A Slightly Altered B.F.B.

By balloonybologna

643 15 21

"Ice Cube since you're so cool, you wanna help me get Teardrop to talk?" "Yeah!" "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Donut'... More

ASA-BFB 2: Please Don't Eat Anyone
ASA-BFB 3: When did you get a flamethrower!

ASA-BFB 1: Let's Play A Game!

406 8 10
By balloonybologna

"Ice Cube since you're so cool, you wanna help me get Teardrop to talk?"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Donut's voice immediately came out, interrupting the two objects before they could do anything. He stepped in front of them with raised arms, blocking their gateway to Teardrop. "Liy, Ice Cube. I can't let you do that to Teardrop! So what if she doesn't speak? How about you mind yourself and leave her alone?"

"Wow," Liy sighed out. "I guess you're not so cool either Donut." She turned towards Ice Cube and asked, "Wanna go see what Yellow Face is made of?" "Uhh..." Ice Cube looked away, getting a scoff out of the other girl. "I guess you're both not cool after all. See ya." With that, she turned away from both of them and began heading off.

"Well that was something." Donut turned around to face Teardrop. "Everything good TD?" They flashed him a wide, toothy grin and nodded her head. "That's good to know."

"Wow Donut, the way you diffuse the situation before anything could happen is admirable," Clock spoke up. Donut blinked and turned to look over Teardrop, finding Clock behind her. "Oh uh, thanks Clock. But uh." He brought his hand up. "You know you could've, done something right?"
"Oh uh, right," Clock quickly acknowledged. "I uh, guess I could've stepped in." "Don't be too harsh on yourself!" Fanny cried out, suddenly joining the group from nowhere. "Although you could've, and should've stepped in!" She scoffed out judgementally. "Not everyone is up to it or capable of doing so! It requires a lot of courage and energy to do so! So do not be too harsh on yourself!"

"Oh thanks Fanny." "I hate you."

"You wanna go somewhere else Teardrop?" Donut asked, turning back to the smaller object, who quickly nodded her head in agreement. "Can I join?" Ice Cube asked. "Uhh." Donut glanced towards Teardrop, who just shrugged. At that, he looked back towards Ice Cube. "Sure, I guess."

"Oh hey- Donut! Teardrop!" Said objects paused and turned around to find Coiny running up to them, along with the rest of W.O.A.H. Bunch following closely behind him. "There you guys are! Me, Needle, Bomby and Pin have been looking all over for you!" The penny came to stop in front of them, pausing upon seeing Ice Cube. "Oh uh, hey Icy. Didn't see you."

"Did you need us for something?" Donut asked, raising an eyebrow and hand at him. "Oh right!" Coiny turned towards them. "Well you see Pin-" "Coiny!" Said object intervened, stopping besides him with her hands on her body. "This is strictly W.O.A.H. Bunch business, no outsiders allowed!"
"Aren't we just alternatives?" Donut pointed out, getting a glare from Pin. "Oh right!" Coiny cried out upon hearing Pin's reminder, turning towards said outsider. "Sorry Ice Cube but you gotta leave."

"Aww." She frowned. "Don't worry Icy!" Leafy cried out suddenly, coming out from nowhere and stopping besides her. "You can hang out with me instead!"
"Uhhh no thanks," She quickly declined the object's offer and turned away. "I'll just... bye." Leafy dramatically gasped out as Ice Cube left the scene. "I can't believe this!"

"Ahem!" Pin coughed out, catching Leafy's attention. "Do you mind?"
"Oh right." Leafy smiled and waved at them. She turned away and began walking off. "Carry on."

"Anyways," Pin sighed out once any outsider was out of earshot. She turned back towards the group. "I recently found an effective way of silencing our enemies." With that, she pulled out- "Lighting!" As she released him, she commanded, "Go zap Flower!"
Donut watched in shock as Lighting followed her order. He turned back towards the group and asked out, "Isn't this uh, a bit too far?" Bomby frowned, seemingly in agreement yet Needle and Coiny remained unfazed.

"What? Don't be ridiculous Donut," Pin sighed out. "Plus!" Coiny stepped in, pulling Lighting back into the circle. "It's pretty effective, you gotta admit that." With a wide smile, he suggested, "Hey Lighting, why don't you go and zap Firey?"
As he got up to do so, Bomby suddenly came in and grabbed onto the flying object. "Wait Lighting no! Don't listen to them! Do what you think is right!" He cried out. And that seems to have done the trick, as Lighting threw his arms out and cried out angrily, "You're right! Why should I listen to these maniacs?"

Lighting quickly flew out of their sight.
"Bomby!" Pin cried out. "I can't believe you'd do that." "I'm sorry!" He waved his arms around. "Please don't expel me from W.O.A.H. Bunch!" "Well of course not," Pin sighed out, crossing her arms. "You're still with us. But as punishment for going against us, you've been devoted to a bember."
At the declaration, Bomby, Coiny and Needle gasped out, clearly having the context clues necessary to understand the severity of the punishment.

"Uh... I'm still a member though, right?" Needle nervously asked. Without missing a beat, Pin turned towards her and answered, "Of course." Needle let out a relieved sighed at that, whipping sweat off herself. "Thank thread."

"I feel like this bunch has changed lately," Donut muttered towards Teardrop, who quickly nodded her head in agreement.

"Hey Marker and Staply," Lighting cried out, stopping above the two objects. "Do you wanna be friends?"
"No," Marker quickly answered. "Whatever," Lighting sighed out. Then he went off and zapped Firey.

"Hey Stapy, do you wanna play toss the dirt?"

As the two objects played their game, Dora observed them. Whatever she said was lost on any onlooker's ears as she too began to dig up the ground, all the while speaking in an almost musical like tune. She buried up a jar of cyanide as she done so, leaving it on top of the pile of dirt she had already buried up.
Which left it easily accessible and up for grabs.

"I totally deserve this treasure," Flower spoke up and picked up the jar of cyanide. She left the two objects and Dora to their doing and attempted to open it, only to find that she can't, getting a grunt out of her. She sighed out and turned up towards the sky, quickly spotting the giant, black hole amongst the bright blue sky. "Hey Blackhole, you're strong! Open this jar for me!"
"Mmm... I don't know, that sounds like a bad idea for me to do that," Blackhole quickly answered. Frustrated with his answer, Flower rushed out, "If- If you don't, I'll crush you!" "Well... yeah," He quickly accepted. "But well- I'm already infinitely- infinitely small. Being a singularity and all."
Giving up on threats, Flower yelled out, "Just do it already!"

Blackhole paused. "Ah okay."

The wind began picking up around her as Blackhole began approaching the Earth, slowly causing everything around her to be flown upwards and be sucked up by Blackhole. However Flower didn't really care about that, having all of her attention on the jar in her hand. The moment the lift came off her jar, she cheered out and brought the jar towards herself.

"Flower what have you done?" Balloony cried out, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. "I got this jar open!" She happily answered in a sing song tone. She quickly realised something was wrong when she couldn't spot him again. Flower jumped back when David flew past her, and upon looking to the direction he went, she quickly realised why as the ground under her began to break apart and be pulled towards Blackhole.


[a woah bunch & alliance swap au fic by a fan]


"Oh cool! I've been crushed to a smaller size!" Blackhole cried out, probably out of amazement. Which was fair considering he was now amongst them, although the change in size went over everyone's head as they were more focused on the strange, four shaped, weirdly limped creature besides him.

"Hey what's this?" Liy pointed at the weird creature. "I don't know," Pie answered as a crowd began forming around the strange being. She suggested, "Try squishing it?"
Without missing a beat, Liy quickly did as she suggested, getting an odd, screeching noise out it as she did so. "Hey stop that!" Book cried out, stepping closer towards them. "We don't know how dangerous it is- Or what it does!"

At her cry, the creature came to life and moved. "I do this!" It answered in its almost wheezy voice, grabbing the closest object and-
"Ah!" Pencil lightly cried out as she was- deformed into an abstract form, dropped onto the ground besides it. "Pretty cool, right?"

Everyone stood there in stunned silence, all donning horrified expressions at the form Pencil has been morphed into. Especially Match and Ruby.

The first person to react was Match as she dashed forwards to be in front of the alien creature. "Can- Can you like, bring her back?" She asked with desperation leaking out her voice with her hands on her head. "No."
"But- But like- the recovery centres are gone! They've all been like- sucked up!" Match pointed out, pointing upwards into the sky as her breathing grew heavier. "Are you- Are you sure you can't-?"
"No." Match dropped onto her knees and waved her arms around desperately, crying out, "Please! I don't care what I have to do! Just like- Bring her back please!"

Pillow gasped out, plopping her hands onto her body. "Show some respect!" "I'm confused." Lollipop turned towards her and asked, "Pillow, what exactly is she doing that's disrespectful?"
"Oh well you see." She turned to face the taller sweet. "I've been doing some research and discovered that when someone cares so little, they flutter their arms around and every little drop of care left in them goes out through their arms and be lost in the vast space of the universe."
"That doesn't sound too sound," Barf Bag pointed out, joining them. "I mean, think about it. Pencil clearly meant a lot to Match, why wouldn't she care about her death?"

