The Girly Musician || Assassi...

By faridaahmedzaki

6.5K 178 8

Hatori Suzuki never expected his last school year to become interesting until he and class 3-E are asked by... More

Oc info
Assassination time
Baseball time
Hanging out with Karma
Karma's time
Grown-up time
Assembly time
School trip time, 1st period
School trip time, 2nd period
Transfer student Time

Test time

350 15 1
By faridaahmedzaki

Hatori POV:
It was nearly midterms, and when I arrived at school it seems Korosensei is very hyped about it.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Korosensei said as he began rapidly moving around the front of the room.

"Begin what exactly?" A few of my classmates asked with a blank face.

"Studying for midterms of course! I'll be making this period a high speed, enhanced, midterm study hall!" Doubles wearing headbands appeared in front of our desks "My doubles will provide special one on one attention, drilling everyone individually on areas where you need improvement most!" Korosensei explained.

"Man, this is balls he's seriously got to wear a different headband for each subject" Terasaka as usual starts to complain especially when he saw which headband he got "give me a break man!  Naruto's not even on the test!".

I was focusing on improving in science since it's my lowest out of the main subjects.

'I wonder how come he doesn't get tired I mean 6 doubles for Japanese, 8 doubles for math, 3 for social studies, 5 for science, 4 for English and 1 for Naruto, I mean isn't that a lot even for him?' I ask in my head.

Suddenly, Korosensei's face squished in a bit on his left side.

"Knife down Karma! No sneak attacks during study hall! This is very difficult so try not to disrupt my concentration!" Korosensei scolded, though his voice sounded a bit odd since it was coming from all his doubles as well.

Karma had his knife sticking up in the air with his tongue sticking out as if to mock our teacher.

'Typical Karma' I giggled.

Though I appreciate the help the movement from Korosensei was making me a bit dizzy so I try to not look directly at him while still focusing on my science studies.

'I hope everything goes well , with our school you should always expect the unexpected' I think in worry.

The next day, Korosensei greeted us like usual.

‎"‏Good morning everyone! As you might guess, today I thought I'd make even more of me!" Korosensei announces.

"This is getting ridiculous" I whisper to Nagisa with a blank face and he nods in agreement.

Korosensei even wore costumes to match with each subjects.

"Thinking caps on, let's begin."

'His copies started to look more sloppy, did something happen to rile him?' I think in my head 'Either way, it's a little overwhelming ,but hey at least it helps with studying' I finish my train of thought and focus back on studying.

"Uh hey Korosensei no offense but isn't this gonna wear you out?" Kayano asked.

"Wear me out? P'shaw!" Korosensei.

At the end of our period,Korosensei laid on the floor, sweating and panting.

"Look at the poor guy he's totally down for the count. " Maehara remarked.

"I say we try our luck ! " Nakamura smiled as she held a knife.

"Not that I don't appreciate it, but why's he teaching us so hard anyways" Okajima asked.

"Nurufufufufu, to get those test scores up why else? If I do that " Koro-sensei began to daydream, " I'll never have to worry about you trying to kill me again! It'll be sheer bliss " Koro-sensei's face turned pink as we all sighed and stared at him like he's stupid.

"You do know that we'll still try to kill you whether or not our grades get better right" I deadpan "after all we want to live till we're in high school".

"Uh I mean the whole helping us study thing is nice and all" Mimura began and I look at him.

"But the reward money we get for assassinating him is nothing to sneeze at " Toka finished.

"Let's face it, who needs to ace a midterm when you've got kind of cash tucked away in your bank account " Nakamura said nonchalantly.

"Money isn't everything people! "Korosensei huffed panicking.

‎‏"Ah, come on. You've got to cut us some slack here. We're the end class." Okajima says nonchalantly

‎‏"Yeah, assassination we can strive for... But academics, seriously why bother." Mimura adds.

"Guys I don't think we should think like that I mean whether or not we get the money we still have to go through high school and all" I say trying to change their minds.

"Come on Hatori what's the point when we have enough cash that could last us a lifetime" Okajima remarks.

When I'm about to argue back Korosensei mutters "I see. So that's how it is then."

‎‏"How what is, sir?" Mimura asks.

‎‏"Do you know what I think? I don't think you appreciate what it means to be an assassin. Everyone, schoolyard. Now!" Korosensei said with a scary tone and his face turns dark purple with an X.

'What the' I gasp feeling a little creeped out.

We all headed out, not wanting to test his patience at the moment. We stood at the top of the stairs, looking down the slope to where Korosensei stood in the middle of the field. I side hugged Karma feeling a little uneasy and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"What do you think is going to happen?" I ask Karma.

"I don't know" Karma answers.

"All right children. Love or hate the E class system remedial process, it can work. Imagine placing within the top 50 of 187 students on midterms. Make that a reality, and securing a former teachers permission is all an E class student needs to return to the class from which they were ejected.But given the conditions we're forced to work under, the personal setbacks that landed each of you here are difficult to fix. That's why most E class students are convinced that returning to the main campus is no more than a dream." Korosensei explains as he pushes some kind of box thing across the grass.

