Working for Styles

By byebyemsamericanpie

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I took this job thinking I would get the chance to not only train with one of the most popular boxers in the... More



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By byebyemsamericanpie


I had almost forgot to call my mum and cancel on her. It wasn't until she texted to tell me she was on her way that I canceled on her. When she asked why, I had nothing to say besides: Niall left me.

From: Mum
Should I come over?

To: Mum
No please

She texted me something but I had no strength to look at it.

I wasn't sure if I should cry, scream.... I didn't know what to do. The love of my life has left me yet again and I think he's gone for good this time. I wanted to text him or call him and tell him to come home, that we can work it out, but I knew he wouldn't listen....

Was he in as much pain as me? Was he broken down and crying hysterically in his car right now? Where was he? What was he doing? Was he okay?

He was all I could think about... He's all I can ever think about.

Is his heart taken?

Is there somebody else on his mind?

God... I'm so fucking sorry.... I'm so confused..... Am I out of time?

Is his heart breaking? How does he feel about me now? I can't believe I let him walk away when.... When I should have kissed him.


Later that day, I found myself at the bar. I knew Niall would be disappointed I was drinking again, but Niall left me, so what the hell?

I sat at the bar, sulking in my own depression, watching couples make out and watching singles hook up. I didn't even know where I was... I think I might have only been a couple blocks from home, but I don't know. I drank at home before I decided to go to a bar. If Niall decided to come home, and he saw the empty bottles? He'd leave me again for sure.

But Niall's not coming back. I know it this time.

So what's the point? Might as well drink up while I can. Maybe I can go out the same way my old man did. Wouldn't he be so fucking proud?

I looked at my phone to see if there were any text or calls from Niall. I knew there wouldn't be, but it couldn't hurt to look... It did hurt to look...

I decided to go on Twitter, see if he's tweeted anything... Nothing.

I did find a lot of gruesome comments on his old post though. People who claimed to be my fans calling him a faggot and telling him to kill himself. They said our relationship was fake... They told him he was a worthless piece of shit that was going to hell for loving me.

Is this why he left?


He left because of my mother... Was he jealous?

Does it matter?

Either way, I've lost him.

He told me. He told me people were saying these things... And I didn't listen. I didn't even comfort him! I didn't think anything of it. Why didn't I do anything? God damn it why didn't I do anything!

I slammed my phone on the counter, cracking the corner of the screen in the process.

"Hey, you okay bro?" A man next to me asked. I shot him a glare before looking away.

How could anyone be so rude to Niall? He's such a sweet boy. He's the greatest person I've ever met...

I looked down at my phone again when it vibrated.

Thinking it was a text from Niall I looked. I was only disappointed when I saw it was my mother...

From: mum
Would you like to help me with furniture for the house?

Niall was right.

I sighed as I locked my phone again.

She was using me. From the moment I first paid for our lunch I should have known... She was going to use my money. We've already started to go broke... Niall's pointed it out several times when it came to paying bills. We had plenty of money, but not enough to continue living in the house we were living in now...

Well... The house I am living in. Alone...

I downed the rest of my drink before asking for another one. How could I talk to anybody about this?

It's only been 9 hours since he's left me, and I've already drank myself half way to death.

17 more shots of what ever the hell I bought later and I was done.

I stood from the bar, barely able to see straight as I fell and stumbled my way out the bar. I've never been this drunk before, never in my entire life. The only thing I could think about was Niall.

Someone offered me a ride, but I denied it. I would walk home, I needed the air.

When I walked outside I saw a man on his phone, laughing as he typed something up.

Was he a hater on my Niall?

I grabbed him by the collar, surprising us both as I sloppily moved my arm to punch him. I barely made contact because I was too drunk, but it was enough to piss him off.

"A-arsh yoom shending h-hate t-to me N-Niall!" I tried to yell at him. I couldn't function and it only frustrated me even more. This guy was a lot bigger than me, but I was the best in the business. I was Harry Fucking Styles. No one could beat me, I was amazing.

"Hey fucker! What the hell?" He yelled. I was hit in the head next. I watched his face as I fell to the ground; I felt my head hit the cement and that was the last thing I remembered before I was out.


"Liam," I cried. I didn't want to leave Harry. But it had to be done. I couldn't stick around and watch him ruin everything anymore. He accused me of using him for his money, he accused me of being a moocher and using him for his money. I just hope he finds out about his mum before its too late.

"I- I love him so much. What d-do I do?" I cried in my best friends shoulders.

Sophia came into the room again with some water, watching me with a sympathetic look on her face. Her and Liam probably never had these problems, they probably never fought. Well aren't they just the perfect couple?

"Niall?" Sophia asked.

"Y-yeah?" I sniffed.

"I think this is just a little bump in your relationship. I mean, you and Harry are perfect for each other in an imperfect kind of way." She explained. She had a point, we were very different but we worked.

"But I left him! For good this time. I wasn't bluffing, I wasn't leaving for the night. I'm gone for good." I cried again. I couldn't breath, it felt as if my heart had taken my lungs down with it when it collapsed.