"Wow Barf Bag, I can't believe it," Lollipop gasped out, bringing her hand in front of her mouth and leaning towards her. "Despite the barf molecules affecting your brain, you're making sense for once!"
"I can't believe you!" Barf Bag angrily cried out, throwing her arms out in front of herself. "You never take me seriously!" She fluttered her arms around. Pillow sighed out, "She does not care."

"I'd hate to live in a world without recovery centres," Fanny sighed out. "In a world where we stay dead forever!" "Well too bad!" The four creature cried out, throwing his arms out to his sides. "Yeah!" A new voice suddenly cried out, and shortly afterwards, a x shaped creature slid in, stopping besides him. "Too bad!"

"There's another one?" Liy cried out, and despite what she saw just happened with Pencil, she dashed forwards and squished it without any hesitation. It reacted differently from the first one, producing a silent sound. "It totally has a different texture from the first one!"

"So what do you want murderer!" Saw cried out, sliding up towards the creature. He screeched out in response, causing a ripple affect onto their body and for them to fall onto the ground.
"So what do you want murderer!" Taco cried out, hopping onto her friend's body and pointing accusingly at him. He began screeching, the same affect happening on her, only to be cut off by a new voice joining, "Stop screeching Four!"

Another strange creature joined, this time shaped like a two with their arms up. "Look around us, the ground and environment is all messed up. We gotta fix it!" They paused and looked down towards Pencil. They gasped out and plopped their hands onto their body, looking back to Four with a glare. "Four did you-?"

He interrupted them with a screech, causing them to react like Saw and Taco and hit the ground.
Liy slowly leaned over and reached out to touch them.

Dora hopped over and landed in front of Four, speaking in her off language that, normally no one understood. Yet he seems to be able to, as he peaked up at her words and happily answered with a thumbs up, "Yep! Sounds perfectly reasonable Dora. Can do!"
"But what is it that you can do?" Donut asked. They blinked once, twice, then began-

Everyone watched in stunned silence as Pillow threw herself over Four to silence him, fighting against the alien creature and-
Well, losing ultimately.

Bell let out a defeated sigh. "I guess we'll never get Pin or Pillow back."
Four slid over to her. "Check this out!" He extended his arm and everyone watched as David, Balloony, Pillow and Pencil came out of his palm.

"I'm so glad you guys remembered to bring me back!" Balloony happily exclaimed.

"Okay so, can you leave now?" Taco asked. "No." She frowned and looked away thoughtfully. After a moment, she turned back to him. "Well can you at least stop-?"
"Let's play a game!"

"I love games!" Bracelety cried out, bringing up her cardboard sign up above her head. She paused and turned to face everyone else upon hearing nothing more. "What's wrong?"

"Don't you wanna battle to win a prize?"
"But what is the prize?" Eraser cried out. Four pulled out a deep fried image of... "A B.F.D.I."
Like a plague spreading throughout them, an uncontrollable reaction broke out through everyone, causing them all the blabber on and on nonsensically at the mere sight of a B.F.D.I. All except Bracelety, who was just happily cheering and hopping up and down.

"I love that prize!" X cried out, sliding next to Four. He screeched out, causing them to react like everyone else before them and hitting the ground.
Four turned back towards everyone. "Now everyone, form eight teams of eight!"

"Well I know who I'm with!" Coiny cried out, reaching out and wrapping his arms around Pin, Needle and Bomby. "Donut! Teardrop! Come on!" Pin cried out, grabbing onto Coiny's hand around her and dropping it. "Who should be our last two members?"
"Uh actually before that," Donut spoke up. "There's something I need to- Oh, uh." He turned to Teardrop when she grabbed onto his arm. She quickly shook her head and began dragging him away.

"Wait where are you going?" Needle asked. "Whatever, just forget them," Pin sighed out. "They're just alternatives. It makes sense if they don't feel as inclined to stick with us." "Well that sucks," Coiny sighed out. Then he threw his arms out and shrugged. "But oh well! What can you do?"

"Teardrop do you not want to be on the same team as them?" Donut asked once they had stopped dragging him. She turned to face him and nodded her head. "Well, neither do I but I had to tell Coiny about..." He trailed off when she brought her palm up between them, shaking her head. "I..." Donut frowned. "Wait, Teardrop." He raised his arms. "Don't tell me you want to keep it a secret from him."
She frowned sternly and entered a thoughtful pose. They sighed out and nodded their head, giving him a determined stare. "Well I..." Donut turned to look at W.O.A.H. Bunch. "I guess we can keep it a secret." He turned back towards her and pointed. "But only for now! We've been delaying this for a while now." Teardrop immediately nodded her head.

"Mmm," Leafy hummed out thoughtfully, scouting out everyone. "This is gonna be really difficult..." She turned around upon feeling a gentle tug on her body, and instantly beamed upon seeing who it was. "Woody!" She happily cried out, turning to fully face him. "Do you wanna be on the same team?"
"Yea'!" He happily answered, throwing his arms out. "Okay Woody! Since I'm so nice, I just wanna know." She smiled and threw her arms out to him. "Who do you want to be on our team?" The wooden slab paused and dropped his arms to his side. "Uhhhh..."
"Take your time!" Leafy sat onto the ground. "I'll wait for you." "Uuuhhhhh..." Woody continued to trail off as he slowly lowered himself onto the grass. "Uuuuhhhh..."

"Stapy!" Foldy cried out. "We got to be on the same team!" "Yeah!" The stapler easily agreed. "And Marker too!" He added in, gesturing towards his friend besides him. "Of course!" Foldy easily agreed. Marker threw his arms up. "Yay."

"Hey do you guys wanna be on the same team since we're balls?" Basketball asked. "Sure!" Tennis Ball answered, turning towards Golf Ball. "If that's fine with you of course." She hummed and narrowed her eyes at the larger, orange ball. "I suppose I'll allow it."
"Let's recruit Snowball as well!" Basketball suggested. "Since he's a ball too." "What! No!" Golf Ball immediately declined. "Snowball is too stupid, stubborn and uncooperative! He'll be an obstacle!"

"Well whatever!" Snowball cried out, throwing his arms out. "I didn't want to be on a team with a bunch of weak, armless-"

"Loser!" Ruby cried out. "Be on my team!" "Okay," He easily agreed. "Okay now who else should be on our team?" Pencil asked. "Oh! I know!" Match turned around and shouted, "Firey! Join my team!"
"Wait you really wanna be on the same team?" Firey asked, walking up to and joining them. "Like, of course!" Match answered. "We're like, friends after all!" "Well... Okay," He agreed. He turned towards Pencil and asked, "Uh, you're okay with this right?"
Pencil sighed out, "You're not like, the worse candidate out there. So like, I'll allow it."

"Hey Pie, how many people have you kill?" Snowball asked, getting the said object to turn towards him with a stunned expression. After a moment, she asked, "...None?"
He scoffed out, "Wimp." Then without saying anything more, turned away and left.

"Wait Pie! Have you seriously never kill anyone before?" Liy asked, rushing up towards the girl. "No," She answers easily, standing up from her spot on the ground. "Have you?" She asked, glaring at the switch.
"I mean, yeah," She easily admitted. "But it felt incredibly disturbing. I want to know how you resisted the temptation, can we be on the same team so I can learn from you?" She asked. The question soon and quickly pulling in more objects as Blackhole rushed to join then. "Oh! Oh! Show me as well!"
Pie sarcastically answered, "Sounds as good as an idea as any."

"Oh you guys are against killing?" Bottle asked. "The world needs more objects like you!" "I agree," Tree announced, suddenly appearing. "I'm all about life."
"Yeah!" Puffball flew in. "Ever since the, death of my speaker box!" She cried out, raising her voice near the end suddenly as she shot Pencil a glare. "I've discovered how valuable life is, we really need more objects like you Pie!"
"Then join us!" Liy suggested, bouncing in front of them. "Well if Puffball's gonna be apart this team, than I'm joining as well," Fries announced, following closely behind Puffball.

"Hey Clock! Eggy!" Cake cried out, rushing towards the two. "Since we're such good friends, let's be on the same team!"
"Sure," Clock agreed. "Sound logic." "Eh, I don't really care," Eggy answered. "Great! So uh... we're a team, right?" Cake asked nervously, to which Clock and Eggy confirmed to various degrees of enthusiasm.
"Oh wait," Clock spoke up. He turned around and asked, "Hey Ice Cube. Do you wanna be on my team?" "Yeah!"

"Listen, Lollipop," Barf Bag sighed out, walking up towards the sweet. "I know you think that my brain's been destroyed for some reason. But maybe if we're on the same team, I can show you that that's not true," She proposed to her. Lollipop sighed out and turned around. "How can you truly show me that your brain isn't destroyed? I'm sorry Barf Bag, but based on your appearance alone, I'm gonna have to decline."