'Where is he going with this' I wonder.

Miss bitch appears since Kataoka had been sent to get her.

"don't tell me to hurry up. I'm not a child" she says.

"Sorry Korosensei asked me to bring you" Kataoka explained .

"Miss Jelavitch, I'd like your opinion as a professional assassin." Korosensei says.

"Alright, what do you want to know?" Irina asked.

"Now let's say you've been given an assignment. Do you have only one plan going into it?" Korosensei questions while having his back facing us.

"Hm, of course not. If my profession has taught me anything it's that Plan A almost never comes off like you'd expect. There are just too many variables. A good assassin has backup plans on hand for any contingencies." Professor Bitch answers.

'If that's the case then where was your backup plan for when you failed to kill Korosensei' I deadpan then my face becomes serious 'but she's not wrong'.

"And Mr.Karasuma, what about you?" Korosensei continues, making Mr.Karasuma look up. "When teaching knife combat strategies, do you believe the first strike is the only one of any importance?"

"The first move is important, but so is the follow up. Never assume the first strike will hit. Because when you're opponent is trained, you have to be ready to deliver the next strike with at least as much precision and skill as the first or better yet, carry a second blade." Karasuma explains as the whole class listens in silence.

'I get it. He's telling us to always be prepared, no matter the situation and with how everyone basically gave up on their grades he's lecturing us on why is it a bad idea' I figure.

"If you have a point sir, I think we're missing it." Maehara pipes up.

'Seriously? It's not even that hard to understand.' I think with blank face.

Korosensei then started spinning around.

"Listen to your teachers, boys and girls! Backup plans are the cornerstone of confidence, and a confident assassin is a successful one.The same goes for life in general.You strive for assassination, but not academics? You've heard the old saying, right? Don't put all of your eggs in one basket! Well, that's exactly what your doing here!" Korosensei says sounding kinda angry before spinning faster, causing dust to fly up towards us. Karma wrapped his arms around me shielding from the dust.

"Now, suppose I left the classroom for good! Suppose some other would be assassin out there managed to did me in? What would you be left with? What would strive for then? Or are you satisfied with being outcasts? A word of advice from your 'Korosensei'. You walk a fine line. Those who can't wield a second blade aren't qualified to be assassins!" He says as dust storm flies up around him, making me narrow my eyes while I'm covering my eyes from the dust.

'He's right, there are many scenarios and possibilities in which we might fail to kill him and if we're not prepared for that than we'll be screwed' I reason with my self.

The dust tornado was now towering high into the air. I wouldn't be surprised if those on the main campus could see it from there. Korosensei finally stopped, though a haze of stirred up dust still hung around us.

'I'm going to need a shower after this' I think while dusting my sleeves. I can't fully see Korosensei, but I can make out his shape in the dust.

"There. Our schoolyard needed a good leveling. Not to mention, a few weeds cleared." We all gasp seeing our entire backyard is replaced with a large multipurpose sports field.

"I am a superior life form capable of destroying the Earth. As you can see, flattening this little corner of it was a cinch." Korosensei says, his eyes glowing red.

'Okay now you're freaking me out' I shiver.

While the rest of the class had moved down the slope a while ago, Karma and me stayed leaning up against the building.

"Cast your nets wide. Show me your backup plan, that crucial second blade. Otherwise I'll be forced to conclude no would be assassin here would be worthy of me, and I won't just have a mind to leave, I'll flatten this entire campus as I go." Korosensei threatens.

"This is getting intense" I mutter and Karma nods.

"A second blade? So how long do we've got?" Nagisa asks.

"Not very. Until the end of tomorrow." He answers, shocking everyone expect for Karma.

"Midterms are upon us, class. I want all of you to place in the top 50." Everyone except me and Karma looked mortified.

"That seems like he's putting the bar a bit too high" I lightly sweatdropped

"Whether you realize it or not, we've been sharpening those second blades all along. The main campus relies on dull, roped learning methods. I, to put it mildly, do not. You have what it takes, so wield those blades with confidence. Take your midterms by the gills, smiling, your heads held high. Be proud, be bold, and never forget that you are assassins. You are E class!" Korosensei finished.

'Here we go I guess'

Within the next days the exams started. For Kunugigaoka all major tests are taken in the main building, which means me and the others are taking the exam in the D classroom.

We're all sitting and with the exam in front of us, though it's hard to concentrate with the D class teacher tapping the desk with his finger.

'That old man's tapping is so annoying' i thought angrily while writing the answer down on the answer sheet,writing my answer.

I am pleased to say that I am 100% confident in my answers. Though I hope the others are doing well too, but the looks of confusion on their faces aren't exactly doing much to comfort me.

'Come on guys remember what Korosensei taught us' I think.

After a while I heard many pens scribbling on their answer sheets, meaning that they already had figured out the problems.

I smirked inwardly when I see the shock on the D class teacher's face.

'Take that asshole'

But then I heard the pencils stopping when they reached question 11.

'Those bastards they added something we've never seen before' I think angrily 'good thing I studied with Karma' I wrote the answer. 'I hope the others don't do too bad'

After a few days when we got our tests back, nobody looked very happy. I stacked up my papers and looked down at my desk. I look up to see Korosensei turning away from us with his head hung low.The classroom being completely silent.

