Maki's Wish

Oleh IbukiSimp

316 9 18

This story is based loosely around the Anime 'Scum's Wish'. The events taking place start after Maki has been... Lebih Banyak

Prologue: The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter

316 9 18
Oleh IbukiSimp

"Tsubasa-kun..." Maki muttered to herself. "I always thought we would end up together, are we not soulmates? I can't give up until the end..."

"You're still here?" as if a dream, Tsubasa appeared in the empty classroom before Maki.

"Tsubasa-kun..." Maki blushed at being caught midway in her thoughts, unsure of how to respond.

"I was concerned about you since the festival, you shouldn't be spending your time there alone. I heard you have a boyfriend now, Maki-chan." Tsubasa smiled, he was surely glad that the other girl he previously had a crush on, had found love.

"Yes, I do..." Maki muttered a response.

"There you are Tsubasa-kun! Hey Maki!" Nagisa entered the room with a smile "I got this for you ho~ney! I bought us tickets for the play you were dying to see!"

Tsubasa and Nagisa started talking and eventually kissing, meaning it was Maki's cue to leave.

Taking a deep breath and sighing, Maki snuck out the classroom from the other entrance. Without looking where she was going, Maki bumped into a familiar scent.

"I didn't see you." Maki didn't give the effort to hide her displeasure from what had just occurred.

"I'm surprised you didn't cry this time." the boy in front of her peered into the classroom, hearing the sound of Tsubasa and Nagisa talking.

"Idiot, Yu-kun. I guess you never change." grabbing Ishigami's hand, Maki started to pull him "Come with me, I going to vent my frustrations on you!"

"Hopeful love. Painful love. Unrequited love. Are they really that beautiful?" Maki thought to herself "I don't think they are. At least, not anymore..."

Ishigami sighed as he was slammed into the wall by Maki, knowing full well how she can get whenever she sees Tsubasa kissing Nagisa. Today was no exception to that. The pair were currently behind the school where they usually did these discrete activities.

Maki closed in on Ishigami as she got closer to his face, closing her eyes. Maki's former innocence no longer displayed on her face; she was the one taking initiative.

Ishigami laid his hand on the back of Maki's head, gently pulling her in like the inevitability of gravity. Closing his own eyes, he laid his lips upon hers while they moaned softly out loud. As they separated, a string of saliva hung between the two.

"We are dating but..."



"We are each other's replacements for someone else."


"If I remember correctly, it was my first day starting off my third year. Tsubasa was giving signs that he was up to something, but he didn't seem to tell me or Nagisa. Nagisa was in my homeroom, but I was surprised when it turned out Tsubasa would be too. I was so happy. Us three friends could be together and see each other every day."

"Tsubasa-kun..." Maki muttered to herself. "I always thought we would end up together. I guess this means that it's the end..."

Maki was staring out the window of the empty school council room, a single tear fell down her cheek. Softly wiping the tear, she turned around.

"You going to show yourself or not?" Maki threatened the empty room, someone crawled out from underneath the desk. "Oh, it's Yu. Wait! What are you doing hiding under the desk?! Were you are stalking me?!"

Maki exclaimed cheekily, though that didn't ease the worry on Ishigami's face.

"Just kidding!" Maki smiled, Ishigami face faltered at her joke.

"Damn Tsundere-senpai!" Ishigami muttered loud enough for Maki to hear, as well as earn a glare from her.



They each bit back how Ishigami should be referring to Maki.

For most students talking to Ishigami, they knew of the rumors that followed him. Due to that, Ishigami was avoided by most the people. The only people who had not acted in such a manor were his friends on the student council, the cheer squad, and Maki Shijo.

To most Maki was a complex case of 'what is going on inside her head?', with really only two people in the know. Those two were, Shirogane and Ishigami.

"Still sulking over Tsubasa? Did you see them making out again?" Ishigami received a glare in return.

"It isn't as if you could ever understand, Yu-kun. The feeling of the one you care for so deeply rejecting you, you have Tsubame after all..." Maki had dead eyes remembering how Ishigami had the courage to confess to his crush, unlike her.

Ishigami could only respond with a sulk as he remembered Tsubame reject him.