"Are you serious?" Barf Bag cried out in defeat, throwing her arms up. She sighed and turned away, going up to Spongy. "You take me seriously, right Spongy?"
"Yeah!" He easily answered. "Oh well how about you join our team?" Donut offered, walking up towards them with Teardrop by his sides. "We'd take you seriously." "Really?" A relieved smile graced Barf Bag's lips. "Thank you guys."

"Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh..." Leafy peaked up and turned to her side. "Rocky!" She cried out, jumping up and picking up the child. "Do you wanna be on the same team?" The boy made a small sound of confirmation and nodded his head.
"That's wonderful to hear!" She set him back onto the ground. "So while Woody's thinking of who he wants on our team, who do you want on our team!"

"Join my team!" Yellow Face yelled into Gary's face. "Hmm. You make a compelling point, okay I'll join," She answers quickly. "Yay!" Yellow Face cried out. Gaty stood up and turned around. "Hey Saw! You should join my team!"
"Yeah!" They easily agreed. "Oh, and I'm bringing my friends Lollipop and Taco!" "I suppose this isn't the worst team," Lollipop sighed out as she headed over to them with Taco.

"Lighting! How many people have you kill?" Snowball asked, popping up besides him. With great sadness coating his voice, he cried out, "Unfortunately thousands." "I knew I'd found a strong teammate eventually!" Snowball wrapped his arm around the flying object and pushed him towards himself. "We'll gonna make it so far together!"
"I'd really rather nooooot," Lighting dragged out, pushing himself away from the cold ball. "If you really want someone with a murderous attitude, than I suggest Fanny." He grabbed and dragged her towards them. "See ya." And with that, he flew away.

Snowball sighed out and turned towards the angry object. "Well, you not having arms is a real let down, like, a real let down." He smiled and raised a hand to her. "But since you have a murderous attitude, I'd make an exception."
"I hate you!"

"Basketball!" Grassy cried out with raised arms. "No one is picking me!" "Oh I'd pick you," She quickly answered, placing a smile back onto the boy's face. "According to my calculation, our team should have at least two mechanical minds so we'd have an advantage over the other team," Golf Ball announced to Tennis Ball. She turned around. "Tv, Robot Flower, would you like to join my team?"
"Sure!" Tv gave her a checkmark. "Well how about we get Roboty?" Tennis Ball suggested. "Since no one has picked him yet, and he's also a mechanical mind!" "Tennis Ball no offence." Golf Ball turned to face him. "But having Roboty on our team would be a disadvantage, as he is essentially useless!"

"Hey Golf Ball, can I join your team?" Book asked, popping out from nowhere. Golf Ball hummed and turned towards her, narrowing her eyes at her. "Fine. I suppose I'll allow you, it's always good to have another brilliant mind after all."
"Hey Basketball can I join your team?" Pillow asked the bigger ball. "Of course! The more the merrier!"

"Okay so we just gotta find a team with three slots!" Pen cried out, grabbing onto Eraser and Blocky. "We have to stick together." He looked up and began scouting out the teams. Blocky groaned out and crossed his arms, glancing away. "Well we can knock off Spongy's team, they just recruited Bubble." Eraser chimed in, "Why don't we just join Snowball?"
"I don't know man." Pen turned towards him. "Snowball's been real distanced lately. It kinda feels like he doesn't want us." "His lost," Eraser quickly declared. Blocky sighed out, "Look why just- Why don't we just join Coiny's team?" Pen sighed out and glanced over to them. "They uh... I don't know... It just feels like-"

"Oh are you guys looking for a team too?" Nickel suddenly asked, walking up towards them. "You wanna team up?"
All three objects turned to blankly stare at the cent. "Uh... sure. Actually I just remember something..." Blocky grabbed onto Eraser and Pen. "Wait right here." He pulled them away and ditched Nickel.
"Okay! I'll just wait right here," He happily accepted, sitting onto the ground.

"Join my team Bell!" Yellow Face yelled out into her face. "Uhh... I don't know..." She glanced away. "No offence Yellow Face but you're kinda... weird." "Come on Bell!" Taco chimed in, leaning into Yellow Face's side. "It's not all too bad. You got me and Saw after all!" She reached out and wrapped her arm around Bell, leaning in to whisper, "Plus. Would you really rather risk being on the same team with them?"
Bell looked over towards where Taco was pointing at, finding Cloudy approaching Balloony. "Ugh," She sighed out and turned towards her. "Fine then. You make a good point."

"Hey Balloony!" Cloudy cried out, stopping besides his head. "Do you wanna be on the same team?"
Balloony groaned out and hunched over. Cloudy patiently waited for him to get everything out of their system. "Fine," He finally sighed out after a long while. He threw his arms out to his side and leaned back. "Since no one else clearly wants me!" He scoffed and crossed his arms. "I don't know why I keep raising my hope."
"Well if it helps, I want you," Cloudy told him. "And maybe there are more people that'd want you, we just gotta look around!" He suggested, lightly brushing against him. Balloony sighed out dejectedly, eventually giving in, "I guess you're right."

"Oh no! The teams are filling up!" Flower cried out, looking around and watching as Gelatin walked up towards Donut's team and Remote joined Liy's. She huffed out and turned to look at Snowball and Fanny. "I really want Snowball on my team, so he can beat people up for me. But I also want Ruby on my team." She turned towards Loser's team. "'Cause she saw how beautiful I am... hmm."
She shrugged and grabbed onto both teams, dragging them towards herself. "I choose both!"

"Seriously, like, Snowball?" Match scoffed out. Said object turned to glare at her. "What the flake."

"Aw man!" Cake sighed out. "I really wanted to be on a team with Loser." Eggy sighed out, "Me too Cake. But we had no chance with Pencil on his team." She turned towards the shorter sweet. "But hey, that doesn't mean we can't spend time with him outside of challenges?"
"Wait really!" Cake yelled out, turning towards her. "Uh yeah?" Clock glanced away. "I mean. It's not like it's against the rules right?"

"Yup!" Two slid in. "It's perfectly fine to hang out with people outside of your team!" "Wait really?" Cake repeated. "Yup," Two followed, plopping their hands onto their body. "I don't see why you shouldn't."

"Uh. So what exactly are you doing?" Clock asked. "Oh, I'm just keeping track of the teams!" Two answered with a raised hand. "But I got to be honest, the disturbed landscape has got me in a frenzy!" They threw their arms up. "So I uh." They slumped over. "Lost track."
"Oh well, do you know anyone we can team with?" Cake asked. Two laughed out and threw their hand out. "Might be inaccurate but there's plenty wide of selections if you ask me." They shrugged and began listing off, "I mean there's Nickel, Cloudy, Balloony, Roboty and oh! I can list off so much more."

"Oh uh..." Cake shared a look with his teammates. "Well actually... you see-" "We'll keep them in mind!" Eggy interrupted, edging her teammates to back away. "Just, soooo much to take into consideration ya know? We'll just, gonna go have a team discussion now!"
"Oh okay, bye!"

"Oh no, we're running out of good candidates!" Bell cried out. "If we don't do anything soon, we'll be stuck with the weirdos!" "Well I'm sure we'll find someone soon enough," Gaty reassured. "I mean, who would want to be stuck with them?"
"Free food!" Yellow Face suddenly cried out, catching them off guard. "Yellow Face!" Taco gasped out. "My fish!" "Now now Yellow Face," Lollipop huffed out. "There's no need to be so barbaric-" Everyone yelled out as Yellow Face scooped her up into his mouth.

"Oh my god Yellow Face spit her out!" Saw cried out. "Yellow Face!" Taco cried out, rushing forwards and grabbing onto one of her kicking legs. "Let her go! She'll die!"
"Free food!" He cried out, slightly muffled by having Lollipop in his mouth. "God Yellow Face please!" Saw pled, grabbing onto Taco and helping her. "Spit her out!" She dragged out her 'o's. "Why are you even doing this?"

Eraser turned around at the declaration of free food. "Eraser no," Blocky sighed out, grabbing onto him. "That team only has two slots left. And..." He grunted and leaned forwards to whisper to him, "You know how Pen is." Eraser sighed out in defeat and turned away.

"I heard there was free food," 8 Ball said, rolling up towards Yellow Face and pausing upon seeing the scene in front of him. "Yeah!" Firey Jr cried out, popping up besides him. "Where is it?" He paused. "Oh god."

"Hey Foldy!" Cloudy cried out, flying towards her. "Do you wanna be teammates?" He asked as Balloony followed him. "Uhh," Foldy blinked and glanced towards Stapy and Marker, both returning her unsure expression. "Well..." She glanced back to them. "It's not that we don't like you, it's just..."
"Hey Foldy, wanna mesh our teams together?" Eggy asked, walking up towards her and her friends with her teammates following closely behind. "Of course!" Foldy quickly answered. She let out a relieved sigh and turned towards Cloudy and Balloony. "Yeah sorry! We just don't have enough space of the both of you."
Balloony groaned out and kicked the grass. He turned away and angrily stomped away with his hands clenched into fists by his sides. Cloudy sighed out dejectedly and turned away. "Alright. I'll see you later."

