cheered for his death along with the guards and the warden enjoying making perverted grape suffer beyond repair.

news spread and people were happy the grapist died, but after class 1a heared of it, some were scared as to
not wanting to die, bakugoe just scoff not giving a living fuck what happened as he didn't care at all.

meanwhile with ochako who is making out with tsuyu as they were both at ochako's room as they both giggled
and kissed eachother with passionate kisses as they were only wearing bras and panties and they stopped as
they looked into eachothers eyes, smilling to one another as they put their foreheads together.

OCHAKO: i'm so glad i met you tsu, *pecks tsu's cheek and puts both hands on tsu's cheeks* i love you babe.

TSUYU: *happy look*i love you too ocha-san.*kero*

both lovers kissed as their tongues were swirling in their mouths enjoying the moment they had
until ochako saw something through her window as it looked like a shadowy figure.

TSUYU: ocha-san are you okey?

OCHAKO: *looks back at tsu and smiles shakig it off* yeah i'm okey, but
when i'm with you, it makes it amazing.

the two overs continued their love making and started going to the next level. but we go to the shadowy figure
who's revealed to be hush as he had a sad expression on his bandaged up mask and walks away with his hands
in his pockets.











we now go to hush who is now killing some cops and heros as he took his combat knife out of the dead corpses of them,
hush had an annoyed look as he turns around quickly and uses black whip to trap a pro hero in it's energy red,black whips.
hush uses black whip as he pulls his arm back as the tentacles trapping th pro hero teared his limbs apart from his body as
his limbless and headless torso falled to ground as the limbs and body were all bloody as guts an organs spilled out from the tearing.

hush was in a broken down building as he walks out of it and sun was as a cops surrounded the area as well as some pro heros
as the cops point their guns at hush who just stands their having a pissed off look on his face not being in a mood for
this bullshit.


hush uses smokescreen to distract them as uses dark for all at 50% as he jumps forward in the air
as he send his fist down on the ground sending a red an black electric shockwave killing off the cops
and pro heros. hush wiped off some dirt on his shoulder and disappears from the scene.

we see hush in his lair sitting in his chair as he works on his duel pistols and fixing the aim for his duel pistols.
hush finished fixing the aim as he went ot his bed and took off his bandaged mask and stares at the ceilling,
remembering being totured by his own so called friends as he just growled wanting to finish them off and make
them suffer.

thomas gets off his bed and puts back on his bandaged mask as he puts his pistols away in his belt. suddenly
dangers sense was activated hush avoided a massive fist going through his room, hush looks through the hole of his
room to see the police surrounding the building he's in as well and three pro heros as the one who punched a large hole
in his room was none other then MT lady who looks filled with rage and hate towards hush who just scoffs at her attempt.

HUSH: it seems like you have grudge with me mt lady.

mt lady who is large grabbed hush with her hand as she brings him to her face.

MT LADY: you killed my boyfriend you villain and now you're gonna pay!!

HUSH: why do you give a shit about that bastered?! he raped 3 women and
killed them, how could revenge a rapist you fucking idiot!!

mt lady knew what her boyfriend did but it must of been a by hush himself, hush found this as a oppotunity
as hush activated dark for all full cowl and breaks free of MT lady's massive hand and sends a flick of air at her
making her drop on a abandoned building as she was k.o'd after that.

hush landed on the ground as he sees three pros charging at him who are revealed to be gran torino,hawks and
mirko as they ready to attck hush. hush just scoffs as gran torino does a fast kick at hush but he avoids it grabs
gran torino's leg and slams him down on the ground leaving a crater. hawks throws his red feathers at
hush but he avoids them an grabs one as he throws it back at hawks, hitting hawks in the should as gets n one
knee form the pain.

HUSH: *smirks* not so tough now birdy are ya.


hush gets kicks in his side as he's sent crash into a pile of rubble, hush gets up as he's coat
and suit under it were damaged from the impact in the rubble. hush looks at mirko who smirks
as she gets in a battle stance but the swat teams get in her way as they surround hush with
their assault rifles aimed at him.

SWAT LEADER: it's over hush give it up!

HUSH: hehe, you're funeral.

hush activated smokescreen as the swat teams were consumed by fog of it as hush just smiled taking
out his duel guns, mirko could hear the screams of the swat teams as gunshots were head and bodies
thudded to the ground.

the fog dissapeared as hush was revealed to be surrounded by dead bodiesof the swat teams. hush looks
back at mirko who is shocked that he did that with now problem but she goes to her battle stance as hush
charges at her already activating dark for all full cowling with incredible speed as he was now behind mirko
and sends a left kick to her side making mirko get sent in the air and hit the ground hard.