"They look so happy." Maki pointed out the window, Ishigami walked over to see what she was talking about.

"Yeah, I guess that's what they call true love." Ishigami commented as he saw Tsubasa and Nagisa holding hands as they walked together. "About Tsubame-senpai..."

Maki looked back to the treasurer with an inquisitive look, though she dared not interrupt her friend.

"It seemed almost unreal when it happened, I told her about my true feelings without realizing it. Next thing I do is get the answer from Tsubame from the typical rom-com setting and..." Ishigami paused, choking on his next words.

"And she told me she could only see me as a little brother. Somehow, it hurts even worse to hear that than to hear someone hate me. I suppose at least then it would be easier to not associate with them anymore but damn this heartache hurts so much!"

Ishigami had some tears fall from his face, but he tried his best to hide it from Maki. Ishigami stared down at the ground with his puffed red cheeks, wondering how to move on.

Maki smiled with empathy; she shared this feeling about Tsubasa as Ishigami did with Tsubame. It was the feeling of young unrequited love.

"I know a place that will make you feel better, Yu-kun." Maki held out her hand.

Ishigami looked up to see Maki's beautiful genuine smile and took her hand to help stand himself up.

"I watched you go through the same thing I did, but still failed. How ironic." Ishigami sighed "Well, I need a distraction, video games don't seem to work anymore. So, where to Shi-Maki-senpai?"

"I'll tell you, but only if you drop the senpai after my name." Maki sparkled.

"Fine, fine, where to then, Maki?"

"It's a surprise!"

"Damn Tsundere!"

"It's Maki to you now! Ma-ki. Get it right!"


"All right, we're here!" Maki displayed her arms pointing towards a large building behind her.

"Wait this-"

"Yup, it's Karaoke!" Maki exclaimed with a smile.

Ishigami was not much of a singer, but maybe the practice gained from being in the cheer squad will help him.

"Venting through singing, is it really popular?" Ishigami questioned only to see Maki walking to the entrance "Huh? Don't leave me! You're the one who invited me!"

Ishigami started comically running towards Maki, though the prideful Shijo girl didn't seem to pay him any mind.

"Will it be just you for today, Miss Shijo?" an older man was standing behind the front desk.

"Nope, today I brought my friend from school, Yu-kun." Maki smirked in response. The custodian looked on with a wide mouth in shock and then smiled.

"I'm glad to see that you finally decided to bring a friend," Maki blushed in embarrassment "Haha, I seriously didn't believe you when you said you had friends, kid."

"Maki, just how many times have you come here?" Ishigami questioned rhetorically.

"To think each time Maki had come here to vent frustrations of Tsubasa and Nagisa. Knowing her the number must be pretty high." Ishigami thought to himself.

"That's a good question. Let's see, I remember her being here since at least-"

"No, no, no!" Maki interrupted "We are going to stop talking about me. Right. About. Now!"

There was a sudden silence between the three, Ishigami facepalmed at Maki's antics. Though it seemed she held at least some dignity when it came to her suffering.

"How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself," the old custodian stated, "My name is William, I am but a simple worker at this here Karaoke bar. It is nice to meet you, Yu, friend of Maki."

William held out his hand with Ishigami shaking it in kind. Though, Ishigami swore this guy reminded him of those fancy butlers from the shoujo manga.

"Y-Yeah, likewise." Ishigami somehow intimidated by this older man in front of him.

"Quit scaring Yu-kun, Willy!"

After chatting with William for a little bit longer, Maki and Ishigami headed to their assigned room.


Ishigami nervously fidgeted in his seat as Maki leaned over him. Maki is currently searching for the perfect song to sing.

"C'mon, what's taking so long?" Ishigami complained.

"Oh? Have you never been to a karaoke bar before, Yu-kun?" Maki teased, making Ishigami feel more uncomfortable. "Don't worry, we are going to sing my favorite song. I'll go gentle on you since it's your first time, 'kay?"

"Fine, fine, what song are we going to be singing?" Ishigami asked not having any real expectations, since what he liked in music never really aligned with others.

"Ummmm," Maki hesitated "Don't judge me when I tell you."