"Whew!" Foldy turned towards Eggy. "Thanks." "You're welcome," She quickly and smoothly responded. "I wouldn't want to slumped with them either."
"But we have one more spot left!" Cake pointed out. "Well why don't we just have Dora?" Stapy suggested. "She doesn't seem to bad compared to everyone else." "I can accept that," Eggy agreed.
Dora hopped over towards them.

"Hey Coiny! Got a space for three more?" Pen cried out, stopping besides them with Eraser and Blocky following behind. "Wait seriously?" Pin gasped out and stepped ahead of Coiny. "It's just you guys left?"
"Listen I don't you, you don't like me yada yada," Blocky sighed out and stepped forwards. He wrapped an arm around her and leaned in. "But I think we can all agree it's better than to be with them." He pointed towards the remaining, unpicked contestants. "I mean, seriously." He gestured towards the trio of Rocky, Leafy and Woody, a lone David, Roboty, Nickel, Bracelety and Naily and the wandering duo of Cloudy and Balloony. "Do you want any of them weighing you down?"

"Ugh." Pin pushed Blocky away. "Fine. I guess you can join our team." "So who do we pick?" Needle asked. "Does it matter?" Coiny asked, popping up besides her. "It's not like we got the best selection left. I'd say we'll just let them come to us." He paused thoughtfully and added in, "As long as they're not Nickel of course."
"Fine with me."

"Well obviously we have to pick Naily!" Gelatin cried out. "She's like, the least worst out of everyone." "Gelatin!" Donut cried out. "What?" He grinned cheekily at him. "It's true."
"Aw yeah! I nailed it!" Naily yelled out, walking over to join them.

"It's time to make my dreams come true and join Teardrop's team!" Bracelety cried out, skidding up to them. "Uh, I'm not too sure about that Bracelety..." Donut hesitantly muttered. "It's not that I think you're bad or anything, it's just..." "Come on Donut," Barf Bag spoke up. "Is she really that bad compared to everyone else?"
He paused and looked over to the remaining contestants. He sighed out and turned to Teardrop. "As long as TD is fine with it." She grinned and nodded her head. "Aw yeah!" Bracelety cheered. "Team Teardrop for the win!"

"Wait all the team's filled up?" Lighting cried out. "Oh nooooo." He sighed out and looked around. "Well not really." Cloudy flew over to him. "Do you wanna be on the same team as me and Balloony?"
He stared blankly at the two aforementioned objects. "Uh." He looked away, eyes landing onto Pin's team. "Hmm." He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully and glanced back towards the two awaiting objects.
Balloony scoffed out, "If you don't want to be on the same team as us, just say so!" "Whew! I was worried about how you'd react," Lighting sighed out, much to the surprise of both Cloudy and Balloony. "It's not that I think you're a bad person or anything, you're just kinda weird."

They all stood there for a second.
"Well, see you in the competition!" Lighting turned away and flew towards Pin's team.

"I can't believe this," Balloony spoke aloud, covering his face with his hand. "Look on the bright side Balloony!" Cloudy flew over to him. "At least we have a team now."
"But nobody on the team picked us," Balloony pointed out, his words muffled by his hands.
Cloudy blinked. "Oh."

"Hey uh." Two stopped besides Leafy, Rocky and Woody. "Oh hey there mx number alien!" Leafy cried out, flipping over to face them. "How's it going?"

"I don't know if you realised it yet but uh." Two gestured towards the remaining contestants. "These are the only people left."
"Wait what?" Nickel cried out, popping up besides them. "But I'm on a team with Pen, Eraser and Blocky!" "Oh well. They must've forgotten." Two pointed said objects. "'Cause they're in a team with Pin, Coiny, Needle, Bomby and Lighting."
"Aw what?" He turned to look at where Two pointed at. Quickly, he bounced back, "Well that sucks."

"Don't worry Nickel!" Leafy cried out, rushing over to him and picking him up in a hug. "You're completely welcomed in this team!" She put him back onto the ground and turned towards Rocky and Woody. "Isn't that right guys?"
"Yea'," Woody nervously answered with a smile while Rocky made a cheerful sound of confirmation. "Wow thanks guys! I already feel very welcomed in this team." Leafy turned back towards him. "No problem Nickel!"

Upon hearing some beeping sounds approaching them, they looked up to find Roboty with David. "Aw seriously?"
"Don't think that I forgot about you two!" Leafy dashed forwards and wrapped her arms around the two. "I'm not gonna leave you two hanging!" "Aw seriously?" "Yeah seriously!" "Aw seriously?" "Yeah seriously!" "Aw-"

"So this is our team." Cloudy flew in. He grinned and turned around to face Balloony. "It doesn't look too bad!" "Yeah whatever," He sighed out as he stopped besides him. "Oh Balloony! Cloudy!" Leafy hopped towards them. "Oh it's wonderful to have you guys! This is gonna be-"
"Okay I get it," Balloony sighed out tiredly, uncrossing and dropping his arms. "You don't have to say anything more."

"Well all the teams are done forming," Fries stated his observation out loud, turning to face the rest of his teammates. "So we should get to naming ours."
"Well." Tree stepped forwards. "I don't have any ideas." "Well since this team was form to prevent death," Liy cut in. "We should obviously name it after that." Pie hummed out in agreement. "Yeah!" Bottle popped up besides them. "We'll all about death prevention and creating trust!"

{Death P.A.C.T.}

Fries leaned back and stared at their team name in silent surprise.

"Huh. That's a really creatively and well thought out team name," Book commented upon watching their team logo appeared. "Well if we want to win, than our team must have a better name than that!" Golf Ball declared.

-A Better Name Than That

Golf Ball glanced upwards upon hearing a jiggle and glared in offence.

"Okay so our team name has to be something solid, something that stands out and most importantly." Donut leaned in. "It can't be something stupid."
"I agree," Spongy voiced while Teardrop nodded her head quickly. "Yeah I agree," Gelatin added. "We can't end up with something lame or dumb." "We gotta nail it!" Naily yelled out enthusiastically. Barf Bag leaned in and spoke up, "Well if we put our heads together, I'm sure we can come up with something relevant... something sensible."
Bracelety hopped up and cheered loudly, "This is the best team ever!"

[Team Ever]

Everyone were surrounding Lollipop's stick, most of them staring at it. Taco had her hands on her body and was glaring at Yellow Face along with Bell. Gaty, 8 Ball and Firey Jr were staring at what reminds of her in shock while Saw was more visibly distraught.
"Do you have anything to say about yourself?" Taco asked Yellow Face in a stern tone. Dejectedly, he sank into the ground and answered, "Free food."

~Free Food~

"Well obviously we have to be W.O.A.H. Bunch!" Coiny cried out. "What no," Blocky quickly turned down. "That's stupid. And like, not all of us are apart of your little squad anyways." "Well half of us are in W.O.A.H. Bunch," Pin cut in, stepping in between Coiny and Blocky. "So I'm putting my two cents in with Coiny's idea."
"But uh, that'll be unfair to the other half," Bomby pointed out. "What if we just..." Pen spoke up. "Remove the 'W.O.A.H.' from 'Bunch'?"


"But that just says 'Bunch'!" Lighting pointed out in a cry.

"Oh what if we name our team 'The Loser'?" Firey proposed. "Aww, you didn't have to." Loser responded. "Well I think it's stupid!" Fanny cried out. "Yeah!" Snowball popped in, throwing his arms up. "We're not just a bunch of losers!"
"Yeah no offence Firey but," Flower cut in, resting her elbow and leaning onto Ruby. "That's basically just asking for us to lose."

"Oh well do you have any better ideas?" Match asked defensively. Pencil scoffed and rolled her eyes. "How about we just name ourselves the winners then?" "Uhh..." Loser glanced away. "I-"
"That's just asking to jinx ourselves!" Fanny butted in. "And it shows, how much of an ego you have!"

"Guys guys guys," Ruby cut in, stepping in between the two sides. "Calm down, we can compromise!" She grabbed onto Flower's hand and Pencil's hand. "Since one half wants to be 'The Losers' and other doesn't..."

NOT Losers•

"H- How is that any better?" Flower cried out. "I hate this team name!"

"Oh wow all the team are naming themselves!" Balloony anxiously cried out. He paused and turned to Woody with a frown. "Ah I'm sorry Woody. Can you repeat that?"
"Aaah..." "It's okay Woody!" Leafy reassured, rushing up towards him. "This is a safe and friendly environment." She leaned in and offered him a polite smile. "Now tell me what you said!"

