The Struggle

By thatfanficwriter_

3.9K 173 152


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Concert Timee
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: "Whatever happens here, is gonna disappear.."
Chapter 8: "I been thinkin' about ya daily.."
Chapter 9: Sleepover.?
Chapter 10: Sleepover Day 2
Chapter 12: One Last Time
Chapter 13: "Now that's it's over..."
Chapter 14

Chapter 11: Sleepover Day 3

76 3 2
By thatfanficwriter_

Vanessa's POV

It's actually a legit time this morning. 11:35 am. So I just sit up and get in the chair

"Hey." Camila says seeing me wake up

"Hey." I say barely audible.

"Was that a word or a squeak.?" Dinah asks

"Well hey to you too." I say with a laugh. Lauren hands me some food, pancakes and bacon.

"Wait.!" Camila says taking it.

"Hey.!" I say as everyone else laughs

"Okay it's edible. Here ya go." Camila says.

"What was the point of that.?" Dinah asks while I'm eating.

"I was smelling it because one time she put orange juice on my pancakes and syrup in my cup." Camila says.

"How.?" I ask with a laugh as I finish eating.

"That was quick. And I thought Mani ate like a pig." Lauren says as Normani tries to tackle her.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I love you.!" Lauren says running away. We hear a scream and we see Normani come back with Lauren on her shoulder. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oww.! You heavy handed bitch." Lauren says as Normani puts her down.

"Heavy handed.? That's Dinah." Normani says with a laugh.

"I am not.!" Dinah says with a laugh. "Squeeze my hand as hard as you can." She says and I squeeze her hand. "Ow.! My hand is numb now. She's heavy handed not me." Dinah says with a laugh

"No I'm not." I say with a laugh.

"Okay not as bad as someone else I know." She says referring to Normani and walking away. There's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it.!" Lauren says opening the door. "Hey bad timing everyone's fine everything's good come back never Kay bye.!" She says closing the door just as Dinah comes in.

"Who was that.?" She asks.

"Somebody came to the wrong house they were looking for the one across the street." Lauren says and then she whispers and tells her who it really was.

"Oh..." Dinah says finally. "Good way to play it off." She says slightly whispering.

"Who was that.?" Normani asks and we all look at each other like "oh shit we're screwed."

"Somebody came to the wrong house." Ally says covering us.

"Oh." Normani says walking back in the kitchen out of earshot.

"Ally that was lifesaving, I love you midget." Lauren says picking her up and hugging her.

"I uh love you too. Now put me down.!" Ally says.

"Okay okay geez." Lauren says putting her down.

"Yeah that was lifesaving because I had no idea what in the hell to say." Camila says with a laugh.

"Me either honestly." I say bluntly.

"How much longer are we gonna be able to cover this up.? She finds out every other damn thing there is to lie about.!" Dinah whisper yells.

"Right.! And that guy is really c-" Lauren says as Normani walks by us and goes upstairs. "Cool as a handyman." She says changing her sentence.

"You meant cute we know Lauren. And I caught a slight glimpse of him when Camila opened the door. I see why you didn't tell us." Dinah says with a solemn smirk.

"Ding ding ding.!" Camila says with a laugh.

"So what are we doing today.?" Camila asks.

"I dunno." Dinah says shrugging her shoulders.

"Let's go to the mall." Lauren says.

"Sounds fine to me." Me and Camila say.

"But I don't feel like going through my closet." I say and they look at me confused. "I can't fit anything else in there that's the problem."

"Seriously.?" Dinah asks.

"Most of them are too little but yeah." I say as they all laugh.

"Ally I've found you some more clothes." Lauren says knowing she hates people's old clothes.

"You kidding me.? I hate other people's clothes." She says cringing. Dinah and Lauren are over there cracking up laughing.

"I was kidding." Lauren says trying to catch her breath.

"Let's go do that first." Dinah says

"Where and what exactly are we going to do.?" I ask.

"Come now find out later." Lauren and Dinah say as Lauren pulls me off the couch.

"We'll be back.!" We say to Mani upstairs.

"Okay.!" She yells back down the stairs. Lauren picks me up outside.

"I didn't want to do it around Mani because she could've been jealous."

