The Healer | Part 3: The Surv...

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'You can't just leave me and then come back a year later and assume nothing's changed!' I turned angrily to h... Daha Fazla

A New Normal
It was Time
Burning Fog
Another Wedding
The Letters
The Notebook
Caught in Class
A Very Bad Date
The Truth
Falcon's Rest
The Birthday Party
Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Prestatyn and Glasgow
Blast From the Past
Spud the Cat
Never Again
The Kilt
The Twins
Normal Things
The Registrar
The Secret
Back to The Burrow
Mrs Weasley
Christmas Morning
No More Secrets
What He Would Give Anything For
The Mothers
Only Temporary
Vault 912
April Fools' Day
The Hangover
The Telephone Call
Two Fs and a G
The Final Call
Creature-Induced Injuries
Bonus Chapter

Spell Damage and Tight Jeans

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'Oi, I don't mind you on the bed, but you can't sleep there,' George told Spud the cat as he picked up her up from her position right between our pillows and deposited her at the foot of the bed the following morning.

I woke up with a mouthful of her tail and fur on my tongue. I spat and wiped my mouth the whole while I got up and dressed in my Healer uniform.

My mind was still reeling from the events of the night before, but I didn't want to dwell on them at the moment. I had to focus on school and get my feet back under me. Being a trainee was much different from being a student.

I was relieved that my uniform still fit with plenty of room to spare. Hopefully it would still be another couple of months before I needed a bigger size. The starchy material hid my stomach better than my regular clothing, for which I was extremely grateful.

'What's that name on the front there?' George asked after I had dressed. I looked down at my shirt where my name was stitched into the front pocket.

'Mine?' I looked up at him curiously.

'Excuse me, but I think you'll find that says Edith Falconer who no longer exists.'

I raised my eyebrows at him as he pointed his wand at the stitching and the word Falconer changed to Weasley.

'That's better,' he grinned. I rolled my eyes. 'I need everyone to know you're mine now.'

'Are you finished?' I asked.

'Yes, I am,' he nodded.

'Well, this is it, George, the honeymoon's over,' I told him solemnly. 'It's back to business as usual, I'm afraid.'

'Well, I can't deny I've enjoyed these past few weeks,' he replied with a heavy sigh.

'I've certainly enjoyed them,' I grinned up at him. He smiled and kissed me softly.

'You'll be back here, at the end of the day?' He asked earnestly. I threw my head back and laughed.

'Where else am I meant to go?' I put my hands on my hips. 'I live here now, of course I'm coming back.'

'Good, I'll see you tonight,' he kissed me one last time before we both Disapparated to our separate destinations.

It was odd being back at the hospital but as a trainee instead of a student. I had to stop myself from carrying on up the steps to the fifth-floor and exit the staircase on the fourth-floor where my letter had instructed me to.

I walked down a short corridor and came to a set of double doors that read Framboise Paré Ward. In smaller letters underneath, it read:

Healer-in-charge: Jonathan Baird
Trainee Healer: Edith Weasley

It was so strange seeing my new name. I took a deep breath, pushed the doors open and walked through.

I had never been to this particular ward before, but it was laid out very similarly to the other ones I had been on. I had walked into another brightly lit corridor with doors lining either side that led to patient rooms. At the end of the corridor was a large, circular desk that I knew was the nurses' station. The corridor continued on either side of the desk that led to more patient rooms as well as connected the ward to the others on the floor.

I looked down at my watch, it was shortly before eight o'clock. The nurses were busy carrying out their duties in the corridors and patient rooms. A few nodded at me as I passed, I nodded back, feeling a bit sick to my stomach from both nerves and some lingering morning sickness.

When I arrived at the nurses' station, there were two Healers already there. One, I recognized, the other I didn't.

'Ah, Healer Weasley,' Healer Bidelspach was the first to speak. It was extremely strange hearing her call me Healer Weasley, she had only ever called me Ms Falconer before. I hadn't realized I would be referred to as a Healer today. 'This is Healer Baird, he will be your mentor for the next six months should you desire to continue with the programme.'

'Erm... hello,' I turned to Healer Baird. He was a middle-aged wizard with thick, greying hair and a full beard. His face was square and his middle was round. He was wearing glasses and a lime green uniform identical to that of Healer Bidelspach's. 'I'm Healer Fal... erm Weasley.'

He offered me his hand and I took it. He shook it firmly and maintained eye contact. It was an extremely intimidating experience.

'Healer Baird,' he said in a deep voice. 'Healer-in-charge of this ward.'

