Second Chances: a Coincidence...

By JohnnyEl-Hajj

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A year after Omar leaves Lebanon and the family that took him in, he embarks on a new journey with them in an... More

Chapter 1: Chaos Approaching
Chapter 2: Running Scared
Chapter 3: Settling the Past
Chapter 4: One More Complication
Chapter 5: Last Minute Goodbyes
Chapter 6: Bonding
Chapter 7: Guilt Ridden
Chapter 8: The Enemy Walks In
Chapter 9: Going Full Throttle
Chapter 10: New Opportunities
Chapter 11: New Friendships Blossoming
Chapter 12: Tough Skinned
Chapter 13: New Possibilities
Chapter 14: Painful Secrets
Chapter 15: The Final Straw
Chapter 16: General Hospital
Chapter 17: A Talk in Waiting
Chapter 18: Restlessness
Chapter 19: Stinging Regrets
Chapter 20: First Performance
Chapter 21: Cry Your Name
Chapter 22: High Time
Chapter 23: Drug Bust
Chapter 25: Fallen Friendships
Chapter 26: Strong Relationships
Chapter 27: Confrontations
Chapter 28: Unleveled
Chapter 29: Where there's Smoke, there's Fire
Chapter 30: Life in the Right Direction
Chapter 31: A New Life
Chapter 32: Weak but Strong
Chapter 33: Different Paths

Chapter 24: The Sheikh's Demands

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By JohnnyEl-Hajj

I had no idea why I hadn't gotten arrested. A day had already passed and Sheikh Hamdan had been the one who busted me, so why wait? Why didn't he send the police to arrest me for breaking the law?

Not that I was looking forward to that but why wait this long when I had gotten busted by the very person capable of deciding my fate?

Sitting in my room without having any kind of contact with my cousins, family, and my friends made me feel miserable and sad. I should have thought this through more and should have reached out to my family instead of having had this happen. I likely lost Khaled's friendship, my uncle and aunt were likely thinking about sending me back to LA, and to my surprise, the only support I had was from Louai.

Cielo sent me a text, asking if we could meet up for dinner late tonight and then Hassan texted, asking if I was okay.

I responded to neither. Cielo, because I had a feeling I was not going to have freedom for much longer so why even make plans for a date? Hassan, because it was likely also possible that our friendship was dunso after learning of my apparent drug use with weed.

The door to my room opened and it was my uncle.

"Are you okay?"

"As okay as I'll ever be" I wiped away some tears.

"He'll come around. He's just overprotective of you and I know you didn't smoke weed because you're a junkie or anything. And I know you're not turning into your brother but I wish you would have told us because, at the end of the day, it's not the worst thing in the world."

"But Khaled doesn't view it that way and neither does Sheikh Hamdan."

I began to dread what was coming next just thinking about him.

"Look, the Sheikh wants to see you, and his men have come to pick you up."

"What?" I became scared. "What does he want with me?!" I spoke faster than normal.

"Just get in the car and go see him. It's all I can tell you."

"Oh God" I started to panic. "He's gonna have me arrested, isn't he?!"

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. He wants to see you and if he wanted to have you arrested he would have sent the police, not his men."

"He might have me arrested at his palace."

"Just go. I'm sure it'll all be fine. He's not known for being cruel."

"But I'm sure he's not tolerant of weed or things of that nature."

"Omar, you're overthinking and that's going to make you panic. Try and control your emotions and you'll be fine."

"Can you come with me?"

"I can't. He requested your presence and only, your presence."

"Because I'm done for. He's going to arrest me" I started crying. "Why was I so damn stupid?!"

"Hey, you're not stupid. You're still a young man and we all make mistakes. He sees that and I'm sure he won't harm you."

"You can't guarantee that."

"Just go and we'll talk later. Okay?"

"If I even come back."

"Relax. You're coming back home, don't worry."

"He deserves to be in jail!" Khaled walked in, looking at me with that glare.

"Khaled, your cousin is not a bad kid. He made a mistake but so have you! So stop mistreating him because he's not going anywhere and will remain with us, his family!"

"Fine, just make sure he stays out of my way! I don't want to have anything to do with junkies, drunkards, or, drug addicts!"

"Khaled, you're on a fine edge!" my uncle warned. "Stop mistreating him and we're going to have a conversation about how you slapped and got physical with him yesterday."

"He deserved it for bringing that junk into our house!"