Woody blinked. Hesitantly, he leaned towards Leafy and whispered to her. "Oh! That's a catchy name," She commented. "I have something to add," Cloudy chimed in. He leaned close towards them and whispered his idea.
"That is the perfect name!" Nickel declared. "Aw!" "So many meanings," Balloony muttered in wonderment and fascination. Rocky hopped in with a happy squeak. "Roboty!" He turned towards said object. "Get this to Four!"

Roboty immediately began beeping, sliding towards Four as he did so.


Their chatter died down and everyone turned when Four stopped in front of them. "And who are you?"
Everyone said their name at once, all of them combining into one and turning into a [BLEH] of a team name.

"Now that all of you have your team names. I believe you are all set and ready to go," Four declared. Stapy, Foldy, Cake, Book, Saw, Bell and Taco all immediately began protesting, with Stapy, Book, Saw and Taco waving their arms around.
Pillow cut in and answered for everyone, "Yup. We're all set."

"So when is the challenge gonna start?" Eraser asked, leaning forwards and resting his elbows onto Blocky. "I mean yeah," Pen added, leaning towards them. "Everyone got their teams formed and names done."
"Sadly I have to agree with them," Golf Ball sighed out. "I have deduced that now it is the best time to start the challenge."

No one really batted an eye or said anything when X began floating up into the sky.

"Yeah not to be pushy or anything Four, but we'll really like to begin to compete." Leafy wrapped her arms around her teammates and squeezed them. "Isn't that right guys!"
"Yeah!" Woody cried out while everyone else made muffled noises. With only David's "Seriously!" being clear.

"That's it," Tree sighed out and walked up to Four. "Can you quit your shenanigans and tell us when-?" Four screeched.
"Four." Clock ran up to him. "Can you quit your shen-?" Four screech-

"Uh oh! X is about to lose grip of his beloved baskets!" Four yelled out, pointing up towards the random, large pillar X stood on that appeared out of nowhere. Soon after saying that, the comedically oversized baskets surrounding X flew away from him. Distantly, he cried out, "Oh no."
"Bring X back his baskets! The last team to do so will be in trouble!"

"Just to clarify, this is the first challenge for battle for B.F.D.I.?" Lighting asked. Bomby turned to face him. "It seems so."

All of Free Food stood around Lollipop's stick.
"We'll just, recover her after we completed the challenge," 8 Ball suggested in his monotonous voice. "But-" "He's kinda right Saw," Gaty cut in, stopping besides them. "It'd be better for the team if we focus on beating the challenge first." Saw sighed out, "Alright then, I guess."
"Now... what should we do?" Bell asked, lowering herself to her teammates. "Well I think we should-" Taco cut off Gaty with a cry of "Follow that basket!"

Caught off guard by that, everyone quickly began following after Taco, who was chasing a haywire basket. "Wh- What- Taco?!"

"Okay team, so I have an idea," Book spoke up with a raised hand. "Since Basketball is extremely bouncy, I suggest one of our teammates with arms use her as a trampoline. Preferably on the lighter side," She added in. "They'll repeat this until they gain enough momentum to reach the basket!"
She shut herself. "Is everyone alright with that?"

"Of course!" "That sounds fine." "Sure."
"I don't see why not," Tennis Ball answered. He turned towards his shorter friend. "What are you Golf Ball?" She narrowed her eyes at Book, humming out thoughtfully.

"I know you're normally used to being in control," Book began speaking, opening herself and pointing towards Golf Ball's written definition in her. "It's listed right inside of me. That you have controlling tendencies." She shut herself. "But I'd like to contribute and help my team to win, even if it's only in plan."
"Fine," She sighed out. "But if it goes wrong, we'll going with my plan."

"Anyways I think since you thought of the plan, you should be the one to grab the basket Book!" Basketball chimed in. "Oh really?" Book asked, turning towards her in surprise. "Yeah! And you're pretty light as well."
"I'll be here to catch you in case you fall," Pillow offered, raising her arms. "And Grassy too!"
"Oh well, if there's no other protests..." Book grabbed onto Basketball. "Uh, sorry in advance Basketball." "It's alright, I give you full permission!" Basketball happily reassured.

Team [BLEH] all sat around underneath one of the basket, most of the members were staring upwards at it.
"So uh..." Stapy leaned upwards, raising his arm up and looking towards his teammates. "What... do we do?"

"Okay so the challenge is to get the basket to X right?" Tree asked. "Yup!" Everyone paused and turned around to find Two. "Uh." Liy blinked. "I'm sorry but what exactly are you here for?" "Oh well it's simple really." They let out a lighthearted laugh, throwing their arms out to their sides. "I'm here to supervise, make sure nothing goes too bad ya know!"
"Then go do that," Fries sighed out tiredly, crossing his arms. "Oh alright." Two waved at them and turned around, crying out a cheerful, "Good luck!"

"Anyways how are we going to get the basket to X?" Liy asked, turning back to face her teammates. Fries sighed out and pointed towards Puffball besides him. "Isn't it obvious?"
"Oh right." Tree blinked. "Uh Puffball, do you mind getting the basket to X?" "Okay dookay!" Puffball quickly agreed and flew upwards to the basket, she pushed herself up into the basket and towards X.

"Hey! You knocked the air out of my basket!" X exclaimed upon getting his basket back. Quickly, he got over it and cheerily exclaimed, "Oh well!"
"Death P.A.C.T. is safe!" Four announced.

"Okay guys I-!" Book fell back and bounced off Basketball. "-think I'm-!" She fell back and bounced back up. "-getting close!" She reached out to grab the basket, immediately cutting herself off with gurgling sounds as her pages got caught in the blades of the basket.

Tennis Ball, Basketball and Grassy watched as her tore papers fell with various levels of horror. Golf Ball blankly watched as her cover fell while Pillow moved around with her arms out in front of her.
She smiled and reached out. "I caught her," Pillow declared, bringing Book's cover towards herself, all but one of her limps dangling off it, lifeless.

"Oh that's unfortunate." Golf Ball turned to face all of her teammates. "So originally my plan for this chapter was to have Book and Robot Flower to climb this tree so we can weigh the basket down with Tennis Ball and Basketball, with Pillow cushioning them in case they were to fall." She glanced towards the cover in Pillow's arms. "But since she is dead, I guess Pillow can climb the tree instead."
"Alright," Pillow easily agreed. "What about Grassy?" The child asked with raised arms. Pillow turned towards Grassy and handed him Book's cover. "You can keep her safe."
"Oh." He stared blankly at her remains.

"It's so cool being on a team with you Loser!" Ruby cried out and leaned towards him. "That's really sweet," Loser commented. "Oh Loser!" Firey cried out. "It's an honour to be on the same team with you!" He turned around and snapped his fingers at Firey. "Right back at you."
"Will you quit it!" Snowball cried out, waving his arms around and glaring at his teammates. "We need to get that basket to X!"

"Are you saying that you're not a fan of Loser?" Pencil asked in an accusing tone, shooting a glare at him. "Yeah!" Snowball easily answered, crossing his arms and shooting a nasty glare to Loser. "I never heard of him before, and I don't care if he has arms! If he isn't strong, then he's just a wimp!"
"Oh uh." Loser raised his hand. "Well-" "How dare you!" Firey cried out, stepping in front of the topic of conversation. "Loser's way better than you! In like, every way possible!" "Like, yeah!" Match agreed, leaning towards Firey. "Don't talk smack if you can't like, do any better SB!"
"Everyone can it!" Fanny cut in. "We need to focus on completing the challenge!"

"Fanny's right," Flower chimed in. "We should focus on that first." She shrugged and leaned back, placing her hand onto her waist. "Then you can argue about... whatever this is."

"Well like, what's your idea Loser?" Match asked. "Oh well-" "Are you serious?" Fanny cried out. "Are you just gonna relay on Loser for everything?" "What no," Pencil cut in, forcing out a laugh. "Of course not. We're just like, asking for his ideas."
"Uh. About that-" "Listen I get it," Flower sighed out. "Loser's like cool and all, but I don't see how exactly he can contribute to this challenge." "Actually I-" "You're just like, jealous that Loser's like, way cooler than you," Match huffed out, putting her hands onto herself. "And like, way more liked."
"There's no need to-" "Hey guys!" Ruby cut in, stepping in between the two sides. "How about we all just like, chillax and talk this out calmly?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Firey added. "Ugh, fine whatever," Pencil agreed. Fanny huffed out, "Fine."
"Anyways, what was it that you were saying Loser?" Snowball asked calmly, getting all eyes on him. "Well uh." Loser picked up Ruby. "Let me just show you what I thought of." Then he tossed her up into the air, causing her to spin and getting her to yell out a lighthearted, "Weeeeeee!"

The bottom of her gem hit the propeller, breaking it and causing the basket and her to fall down.
Loser hopped upwards and reached out to catch Ruby and pull her away from the basket behind it hit the ground. They landed onto the ground just as the basket did as well.