'Healer Weasley, I wondered if I might have a quick word before I leave you with Healer Baird,' Healer Bidelspach said to me.

'Oh, erm... aye,' I nodded and followed her down the corridor out of earshot of the nurses and Healer Baird.

'I just wondered if you've given any thought to your progress in the Healing programme,' she said softly. 'I understand that things have changed since you began and now that you've had a couple of weeks to think things over, I wondered how you were feeling about completing the programme.'

I took a deep breath. I had given the matter a great deal of thought over the Christmas break. I hadn't really discussed it much with George, I didn't really know what my options were. I wanted to finish, and I knew that George would support me no matter what.

'Will I be able to finish?' I asked her.

'Oh, certainly,' she nodded enthusiastically. 'Healer Weasley, you were the top of the class during the theoretical portion of the course, it would be an absolute pity if we lost you.'

'Well, what are my options?' I asked, feeling my face flush at her comment.

'When is your due date?' She asked.

'Early June,' I replied.

'Well, you should be able to complete this block. You may lose a few weeks, but I'm sure it won't be an issue with Healer Baird considering the circumstances,' she mused. 'I wouldn't worry if you had to cut it short, you have more practical experience than the other three anyway. I would suggest taking the next six-month block off and then we can meet again this time next year and discuss your options.'

'I can take a leave like that?' I asked incredulously.

'Of course,' she raised her eyebrows at me. 'We really would hate to lose a Healer like you, you have such potential.'

'Erm... alright,' I nodded slowly. 'I'll discuss it with my husband, but I really would like to finish.'

'Jolly good,' she smiled and offered me her hand. I shook it. 'Have a good first day back, Healer Weasley.'

It was extremely odd to be called both Healer and Weasley and knowing that was my name. It would take a lot of getting used to.

Healer Bidelspach left the ward and I walked back up to the nurses' station where Healer Baird was still waiting for me.

'I hear you're pregnant,' he said gruffly. I had to hold back a snort. He didn't beat around the bush, I thought dryly to myself.

'Erm... aye, that's correct, Healer Baird,' I maintained eye contact with him. I had a feeling he was someone that could intimidate others very easily. I didn't want him to think I was someone easily intimidated. I knew what I was doing, I would prove it to him.

'With twins?' He asked, raising an eyebrow.

'Aye, sir,' I nodded curtly.

'When is your due date?' He asked.

'The seventh of June, sir,' I replied as cooly as I could.

'We'll be cutting it close,' he said with a curt nod. 'Right, we'd best get started. This is the Framboise Paré ward, I have been Healer-in-charge here for five years. Here, we treat acute, reversible spell damage from improperly cast impediment jinxes to accidentally transfigured limbs. Any short-term damage from jinxes, hexes, charms, and curses comes here. The key is that the cause is reversible. Any spell damage with irreversible causes is sent next door to the Dai Llewellyn ward where our long-term residents reside.'

He walked out briskly from behind the desk down the corridor and I followed him.

'This is Alice, the matron-in-charge of the ward,' a pale, blonde witch in a lime green uniform with her hair tied back in a ponytail. She looked to be in her forties or so, she had a very kind face.

'Hello,' she smiled at me. 'Alice Miles.'

'Edith... Weasley,' I replied. It felt very strange and foreign to be introducing myself this way.

'Lovely to meet you. Healer Baird is an excellent Healer. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to let me know,' she said before hurrying off.

'You'll find the nurses here extremely competent and efficient in their tasks,' Healer Baird turned to me. 'I expect you here promptly at eight o'clock every morning. For the first month, you will shadow me and once you're comfortable, you will start taking calls from the staff after hours. I trust Healer Bidelspach has provided you with your notebook?'

'Aye, sir,' I nodded.

Healer Baird showed me around the ward and how he performed rounds on the inpatients. There weren't very many, most were unconscious. There was a witch who had had a Reductor Curse performed on her which, fortunately for her, had only blasted her arms and legs from her body. After her limbs had been reattached, she had to learn to use them again. Healer Baird explained as we went through the charts that most patients were unresponsive and suffering from improperly cast dueling curses or else being cursed by multiple spells at the same time. There was nothing that could be done but monitor their progress and make sure their condition wasn't worsening. I knew this from my classes. A lot of spell damage just needed time for the spell to run its course.

He showed me the ward's Potion Room where nurses were preparing draughts for the patients and he gave me a quick tour of the ward stock. It was pretty standard, but he said most anything could be ordered from the larger hospital Potion Room.