"GO!" my uncle pointed for him to leave and he left.

"I lost him" I cried.

"No, you haven't. Louai still has your back and Khaled will come around. I promise, buddy" he smiled. "Now go see the Sheikh and I can guarantee you all will be okay."

I knew I had to go see him. I knew it was not going to be okay but I could not do a thing about it and I was not going to run and become a fugitive either. It was the worst thing that could happen, to be on the run from the law.

"Fine" I said and I grabbed my hoodie and zipped it halfway.

The sun was blazing but I knew that if I got cold here because of how cranked the AC was, the same was likely the case at the Sheikh's palace.

I stepped downstairs, where Louai was waiting for me. He hugged me, telling me in my ear that all would be okay.

"I have your back!" he reminded.

"Thank you" I said.

"Hey, don't hug him!" Khaled said as he walked downstairs.

"Khaled, enough!" my uncle warned.

"Khaled, you can't treat our cousin that way. I was wrong in how I treated him and I should have given him the benefit of the doubt."

"It's a good thing you didn't because clearly, he doesn't deserve it!"

"ENOUGH!" Jihan shouted. "Stop treating your blood like this!"

"I have to go" I said and walked out the door, where the Sheikh's security guards were waiting for me to get into the white Mercedes G-Class SUV.

They pointed for me to follow them and my heart was for sure pounding hard inside my chest.

We finally arrived at Nad Al Sheba palace, Sheikh Hamdan's residence. The place was huge and huger than my uncle's villa mansion. The flowers and plants were neatly trimmed and manicured. The grass was green and also well fixed and neat, as were the palm trees situated in certain areas.

The place was nice but it was also scary to think that the Sheikh was not going to arrest me for having smoked weed. He likely wanted to have someone draw my blood and check it for any illegal substances, like THC.

One of the guards that drove me here took me through the palace and in so many words, this place left me in awe. It was unlike anything I have ever seen and this was the first time that I have been to a royal palace that was actually inhabited by a royal. I had gone to Topkapı Palace when I went to Seda's wedding but it was now a museum and the Ottomans no longer inhabited it.

The furniture was something that only a royal would have, as it was too fine and too furnished to be owned even by any celebrity. The floor was of fine marble and the ornaments were likely on the super expensive side.

The guard finally took me to a large room.

"Please wait here...the Sheikh will come out soon and he expects you to be here. So don't go anywhere" he said in a warning tone, which scared me because I knew what was waiting for me.

I was not naïve enough to believe the crown prince of Dubai was going to cut me a break for essentially breaking the law. There was no politician, ever, that would let something like this go.

I waited for a while and I was becoming stir-crazy.

Then the doors opened and it was him, Sheikh Hamdan, in his white Kandoura and wearing black sandals but did not have a Shmagh over his head.

My heart picked up the pace and felt it violently beating against my ribcage. Yeah, I was scared and all I wanted was for him to get to the point and tell me what consequences I was going to suffer as a result.

"Marhaba" he greeted.

"Marhabtein" I responded.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I've requested your presence. Anything to drink?"

"Are you seriously offering me a drink?" I was surprised.

"What's so surprising about that?" he chuckled.

"Um, I know you brought me here to tell me how badly I messed up and how smoking a plant like weed is illegal. I know I'm not here to have fun but to suffer some form of consequences for that mishap on my part."

He started laughing, hard.

"I'm sorry to laugh."

"What's so funny?" I remained nonchalant but tried my best to remain respectful.

"Did you really think I brought you here to arrest you?"

"Didn't you?" I was now confused. "You were the one who busted me, you even said for me to get some help but that it would not be without consequences."

"I said that but I did not mean that I was going to have you arrested."

"So then what am I doing here? I mean, if you're not going to have me arrested?"

"I simply wanted to invite you for lunch and to get to know you better."

"So I'm not under arrest and nor will I be arrested? Or is that still on the table after lunch?"

"Are you always this accelerated when you're scared?" he smiled.

"No" I lied. "I'm just trying to understand all of this. I mean, I broke the law and now I'm being invited by the prince who himself had me busted, to lunch?"

"Yes. I told your uncle I suspected you were likely high but I only told him out of concern and not because I wanted to have you arrested."

"So I'm not under arrest?"

"No, you're okay. He also told me about your traumas and your history and when you told us what a hard time you were having falling asleep after your friend George El-Rassi passed away, I realized you simply did it for medical reasons."

