Marinette Daughter of Batman

By isithereinthesilence

39.1K 797 332

Marinette is mute. Her class hates her. Her parents disowned her, and her honorary uncle and aunt took her in... More

{0. Prologue}
{1. The Announcement}
{3. The Trip}
{4. Interrigation From the Waynes}
{5. The DNA Test and Day Out}
{6. Waking Up to a Kiss and the First Tour}
{7. The Results and Family Bonding}
{8. Sleepless Nights and Early Morning Walks}
{9. Pushovers and Aunt Ivy Pt.1}
{10. Pushovers and Aunt Ivy Pt.2}
{11. Kidnappings and Aunt Harley}
{12. What Next?}
{13. Explanation}

{2. Bad Luck}

3.2K 70 21
By isithereinthesilence


'Past Dialogue'

*Sign language*


(Marinette's POV)

"MARINETTE WAKE UP!!!" Tikki yelled in my ear. I shot up quickly in surprise which caused me to fall off my bed, face planting on the floor. I silently groaned in pain rubbing my face. I sat up and shot Tikki a dirty look. "Don't look at me like that Marinette, you need to get ready for school." I rolled my eyes thinking it was a normal day when I suddenly remembered. Today the winner of the essay competition was going to be announced.

I got up from my sitting position and hurried to get ready for the day ahead. I kept on thinking about what outfit I should where for the special occasion. After a few minutes of searching, I eventually decided on this MDC original outfit...

After I changed and doing my hair and makeup, I ran downstairs to have breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, I saw Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny eating breakfast while talking at the table. I grabbed myself a bowl of cereal and joined them at the table.

*Goodmorning Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny.* I signed to them and started eating my breakfast. "Goodmorning Mari/Little Rocker." They replied. I was eating my cereal as fast as I could without getting a stomachache. "What's got you so excited this morning, Mari?" Aunt Penny asked me. *Today they are announcing the winner for the essay competition. I'm excited to see who won.* I signed in excitement.

After I scuffled down the rest of my cereal, I put my bowl in the sink and signed goodbye to them. I grabbed my skateboard, jumped on and started my way to school. A few people honking their horns, almost being run over by a car a few times, and almost crashing into someone, later I arrived at school.

I looked around for my friends, but I couldn't find them. In fact, there wasn't many people here. I opened my phone and checked the time. The reason my friends weren't here yet is because I'm early. I sat on the steps to wait for them.

After waiting for around fifteen minutes my friends arrived. When they looked my way I waved at them. They walked over to me. *Hi guys.* "Hi Mari." My friends replied. Then Adrien realized the time and looked at me. "How long have you been here Mari?" I checked the time. *Around fifteen minutes.* They looked at me in silent shock for a few seconds until Chloe spoke up. "You were earlier than us for once." *Oh, shut up Chloe.* She just giggled at my actions. *The reason why I arrived so early was because I was excited. I'm excited to see who won the essay competition.* I explained to my friends.

We talked a bit longer before walking to class. We sat down in our seats, we continued talking as we waited for the teacher to arrive. After a while Mrs. Bustier finally arrived. "Goodmorning class." "Goodmorning Mrs. Bustier." The class responded. "Allright before we start the lesson, I have some exciting news." Mrs. Bustier paused for dramatic suspense. "Our class has won the essay competition and will be going on a trip to Gotham." The class erupted in cheers and they started thanking Lie-la, thinking she won them the trip.

"Oh, you're welcome. Though I think my damiboo convinced his father to choose our class." Lie-la said. "Girl who's your damiboo?" Alya asked. "Oh, he's Damien Wayne. I think he chose our class because he missed me so much since we haven't seen each other in years." Lie-la of course lied. ^I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.^ I thought.

After all the hype died down, Mrs. Bustier continued. "I have some permission slips for your parents to sign, make sure they're signed and handed in by Friday. Also make sure your bags are packed, we leave for Gotham on Sunday." Mrs. Bustier proceeded to hand out the permission slips. "Now let's start the lesson."

{Time Skip to lunch time}

I was sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch with my friends. I suddenly felt something cold and wet on my head. I slowly turned around to see Lie-la, holding a now empty bottle with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, Marinette I'm so sorry, I tripped and spilt my juice on you." Lie-la said with an unnoticeable smirk. *Well, was it lemon juice, because you're making me awfully sour.* I signed in response. Her face went from nice to shocked. My friends were just sitting in the background laughing. On the outside I looked calm if not slightly irritated, but on the inside, I was laughing so hard, it was difficult to keep a straight face.

She looked like she was going to burst, but quickly covered it up. "Marinette I was just trying to apologise. You don't have to be so mean to me." She then started crying crocodile tears.