"I won't."

"You won't? Do you promise?" Maki gave cute, irresistible puppy eyes.

"I promise! Now just tell me the damn song already." Ishigami felt a little flustered.

"Thank you..." Maki meekly said, quickly switching back "It's called Let me carve your way by Naoki."

"Wait a minute. Isn't that from..." It was starting to click.

"You play Guilty Gear, Maki?!" Ishigami was shocked, with Maki quickly covering Ishigami's mouth.

"Shhhh or else someone is going to hear you!" Maki then released her hand, sighing "Yes, I play Guilty Gear. Actually, I love playing all sorts of games, I suppose that game's soundtrack was too damn good."

"Alright, I get it, kind of." Ishigami stared towards the song selection "I can understand why you would want to hide it, the people at school can be pretty harsh when it comes to opinions."

"Not only that, but I'd be a social outcast from my current friend group." Maki smiled sadly "I heard about what happened to you in middle school, Yu-kun."

Ishigami looked like he was panicking and about to get up. That was until he heard Maki's next words.

"At least I had only heard rumors. Anyone would be an ignoramus to believe in some rumors." Maki stared at Ishigami with dead eyes "Did you play games before the incident happened?"

Ishigami was still staring at the ground but met his eyes with maki's own.

"I thought we were supposed to be having fun," Ishigami rubbed his head "I played video games before, but not to the same extent I do now. The more I think of it, I had let myself go since my past had followed me. Sometimes I wonder where the old me went..."

There was silence for a couple of minutes, Ishigami was fidgeting with his hands. Maki was building up the courage to support her friend.

"You know," Ishigami looked up "I think it has been the same way for me. After finding out that I loved Tsubasa, I realized feelings of romance I never thought could occur. Then when, I thought I had a chance, it was snuffed out like a candle."

Maki took a deep breath before continuing.

"I didn't come here all too often, not even play games too much." Maki laid back "I suppose it is a good thing I have a great balance in my life. So, what I'm trying to say Yu-kun..."

Ishigami leaned forward with interest as Maki shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"We are kindred spirits, so we should back each other up!" Maki exclaimed, extending a fist to Ishigami.

"Agreed!" Ishigami received a sudden embrace from the small girl.

"Now let's sing!"


"I once had some sweet memories"

"It's worth remains all the same"

Maki started to sing the ending of the song.

"How can I remember those moments, sweetheart?"

Ishigami picked up the next line, perfectly in tune with Maki.

"Tell me (Tell me)"

"Tell me!"

First was Maki again with Ishigami picking up the background, both cried out loud together for the next verse.

"If there's a man who can make anything"

"Give me the tools to live in the past"

"It's all gone down so deep; I can't see anymore"

"If that's not the way to go"

"Let me, let me"

"Let me carve your way"

"I'm a shadow always with you"

After the song finished, Ishigami looked at Maki who seemed incredibly happy. A sound soon notified them that their session was going to be over soon.

"Wow that was really fun!" Ishigami sounded happy when he said that. "It was a good idea to end it on Let Me Carve Your Way instead of some other boring song."

The duo started to make their way back to the lobby, making small chat along the way.

"Well, technically any song that isn't Zato's theme should be considered boring." Maki explained the very important rule to music.

"You make a sound argument Maki. We should play GG sometime in the future, but maybe not because it would be too one sided" Ishigami antagonized Maki, prompting protest.

"You're an idiot to think I'd take this insult to my skill! I am a prestigious Shijo; I will not stop until you have repaid in full!" Maki boldly declared, freaking Ishigami out with her seriousness.

Maki and Ishigami continued to chat on their way out of the karaoke bar. On the way out, Ishigami noticed that William was no longer standing at the counter. Instead, the counter had a teenager from an unknown school at it. Ishigami chalked it down to coincidence, the old man's shift must have ended then.

"I had fun today," Ishigami said out loud "Thank you, Maki."

Maki was taken off guard by the sincerity she heard in Ishigami's tone. It had not been much time since they talked heart to heart about how they felt, Maki could swear she felt a string pulling in her heart. But Maki decided to ignore it instead of thinking too much, she was having more fun than she had had in a long time.