"I take full responsibility." Korosensei finally spoke. "Clearly I underestimated the schools dedication to the status quo. Forgive me if I can't bear to face you."

Me and Karma and made eye contact and nodded. Korosensei narrowly dodged two rubber knives thrown at him by Karma and me at the same time.

" Nyuya?! " he exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" i asked with an innocent face as I stand up and walk with Karma towards Korosensei.

"Have it your way keep your back turned if you want. Just makes it easier for us to sneak up on" Karma said.

"I am in no mood you two! This whole situation has me very de-Uh" Korosensei stops mid-sentence as Karma and me toss our tests onto Korosensei's desk to show our scores.

Korosensei was stunned.

'Karma's scores': 98, 98, 99, 99, 100

'Hatori's scores' : 90, 100, 95, 97, 91

Karma is placed 4th out of 187 while I placed 5th out of 187. Korosensei examines the papers before looking at both me and Karma.

"So they added some questions to the stupid test, big deal." Karma says as he shoves his free hand into his pocket and the whole class starts to crowd around us.

"Hold the phone, you got 100 in math? And you got 100 in English?" Isogai asks as he looks at me and Karma in turn.

"Mhm" I nod.

"Your method worked like a charm, teach. You gave us everything you had, and at the moment of truth it mattered. So what if the midterms decided to cover new territory? Me and Hatori were ready. Don't worry though, I'm not going anywhere. You see, this is where I belong. Normal class has nothing on assassination." Karma said before pausing briefly and looking at me.

"Yeah as far as I'm concerned I'd rather die than go back to those snobs, this class is where I belong" I say firmly while smiling with my arms crossed.

Karma turns his head back to our teacher and leaning in a bit closer.

"So, where are you going to go, huh? Where do you belong? You plan on using that fact that we didn't all make the top 50 as an excuse to tuck your tail and run? Cause your not fooling either of us" Karma says as we both have mischievous smiles on our faces.

"If you ask me I think you're just scared that one of us is actually going to kill you." I say that playfully and pull out my knife as Korosensei grew a tick mark then our classmates started catching on and smile.

"You could've just told us, it's not like we'd blame you for being afraid." Maehara says smirking

"Next time consider being more straightforward with how you feel" Kataoka says and the others start adding comments while start laughing. Korosensei starts to gradually turn red and several more tick marks grew.

"Nyuya No one is running away!" Korosensei shouts.

"Kay, so what's the deal?" Karma asks, causing Korosensei to pause and turn back yellow.

"The deal is we get our revenge on this school twofold during finals!" Korosensei says as he holds up a tentacle. Then everyone bursts out laughing.

"Children! This is no laughing matter!"

Karma stuck out his tongue playfully while I wink and smile at Mr. Karasuma and Irina who were watching the whole scene unfold through a crack of the door.

'And with this we leave the school on a good note' I grin.

Third person POV:

"Hey Hatori," Maehara called out.

Hatori was chatting with Karma and Nagisa and Sugino when he heard Maehara call him. He look at him and let out a small hum in question.

He scratches his cheek with a small nervous smile, "We've been wondering... How did you end up in E class? We get Karma since he's so violent, but no offense -you don't seem like you should be here."

"Yeah," Nakamura nodded, "unlike us your grades are good enough for you to be at least be in C or B class yet you're here with us. Why is that?"

He blinked at the question before blushing out of embarrassment and rubbing the back of his head.

"You might believe it but I actually was sent here same reason as Karma;violence" He confessed.

"WHAT!!" The students shouted in shock.

Karma chuckled evilly as he side hugged Hatori whose whole face is starting to become red "yep our sweet little musician got sent here same reason as me"

"Huh? Then why are you embarrassed about it? Although it is a surprise" Meahara pointed out.

"It's because he sent some seniors home with a few broken bones that's why he's so shy about it," Karma added as he poked Hatori's cheeks.

"I'm not proud of it but at the same time they deserved so.." He shrugged with a sheepish look on his face.

"A FEW BROKEN BONES!!?" The class shouted and started crowding around for story time, apparently.

"Yep,some seniors, who were boys, started harassing me for looking like a girl and calling me names, I was gonna ignore it but then they started pulling my hair and shoving me around. It was after school so no teachers were around so I decided to fight back" Hatori rub the back of his neck sheepishly "but I might had over done it since I knocked one of them unconscious ".

"Whoa!! How the hell did you do that?!" Isogai asks.

"Well I took self defense and fighting lessons with my brother so I know how to pack a punch or two" He admit.

They all nod in understanding but then Kayano asks "wait you have a brother?"

"Yeah my older brother Tamaki he is in college though" He said.

"Still though, it's hard to believe that you got in here because of violence," Kataoka said.

"Yeah well they had it coming" he announces with a dark glare on his face .

His classmates shiver from the look on his face. Despite his face being adorable with the blush, his eyes looked like he was ready to sock someone and leave them dead.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure Karma had corrupted Tori a little" Nagisa mutters

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