Cake gasped out and turned towards his teammates. "Did you guys see that?" Clock sighed out and turned to face him. "Yes Cake. We were all watching the other teams instead of trying to figure out how to get the basket." "Wait no!" Cake dashed up towards him. "I got an idea!"
He rushed up towards one key member of his plan. "Stapy!" "Uh!" The stapler snapped, getting a staple to fall out of him. "Yeah?" "Can't you just unfold your staples and use them to hit the basket's propeller?" Cake asked, using one of his legs to point upwards to said basket above him.
"Oh uh, I can try actually," Stapy answered. He narrowed his eyes and stick his tongue out, rising himself and snapping down to get a staple. He picked it up and began unfolding it.

"Wow Cake, that's actually a good idea," Eggy complimented. "Aww thanks." The sweet blushed. "But you shouldn't thanked me! I was watching Not Losers when I got the idea."
"Well either way, you thought out it," Clock pointed out. Ice Cube cried out in agreement, "Yeah!"

"Uh one problem," Stapy spoke up, getting everyone to turn towards him. "Who's gonna... throw it?"
Everyone paused as the realisation that they only have three teammates with arms, with one of them being Dora. "Uh, how about you do it Stapy?" Eggy suggested nervously, glancing over to Foldy and Marker playing rocks papers scissor. Stapy lowered himself. "Sigh."

"Okay guys, keep jumping!" Pin yelled out, her and her teammates underneath the basket closest to the pillar X was stood on. "Eventually, we'll make it!" "Yeah just keep going guys!" Coiny yelled out encouragingly. "Eventually we'll get enough momentum if we try hard enough."
"This is stupid, why are we doing this?" Blocky yelled out, stopping and turning to glare at them. "We're getting nowhere with this!" He threw his arms up.

"Oh well, do you have any better ideas?" Pin asked, stopping as well to glare at him with her hands on her body. "Wait Pin no!" Coiny cried out, jumping to her side and still doing so as he stayed in one spot. "You can't stop jumping! Now you lost all your momentum!"
"Ugh." Pin glared harder at Blocky. "You distracted me! Great, look at what you done!" She pointed at him. "Lighting zap him!"

Said object paused in his jumping and flew over towards Blocky, getting prepared to zap him. "Wait Lightning no!" Bomby cried out, leaning into his side and grabbing onto him. "Remember what I said earl-"
"Bomby!" Pin cried out, stopping besides him. "I'm just punishing Blocky for distracting me and causing me to lose all of my progress! Are you seriously trying to stop that?" Coiny jumped over, joining them. "Yeah, are you sure you wanna do this, bember?"

"Ugh-!" Bomby leaned back and released Lighting. Immediately upon being freed, he flew upwards and zapped Blocky.
"Oh god, oh god..." Bomby repeated and jumped back, staring at them in shock. Pen freezing up and abruptly coming to a stop at the sight with Eraser, with only Coiny and Needle still jumping.

Tree jumped back as Fries fell forwards. "Why does everyone I love dies?" Puffball cried out in agony, lowering herself towards him.
"I'm fine," Fries grunted out and slowly got up. "Oh that's good," Liy sighed out. "What even was that?" Pie asked. "Well..." Tree picked up the staple that ripped open a hole through Fries' container. "It seems this might be the culprit."

"We should probably do something about that, you know." Liy shrugged. "Since [BLEH] isn't gonna be stopping anytime soon," She pointed out, to which all of her teammates agreed. "Oh I got an idea!" Blackhole stepped forwards. "Since I can-"
Everyone jumped back as multiple staples ripped through Fries, causing the potatoes his fries is made of the explode and splashed everyone. With all the fries near Blackhole being sucked into him.
Puffball began puking.

"So uh..." Liy turned towards Blackhole. "What was your idea?"

"Taco we're literally in the middle of a desert! Why are we doing this?" Saw cried out, running after Taco. She pointed towards the basket in the sky and yelled out, "To get the basket!"
"Aww but it's so hot and Yellow Face is getting kinda weird and liquid-y and Firey Jr is struggling to keep up," Saw pointed out. "Well tell them to suck it up!" Taco yelled back in response. "And maybe take inspiration from 8 Ball!"
"I am literally burning up and in pain," 8 Ball monotonously spoke up. "Also, Yellow Face is starting to leave behind gooey puddles. It's kinda weird."

"Ugh! This is so stupid," Bell cried out and stopped chasing after Taco. She lifted herself up and dashed towards the basket, catching it with her mouth and swinging herself around, building up momentum.
All of her teammates came to a halt underneath her, and watched as she launched the basket back towards the direction they came from.
Distantly, they heard Four cried out, "Free Food is safe!"

"Huh." Taco raised her hand. "Why didn't we think of that sooner?"
"Ugh whatever!" Bell yelled out of frustration. She began heading back to the direction they came from, scoffing out, "Let's just go back." Gaty asked out, "What's her deal?"

"Yay! I reached the top first!" Robot Flower announced. Pillow popped up from the leaves. "Okay, now what?"
"Well get Basketball and Tennis Ball into the basket obviously!" Golf Ball scoffed out. "Yeah well." Robot Flower sunk into the tree. "How... exactly are we supposed to do that?" "That's a good point," Pillow agreed and looked downwards. "We're already on top of the tree, but they're on the ground."

"Oh well..." Golf Ball looked away. "You see- My calculations tell you that- that-" Robot Flower peaked up and yelled out, "Wait! Did you not think this through? Did you not manage this plan properly?"
Golf Ball sighed out, "Well whatever." She turned around. "Let's just use the trebuchet Tennis Ball built for the second part of Book's plan."

"Is this safe?" Basketball asked, turning to Tennis Ball. "It should be." They both let out a scream as Tv launched them into the basket, weighing it down and causing it to hit the ground.

"Are you serious?!" Robot Flower cried out in outrage, hopping from the tree and landing in front of Golf Ball. "We didn't have to do any of that?" Golf Ball chuckled and answered them sternly, "Physical exertion builds character." Robot Flower picked her up. "Oh how about I build your character!"

"How about we throw Bubble up so she can catch the basket?" Gelatin suggested. "Uh, I don't know about that..." She nervously answered. Donut threw his arms out to the sides and shouted out, "Gelatin are you insane? Bubble's our friend and teammates and we will not-!"

"Hey guys! I have an idea!" Bracelety cried out, sliding up towards Naily, Barf Bag and Spongy, also catching Teardrop's attention. "Oh, what is it Bracelety?" Barf Bag asked. "Okay so." She extended her arm and grabbed Teardrop, dragging her towards them. "Since Teardrop is soo cool and awesome! And Spongy is so large and soft and bouncy! And Naily is a nail! Why don't we use him to to propel Teardrop into the air, and she can use Naily to get the basket then give it to X!"

"Oh that's a good idea Bracelety," Barf Bag complimented. She turned towards everyone else and asked, "Are you guys cool with it though?"
"Yeah!" Spongy answered happily. Naily nodded her head and cried out, "We'll nail this!" Teardrop enthusiastically nodded her head.

"Alright. Let's get this on!" Barf Bag declared. Bracelety let out a cheer and they both grabbed different ends of Spongy and picked him up. Teardrop picked up Naily and hopped onto him, and they all began acting out their plan.

"-You should be ashamed of yourself and-!" Four cut Donut off and announced, "Team Ever is safe."
Instantly distracted by this, Donut turned towards the alien host. "Oh really, we won? Huh."

Gelatin and Donut jumped back as Bubble was popped. He turned to glare at the green sweet, who immediately threw his arms up. "Hey don't look at me!"

"Uh guys." Balloony looked away from watching the other teams. "The other teams are completing the challenges pretty quickly!"
"Don't worry Balloony!" Leafy cried out, keeping her eyes up into the sky. "Cloudy just got the basket!"

"Yay! You go Cloudy!" Nickel cheered him on. Woody let out encouraging, nonsensical words as David repeated his cries for him while Roboty beeped encouragingly. "Yeah you go Balloony!" Leafy cheered alongside with her teammates.
Balloony let out an anxious noise as he looked back towards the other teams. "Ahh, I hope you do have it Cloudy."

"Okay but like," Flower spoke up, staring at the basket her and her teammates were surrounding. "How exactly are we supposed to get that to X?"
Snowball kicked the basket, launching it into the air.

After a moment, they heard Four announced from the distant, "Not Losers are safe!"
"Oh." Match blinked at that. "Huh." Ruby giggled out and wrapped her arms around Loser and Snowball. "Great job kittens!"

"Don't call me k-!" "Ruby oh my god no-" "I'd really rather you not-" "Don't call people you just met-!"

"Hey Bomby are you having thoughts?" Coiny asked, bouncing over towards him. "Uh, yeah," He nervously answered. "I've been... uh, having a tough day." He glanced over to Blocky spawned out on the ground, smoke coming off him.
"Well have you ever consider just not?" Coiny suggested. "Pin told me that heavy thoughts weighed you down, which will affect your jumping. So just stop!" "Oh okay," Bomby responded.

