One shots and Prefrences with...

By Clown_oil

14K 149 186


Bloody Knuckles(Robin)
Pac-man or Pinball? (Vance)
Prom (Bruce angst)
Meteor Shower (Finney)
Your songs (prefence)
Candy Corn (Bruce)
Labeled (Vance)
Prep Rally (Robin)
Library date (Griffen)
If the kidnappings happened in modern day
Fence Jumping (Billy)
Fun House (Finney)
Band Hall (Griffen)

Study Buddies (Finney)

1.1K 17 25
By Clown_oil

Smut:Kissing, thats like all i didn't put like their tongues collided 

Word count:1560

Second POV 

I hated science with all my soul, i have many good reasons, 1. You don't need science for most jobs, when i grew up i wanted to be d/j(Dream Job) and i was gonna do that, 2. Why do i need to know about random shit? its just extra knowledge that distracts you from everything else, only thing i could remember from science was matter, aka a solid liquid and gas. 3. Every year since kindergarten iv'e had this one dude who rubs it in that i don't know shit about science, Finney Blake. Finn was never really a mean guy, he played baseball, he was a pretty damn cool sister and was a goodie-to-shoes, like he couldn't even lay a finger on a fly!He is innocent! I try every day to get him to slip up ,after 3rd grade he noticed and ever since then we just haven't gotten along. One time he bumped into me while running and broke my leg, on time i pranked him by cracking a egg on his head.Just a simple enemy arc.He's always like

"I'm finney and i'm the little golden boy that everyone loves!"

"I'm finney and i'm a science genius!"

"I'm finney and my arm is mint!"

"I'm finney and I hate this dumb hoe y/n so i broke her leg!" 

Maybe im being dramatic about the last part..Nah

I walk to my science class to see today is project day! i sat next to f/n (friend name) cause she was super smart, i usually do the other thing and she writes the essay.

"Morning class!" our teacher, Ms. Jones, said walking in

"Today as you see we have a project! I will be assinging partners! This will be due next Tuesday! Here are your partners, Finney and Y/n, Noah and-" Ms. Jones yelled but got cut off by a 

"WHAT?" Both me and Finney said in union.            

"Is there  a problem?"she asked us

"YEA! I don't wanna be paired with someone who broke my leg!" i said

"And i don't wanna be with someone who doesn't even know the life cycle of a butterfly!!" Finn yelled

"That's why i paired you 2 together, you've always had been mean to one another and i also hoped that you could help Y/N with her atttention span" The teacher said calmly

"But- But!" i said trying to negotiate

"Nope, it's final now where was i? oh yea! Noah and" She started but i zoned her out, i glared at Finney instead, doing the same to me

After a few minutes we HAD to work together, i was NOT looking for a redemption arc here. 

"Sooo you hold grudges for a while huh?" he asked me

"for 1 it wasn't that long ago" i said

"We were in 6th grade"he said rolling his eyes

"Well 2,  just simply dont wanna be with you" i said

"Well neither do i brainless" he said

"Hey! Im not brainless! Iv'e had a 100 in reading since kindergarten!" i said

"Well maybe in reading, but in science you lose all brain cells" he said crossing his arms

"I don't" i argued

"well whats the name of the stages in the butterfly cycle"he said tilting his head.

"well umm...first its a...egg?then a...pupa, then larva then its a big kid!" i said with a bunch of cofidence in my voice, he just laughed at me

"Atleast you know the names"he said wiping the tears from his eyes

"whatever!"i screamed

"So who's house?" finney asked between laughs

"Bitch, imnot studying tonight, nor doing this stupid project"i said

"what why?" he asked me

"Today is Friday..My parents won't be home for the weekened"i said 

"Sooo?"he asked

"You say im dumb"i say rolling my eyes

"What?Are you gonna smoke weed or something?" he asked

"Fuck no i don't do weed nor thats just the wrong path" i say

"Oh, well what"he asked me

"My god, party at like 7, you can come if you want, just don't be expected to be hit on"i said laughing

"Ohhhhhhh well maybe i'll b there, Robin usually goes so maybe"he said shrugging

"ooo Finney the science freak at a party?" i asked

"I said maybe" he said

The bell rang

"See you there Finster" i said getting my stuff

"I said maybe!" he screamed


It was 6 and people were already drunk, There was a game of truth or dare going on, mostly just people finding excuses to make out with people, i decided to join before some 8th graders and high schooler's end up fucking each other in front of everyone. 

