the door is my death | Roblox...

By isaac_cooked

4.1K 103 161

---o--- This story is hugely inspired by the Roblox game named Doors. Credits to LSPLAH for all characters... More



354 10 11
By isaac_cooked


   heyy, this is author val here! so like AHEM!!- i've been pretty busy these few days so my writing schedule is pretty flexible . . . and not in a good way 💔 pls pls PLS be patient w/ me :-) 

(also im gonna tone down on vocabulary just a little bit bc *someone* cannot read for shit 💀)


   I went past the patterned fence and proceeded onto Door 0021. This room was unique compared to some of the other rooms I'd entered beforehand. 0021 offered a single hallway with a locked door on the other end. Bookshelves and some plants in the corner decorated it, similarly to previous rooms. However, on the right side of the wall, stood a door. Assuming I would find the key in there, I went ahead and entered the side room. Inside were giant windows that made up the majority of the wall opposite of the room's entrance. Around were boxes, beds, and furniture shuffled around it, giving off an abandoned-mansion type of feel. To the left was a fireplace, which encased a burning flame feeding off of some firewood. It looked exactly the same from Door 0016, with the placement of bricks to the limestone used for its surroundings. Although it was weird, it was comforting to be near the fireplace as the rain hits harshly against the windows, lightning flashing at random intervals. 

   When I went back to exploring the place, I saw a table in the distance. As I walked up to it, I saw that it had a top area that was accessible through the lifting of wood. Underneath the wooden cover laid a prescribed pills, presumably vitamins. My suspicions were correct when I picked up the strange item and read the words "Vitamins" printed on its label. I checked its instructions on the back. It says that it can "help you in a life-threatening situation" and that it "speeds up the process". It did also say that it was non-lethal no matter how many times you consumed it. I would've believed it . . . if I hadn't found it in a haunted, never-ending hotel. Nevertheless, I made room for it within my pockets, putting it with my lockpicks. 

   I continued to search through the drawers below it, and eventually found the key on the bottom drawer in the long, middle drawer. With the key in my hand, I walked out of the room and inserted it into the padlock. I effortlessly unlocked the door, the sound of the metal hitting the floor confirming my advance. As the door swung open with a beep, however, it was accompanied with the dreaded flickering of lights. 

   The room which could be accessed by Door 0022 held a heck ton of closets, maybe ten or twelve. I quickly got into the nearest closet and sat in silence as the familiar but fear-inducing sound of glitchy screaming approached at high speeds, following closely behind the sound of lightbulbs getting demolished to nothing but shards. As the terrifying entity zoomed past my closet again, I heard the door in front of the last swing open and slam against the wall. Eventually, the screaming abruptly stopped, signaling that it was over. I got out of the closet and looked around. Although it was dark, it wasn't nearly as dark as the room where I had encountered that floating face with tentacles coming from its "body". Just thinking about it gave me the shivers.

   I really wanted to go into detail about the looks of the room I was currently in, but it was too dark to say anything. I made my way out of the room, where Door 0023's lights were also shattered. Carefully making my way through the broken lightbulb shards and fallen furniture, I continued onward.

   Door 0024 was just a hallway with a stairway that goes up to the left. On the opposite side held a door that was board up for some unknown reason. There were some tables with flower pots and drawers here and there. Not seeing anything else worthy of exploring, I went up the stairs. As soon as I reached the top, a bookshelf in the distance fell over and crashed to the floor, dropping books and paper sheets in the air. This startled me greatly, almost making me fall back down the stairs. Thankfully, I regained my balance just in time before tumbling down. I looked to my left and right. To my left, there was yet another boarded up door which probably led to a room that once was. To my right was a door with the numbers "0025" carved into its golden plate. 

   Upon entering Door 0025, the lights flickered for a few seconds, relatively shorter than the previous times the lights acted up. I jumped into a closet, awaiting the screaming and shattering of lightbulbs . . . but it never came. In fact, I had waited so long that the strange, overwhelming feeling washed over me again. Realizing that this feeling only came whenever I stayed in a closet for too long. I concluded that it was another entity that lurked within these walls, therefore, there was also a way to avoid it. Not wanting to take my chances, I stayed near the closet for a few extra seconds, positively sure that nothing was going to charge at me. 

   Once I was a hundred percent sure, I felt safe enough to step away from the closet. As I looked around the room, I saw that it was actually a horizontal room. To the wall opposite to where I was stood a bunch of bookshelves with lamps, chairs, and drawers filling up the spaces in between. Typewriters and various papers were found everywhere. It all seemed pretty weird but also calming, not gonna lie. Even the painting of a dark alleyway seemed fitting somehow. Just out of curiosity, I searched through the drawers, seeing if anything was worth grabbing. Unfortunately, it was just a waste of my time, as literally nothing was found. However, I did find another creature. Whilst I was checking the drawers, a small spider, roughly the size of a quarter, jumped on me and attacked me. Though I managed to get it off of me, it did bite me a little on my forehead, which hurt quite a bit. The pain level was that of a paper cut.