Just as Maki was to respond, her thoughts were interrupted by a few passersby.

"Gross, is that Ishigami?" three girls walked by Maki and Ishigami, bumping shoulders with Maki.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there." another girl sneered "But I wonder why you'd be hanging around a creep like this. He even had the audacity to insult the one he hurt so much too, isn't that right, Kyoko?"

Ishigami glared at the girl named Kyoko. His rage was built up from his countless times he was insulted for something he never even did. Despite remembering how Maki believed in him, Ishigami could not help but feel like he'd lose a friend. Ishigami remembered how Kyoko had told Tsubame the false rumors, which could have been what made up her mind. It could have been what caused his rejection...

"Don't think I will rest until I ruined your life like you ruined mine!" Kyoko practically yelled "Let me tell your friend here what you did. Not only did you stalk me, but you also threatened to release that explicit tape of me! How did you even get that?! Then you-"


Ishigami was ready to go at any minute, he was a boiled over pot from the hurl of insults. But Ishigami was shocked to see Maki had interrupted Kyoko by slapping her.

The light in Maki's eyes had drained as she listened to the insults be hurled at her friend. Maki was surprised to see she had moved almost instinctively, freezing at the thought of her own actions.

"You bitch!" one of the lackeys reacted to Maki by lunging at Maki. They were met by the wall known as Ishigami instead.

"All I've heard you do is insult Yu," Maki said loud enough for everyone to hear "I have heard the rumors and decided commit to my own research, after all I would be fool to listen to the whispers told at the expense of Yu. Who is more foolish, the fool or the ones who follow the fool?"

Kyoko stayed silent as Maki talked, and Maki continued.

"I come to find out that not only were all those rumors false, but you knew Ishigami was innocent the entire time." Maki glared as Kyoko visibly shivered and adverted her eyes "You make me sick. What type of person repays kindness with resentment and hatred? You ruined his life and keep on trying to, you clearly do not have some kind of logical goal in mind. So, let me tell you this: Stay away from Ishigami Yu and stop harassing. It is your one and only warning before the might of the entire Shijo family comes crashing down on you."

Maki took Ishigami's arm and pulled him towards where they were initially headed, ignoring the trio who was yelling insults at herself and Ishigami.

"I'm sorry, I think I want to go home after that," Ishigami stated "How far away is your house from here?"

Maki pointed in a direction and let the silence permeate. Ishigami sighed as Maki seemed to refuse to talk. The two continued their walk down the street, neither bothering to speak after that incident.

Upon approaching a noticeably high expense neighborhood, Ishigami noticed a large mansion that stood out. It looked as if it were its own small town from its sheer size.

"That is my home." Ishigami nodded in response.

"Thanks for standing up for me, Maki." Ishigami looked at the starry night sky "Sorry to ruin your night with drama-"

"Shut up!" Maki suddenly yelled at Ishigami "You have had to deal with this for far too long. It hurts me to see, someone I consider my friend, hurt and suffer by the hands of others. Especially when it is as unjustified as they are being to you. If you can't get angry and shout at them, then I will do it for you!"

It was only in the shine of the moonlight that Ishigami could see how beautiful Maki is. Her teary eyes melted as she softly sobbed for the boy in front of her, the boy was unsure how to respond. All of the boy's instincts told him to run away as fast as possible, it was a feeling of being scared created by this unknown feeling. However, there was still something keeping him standing her with the courage he had left.

"I want to repay you back for the kindness you showed me today," Ishigami stated "But, not because you helped me. I want to because you're my friend, Maki. After all, we are kindred spirits."

Maki was walked the rest of the way to her mansion by Ishigami that night.


It has been a couple months since Ishigami started to become close friends with Maki. Kaguya and Miyuki started dating, which didn't come to much of a surprise to anyone. Miko and Chika were weirded out by how much Ishigami was with Maki all the time, it even came to the point some people thought she was in the student council.

"Man, what a day!" Maki slammed herself against the bed.

"Hey, don't get my bed wet. I've still got to sleep on it." Ishigami was busy playing on his console.

"Sometimes I want to quit class." Maki muffled against the bed.