"Hey Needle, is the sun getting into your eyes?" Coiny asked, jumping over towards the taller object. "Uh, yeah, it's kinda impossible for it not to," She answered nonchalantly, hiding her confusion behind it. "Well then maybe you should close your eyes. I heard that if the Sun's photons hit your eyes, they will actually push you downwards."
"Uh, that doesn't sound legit but I guess it doesn't hurt to try," Needle responded, closing her eyes and continuing her jumping.

"Hey Eraser." Said object turned at the call of his name, facing the still jumping Coiny. "Actually I hate you." He paused and widened his eyes at the abrupt declaration. "I shouldn't be talking to you outside of absolute necessity. Pretend this conversation had never happened."
"Wait what since when-"

Everyone surrounded Golf Ball's body, which was tore in half. "I'm sorry I killed her," Robot Flower apologised loudly. "My temper got the better of me." Basketball immediately responded, "It's okay Robot Flower. It happens to all of us at some point."
"Oof." Pillow plopped onto the ground besides them from the tree. She got up and dusted herself off. "Well since Golf Ball's dead, I guess I'm in charge now."

"Oh alright," Basketball easily agreed. She turned towards Tennis Ball and asked, "Are you fine with this?" He faced her and answered quickly, "Yeah I'm fine with it."

"Well I say we just use the trebuchet Tennis Ball built to launch the basket to X," Pillow suggested. "Since it was made for that purpose anyways."
"Oh alright." "That makes sense!"

Tv launched the basket.
Four leaned in and announced, "A Better Name Than That is safe!"

"Uh guys!" Balloony cried out anxiously, turning to face the rest of his team. He paused upon seeing his teammates still wrapped up in cheering Cloudy on. He sighed out and hunched in on himself and looked between the two teams.
He sighed out and stepped back. "That's it. I can't take it anymore." Leafy paused and turned around. "Did you say something Balloony?"

"Woah-!" She jumped back as Balloony ran up and hopped onto Roboty's antenna, catching everyone off guard and silencing them. They turned around and watched as Balloony leaned back heavily onto Roboty's antenna as far back as he can manage.
In a second, he launched himself up towards the basket.

Cloudy jumped back in surprise when Balloony latched onto the basket. Team Beep then proceeded to watch as Balloony pushed the basket towards X, using his own helium to do so.
Once the basket reached X, Balloony deflated fully and flew all the way back towards his team, landing gently in front of them.

Everyone broke out into commotion after a moment of processing everything, creating a noise overload.
"Team Beep is safe. That means Bunch and [BLEH] are left."

"I'm still alive," Balloony told them, muffled by having his face planted onto the ground.
Leafy gasped out and quickly got onto her knees and grabbed onto his lips. "Don't worry Balloony! We'll get you back to shape!" She pulled open his lips, turned towards Cloudy and cried out, "Hey Cloudy! Blow into him!"
He rushed up towards them. "Of course!" He took in a deep breath and blew into him. She turned back towards Balloony. "You'll be as good as new in no time! I promise!"

"Wow I, I actually really appreciate this guys," Balloony muffled out. "I mean it, really." He shrugged. "Normally everyone else just... don't really, care."
"Oh. Well." She smiled and toned down her volume and gently reassured, "It's really no problem Balloony. I... didn't say it earlier but, I really want the best for this team-" She froze up when he popped in front of her, his rubber hitting around her and the rest of their teammates.

"Sorry about that!" Stapy cried out from the distance.
All of them immediately began loudly freaking out again.

"It's alright Stapy," Foldy reassured him. "Next time, just focus more and you might get it."
"Seriously!" Eggy cried out in outrage and turned to glare at them. "Stapy somehow missed all of his shots! It's a miracle he only killed." She paused and glanced back towards Team Beep. "They count," Clock told them. Cake nervously added in, "I guess."

Eggy scoffed and rolled her eyes, turning back to face Stapy and Foldy. "It's a miracle that he only killed three objects!"
"Well it's not like you can do any better!" Foldy huffed out. She turned towards her face. "Come on Stapy! Prove her wrong!" He lowered himself down. "Uh... I'm not too sure..." "Just do it Stapy," Cake sighed out. "Might as well. Not like Bunch is doing any better."
"Uh. Alright then." Stapy sighed out and slammed himself down, catching the staple and quickly unfolding it. He raised himself and threw his arm back.

"Okay now that we're back, we should ask Four to recover Lollipop," 8 Ball suggested as soon as they all returned to competition ground. "Oh yes please," Saw quickly agreed. "It's only been a few hours but I already missed her."
"Well she's gonna be back soon," Taco quickly backed, patting Saw on her back. "Do you think Four will let us recover her in the middle of the competition?" Firey Jr asked. "Oh huh." Gaty blinked. "Good point."

Bell groaned out and lowered herself down. "Great. Do we have to wait until one of these freaks beat the challenge?"
"Eh." Taco shrugged. "At least it will be over soon-" Everyone jumped back and watched in shock as her taco shell exploded and her body dropped onto the ground, the lettuce stabbed into the ground by a staple.
"Free food!" Yellow Face loudly exclaimed, getting looks from his teammates.

Eggy sighed out, "Make that four." "Come on Eggy," Foldy cut in, stepping in front of Stapy and hiding him behind her. "Just give him a chance."
She scoffed out and glared off to the side, "It's not like I have much of a choice." Foldy followed her gaze and paused upon seeing it landing on Marker and Dora. "Just don't flute this up Stapy," Eggy sighed out and turned away, joining Cake and Clock in watching the other teams.

Foldy sighed out and turned towards Stapy with a smile. "Don't listen to her Stapy. She just doesn't get it." She reached out and gently patted his sides. "Just keep trying your best, I'm sure you'll get it eventually."
She chuckled and looked away. "I mean, if even Beep can get it, I'm sure you'll be able to." She glanced towards Bunch. "Plus, it's not like they're doing any better."

Stapy sighed out and took a deep breath with his mouth. He leaned back slowly, then, once he was ready, he slammed himself down and caught his staple. "If you say so..."

"Guys!" Pen called out. "We're one of the last teams not safe!" Pin sighed out, "We know Pen! We all can hear!" "Wait guys, I have a point!" Pen huffed out. "Just- Just listen to me for a moment, alright?"
"Eh. It can't too bad," Needle spoke out, turning towards Pen. "What is it?" "Why are we still doing this!" Pen cried out. He pointed upwards. "When Lighting can literally fly?"

"Oh right." Eraser stopped jumping, with an exhausted Pen soon following after him. "How come we didn't notice that?" Coiny asked as everyone on their team came to halt.
"Does it matter?!" Pin cut in, popping between Coiny and Needle. "Lighting! Just go grab the basket and bring it to X!"

"Alright team," Lighting sighed out and brought his arms up. "I promise I'll do my best as to not let this team down as I-"
Everyone jumped back as the basket fell between them, with Pen clinging onto Eraser and Coiny crushed by the basket, an incriminating staple stabbed straight in the middle of the propeller. "I..." Lighting dropped his arms. "That wasn't me."

Eraser pointed at Coiny. "Ha!"
Bomby got onto his knees and waved his arms around. "Oh my god Coiny!"

"Stapy!" Eggy cried out, frustration clear in her voice as she turned to glare at said object. "You were supposed to hit our basket, not the other team's," She grunted out through clenched teeth.
"I'm sorry!" Stapy yelled out as he shot upwards, raising his arms. "It was a mistake!" "But hey!" Foldy cut in, stepping in front of him. "At least he hit a basket!"

"Foldy that's not the point!" Eggy groaned out. "We're gonna lose now and one of us will be up for elimination!"
"Yeah!" Ice Cube angrily backed.

"Well then I'm sure he can hit it again!" Foldy cried out. She turned around and sent him a wide, encouraging smile to him. "Come on Stapy! Hit it!"
"Uh well." Stapy lowered himself down. Clock shoved himself in and yelled out, "We'll lose otherwise! Just do it!"
Immediately, Stapy slammed himself down and barely caught his staple. And in a rush, he leaned back up and threw the staple.

"Okay okay fine," Ruby giggled out. "But it was funny, you gotta admit."
"You have no idea if they're comfortable with it!" Fanny yelled into her face. "And even so, they are complete strangers to you! You aren't even close enough to joke around with them like that!"

"Wait- Guys, look out!" Loser yelled out. They turned to face him, but before anyone could say anything, Loser had dashed forwards and pushed them.
The sound of shattering rang out. And following the direction of the sound, they found a staple sticking into the ground, surrounded by and with a shards that looked like Loser's body through it.

"Wait, so he isn't made out of jello?" Firey cried out. Ruby gasped out, "Oh! His shards kinda looks like me!"
"Firey!" "Ruby!"

