Blind Love

By _DreamyGurll_

436 57 36

"Are you okay?" He asked her softly and her heart flipped at the voice of the man. It was so deep, filled wit... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

305 27 22
By _DreamyGurll_

The sun shined through her room's glass windows. The windows that were half broken. Broken by a vase that she threw when she felt frustrated and heard the sound of glass breaking on the floor.

There were only a few times in her life when she got angry, frustrated for living this life. She cursed her fate for the struggles she went through.

But all the other times - most of the time - she was a happy girl. A girl that had the most beautiful smile that she showedered everyone with, even when she didn't know who she directed it to.

"Misha!" She heard her aunt calling her and lazily got up from her bed. When she felt the breeze come through the windows, she yawned and stretched her arms out as a smile adorned her lips.

"Yes, auntie?" She walked out to the kitchen placing her hand on the things she felt around her. She knew the feel of the walls, the furniture, and the objects around her by now. She knew her aunt's voice and footsteps and kitchen smell.

"Misha, I made your breakfast. But I can't take you to the park today. I have a meeting. Will you be able to make it alone?" Her aunt asked as she shuffled through things.

"Yes, of course. Don't worry." Misha smiled at her aunt and felt her tap her cheek softly before she said goodbye and left.

Misha huffed as she went to sit on the sofa once she picked up her breakfast plate and played a few songs on her phone.

Once she was done eating, she washed the plates and then took a long shower. Where she wondered what date it was today because her birthday was supposed to come up this month.

She had never been excited about her birthday since her parents died. However, her aunt still took efforts in baking her a cake and her uncle bought her gifts.

But her aunt told her she wanted to have a party this time by calling the neighbours and her friends, since Misha turned 21 this year. This was her aunt's way of showing her that life must go on in spite of the loss of her parents and her eyesight. That Misha still had family and friends who cared for her and were there to celebrate her milestone birthday with her.

Friends. By that her aunt meant her own friends because she wanted to make Misha feel loved.

Because Misha did not have friends. No one wanted to befriend her and that upset her often, but she understood that was how it was. She couldn't do anything else.

She got out of the shower and picked up the sundress that came into her hand. She quickly combed her hair before grabbing her purse and sandals from their usual place.

She locked the door carefully and placed the key under the mat in case her aunt or uncle came home before her.

As she walked out of the apartment, the sound of the vehicle and their horns pierced her ears like always. She never liked them because it made her nervous because she knew she had to cross the road to walk to the park.

Usually her aunt would accompany her to the park once every week and spend time with her. They had a small picnic there but sometimes she had to do it alone.

She gathered courage and noted when the vehicles' sound reduced, so she could cross the road.

She had taken only a few steps and had not even reached the middle of the crossing when she heard the loud sound of a car coming towards her from the right side.

She panicked and her instinct was to turn around and run back but before she could do it, a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her away with force.

It happened so fast that her leg stumbled forward and she landed right into the arms of the man. He tried to hold her steady as he placed both his hands on her shoulders and took her far from the road.

"Are you okay?" He asked her softly and her heart flipped at the man's voice. It was so deep, filled with a hint of concern.

"Yeah." She said trying to balance herself back on her feet as he let his hands drop from her arms.

She hadn't expected this to happen and she was taken aback by the suddenness of it, yet somehow, his embrace felt oddly comforting. His voice was gentle and caring - she could sense that he was truly worried about her.

"Are you blind? Didn't you see that car coming? What if it didn't stop?" The man asked loudly and she flinched at the sudden change of tone.

Despite his harsh words, she could feel the concern in his voice, and it overwhelmed her. It was something she hadn't experienced before and she wondered how could a stranger show concern for her?

She moved closer to the man and lifted her hands up to find his face. Her fingers grazed his chin, then his lips, and stayed there for a while.

"What are you do-?" His words were halted when she placed her palm on his cheek finally. The action of hers caught his attention.

She couldn't see.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." He apologized as soon as the realisation dawned upon him. He looked at her with guilt for having shouted at her like that. He even asked her if she was blind.

How could he say something like that to someone, even if he didn't know the case? - He thought.

"It's okay. Thank you for saving me." Misha said sighing at the man whose handsome face she couldn't see but wished to see because from his voice she could feel he looked good.

It was just an unexplainable feeling in her heart.

"No. I'm really sorry for calling you out like that. I didn't kn- " He was saying when her fingers that were still on his cheek reached to his lips and stopped him from speaking further.

"Exactly. You didn't know. So it's fine. I was actually going to the park." She tells him as she moves her hand back and he looks at her fingers all the way till they reach the strap of her bag.

As if they had done something to him. They were so soft when they touched his face. He felt an unexpected sensation which made him both confused and captivated.

"Uhmm.. would you be okay if I helped you cross the road?" He cleared his throat as he suggested and that made her smile.

If he thought her fingers did something to him, he was wrong. Because it was her smile that did something to him as he gazed at her.

She was beautiful.

"Only if you tell me your name." Misha said and that made him smile in amusement.

"Ahaan. What's your name?" He asked and she felt a shiver run down her spine when he took her hand in his. She felt her cheeks flush as she nervously replied with her name.

"Misha." She replied and he hummed, pulling her to walk slowly.

A few seconds later, they crossed the road and he walked with her to the park.

"Do you come here by yourself?" Ahaan asked her and she shook her head.

"My aunt comes with me usually. Sometimes when she's busy, I help myself." She says and hears the sound of a stone being flicked away.

"But it's kind of risky." He says slowly not wanting to come out wrong with his words.

"Yeah. I know. I actually hate the sound of the vehicles and crossing the road alone scares me, but I love coming to the park, so that is it." Misha says and a smile curves her lips when she hears the chitter-chatter of the children knowing they have reached the park.

"So, you come to the park daily?" Ahaan asked not knowing why he suddenly wanted to know about her.

"Once or twice a week in the morning since it's pleasant here at this time. Me and my aunt have a small picnic here sometimes." She grins as she turns to her left assuming she was facing him now. He was still holding her hand.

"That's cute." He smiles resisting the urge to tuck her hair behind that blew from the morning breeze. But when he couldn't resist, he lifted his other hand and tucked her hair behind her ear.

She stiffened at the gesture. Though she had an inner feeling that she liked him because he was so soft to her as he helped her, he still was a stranger.

"Sorry." Ahaan immediately took his hand back as her face went blank.

Of course, they were strangers who had just met. What was he thinking when he did that?

"My h-hand." She murmured, and his eyes fell on their joined hands. He took it back right away.

"Sorry again." He rubbed the back of his neck and she chuckled at his nervous voice.

"Thank you again." Misha said and that was his cue to leave.

"Your welcome. Take care, Misha." Ahaan said patting her shoulder to tell her he was leaving and Misha nodded before he left.

Did she want him to stay a little longer?Yes.
Was she going to tell him that? No.

• • • • • • •

Thank you for reading! ❤️

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