"Are you talking about Tsubasa?" Ishigami questioned "Did you finally get over him?"

"Never." Maki muttered.



Maki looked over to the boy playing video games. Maki had crawled her way over to Ishigami, who had his back turned to her, and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"At first, I was only joking around."

"You surprised me." Ishigami froze, surprised by the sudden action taken by Maki.

"Really? I couldn't tell at all." Maki joked with a smile.

Maki's eyes met with Ishigami's own, though Maki quickly adverted her gaze downwards. Ishigami was meeting her gaze at first, but soon enough looked back down as well.

"Are you sad?" Ishigami asked, not looking up.

"You're not sad, Yu?"

"I think we were both thinking the same thing."

It didn't take long at all until Ishigami was laying on top Maki, her bated breath was clear. Maki was nervous and almost shaking.

"Why don't you pretend that I'm 'Tsubasa'?"


Before she knew it, the light that once surrounded him turned pitch black. Maki felt Ishigami kiss her neck and start lightly nibbling, the sensation was a slight tickle.

"Oh, that's right, Yu-kun doesn't have any feelings for me." Maki thought to herself "Whether I see Yu as Yu or not, it doesn't matter."

Ishigami made his way up towards the side of Maki's head, still lightly kissing him along the side of her hair.

"I'm just a replacement too."

Just as Ishigami went in for the kiss, Maki hesitated and suddenly pulled back.

"That tickles." Ishigami fidgeted nervously under Maki's gaze.

"Do you even want to do this?" Maki complained, annoyed about being interrupted out her dream.

"You're the one who wants to." Maki protested back begrudgingly. "Besides, you look nothing like Tsubasa."

"You're way too demanding." Ishigami stared back into Maki's empty orbs, "I at least have the knowledge I am good looking; you know?"

"Close your eyes."

"That's right, if we're going to do this, we really do this."

As Maki closed her eyes, memories of the times she was with Tsubasa flowed into her mind. A hand touched her forehead, it must have been Tsubasa.

"Oh wait, if I imagine he's Tsubasa..." Maki grew warmer "My fingertips are cold. Everything feels so distant. All I can hear is my heart, because this is what I've wanted from him for the longest time."

The Ishigami's lips became one with Maki's own.

"It was Electric."

Maki opened her eyes and saw Ishigami staring at her with a soft smiling face.

"That was my first kiss." Maki looked around to avoid his face.

"No way."


Ishigami was almost surprised she hasn't kissed anyone before. Although, he was no different than her, it was also his first time.

"It felt good." Maki's eyes looked as if they were sparkling. "One more time."

Ishigami grunted in agreeance.

"Part of me wonders, whether I'm actually being a good enough replacement for him."

Maki started to take off her wet school sweater, with Ishigami assisting her. Ishigami then laid behind Maki, undoing the buttons to her blouse, which naturally surprised Maki.

"It's okay." Maki reassured herself "These hands are Tsubasa's."

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry." Maki recomposed herself to try and be more like Tsubame for Ishigami.

Ishigami started to gently caress Maki's breasts as he exposed her chest.

"The things Tsubasa won't do because he has Nagisa..." Maki whimpered at Ishigami's touch. "The things he won't do for me. The things I want done to do."

Touch me more. More more more.

Maki silently cried between happiness at the idea of Tsubasa, and the pain of knowing she could never really be with him.

Ishigami then started to work his way down to Maki's skirt, gently pulling it off. Maki blushed at what she knew was going to happen next. Ishigami reached around and grabbed Maki's groin area, causing Maki to whimper out loud again.

"I can't see his face. He doesn't make a sound. I have to stay quiet too, for him at least, for what he is doing for me." Maki quieted herself down, closing her eyes once again "I don't want to remind him it's me. Concentrate."

Maki then felt her face being pulled to the boy behind her, interlocking in another kiss.

"Oh, good. He can't see my face like this. I have to remember what I can right now." memories of being with Tsubasa for the past seven years flowed into Maki's mind "As much as possible."

Then the illusion vanished, Maki was staring right into Ishigami's laxed face.


Maki's phone started to ring.