MIRKO: *gets up and looks at hush as she wipes blood from her mouth* is that all you got hush!

HUSH: nope *re adjusts coat* i'm just getting started bunny

mirko blushes at what he called her but shakes it away as she dashed at him with an axe kick to the ground
as hush jumped back avoiding the attack as he sent a uppercut to mirko's jaw as she stepped back and started
sending punches and kicks at hush who just sends some kicks and punches hitting mirko as wellas mirko getting
some hits at hush.

hush gets the upperhand as dodged a punch from mirko as he sweep kicks mirko to the ground as hush grabbed her
collar and throwed her using 7% of dark for all as she was sent hitting a destroyed wall and falls on the ground. mirko
gets up as she still had a fight in her as she ran at hush and jumped high up in the air and does her signature move.


mirko slammed her legs down on hush chest as a big crack crater was made around them. mirko landed on the ground and
sees hush getting feeling a little pain as the chest part of the suit was damaged alot, hush looked surprised and impressed at mirko's
power but he suddenly was now behind her as mirko looked surprised as hush karate chop the side of mirko's neck making her go
unconsious as she was about to fall on her front but hush catched her with a smile thinking how cute and beautiful she looked.

HUSH: *shakes head* what the hell am i thinking. eh nevermind.

hush took out some quirk canceling cuffs and put them on mirko's wrists and lays her on the ground as he
activates danger sense and dodges gran torino's kick as he uses his speed to send a barrge of fast kicks from each
way but hush just dodges them all with swift movement as gran torino was shocked that someone like this villain
could do that, as gran torino was thinking, hush high kicks right into gran's chest making him hit the ground but the
old man gets up slowly clearly in pain.

HUSH: stay down gran torino, don't make me kill you.

GRAN TORINO: *raises brow* why not? you kill heros,villains and cops so why not just end me hush?

HUSH: *kneels down to gran's level and warm smile* because you trained me at the internships remember

gran torino widens his eye in pure shock as he realized who hush is as.

GRAN TORINO: izuku, no it can't be! izuku wouldn't do al this!

HUSH: *gets up* that's because he's dead, he died when he lost every bit of sanity he had left.
goodbye torino.

hush punches gran torino hard in the face knocking out the old pro hero as hush looked around as he saw the public and the
news reporter as well, as helicopters. hush dodges rd feathers from hawk as he flied at hush having his red feather duel
blades in hand ready to kill hush but hush quickly took out his combat knife as he jumped in the air at hawks as they both slashed
and land on the grond waiting for who was slashed...

hawks looked down to see a deep slash across his chest as he falls to his knees.

HAWKS:*coughs out some blood* oh.

hush gets up and walks to hawk as he stands infront of hawks himself having a somber expression on
his bandaged up mask as he kneels to his level to look at hawks directly.

HUSH: you know hawk, ever since i knew more about you i had alot if sympathy for you the hero
commission turned you into a weapon as well with lady nagent your master. *warmly smiles* but don't
worry hawks i'll make sure the worl knows what hero society really is you have my word.

HAWKS: *cries a bit and smiles* you meant all of that. you're different hush, thank y-you...uurhhh

hawks finally died as his body went limp and his eyes shut, hush puts hawks body down and
crosses his arms. hush goes over to mirko and takes her along with mt lady who turned to
normal size and disapears through a warp gate.
















we see mirko open here eyes as she looked around to find herself in a basement and a bed beneath her, she lookd around to
see her wrists chained to the wall, she looks to see mt lady in the same situation she's in as mt lady wakes up.

MT LADY: urgh, *looks around* were are we?

MIRKO: a basement and it looks like hush gave us both beds, heh how nice of him.

MT LADY: there's nothing nice about him mirko! he killed my boyfriend and other heros!

MIRKO: yu the video wasn't fake it was all real.

MT LADY: i don't beleive it he could never be something like that!!

HUSH: well it's true yu.


HUSH: is it okey i call you that? and if you want proof then i'll give it.

took out a small remote from his coat jacket as he presses a button on it and tv appeared down as it showed
kamui having sex with another women and saying that the women is so much better then that bitch yu.

the screen turned off as yu was crying and hush and mirko look at her with sympathy hush goes over to yu snd kneels
to her level and softly grabs both her cheeks and kissed her softly and parts way with lips and hush walks out the basement
and not without saying.

HUSH: i'l get you some food when out, in the meantime have a great night.

hush leaves and closes the door behind him leaving mt lady and mirko blushing.

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