During the course of the morning, I met the other nurses as well as housekeeping and clerical staff. A few more patients arrived, but all were assessed and discharged home quickly. One was on the wrong end of a poorly cast Knockback Jinx and had to have his internal organs rearranged back to normal. Another had his fingers accidentally Transfigured into worms, that one was a bit trickier to correct. A third was a victim of a Biting Teacup, something that I knew was a product carried at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

'That's the fourth one I've seen since Christmas,' Healer Baird sighed as the wizard left the ward with his nose successfully reattached. 'Are you related to the Weasleys of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes by any chance?'

'Erm... aye,' I muttered sheepishly. As far as I knew, the Weasleys I was related to were the only ones around. 'The owner is my husband.'

Healer Baird let out a heavy sigh.

'That shop is both a blessing and a curse,' he said, but there was a small smile on his face.

He dismissed me for lunch shortly after that. I headed to the floor above, hoping to run into my fellow classmates and find out what floors they were on.

I found them quickly, Meredith, Cooper and White were sitting at a table by themselves. Meredith looked up and waved as I approached.

'Hello,' I nodded to each of them. 'Have a nice Christmas?'

'It was quick,' Meredith answered.

'I'm a little surprised to see you back here,' White commented dryly with his eyebrows raised.

'How?' I asked, taking a seat between him and Meredith.

'You're not serious?' He smirked. 'What's that name on your shirt?'

'Sorry?' I looked down instinctively at the stitching on my front pocket.

'You married a Weasley?' He asked incredulously. 'Which one?'

'Blimey, Edith,' Meredith said. 'I didn't realize you were still seeing George Weasley.'

'Erm... aye, well, we're married now,' I averted my gaze.

'You're married to George Weasley?' White asked loudly. 'What on earth are you still doing here? You don't need to work.'

'I know,' I replied curtly and pulled my lunch bag out from my leather clutch. 'So what floor are you on, Meredith?'

'Magical Bugs,' she shuddered. I remembered how apprehensive she was in the autumn with the girl who had Spattergroit. 'You?'

'Spell Damage,' I replied. 'What about you, Cooper?'

'Potion and Plant Poisoning,' he replied.

'Creature-Induced Injuries,' White said, recovering quickly with a smirk back on his face. He never liked being left on the sidelines.

I tried not to say much for the rest of the lunch break. White was only too happy to share the results of his theoretical exams and talk about how much he already knew about Creature-Induced Injuries.

After lunch, I returned to the fourth floor where Healer Baird showed me how to treat a particularly nasty Jelly-Legs Curse and we admitted an unresponsive wizard who had apparently been hit with a Lightning Charm.

Healer Baird dismissed me early, which I wasn't expecting and he told me not to get used to it. In a month, I would be responsible for all after-hours calls. I had to admit, I wasn't looking forward to that. But at least I would be able to sleep in my own bed and then return to it when the patient was sorted.

George wasn't due home for another hour by the time I returned to Falcon's Rest. I decided to make something for supper, I could probably do something nice with the extra time I had.

I went upstairs to change out of my uniform first. Now that I was actually working with patients, I felt a little more dirty than I usually did. I took a quick shower before I put on clean clothes.

I was feeling pretty good until I pulled on my jeans and they wouldn't button up. Suddenly, I felt like crying. No matter how much I sucked my tummy in or held my breath, there was no way I was getting them on.

I pulled them off angrily and sat down on the bed with my head in my hands. I hadn't thought I would outgrow my clothes so quickly. This wasn't fair, I hadn't asked for this. I didn't even want one baby and I was getting two. I had been so hopeful after my discussion with Healer Bidelspach that everything would be alright, that was gone now. I took a couple more deep breaths to keep from crying.

It wouldn't do to feel sorry for myself. At least the trousers from my school uniform had an elastic waistband, it didn't matter as much that I was a bit bigger.

I stood and rummaged around in the dresser for trousers that had a bit of give to them. All I could find were my joggers that I usually only used for exercise.

My appetite was gone by the time I returned downstairs. The last thing I wanted to do was cook supper. I pointed my wand at the kettle and made myself a cup of tea. I found one of my textbooks and settled myself on the sofa in front of the fire with it.

'You're home early.'

I wheeled around and nearly dropped my mug. George had returned home, I had been so absorbed in my own little world that I hadn't even heard the door open. I should have remembered he had a charm on the house to alert him if anyone came in while he wasn't home. I should have expected him to come and investigate.