"Oh my god you killed Loser!" Cake yelled out, dashing up to Stapy. "How could you?" "I didn't mean to!" He cried out. "It was an accident!" "That doesn't matter!" Clock yelled out and rushed to join Cake's side. "You still killed him! You still killed Loser! How could you!"

Foldy stepped back and watched as her teammates divulged into a screaming match, any and all voices combining into nonsensical noises that she couldn't make out. All but... she looked towards Dora and Marker, towards Bunch and then up towards the basket above them.
She gasped out, "Ding!" She looked back down and rushed up towards Stapy. She slammed him down and caught his staple with her mouth.

And ignoring the reactions she garnered from that, she rushed up towards Marker and spit the staple into his hands. "Hey Marker, let's play a game!"
"Okay!" He easily agreed. "What's the game?" Foldy pointed towards the staple in his hand. "Unfold the staple and throw it at the propeller of the basket!" She moved her leg around with her words. And with a nervous smile, she added in, "It's call toss the... staple."

"Okay," Marker enthusiastically agreed. He threw the staple and easily hit the propeller, causing the basket to fall and land in front of their teammates.
"What!" Eggy cried out in disbelieved outrage. "Bunch still hasn't gotten their basket to X yet! Do all we have to do this get the basket to him before they do!" Foldy yelled out, rushing back up towards her teammates. "So, does anyone have a plan?"

"Oh I got an idea!" Clock sat down near the basket. "Stapy! Maker! Lift the basket up."
"Okay!" Marker stood up and ran over. Stapy sighed out tiredly and began heading over towards his side.

"Coiny, are you alright?" Pin asked as soon as they got the basket off him. He groaned out and sat up, rubbing himself. "Yeah. Been worse." He paused and stood up, looking down at himself. "Oh my cent, I've been dented!"
"Ha!" Eraser yelled out and pointed at him.

Coiny shoot him an annoyed look. He sighed out and looked away, "Well I'm over it." He looked upwards and yelled out, "Anyways Lighting! Since we got the basket right here, bring it to X right now!"
"Alright!" Lighting flew downwards and grabbed onto the edge of the basket. He gasped out as he was pulled down. "Oh wow," He huffed out. "This basket is... is pretty heavy."

Immediately at that, every member conscious came forwards and picked up the basket, lifting it up. "Hurry up and get it to X!" Pin yelled out.
"Alright!" Lighting yelled out and took in a deep breath. He floated down and with all of the strength he can channel, pulled up, grunting out as he did so. Eventually he managed to lift it up until no one on his team can assist him anymore.

He continued to grunt and groan out as he struggled to bring the basket towards X, flying upwards and closer to the pillar by every second.

"Uh..." Everyone in [BLEH] anxiously stood in place, literally watching as the seconds tick by. Cake asked out, "Can you go any faster?"
"Well I'm sorry I can't control time!" Clock angrily huffed out.

Needle tapped her feet nervously as she watched Lighting struggled to bring the basket to X. She pushed her already crossed arms closer to herself as she looked around, taking in and quickly going by the scenes. Despite trying to distract herself however, her eyes still ended up straying towards the only other team left.
She grew nervous and narrowed her eyes, leaning closer towards them to check the time. She instantly grew more anxious upon noticing one of the hands ticking closer, closer and closer towards their basket.

She turned back towards Lighting and found that he was only halfway up the pillar. She began tapping her finger as her feet tapping grew more and more rapid.
Her eyes began darting around her teammates, finding Pin checking up on Coiny and him reassuring her that he was fine, Bomby sat on the ground and looking between Blocky and Lighting and finally Eraser and Pen, stood the closest to the pillar and looking at Lighting. An idea hit her and she glanced back up to the pillar.

Confidence with her ability to act out her plan, she took a few steps and clenched her fists.
Coiny and Pin jumped and snapped their heads around when Needle dashed past them. Bomby yelped out and all three of them watched as Needle turned her body around and landed onto the pillar.

She bent her knees and flung herself at Eraser, picking up Pen while she was at it. He yelled out and she landed onto Eraser, twisted herself to look up at Lighting and launched herself up at the pillar using Eraser.

Pen screamed out as she began rushing up the pillar, the tap, tap, tapping of her feet hitting the stern pillar growing more rapid as she put all of her strength into running up to pillar faster and faster.

Lighting turned around upon hearing Needle approaching him. His eyes shot wide open as she jumped off the pillar and raised Pen back, bringing him down to slam the basket and propelling it upwards.
Just as Clock's hand hit the basket and sent it spinning towards the pillar X was stood on, sending both baskets in a race against time.

"Yay!" X was pushed back from the force. "Thanks for bringing me back my basket!"
"Ugggghhh..." He paused and looked down to his basket. "Oh!" He peaked and reached into his basket, pulling out a dazed Lighting. "And you brought a gift as well! Hurray!"
"Bunch is safe."

"What!" Clock cried out. "Aw man," Cake sighed out. "I was sure we'd make it."
"Well hey, look at it this way," Foldy spoke up. "At least we all did our best." Eggy scoffed and turned around to glare at her. "Oh, did we?" She turned to direct her anger at Stapy, her voice growing harsh as she continued, "'Cause it sure doesn't feel like it."

"Hey!" Foldy cried out. However before she can say anything more, Stapy sighed out and interrupted her, "Forget it Foldy. She's right."
She frowned and turned back to him. "Stapy..."
"Stapy!" Marker popped up besides him. "Wanna play toss the dirt with me and Dora?" He blinked and turned towards his friend, smiling sombrely at him. "Alright."

"Hey uh guys?" Cake called out. "If our basket didn't reach X, where... did it go?"

"Yellow Face, did you have to eat Taco's remains?" Bell asked, glaring at the estranged creature, who had a large frown on him. "I'm sorry." "Man Yellow Face, you really need to work on your gluttony," Gaty advised.
"Hey look on the bright side Saw," 8 Ball spoke up, turning towards the clearly distraught object. "At least now we can recover Lollipop and Taco since the challenge is over now." Saw sighed out and got off the ground. "I guess you're right. It can't really get any worse."

Everyone jumped back as a basket hit Saw square in the body, sending them back and flopping them onto the ground. All of them wincing at the sound of a loud crunch.
Bell glared towards the direction where the basket came from. "Hey watch where you're going!" She yelled out angrily, swinging towards their direction.

"Guys! We have to get the basket off of Saw!" Gaty yelled out. "Oh well I would but." 8 Ball blinked and glanced towards himself. "I uh, don't have any limps." "Neither do I or Yellow Face," Bell sighed out, joining them again. "Well I can't do it," Gaty sighed out, looking down to herself. "I don't have arms."
They all paused and turned towards Firey Jr. He blinked and looked towards the basket. "Oh. This is gonna take a well."

Vote for who you want to be eliminated! But don't vote in the comments! Instead, check the author's bio or the comment attached to this paragraph for a Google Forms link and vote in there! Voting ends in three weeks.

"Oh my cent Needle, that was awesome!" Coiny cried out, rushing up towards her once she had got back onto the ground, having landed on her feet. Needle jumped and turned around to find her -conscious- teammates running up to her.
"Yeah Needle! The way you just scaled up that wall was very impressive," Pin complimented, coming to a stop besides her along with her teammates. "How did you know that'd work?" Bomby asked, looking back up.
"I didn't," Needle admitted. "I just took the risk." "Well it was a risk worth taking!" Coiny yelled out and wrapped his arms around his friends, startling Needle and causing her to drop a dazed Pen. "Look! We're all here for another chapter!"

A groaning nearby caught everyone's attention. Coiny release his friends and stepped back, turning to face the source of the sound alongside with them to find Eraser sitting up with a hand on his head.
"What the..." He blinked and turned towards them. "Sorry!" Needle stepped up towards him. "I had to use you as a boost to beat the challenge!"

Upon hearing that, Eraser paused as he looked away in thought, ignoring Bomby awkwardly offering him his hand. "Well..." He glanced towards Needle. "Did it work?"
She blinked and leaned back. She quickly dismissed any confusion and answered, "Yeah." Eraser chuckled and gave them a thumbs up. "Then I'm cool with it."

Everyone paused and turned around upon hearing another groan. "Oh right!" Needle began rushing up to Pen. "Sorry Pen, I..." She trailed off and came to a stop in front of him.
He groaned out and got up, rubbing his head with tightly sealed eyes. "Wh... What? Huh?" He blinked open his eyes and looked around to his teammates, finding them staring at him with an unsure expression. "Is... Is there something on my face?"

"Uh, bro." Eraser pointed up towards his own head. "Check your cap."
Pen blinked and sighed out, "Well... alright I guess." Still somewhat dazed, he began reaching higher on himself. "I don't get why you can't just tell me... I'm not that sensitive g-" He froze up.

He began to repeatedly pat himself, growing more frantic and rapid as the seconds shoot by. "M- My cap! Wh- Where's-?" He stood up and looked around desperately. His voice raised in distress as he cried out, "Where's my cap?"

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