A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt...

By proudpansexualgirlie

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Vanessa is a 16 year old girl who have been living in seabrook her whole life. Her mother passed away when sh... More

We got this!
We own the night!
Go to prawn or not?
Do it like the zombies do
What could go so wrong with a girl and a werewolf?
Call to the wild
Flesh and bone
One for all

Gotta find where I belong

843 18 1
By proudpansexualgirlie

"I am so fired up to be running cheer practice. Together, we can do anything." Addison started after blowing her whistle. She had just walked into the gym where the team was waiting for her. Except one.

"Wait, where's Vanessa?" The girl wondered out loud.

"I'm here." Vanessa informed as she threw away her bag and stood next to her bestie.

Addison looked confused by her outfit. "Where's your uniform?" "At home, I'm not wearing those bright colors." Vanessa told her.

After a little while of Addison wondering how it was possible too cheer in those boots, she turned back to the team.

"Okay! Vanessa will be running practice with me, because you guys said it yourself, the two of us make great leaders."

The team had horrified looks on their faces as Bree pointed behind the two girls. They turned too se some of the werewolves on the bleachers. Vanessa noticed Wyatt, Wynter and Willy, but couldn't see Willa.

"Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only." Addison told the wolves.

Wynter rose from her spot as she spoke up. "Ha! Just try and get us to leave." This made Wyatt stand up placing a hand at his pack mate's shoulder. "Wynter. Some respect."

Vanessa walked up beside Addison saying something the wolves didn't expect. "No, we don't want you to leave. We want you to stay. Show us what you can do." The werewolves looked at each other as Addison continued. "The cheer team is for everyone."

"Five, six, seven, eight!" Addison shouted starting their routine. The cheerleaders started before the wolves joined in with their own moves. They were dancing in pairs: Wynter and Bonzo, Willy and Bree, Addison and a wolf named Wilma, and Wyatt and Vanessa.

Vanessa laughed and nodded proud as Wyatt showed of his dance skills. They formed a group and brought their hands together, throwing them in the air, the wolves howling and the cheerleaders laughing.

Despite Vanessa not wearing proper cheer clothes, she was still the team's flyer so she let Wyatt and Willy lift her. They threw her in the air and she spun before landing in Wyatt's arms.

They held eye contact for a few seconds but broke it when the team started cheering and doing high fives.

Wyatt put the girl down, and right after engulfed her in a hug, smiling.

What they didn't know was that Zed and Eliza stood in the doorway to the gym, watching everything.

"Yeah. That scruffy, super handsome, fine-smelling Wyatt is really into Vanessa." Eliza started.

"You know what? They're just cheering. And laughing." Zed told her.

"That was so amazing! You are all natural cheerleaders." Addison pointed out to the wolves.

"But I'm sure she's just convincing the wolves to vote for me." Zed said, looking at Eliza who just nodded in disapproval.

Wyatt looked at Addison after letting go of Vanessa who now stood beside him. "We wolves work well together." "But I'm not a wolf." Addison answered confused. Instead of saying anything, Wyatt just shrugged his shoulders letting out a "hmm".

Vanessa was so caught up in what was happening, that she didn't notice the two stripes in her hair that changed from brown to white.

"I'm not threatened." Zed tried to convince himself before Eliza patted his shoulder, walking away.

Suddenly, Wynter started coughing and her necklace and eyes glowed a bright green.

"Wynter?" Wyatt asked concerned as he turned to the wolf.

Bree tried to help her stay on her feet, but was very confused about what was happening.

Just as she stopped coughing and the green disappeared, Bucky came into the hall clapping his hands.

"Well done, Addison and Vanessa!" He started as Addison glared at him, before he continued. "With werewolves on cheer, this election is so in the bag."

"Seriously? Is it impossible for you to talk about something else than yourself and your stupid election?" Vanessa snapped.

Addison sighed. "Bucky, this is not about politics. I always just felt like cheer could unite."

"You are going to make a great cheer captain." Bucky told his cousin, who squealed in excitement.

"I'm gonna be cheer captain!" Everyone in the hall applauded for the girl, and Vanessa gave her a hug.

After letting go of the hug, Addison looked at Vanessa and Wyatt. "I was thinking the team could move beyond trophies and we could start an outreach program."

"Woah." Bucky interrupted her. "Cheer is what I say cheer's about. And it's about winning." He smiled his goofy smile.

"Addie..." Addison looked down disappointed, while Vanessa looked at Wyatt not knowing how to cheer her bestie up.

Wyatt gave Vanessa a nod, signaling that he got this, before taking Addison's hand. "You are a leader, Addison. But if something a lot greater than cheer."

Vanessa was confused at first, but immediately got happy as she saw Addison's mood lightening.

"Thanks." Addison smiled at Wyatt as he let go of her hand, walking away with a smile.

"Good job." Vanessa said after nudging Wyatt's shoulder, making him turn to her. "It's great if you're in love, but remember what I said earlier. Addison has a boyfriend." Vanessa was happy that she finally had a friend that she could joke about these things to.

"Haha, funny." Wyatt then took ahold of Vanessa's hand, making her look him in the eyes. "But I like someone else."

A small smile started forming on the girl's face. "Okay, and who is this person?"

Before Wyatt could answer her question, Vanessa looked to where Zed was still standing. "Zed!" She followed the zombie out into the hallway.

"Zed! What's wrong?" She asked.

"Werewolves. They're not interested in fitting in." Zed answered a little aggressive.

"They're into cheer." Vanessa tried to reason with.

"No they're into you, and you're into him... them." He quickly corrected himself.