'Are you alright?' He asked, shrugging out of his coat and kicking his boots off.

'Sorry?' I said. Crivvens, he was probably talking about the fight with my parents the night before. I had almost forgotten about it with all the excitement from St Mungo's and the fact that my trousers didn't fit anymore.

'Last night,' he confirmed. There was a large paper bag under his arm that he deposited on the kitchen table. He must have picked up something for supper before coming home. He took a seat next to me on the sofa. 'Do you want to talk about it?'

'What's there to talk about?' I laughed humorlessly. 'We talked about it last night.'

'You just look a little sad,' he said softly, reaching out to touch my leg.

'It's fine, George, I'm not feeling sad about my parents,' I said with a sigh. 'I'm sad because my jeans don't fit anymore.'

He was quiet for a moment and raised his eyebrows as if I had just said something ridiculous. I bit my lip, saying it out loud was bringing more tears to my eyes.

'Is that all?' He let out a booming laugh. 'I'm surprised it took this long!'

'It isn't funny, George!' I exclaimed, feeling a tear drip down my face. I wiped it away angrily. 'I'm only three months and I already need new clothes!'

'It's alright, Edith,' he assured me and rubbed my leg, his tone softening. 'We can go out and find you some new clothes this weekend if you like.'

'I just didn't think it would happen so fast,' I said quietly. He let go of my leg and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

'It's good though, isn't it?' He said. 'It means the babies are growing.'

'I'm going to be absolutely massive by the time they're born,' I felt more tears start to fall.

'Edith, you're beautiful,' he said gently:

'No, I'm not,' I scoffed. 'I'm huge!'

'You're not huge!' He said firmly. 'You're pregnant! And that doesn't change how beautiful you are.'

I said nothing, though tears continued to stream down my face as I examined a floorboard under my feet. He put a hand under my chin and lifted it so I was looking him in the eye.

'Do you remember when we were in school how I told you I liked you and that other blokes had their eyes on you?'

I raised an eyebrow. What did that have to do anything.

'Aye?' I replied.

'And then that git Smith had the nerve to ask you out on Valentine's Day?'

'I remember you and your brother listening in on that particular private conversation,' I managed a small chuckle.

'And you still went out with me,' he pointed out.

'I did a wee bit more than that,' I reached out to take his hand.

'I love you, Edith,' he said softly, taking the hand he had under my chin and wiping the tears away. 'Nothing's going to change that. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm glad you chose me.'

'I'd rather you than anyone else,' I squeezed his hand.

'Don't worry about getting bigger,' he squeezed my hand back. 'I'm still the luckiest man in Britain.'

I scoffed.

'How are you doing with all this?' I changed the subject. 'Now that everyone knows.'

'Fine,' he replied at once.

'Really?' I pressed.

'Well, I don't know about you, but I just married the woman I've been in love with since she threw herself down the Charms corridor at me almost four years ago.'

'True,' I managed a small smile back. He knew how to cheer me up. 'You didn't know you loved me all the way back then, did you?'

'I might have. When did you know you loved me?' He asked, avoiding my question.

I had to think about that for a second.

'After the second night I slept in your room,' I told him. 'Right after the funeral.'

'Really?' He raised his eyebrows. That hadn't been a day I wanted to remember for many reasons, but one thing I did remember was how happy and loved he made me feel.

'I have a confession to make,' I said, feeling my cheeks burn. That had been the first time I'd woken up wrapped so tightly in his arms, it had been obvious that he enjoyed it too, but I had pretended to be asleep to spare him the embarrassment.

'What?' He asked.

'Erm... do you remember much about that morning, right after we woke up?' I asked.

'About how I teased you for drooling and snoring?' He asked slowly.

'No, before that,' I looked him in the eyes. I saw his ear go red.

'Oh no...' he said. 'You were awake?'

'It's not like it hasn't happened since!' I reminded him with a laugh.

'Bloody hell, Edith!' He managed a nervous chuckle. 'You weren't meant to be awake!'

'Anyway, that's when I knew I loved you,' I nodded curtly.

'You're a strange woman,' he grinned.

'I just remember how safe I felt in your arms,' I said softly.

'You mean like this?' He lunged for me. I cried out as he wrapped his arms and legs around me, effectively cutting off all escape routes. I giggled as he burrowed his face into my neck and kissed his way up to my ear.

I wrapped my arms around him too and held him tightly, relaxing into him. I loved it when he did things like this.

'I know you like to cuddle,' he whispered in my ear.