Her sheep/loyal followers/stupid, one brain-celled idiots came over and started to comfort Lila. Alya walked right up to Marinette. "How dare you, Lila was trying to apologise and you were being rude." Alya shouted in her face.

*She spilt her juice on me, and ruined my clothes. She was also annoying me. I wanted to dig a hole to the centre of the earth and push her in.* Marinette signed to Alya with a straight face.

Alya was about to slap her when a hand grabbed her wrist, stopping her mid action. Alya looked over to see Adrien was the one who stopped her. "Keep your hands off my girlfriend Cesaire." Adrien growled.

Alya looked shocked, it was like someone slapped her. She then turned around and stormed off knowing that she would not win the fight.

With that they went back to eating their lunch and laughing about what happened.

The rest of the school day wasn't as fun. In class they were being taught things they had already learned, as if that wasn't bad enough Lie-la kept on interrupting with her lies.

{Time Skip to after school}

After the long day of school, it was finally finished. I was so excited for the trip. I wish it would come sooner. I waved to my friends then left to go home.

I was only a few blocks away when CRASH, there was an Akuma. I ducked around the corner and peeked to see who it was. I noticed that it was...


^ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! I don't feel like getting stabbed right now. If I did Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny would so kill me.^ I thought in worry and slight annoyance with a bit of frustration.

I quickly transformed into Ladybug and looked for Chat Noir. I couldn't see him so I knew I would have to fight her alone until he arrives. I immediately started to try and get her sword to defeat the Akuma. Not even 10 seconds after, she noticed I was there.

She then started to attack me with her sword swinging left and right. I continued to dodge the attacks. She managed to slice me a few times, but thankfully they were only shallow cuts.

Eventually, Chat Noir showed up. He jumped into the fights as well. They were basically fencing, Riposte with her sword and Chat Noir with his staff. While Chat Noir was distracting her I called for my lucky charm.

I caught my lucky charm as it fell out of the sky. I started looking for a plan for my lucky charm. All of a sudden I felt a stinging sensation in my side. I looked down and saw I had been stabbed. Riposte had snuck up on me after managing to get away from Chat Noir and stabbed me.

"Noooo!!!" I heard Chat Noir shout. Riposte ripped her sword out of me and I fell to my knees in pain. Just as she was about to finish me off, Chat Noir jumped in and broke her sword. The Akuma flew out and I de-evilised it. I opened up my yo-yo and a white butterfly flew out. I then used the miraculous cure and it fixed everything.

The only thing it didn't fix though was me. I was still bleeding out, if I didn't go home and get fixed up I would die of blood loss. Chat Noir ran over to me and picked me up bridal style. He quickly rushed me home and landed on my balcony.

He lay me down on my bed and went into my bathroom and grabbed the medical kit. I de-transformed and he ran over to me again. He quickly started cleaning my wound and then stitched me up. He then wrapped me in bandages and grabbed me some clean clothes.

He turned around so I could get dressed. It was a pair of pyjamas.

After I was dressed I tapped my foot on the ground signalling I was dressed. He then turned around and helped me onto my bed and went downstairs to tell Aunt Penny and Uncle Jagged what happened, he was still dressed as Chat Noir.

Pretty soon I heard them running into my room. They ran over to me and started telling me they were worried and I should have been more careful.

After a while they finally calmed down a bit. All of a sudden my stomach rumbled. Aunt Penny noticed and said "It sounds like someone is hungry, I will go make dinner." I nodded in agreement and she left.

I then realised I had to get Aunt Penny or Uncle Jagged to sign my permission slip so I could go on the trip. I got up being careful of my stitches and picked up my school bag. I placed it on my bed and took out the permission slip.

I handed it to Uncle Jagged and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow as if asking what it was. *It's my permission slip, either you or Aunt Penny have to sign it so I can go on the trip.* I signed to him, answering his unasked question.

He nodded in understanding. He then grabbed a pen off my desk and signed the slip and handed it back to me. *Thanks, Uncle Jagged." I signed to him and hugged him. "Your welcome" he replied hugging me back.

I then heard someone clear their throat and realised that Chat Noir was still there. "I should go now. I'm glad you're okay Mari." He said to me. I nodded in thanks to him, he then left.

I then turned to Uncle Jagged and we started to have a conversation about what has been happening. After a while Aunt Penny called us down for dinner.

We ate dinner then I got ready for bed. I got into bed still being careful of my wound and fell asleep.

{Time Skip to after school the next day}

I started to pack for the trip, Tikki was helping me because she didn't want me to hurt my wound. We packed all of the necessities. It didn't take long until we were finished. We had packed enough to last a couple of months. You never know how much you will need.

Later that night I went to bed, excited for what was to come.

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