"What? Why are you acting like this?" The girl was hurt by his words. Didn't he want her to be happy?

"Do you know how hard it was for zombies? Now everything is just being handed to the werewolves on a silver platter."

"Actually, they hate silver." Vanessa stated.

"I'm trying to win and election for my people, for Addison. So I can take her to the prawn, so we can be accepted." Zed told her.

Vanessa pointed to the poster of Zed, looking a lot more human than he really is. "That's not being accepted. That's being afraid to show who you really are."

"Says the girl who wore a wig her whole life." Zed snapped without really thinking.

After a little silence, Vanessa spoke up again. "Yeah. I did. And Addison as well. Because we always felt like outsiders. And even though she might be cheer captain, I bet she still do. I still do. You know I don't have a place here! Don't have a zombie crew. Don't fit in on the cheer team. I don't know what I am! So excuse me for respecting a pack of werewolves who are proud of who they are." Zed didn't know what to say so Vanessa just sighed and walked away, leaving Zed and Wyatt who had 'accidentally' listened to their conversation.

He felt really bad for the girl. He just wished that she could also be the great alpha, and be a part of the pack. But Addison was the one with fully white hair.

As Vanessa walked home, she couldn't stop thinking about Zed's words. They had really hurt.

And Zed couldn't stop thinking about how he had just hurt his best friend.

AN: Song at the top. If you watch the video, just pretend Vanessa is Addison. And I also made a little change in the lyrics at the part with her parents. I changed it so it would fit better with the story line.

How do people make it look easy
Are they happy or just good at deceiving?
I just want a bit of that feeling for myself
I don't put the pressure of soulmates
I just want somebody who knows me
'Cause every now and then I admit

I need a little bit of help

I don't feel like I belong
Anywhere, where, where, where

How do things keep going wrong?
How did we get here, here, here?

The more I cover up my flaws
The more they appear
I gotta find where I belong
Ah, ah, ah

I wish that I could feel the way you do sometimes
You're stuck on the outside, while I'm in here, wonderin' why

I had to make it worse, you were already hurt
Don't wanna be another thing on your mind
I wish that I could make it change, instead of making mistakes

Tryna hold you up, instead I'm the one pushing away
Just wanna understand, but every time I can't
And I don't know why

I don't feel like I belong
Anywhere, where, where, where

How did I get this so wrong

To leave us right here, here, here

The more I cover up my flaws
The more they appear
I gotta find where I belong
Ah, ah, ah

Everywhere I go
Don't feel like home
Even my father, he think that he know
Guess I have to leave to finally see
If there's someone out there and they're just like me
Then I'll go
Yeah, I'll go
I don't feel like I belong
Anywhere, where, where, where

How did I get this so wrong
To leave us right here, here, here

The more I cover up my flaws
The more they appear
I gotta find where I belong
Ah, ah, ah
I don't feel like, I don't feel like
I don't feel like
Gotta find where, gotta find where
Gotta find where I belong

AN: Yeah, that took some time. But Vanessa and Wyatt is getting closer...

I haven't had much motivation to write this week, and this is why. (If you don't want to read, then just skip this note.)

So, some weeks ago I met this boy at work. We live in the same town but go to different schools. I knew who he was because we had this math class together with other schools as well. So I knew who he was for a year, but never talked to him.

Then we were gonna work together, and we talked a lot. There was gonna be a social night for everyone who worked there. (We worked in an amusement park.) No one of my friends wanted to go, and the same was with his friends, so we decided to go together.

After that we talked a lot on Snapchat, and soon became best friends. I told him about that I had some problems with friends and that I was getting bullied. He was really supportive and told me that he lost his brother some months ago.

Then, the time came for all of the schools to go to camp. I talked with this boy before and on the way to camp, because my 'friends' didn't talk much to me. I had a really bad time at camp and I begged mom to let me come home. But she said it would get better.

After some time I got to move into another room with another girl who wanted to go home, and the two of us didn't have to be apart of the social activities. We just sat down by the water and talked.

There was this girl at camp who was my friend and we had many memories from childhood, but she also bullied me and gave me anorexia and anxiety. I saw her flirt with the boy I had talked with. And she is a girl who gets a new boyfriend every week, and she have at least two at the same time.

I couldn't watch that anymore so I went home. I kept talking with the boy and he told me about everything that was happening at camp. When everyone got home, I got a lot of snaps from his friends, and they told me that he liked me and that we should get together. Nothing happened, but I started getting feelings for him.

When we started school again, he asked how it was, and I told him that it was horrible and that I had started seeing a psychologist. He again was very supportive, and we kept talking until this week. I found out that he had asked the girl who bullied me to be his girlfriend, and I understood that it was only because of her looks.

I tried to tell him that she had a boyfriend because it was true and I didn't want to see him get hurt. Despite this, they were gonna meet up yesterday and the girl didn't stop talking about it because she knew it made me mad. And to top all of it, my childhood best friend, supported this girl and kept bringing it up to make me jealous.

So I've been home crying most of the week, and that's why I haven't written.

After the two had been together yesterday, the boy texted me saying that she was hooking up with a lot of guys, and that his friends thought it was a bad idea for the two of them to get together. I tried telling him that was what I said, but he didn't actually apologize.

I am just happy that he now know what type of girl she is, and he is still my best friend. But if I know this girl right she will not give up on him, so I don't know what will happen next.

I think I will stop there, and I know it is very confusing, but I really had to tell someone.

Well, thanks for being so patient with my slow updates, and I will see you in the next chapter💕

~Emily <3

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