Intrigued // An Eyeless Jack...

By justaperson2

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what the title says More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 20

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By justaperson2

(Y/N)'s POV:

Now that I had all the files, I didn't really need anything else. I had already searched all of the other rooms and didn't find anything of importance, but I decided to dig through the office a bit just in case there were any documents or something of value.

It's a good thing I did.

In one of the drawers of the desk, right on top of everything else, was a letter with my name scribbled on in bright red ink.

"Okay... so that's a little creepy," I commented.

I pulled the letter out of the drawer and left the office. I wanted to get out of there as quick as I could. Not to mention, I still didn't know when my parents would be home and I didn't really like the idea of being questioned by them, even if I was able to come up with a good excuse.

I sighed and shut the front door behind me, taking one last glance at the house in front of me.

"See ya later, captain," I whispered, silently saluting the house.

The detective would've laughed at that.

"I'm not a captain," I could imagine her saying with a smile on her face.

The smile on my face left and was replaced with frown.

I missed her.

I headed for my car and drove home, my findings in the passenger seat next to me. I tapped my foot anxiously, wondering what I might find out. Soon, I was pulling into the driveway of my parents' house and sprinting for my bedroom.

Once I was safely inside my room, I tore open the letter and read it:


I wrote this letter to explain to you the next steps you should take in the event that I am murdered, something I fear may happen soon. We've been getting closer to discovering who the killers are, and upon investigating a lead I had, I went to the police chief to ask for some resources. I simply needed access to some computer operations within the station and he denied me. However, his demeanor was off. Something just wasn't right, so I pushed him for a reason, and he grew angry with me.

(Y/N), I have reason to believe that he's one of the killers.

If you're reading this now, it means I was right, and he's taken me out because I got too close to figuring him out. Listen to me, (Y/N). He is very dangerous, and you need to watch your back. As much as I want to tell you to get as far away as you can, it won't help. We- YOU need to take him down. We've lost too many innocent lives already. This can't go on any longer.

I'm sure you have many questions. The files on my computer should answer most of them, though I'm sure if you've found this letter that means you've already acquired that knowledge. I have also attached any and all banking information I have so that you may access funds if you require them. I'll try my best to answer the rest of your questions. I think I first need to address why I didn't tell you about any of this- all of this extra research and investigating I did without you. That answer is simple: I didn't want to put you in the middle of harm's way. You were already in danger joining me, so if we discovered the killer, then it would be the both of us dead right now.

I'm sure you know that already, though.

I'm sorry I couldn't see this to the end with you, but I believe you will do what's right.

Go to the station. Tell the chief you can't find anything. Make him believe you've reached a dead end. Then, find someone higher up. Go to another station fifty miles away if you have to. Do whatever it takes to PUT. THAT. MAN. BEHIND. BARS. He doesn't plan on stopping the murders anytime soon. If anything, he may be planning on killing lots more people. You need to stop him. I know I can count on you.

Good luck (Y/N).

I couldn't believe what I had just read.

My life was starting to look more and more like a movie.

Or a poorly written book published on some random web app.

Yeah, I could see that being the case.

I nodded my head in agreement with myself and pulled out my phone.

Me: EJ! I've got a lead! I know who did it. I haven't opened any files yet but I'm sure there's more info in them too!

EJ: Who did it?!!!

Instead of texting him the answer, I decided to call him. I wanted to hear him when he found out who did it.

"Hello? (Y/N)? Who did it?" EJ questioned.

"The police chief," I stated calmly.

"The police chief... that explains everything. I'm going to rid him from existence," he replied, his voice taking on an eerily dark tone.

"Woah woah woah. Hang on EJ, as much as I want him dead too, we still need him. He's the only one who knows who the other killers may be. There's no way he did it by himself. And besides, I don't want to see you end up in jail," I responded, quickly trying to talk him out of whatever he was thinking.

"Fuck, you're right," he admitted.

My heart skipped a beat.

Was it just me or did it sound kind of... hot when he said that?

I shook my head.

"It all makes sense now though, doesn't it? The reason we couldn't find any evidence at the scene was likely because the chief got rid of it all somehow," I explained.

"Right, and any evidence that was found he would've found a way to dispose of it without anyone knowing," EJ added.

"Exactly," I agreed.

"So, now what?" he asked.

"We have to wait. I'm not eighteen yet so my parents won't let me go back to the station. My birthday is in one month so we just have to wait until then," I answered, hating the fact that I couldn't do anything sooner.

"There has to be something we can do," EJ stated.

"Well... would you be willing to follow the chief around?" I asked hesitantly.  "Watch his every move and maybe you can figure out who else is involved that way," I explained. "Take pictures for evidence if you can too, and that will help us if he tries to say we're lying" I finished. I didn't like the idea of him putting himself in danger like that, but it was the only thing we could do. If no one kept track of the chief, he may even murder more people, and I can't let that happen.

"Okay, I can do that, and what about you? What will you do?" he questioned, not even seeming slightly concerned about the situation.

"I'll go through the files and see if I can find anything there. If we're lucky, by the time I turn eighteen, we'll have enough evidence to convict him," I responded, wondering if something bad would happen in the time before that.

"Got it, keep me updated on anything you find," he replied.

I promised to share my findings with him and then hung up, throwing myself onto my bed and letting out a large sigh.

I had a lot of work to do.

1250 words
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