"Guys I told him come back never should I not have said that.?" Camila asks as we get in the car.

"I don't see a problem with it." I say laughing as Dinah turns up the radio and Jealous by Nick Jonas is on.

You're too sexy, beautiful
Everybody wants a taste that's why

"I still get jealousss.!" Dinah lip syncs.

"High note on point." Ally says as I realize we're at my house.

"So this is y'all way of kicking me out.?" I ask confused.

"We'd never kick you out." They say as we walk in.

"Hey." My mom says.

"No. I. Don't. Want. To. Go. Away." Dinah says in her sleep as we all look at her and go back to sleep. "Hey. I thought you were dead." She says going back to sleep. We all groan and look at our phones. She finally wakes up.

"Had a good nap.?" Camila asks.

"Oh shit, what did I say.?" Dinah says with a laugh.

"You said you didn't want to go away and you thought someone was dead." Ally says.

"What.? That makes no sense." Dinah says with a laugh.

"Our point exactly.!" We all say.

"Mani.!" Camila says up the stairs.

"What Camila.?!" She says flatly.

"We're going to the uh mall. Watch what she says next." Camila says mumbling the last part

"Okay I'll be down in a minute.!" She says as Camila Ally and Lauren start laughing hysterically. Dinah laughs along with them.

"She does that every single damn time and comes downstairs for nothing but that.!" Dinah says still laughing as they take out their phones and go on Snapchat to give a excuse to why they're laughing. I don't have a Snapchat so I start scrolling through Facebook and Twitter as we see her come downstairs. Dinah is trying so hard not to laugh and so is Lauren.

"I'm done I give up.!" Lauren says laughing along with the rest of us.

"I'm confused." Normani says.

"Snapchat." They manage to say.

"Oh." She says as we all get up to leave.

"So why are we here.?" I ask we get there.

"You'll find out in a minute." Dinah Camila and Lauren say.

"So I'm gonna like go somewhere else." Normani says.

"Yeah me too." Ally says as we all split up. Camila puts a blindfold on me and Lauren guides me following Dinah.

"You can take it off now." Camila says. Then Lauren stands in front of me and takes off the blindfold. We're outside of the Michael Kors store.

"I have never been here but everything looks so expensive." I say astonished as to how much stuff is in there.

"Everything is expensive." They say.

"Don't just stand there come on.!" Camila and Lauren say as we go in there. If I could I'd buy this whole entire store.

"Here." Dinah says handing me a blue one.

"It feels so soft." I say surprised.

"You like it.?" She asks looking at me.

"Huh.?" I say looking up a few seconds later and they just laugh.

"Aw." Ally says.

"Let's just get one of each color." Lauren says pointing to the cross body ones.

"Sounds fine to me." I say picking up wallets, the only thing I can take. Then I notice they have the bag things but they aren't that big. So I just pick up one of each color to match them. When we go to the register, the total came up to something I never expected. $31,596.87. I open my mouth to say something but Normani comes in and covers my mouth and laughs. When we walk out, she finally let's me talk.

"What were you dying to say in there.?" Normani asks knowing what I'm gonna say.

"Damn.!" I say as they all laugh.

"Did you not believe me when I said it was expensive.?" Dinah asks.

"Well I didn't know one thing would cost $1,000.!" I say still astonished.

"Imagine what someone else we know would've spent." Lauren says slightly whispering referring to Normani.

"Y'all would have no money left after that.! You'd have to file for bankruptcy.!" I say.

"Life savings, retirement, savings, and all the emergency money would be gone too.! We wouldn't have jack shit." Dinah says with a laugh.

"Guys, I'm not that bad, damn." Normani says.

"You spent $200,000 last time we were in there.!" Ally says.

"What did you buy.?" Me and Lauren ask.

"Uh. That was a lot." Normani says with a laugh.

"Ya think.?!" Dinah and Camila say.

"I'm hungry." Lauren says.

"I am too." Me and Ally say.

"Okay then let's go to the food court." Dinah says. "I'm kinda hungry too."

"Here." Camila says giving me some money to go where I wanted to. I chose Chinese food, I haven't had it in a while. Everyone starts getting each other's food.

"I say let's all have a late night shopping spree." Camila says later on.