   Feeling frustrated and a bit of pain, I continued onward to Door 0026 . . . which presented itself as a dark room. I took out the lighter from Door 0015 and ignited it, starting the flames. I slowly made my way through the dark room, which was actually just a regular hallway with plants here and there, along with some furniture scattered across the walls. Pretty painting covered the wall space above certain tables and drawers, which was pretty nice interior decorating. I eventually made it out of the dark room, but not without hearing the "psst" sound again. I frantically began to look around, trying to find where the sound was coming from. Eventually, I looked up behind me and found the floating ball of flesh staring at me once again, its teeth wide in a smile. As we made eye contact, it screeched at me before fleeing. Of course, as a natural human being, I was absolutely terrified for my life. When I calmed down, I tried to unmask the situation. 

   I had realized that the floating entity only manifested itself around me whenever I entered a dark room. Regardless of whether or not I held my lighter, it would still be able to find a way to manifest. I was praying that a light source would decrease its chances of manifesting itself. Right there, I decided I was going to name these entities which I had encountered so far.

   The creature that appears whenever the lights flicker (mostly), I called it Rush. The floating ball of flesh that screeches at me would be called Screech. The entity that makes me feel uncomfortable and tells me to leave a closet would be called Hide. The little spider that I met some time ago . . . erm . . . Timothy. My childhood home had lots of spiders in the area, and little me would name them. The spider that jumped and attacked me reminded me of the spider that I accidentally aggravated. Therefore, it tried to jump and bite me, but I got away in time. Seeing this opportunity, I named the spider Timothy.

   Door 0027 was a small room with empty bookshelves and closets here and there. Only one big drawer was in that room, accompanied with a painting of people at a table on the wall above it. I opened it and expected to find nothing. Instead, I found another lighter! Realizing that I wouldn't be able to carry two at once, I checked both their fuel level. The one in the drawer had a little more fuel than the one I currently possessed; so, I swapped lighters. With that out of the way, I continued onto the next room.

   Door 0028 was yet another long brick hallway. The emptiness and shallowness of the room caused me to lose some hope, as I was still worked up, scared, confused, and hopeless all at once. I wondered why I was even in this predicament. I began to think about all the major and minor sins I've committed throughout my life. Any reason as to why I'm in this hellish place. Could it be the result of a human experiment conducted by aliens? Supernatural ghosts seeking revenge on wrongdoers? At this point, anything was possible. Any idea wasn't that far of a stretch. 

   Whatever the case was, it wasn't like I could do anything about it. These doors could probably go on forever for all I know, and I would be stuck in this hellhole for all of eternity . . . that's when I realized I didn't feel hungry . . . or thirsty. I didn't even feel the urge to sleep. Even the feeling of needing to urinate or poop. Gross but necessary things. With this new realization, I chose to believe that these humanly desires are gone in this building, and that it may all be a part of some sort of simulation. There's a good chance that I'm in a whole other dimension not of Earth's and that I'm a foreigner here; therefore, I'm a target. (pretty racist if you ask me ngl) However, what kind of dimension is a hotel-themed building? Is the "hotel" a part of another world? Another Earth? It was too much for me to think, that I accidentally bumped into the other end of the hallway whilst overthinking.

   Quickly turning to my left, I entered through Door 0029. It was another room whose main theme was closets. There were so many empty closets that would make you wonder why a hotel needs so many. But, I know that they're there to protect me. To save me from Rush. However, I'm also aware that an entity follows me through the closets. An entity that likes to keep its space. Apparently I didn't notice the lights flickering, because while I was deep in my thoughts yet again, I picked up on the distorted screaming accompanied with lightbulbs getting shattered. Realizing what's about to happen, I quickly jumped into a closet, narrowly dodging Rush's wrath. I sat there in shock, realizing how I close I was from certain doom. As I exited the closet trembling, I looked ahead of me and realized that room beyond Door 0030 had its lights completely blown out. 

   When I entered Door 0030, it seemed to be unusually darker than before. In the previous room, it was dark but not dark enough to not be able to see anything. But now that I'm in room 0030, I couldn't see a single thing further than three feet. I whipped out my lighter and hastily made my way out of the room, hoping and praying that Screech didn't manifest. And it didn't! However, upon entering the room, the lights suddenly flickered . . . and something caught me by surprise and shock. When I looked ahead of me, I saw . . .

. . . an eye coming from the wall.


   when the author gets motivation to write bc they don't like that other roblox doors wattpad stories r getting more reads than them </3 (JKJK I LOVE ALL OF Y'ALLS' CREATIVES ASSES DONT COME AT ME PLZZ 😭🙏🏽 I LOVE YOUR WORKS)

el muchacho de los ojos tristes - jeanette >>> 💕💋

^ when ur ass is single and complain abt not getting no one but u dont try either (damn val, u a hopeless romantic 💀)


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