"You should call him. He loves you, he doesn't want you to leave." She gave me another sympathetic look and then looked at Liam for help.

"Yeah, Niall. Both of you love each other. Both of you don't want to leave... Talk to him."

"I don't know... It's too soon." I sighed. I can't just leave him for good and come back 9 hours later. That looks wrong on my part.

"Pretty soon it's going to be too late." Sophia pointed out.

I had time. If Harry truly loved me, it would take him months or even a year to move on. Unfortunately it's going to take me a life time.

I sighed and then looked down when my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Is this Mr. Horan?" The man asked on the other line.

"Yes, this is he. May I ask who's calling?" Was this one of Chris' workers calling to confirm a match for Harry?

"This is Doctor Dean Raven, I am calling to inform you that your friend, Harry Styles has been admitted to Cheshire memorial hospital."

My heart sank before I yelled into the phone.

"What's wrong!"

"Is there anyway you can make it here? I would like to discuss his condition in person."

"Yes I'm on my way!" I gasped. Liam and Sophia both looked confused but I couldn't focus on anything besides getting to Harry.

"And for the record, he's my boyfriend." I said before hanging up.

"What's going on?" Liam asked.

"Harry's in the hospital. I have to go." I grabbed my keys and ran. I had no care of anything in the world besides getting to Harry.


When I arrived at the hospital I was running around frantically trying to find someone who could take me to him.

"I need to talk to Doctor Dean Raven! It's an emergency!" I yelled at the receptionist.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to take a seat in the waiting room and fill out this-"

"No! No Doctor Dean called me and told me to come down here! Harry is in there! I'm his boyfriend! Let me in!" I had no care in the world if I was making a scene. I needed Harry, he was probably so alone and afraid. I needed him. He needed me.

"Mr. Horan?" I turned when I heard my name.

"That's me."

"I'm doctor Dean Raven. I am Harry's doctor, please follow me."

He was young, his hair short and brown. His eyes looked tired and his face looked like he was aging too early. His long white coat was baggy on him, and he wore black dress shoes.

I said nothing else. I followed the young man down the blank white halls, and past all the rooms, trying to listen to him explain where Harry was staying.

"We had him admitted into the ER, but his condition is rather serious so we have put him in a room. He's been here for about two hours." He informed me.

"He woke up and when we asked him who to call he said your name and we have you on his file. Unfortunately he fell back asleep so we couldn't ask any more questions. We had to pump his stomach twice due to alcohol poisoning, and he has a minor concussion. We'll just need to keep him under surveillance for the next couple of days." My heart was beating out of control at the news. How could this happen? Did he try to drink himself to death? Why would he ever want to go out the same way as his father?

"Here is his room," he opened the door and inside I saw Harry's out cold body lying on a bed with an IV in his left hand.

"A nurse will be coming by to change his sheets soon." He informed me. That's when I noticed the smell... Harry had wet the bed...

"Is that normal?" I asked the doctor.

"Very normal. It's common for drunks to lose control of their bladder. And even more common for out cold drunks, and or victims of alcohol poisoning to... Well... Wet, themselves." I nodded at the information before thanking the doctor who saw his way out the room.

I was left alone with Harry now, and the tears were flowing uncontrollably now.

I grabbed his right hand, he was so cold... So unconscious. I kissed his hand and held it close to me. His heart monitor was steady, the beeping sound kept me calm. I cried, sniffling every once in a while before I began to talk to him.

"I'm so sorry, Harry. I love you." I cried. His eyes were resting, his mouth parted slightly as he slept. I just wanted him to wake up and talk to me, but sleep was good for him right now. All I could do was sit by his side.


The nurse came in and changed his sheets along with his robe. I don't think the nurse knew I was his boyfriend, she told me it was okay for me to step out while she changed his gown. I didn't mind, it's not like I haven't seen Harry's naked ass before.

It had been a couple hours later when I noticed Harry had wet himself in his sleep yet again. I didn't even feel embarrassed for him, I only felt sorry for him. I should have never left him, I should have known this would happen. He's had drinking problems before, why didn't I think of this!

I sighed and kissed his forehead that was heating up pretty quickly.

He grunted and I sat up straighter, my hand gripping his own hand tighter.

"Harry?" I asked.

His eyes barley opened before he closed them again.

"Niall," his voice was so soft and drifted. I cried again, just happy to hear him talking. He was awake now.

"Harry, Harry I'm here." I informed him.

"Niall?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I held his hand tight, watching him take in a breath before he spoke two words that changed my life forever.

"Marry me?"


{A/N} The end :)

So um... Like I don't wanna tell u the name to the sequel bc it gives away Niall's answer

The name is "Married to Styles"

And the first chapter is posted so go add it to your library, comment and VOTE!!!!

Also, did u c what I did there in the begging? I used lyrics from "I should've kissed you".... I'm clever

Me and Ari love u guys! Thanks so much for the support! We love u like Harry loves Niall!

Well... I mean not that much. That's too much. That's just weird bc idek u guys.


Yeah so the sequel is up so go read it!

Love u!

~ Cute_And_Nerdy

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