"But she has school tomorrow. And we just went earlier.!" Dinah says.

"And I don't care to go." I say as they all laugh.

"Well if that's settled let's go then." Normani says as she follows the others and takes my hand. When we get to the mall, it's only 8:25, but really late to go shopping. Well to me it is.

"You come with me." Lauren says to me as we all split up.

"Piggyback ride.?" She asks bending down.

"Wouldn't mind if I do." I say with a laugh as I get on and we go in rue21.

"Hey.!" We say to my cousin as we go in there. She turns around and looks at us weird as I get down.

"Hey...Lauren..." She says still confused.

"Okay it was her idea Skittles, Don't blame me." I say referring to Lauren.

"Uh yeah sure. Why are you guys shopping so late.?" She asks still slightly confused.

"It was Camila's idea. It's only 8:30." Lauren says checking her phone.

"Oh." She says with a laugh. "Go ahead and look, I'll leave y'all alone there's a customer over there waiting."

"Oh okay." Me and Lauren both say. Me and Lauren pick up a few things for each other and we look at them and give our honest opinions, even blunt ones.

"That's kind of..uh." I say

"Ugly.? I figured you'd say that." She says with a laugh picking something else up. "This looks better on you." She says giving me a ruffly white shirt with pink flowers on it and she takes the black polka dotted shirt I have.

"This is way more colorful." I say with a laugh.

"I know." She says with a laugh as she picks up a skirt with a gold belt. She looks at it then me. "You like this.?" We both say showing what we have at the same time, me having a plain black skirt.

"I know who'd that look good on." Lauren says smirking, us both thinking of the same person.

"Uh no then the torture would be worse it's bad enough." I say as my cousin comes back over there.

"Who are you talking about.?" She asks coming at the tail end of my sentence.

"Mani." We both say in unison.

"A plain black skirt.?" She says confused.

"A tight plain black skirt." We say with a laugh.

"...Are y'all perverts now.?" She says with a laugh.

"If you saw her again, you'd get what I mean, like seriously, it'd be eye candy and eye rape at the same damn time." Lauren says with a laugh.

"Should we get this.?" I ask my cousin.

"If it's not for her then yeah...if it is...good luck." She says laughing and walking back behind the register.

"Nah, let's not get this, it's enough torture already." I say with a laugh putting it back. Lauren picks up a bow necklace and I pick up a plain gold chain.

"You like this.?" She says. "Ooh I want that let's switch." She says switching what I have with what she has.

"Okay. What about this.?" I ask holding up a plain black and white striped skirt.

"Oh my gosh, yes get that." Lauren says with a gasp. "And I think we've got enough out of one store." She says after some more of us switching clothes.

"Bye.!" I say walking out and getting on Lauren's back again.

"Where to next.?" I ask.

"Where you wanna go.?" She asks me.

"I Don't know. Let's go to forever 21." I say as she walks in there and I get down.

"Lo they got a plus line." I say with a laugh.

"That was mean." She says with a laugh.

"No it wasn't. I just meant her back...side." I say with a laugh.

"That's what I kind of figured." Lauren says with a laugh. We picked up a few things and we left out.

"Let's go in here." I say pointing to Journey's. When we go in, Brianna instantly looks up at us confused.

"Hey...explain this...." She says confused.

"Hey." I say getting off Lauren.

"Like I said explain." She says still confused

"There's Lauren and me what else is there to explain.?" I ask with a laugh.

"Like why are you guys in the mall at 8:30 at night.?" She asks concerned.

"It was Camila's idea." Lauren finally says.

"Do you have school tomorrow.?" She asks me.

"Do I have it yes am I going maybe." I say.

"Okay then." She laughs, walking away and assisting another customer.

"I thought I was weird wanting to come in here but I guess not." Lauren says as we go to opposite sides of the store.

"I only have like 5 pair of shoes to be honest." I say.

"That's it.?" Lauren says gasping.

"Yeah. Sad ain't it.?" I say with a laugh.

"Very, oh my gosh. Get em all, I could care less." Lauren goes back to find her a pair of shoes. I find a pair of black and gray ones, tie dye ones, neon blue, purple, pink, tan shoes with a blue inside, blue with a pink inside, black with a purple inside, and a pair that look all galaxy-like.