"Who could that be?" Maki muttered, embarrassed looking at the boy she gave her first kiss to. "Sorry."

"Sorry for not hanging around my longest-term friend lately. Me, you and Nagisa should hang out just like we used to." the text read, it was from Tsubasa. Maki grimaced as she read the text.

"Do you want to stop?" Maki was interrupted from her thoughts by Ishigami.

"Huh?" Maki was confused.

"Either way, I think that's good enough for today, Maki." Ishigami looked almost disappointed. "But do you want to keep doing things like this? Or stop?"


"I'm sorry." Maki answered "I'm sorry. I gave you my answer, so goodbye then."

Maki tried to brave an encouraging smiled, despite how brutal her words seemed to be. Maki then started to walk away.

"Hold on!" the boy then grabbed Maki's wrist, with her looking back confused. "I waited a week for your answer. You really built up my expectations."

The boy then let go of Maki's wrist, almost as if realizing what he was doing seemed to feel wrong. Maki just stared back at him confused.

"There's nothing more revolting than the affection of someone you're completely disinterested in, is there?" Maki coldly stated, the boy then realized his own futility with Maki walk away.

As Maki walked along the track, it was still lunch time. She felt herself almost fade into the background; she had not seen her friends all throughout lunch due to dealing with that love confession. Maki instead decided to hangout in the student council room.

"At that moment, I couldn't answer him." Maki thought to herself "I couldn't let go. I don't mean Yu either. I mean the Tsubasa I saw through Yu. That's why I..."

"I'm surprised you're here." Ishigami entered the council room.


"I didn't think you'd be back." Ishigami stared at Maki who was standing in front of his door with her head down.

Maki didn't respond, so Ishigami decided to put his hand on her cheek instead. Their gazes met and each dead orb stared into one another.

"Do you want to say we're dating?"

Maki was now sitting in Ishigami's room, the house was vacant with nobody home.

"What?" Maki thrown off guard by the sudden question.

"We'll be able to depend on each other if we need to." Ishigami softly smiled.

"Are you sure you won't fall in love with me?" Maki asked, suspicious about the odd proposal.

"Nope. No way I'd fall in love with you, I promise." Ishigami said with determination. "You're completely not my type."

"You're not mine either." Maki giggled.

"And so, we made a pact. That neither of us would fall in love with the other. If one of us makes it with the person we really love, our relationship ends. In other words, you can have everything but my feelings." their fingers entwined, cementing their promise to each other.


"So, does that basically make us friends with-?"

"No, no, no." Maki looked up "We didn't do it. We didn't have sex. And we probably won't."

"Really?" Maki stared into Ishigami's face. She was currently having a lap pillow from Ishigami on the couch. Maki no longer held her former innocence of when Ishigami and Shirogane first met the girl.

"If one of us is lonely, what's wrong with wanting the other to hold you?" Maki asked herself.

"Is that because I'm a virgin, Yu?"

"What are you talking about, Maki?" Ishigami asked confused.

"You'll see, I am going to make our wish come true."

Chapter end.

Alright guys, I hope you enjoyed reading my first chapter of Maki's Wish. As some of you might be able to tell, it is going to have the same framework from the anime/manga: Scum's Wish. More of the main cast is going to be addressed and, in the story, I just wanted to really develop the relationship between Maki and Yu.

A little explanation behind Zato=1's theme (Spoilers for Guilty Gear Strive): I'll keep it as simple as possible. Zato is brought back from the dead after being killed in the previous game from his attempts to gain more power. When brought back and revived, Zato feels no meaning in life quite literally until he meets his love Millia again. She is his only light in his new world of darkness, which he incidentally created for himself. The song is Zato going insane trying to reach back and reclaim what was once his, but he can never grasp a thing. Then the end of the song that Maki and Ishigami sang together, it was Zato accepting the position he is in, wanting to at the very least do something for the one that gives his life purpose. Millia. That was my interpretation to his theme and thought it fit Maki and Ishigami well in this instance, I'll probably do things with other songs.

I still don't know if I will continue my other stories, despite how popular they are with the community. I hate that part of myself which never finishes what I start.

Anyways, I hope everyone takes care.

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