'Aye, but only with you,' I told him.

'Personally, I prefer it when we're naked,' he replied.

I laughed and then sighed softly. I closed my eyes, and held him tightly, enjoying the feeling of him being so close.

I heard the door open that time. My eyes flew open, and George looked up over the back of the sofa to see who had come inside.

'Haven't you ever heard of knocking?' He called, obviously annoyed with the newcomer.

'I'm your brother!' Ron's voice called back.

'Yeah, well it's not just my house anymore, is it?' George retorted. 'You're lucky I had clothes on.'

'We would have found you at the shop but they told us you skived off early,' Ron retorted.

'It's not skiving off when you're the boss,' George scoffed. 'I had better things to do.'

'George!' I hissed, feeling my cheeks flush.

He released his hold on me and I sat up, embarrassed to be discovered in this position. It wasn't just Ron, Harry was standing in the doorway, too.

'Erm... hello,' I said awkwardly. They looked a little embarrassed at having discovered George and I.

'What are you doing here anyway?' George asked.

'Er... I just wondered if I could have a word,' Ron said a little less aggressively. I got the hint.

'Oh, right.' I stood up, grateful that we hadn't been cuddling long enough for my hair or clothes to be particularly rumpled. 'I think I fancy a walk.'

'You don't have to,' George said quickly, placing a hand on my arm. 'You live here, he's the one intruding.'

'It's fine,' I rolled my eyes. 'I could use the exercise.'

Besides, I had a feeling that Ron wanted this to be a private conversation, I'd be much happier outside of the house while the boys talked about whatever it was they needed to discuss. I pulled on my coat and boots and walked out the back door with my mug of tea in hand.

I made for the path he'd created in the trees last autumn. I smiled to myself at the memory of his proposal. It had come as a complete surprise, though a pleasant one all the same.

It was a bit more difficult to maneuver the path in the snow with my mug of tea. It was good exercise though. I hadn't had the energy to exercise properly since I'd found out I was pregnant.

Something on a large elm tree caught my eye. I paused and took a closer look. Someone had carved something into the tree.

George loves Edith

I smiled to myself, my heart swelling. I traced the letters in his writing with my hand, remembering the words I'd carved into the oak tree at his parents' house. Now our house had words carved into a tree.

I carried on down the path until I came across a birch tree with another carving in it. This one just said G + E surrounded by a heart.

There were several of them as I carried on walking. Some said G + E = ❤️, some read G & E 4ever or variations of the same. I felt myself tearing up for the second time that evening but for a completely different reason.

When I came to the place where he'd asked me to marry him, I found the words SHE SAID YES!!! in a tree right where he'd got down on one knee. I couldn't help but tear up. He was making this place our home, building new memories just like he said he would.

When had he done this? Or had he done it over a few weeks? I hadn't been through the trail since he'd asked me to marry him, but he'd had a lot more time to himself than I did.

I wished I had my wand, I'd forgotten it at the house. I would have to come back to make some additions of my own.


When I returned to the house an hour later, George was alone again. He must have seen me coming, he was reheating the food he had brought home earlier.

'What was that all about?' I asked with a small grin as I took my coat and boots back off. 'Or is it a secret?'

'You're my wife, I don't keep secrets from you,' he smirked.

'Well that's nice,' I sat down at the kitchen table. I was feeling a lot better after my walk in the cold air. I was tired and hungry too, and the food George was plating up smelled delicious.

'Ron fancies asking Hermione to marry him,' George explained.

'Does he?' I raised my eyebrows. 'And why, pray, did he need to talk to you about it?'

'Because I have experience,' he winked at me. I laughed.

'What did you tell him?' I asked.

'To wait until they've finished school,' he replied.

'Ah,' I took the bowl of stew he was offering me.

'I know I said I wouldn't do anything differently,' he started. 'But I would do that differently. I just didn't know how hard this was going to be on you.'

'It's alright, George,' I waved a hand dismissively. 'Like you said, it's done. There's nothing we can do about it now.'

My tone was sharper than I meant for it to be and I knew he noticed it. I picked up my spoon and started to eat while he watched warily for a moment before doing the same.

I would never outright tell him, but I wished we had waited until I was done school before starting our family. But it was my mistake too, not just his. I was just the one who had to deal with the consequences. His part was done, he could carry on with his life as normal, just with a pregnant wife now. I was the one who would have to give birth and stay home with two babies. The thought made me feel hopeless and I had to work hard to put my feelings out of my mind and continue to eat.

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