"Damn." Lauren says with a laugh at how many boxes I have.

"Oops.?" I say with a laugh as I put them all up there on the register.

"So uh good luck taking this." She says getting a very huge bag and putting them all in there.

"Sure thanks, might need it." Lauren says I get on her back, yet again. Because I don't feel like walking, honestly.

"Hey.!" I say to Dani from school.

"Hey." She says with a laugh. She then recognized Lauren.

"Lauren.!" She says with a gasp.

"Hey." Lauren says with a laugh.

"Why are y'all here so late.?" She asks.

"It was Camila's idea." We both say.

"Oh. Well bye.!" She says walking off. We run into the others.

"Hey." Camila says as we hear Worth it on the mall speakers. I take Dinah's phone to record for Snapchat, and she starts dancing randomly to her own part. Normani pushes her out of the camera frame and randomly starts twerking in the middle of the mall, literally. We just laugh, and Lauren stops the video because she couldn't stop laughing.

"Ready to go.?" Dinah asks seeing that it's 9:45, on a Sunday.

"Yeah. We can go." Lauren Camila and Ally say.

"Damn what did you buy.?!" Ally asks.

"Let's just say a loooot of shoes." Me and Lauren say with a laugh. I get down off Lauren because my legs were going to sleep and we walk out.

"What movies are we watching tonight.?" Dinah asks a while later.

"Pitch perfect.?" Ally suggests.

"Sounds fine to me." We all say.

"First person back gets $150.!" Normani says as we get to the store and split up like the usual.

"Where's Dinah.?" Normani asks Camila.

"Behind you." Dinah says.

"Hand it over.!" She says as we all laugh and Dinah gives it to her.

"I totally just cheated her of $5, FYI." Dinah says as we all silently laugh.

"Dinah Jane Hansen, give me the other $5.!" Normani says as we all erupt in laughter.

"Ah man.! Here.!" We all sit down, and Normani puts in the movie.

"I have never seen this movie." Lauren says eating the popcorn.

"Really.?" Normani and Ally say also eating.

"Yeah." She says just as the previews go off.

"I saw the siiign.! I saw the siign.! I saw the-" We all say quoting the movie off key.

"Ew." Lauren says as we all laugh. At the end of the movie we're all hysterical in laughter.

"What's next.?" Ally asks.

"Fast and Furious.?" Lauren suggests as we all nod in agreement. She puts it in, and Normani puts a protective arm around me as the movie starts. It so quiet you could hear a pin drop and the sound of crunching popcorn (obviously). When the movie is over, we're all still quiet. I check my phone and it's already 12:35. But if I'm with them, I could care less because they're fun and non tiring.

"Let's play truth or dare." Normani suggests with a solemn smirk.

"Uh.." The rest of us say as we laugh nervously.

"Let's do it.." Camila says hesitantly with a nervous laugh.

"Fine let's do it." Dinah says.

A while later, Lauren asks Mani.
"Truth or dare.?" Lauren asks.

"Dare." Normani says as a smirk forms on her face.

"Smack cam Dinah." Lauren says.

"Okay." Normani says with a laugh as she gets the whipped cream and sprays it into a foil plate. She waves her hand in front of Dinah's eyes and then she smacks her in the face with it. She stands there confused for a minute and then she realizes what just happened. We all start laughing hysterically. Ally is literally crying.

"Who's idea was that.?" She says licking the whipped cream off her lips. "This is good." She says with a laugh as she tries to reach her nose.

"You have a long tongue." I say, instantly regretting it as the others laugh.

"It was Lauren's." We all say

"Mine." Lauren says at the same time as us.

"Oh. Did you guys record that.?" Dinah says with a laugh after wiping off her face.

"We actually did." Lauren says with a laugh as she shows it to her.

"I look so damn confused." She says with a laugh.

"You were." Normani says with a laugh.

"I'm sleepy." Camila says with a yawn.

"Me too." Me and Ally say.

"Let's all go to bed then. It's 1:05." Dinah says looking at her phone as we all go put on our pajamas.

"Night." Dinah says with a yawn as she turns out the light. I walk over to Camila, who looks up and lets me under her blanket as I snuggle into her.

"Night munchkin."

"Night Mila."

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