"Okay, I'm kind of surprised. I mean, you're the literal embodiment of the law and yet you're not arresting me. I expected the..."

"Opposite?" he grinned.

"Yes, that."

"Look, you did break the law and I won't say otherwise but I'm not going to have you arrested or have you suffer any consequences. So don't worry, this is just me wanting to get to know you better."

"Okay" I sighed, relieved but feeling like an idiot for not having believed and given my uncle credit when he had assured me all was good.

"Now, how about that drink?"

"I'll take some water" I smiled.

"Then water it is" he texted someone and likely one of the servants.

"Your uncle told me you love Lebanese cuisine so I had the chef whip up something Lebanese for us to have lunch for."

"Wow, now I'm looking forward to eating" I laughed.

"This is a safe place and you're going to be okay."

"Thank you. And I'm sorry if I came in all defensive and ready to fight."

"Don't worry. Your uncle called me after you left and he told me how scared you were. But again, you're okay."

I suppose I overreacted for nothing. I should have believed my uncle when he told me but I was too stubborn and too scared to admit he was right.

The lessons life was teaching me.


Author's POV

Ragheb decided to go to his son Khaled's room where he was listening to music with his headphones. He took them off and looked at his father, Ragheb noticing the deep respect he had for him as his father. The same respect that Omar had for him and in turn showed how much he loved and cared about him and his family.

"Baba, what's up?"

"I want to talk to you, about Omar. And I will get to the point and tell you that you were extremely violent with him, you hurt him not just emotionally but also physically and I'm here to tell you that I did not like any of that."


"No, no excuses. Omar did something unconventional and yes, it was perhaps not the wisest decision but he did not do it out of maliciousness or because he wanted to numb the pain he was feeling deep down. He simply needed some aid in falling asleep and to help him with his anxiety."

"I know I should not have treated him that way" Khaled lowered his head, disappointed in himself for once again repeating the same mistake he made when he did not give him the benefit of the doubt after the night of the humiliation brought upon Omar.

He realized how much he had messed up but was now worried Omar would not forgive him when he had done exactly what he had promised he would not do.

"You really shouldn't have. Which is why I want you to apologize to him and assure him you're not angry."

"I will. I'm so sorry" Khaled hugged his father. As Ragheb spoke with his son, he realized how much his son regretted how he acted.

Ragheb had admitted that Omar had been unconventional and went down a certain route that was likely viewed as taboo, especially in a Middle Eastern country, a region where family values and other values in general, were expected from everyone, especially those as young as Omar, Khaled, and Louai.

"You also have to understand that in the states or at least in some like California, marijuana is not considered anything bad and while it is a substance that can give one a high, he only utilized it for medical purposes and nothing more."

"I know and I see that now. I guess I became angry because of how protective I am of him and the last thing I want is for him to go down the same road as his brother."

"But you have to also understand that his brother does hard drugs and the worst kinds. Omar used a plant and he didn't it innocently and not because he's suddenly in the mood to get high because he wants to numb the pain."

"I know and I regret how I slapped him."

"Don't ever hit him that way. He's been physically abused by his brother enough, don't let him become afraid of you."

"I don't know what came over me. I should have thought more thoroughly about this."

"That doesn't matter now because what's done is done. What matters is that you apologize to him and have a heart-to-heart. You have to understand that he has come a long way, made so many improvements and it wasn't isn't easy for him and the last thing I want is for him to become so discouraged that he gives up."

"You're right. I'm going to make this right for him."


"And why did Sheikh Hamdan request his presence?"

"He wanted to see how he was doing and he wants to help him as much as we want to help too. Omar initially thought he was going to get arrested but he had no idea that the Prince was touched by his story and the things he's been through."

"Omar doesn't realize how people are drawn to him. He even drew the crown prince to him without trying at all."

"The same thing happened to you."

"But Louai didn't."

"I was wrong" Louai walked in. "I should have given him the benefit of the doubt then."

"But that's in the past" Khaled once again assured his brother. "Besides, he's forgiven you, and yesterday and today, you were a better cousin than I was. I let my overprotectiveness and anger get to me. I assumed wrong."

"You've both made mistakes but you've also learned from them. Just keep moving forward and don't worry about Omar, I know he's gonna bounce back from this and even forgive you" Ragheb looked at Khaled, who still seemed apprehensive about everything.

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