"OoOoo new comer!" my friend Donna said

"im not here for lip touching either"i said sitting down

We started playning of course i had some lip on lip action, Moose actually, i fucking gaged while kissing him. 

After a while Robin joined, behind him Finney

"Looked who came, Study Buddy"i said lauhging

"Come on Finn! Play with us!" Robin said

Soon everyone started chanting for us to play. He sat down, kinda being forced to.

After 10 minutes of playing someone picked Finn, it was actually Donna. 

"Truth or Dare Finney"She asked me

"um truth"he said

"Don't be a wuss"i yelled laughing

"I-im not a wuss"he said

"Then pick dareee"i told him

"Fine.."he said

"okok hmm in the closet with the person 4 away from your right. Everyone started counting..THAT BITCH

"umm what" i asked laughing

"Your 4 away from his right" Robin said

"What is this...a number line?" i asked trying to joke my way out of this

"Nope, your not getting out of this, we need lip on lip action before yall get out, we'll check every few minutes, we can coutinue without yall anyway"Donna said shoving us in there. 

There we were, in the dark, just me and the kid that broke my leg.

"Soo we just gonna stay in here all night?" i asked

"i told my dad i'd be back by 12"Finn said

It was only 7 so we had...5 hours.

The closet was small, it was used for old halloween costumes, it had room for nothing else. We were so close i could feel Finns heartbeat grow faster.

"You ok?" i asked

"Yea im fine"he said scooting as far as way possible, that being a milimeter. 

His breathing was warm, it was against my neck.The hairs on my neck were up. Our knees kept touching each other, after the first check in, i decided just to fuck it. 

"Finn? i need to get this over with so i can make sure no ones fucking someone on my matress"I said

"Thats...a bad and good excuse"he said laughing

"lets just get this over with," i said getting closer to him,  soon i was on him holding his face.

"umm y/n i dont know how to do this"he said obvisouly flustered

"Just put your hands where it feels like" i said shrugging

"umm ok" he said

He grabbed my waist with both of his hands. Iv'e always been a sucker for hip holding..its weird but i just love it, so i bassicly melted when he did that. We stared at each other, they came in like a minute ago so i didn't really care. I leaned closer till our lips collided. 

Finney tasted like cherry, expected to be honest. After we broke the kiss we both still wanted more. We had no idea what was coming over us, we hated each other, he broke my leg! I do not want ,my story to be a fucking enimeies to lovers! That shit is cringe..but kinda hot..WHAT AM I THINKING?!

We stared at eachother and both leaned in for more, this one lasted longer, it wasn't passonite since  i knew Finn had no exprience with this. He was a good kisser though, when we heard foot steps we just did a simple peck, no one needed to know that happened...When they saw us they were super shocked people didn't think Finney had the balls to do it. 

After everyone left i cleaned up feeling like my body wanted something. My lips missed the taste of cherry, the arms wrapped around me, and just Finn personally, my god what have i got myself into?

The next day in science we didn't talk about the kiss, we stayed focus and we were gonna meet after school at my house.

I ran straight home, and got some snacks out, i wanted him to feel impressed, for some reason.After 30 minutes Finn showed up we got on our project, i made our 3D replica while Finney made the essay. After i got finished he was about done also, we decided to watch a movie since Finn had abou 2 hours left, i put on 'The boy who Talked to Badgers' because we both despised horror movies.It was a new film that came out by disney. 

Half way through the movie it got boring i decided to finally speak up.

"soo about last night"i asked still looking at the tv

He turned his head towards me his cheeks were a bit pink

"What about it?"he stuttered

"Wanna do it again?" i asked, i was always very bold

"HUH, oh um i- uhh" he started stuttering a lot, trying to hide his face

"That answers my question"i said grabbing his face, his looked was wide eyed, flustered, and dorky. 

I put his lips on mine, i just pecked them cause i didn't want to force him into it

His eyes were darted on the couch and he was bright red, like all his blood flowed to his face.

"Come on study buddy you aren't embrassed are you" i asked pinching his cheeks

He looked at me and kissed me again.

Thanks Ms.Jones for my study buddy

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