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By fwoolishh

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10.4K 280 188
By fwoolishh

(chapter i - percy jackson is a bitch)

"THANKS, ARGUS," SELENE chirped, grabbing her respective things.

Argus grunted, not making a move to say anymore. But then again...that was normal. It was rumored the man had eyes on his tongue, and she would rather not see that.

Argus's one-hundred eyes bored into hers, a shiver running down her spine at the motion. She quickly bid Argus goodbye and shut the door, watching as he drove away into the mist.

"Yeah, I'm gonna definitely regret this." She mumbled — turning around to face Westover Hall.

The castle-like building was, apparently, a military academy. It seemed more like a execution place to her, with it's chilly air and dark brick walls.

'That's new, Selene. Getting scared of a fucking castle.'

Shut up, Her brain soon countered.

Of course, she wanted to bolt inside immediately, especially because of the definite snow storm coming this way, but she knew she had to be patient.

Contrary to her belief, she definitely couldn't complete this alone.

Extractions seemed easy, but they weren't. There was normally a monster already there for the half-bloods, and fighting a monster alone, with only a dagger — it seemed practically impossible.

At the thought, her necklace hung on her neck suddenly became heavy.

'Well, not just a dagger.'

Ever since the day when her mother, Artemis, visited, she hadn't summoned the bow at all. All though the thought of using it was cool, she was afraid. Afraid it would burn her insides if she used it.

'Maybe my mom invented this bow to kill me, or some shit. Doesn't seem that far for her.'

Deep down however, Selene knew that wasn't true.

Suddenly, a car beeped, catching her attention and snapping her out of her thoughts. She huffed, humored, as she saw Percy Jackson practically whine like a baby to his mom.

He changed a lot since they were twelve. That was for sure.

His dark hair was messy and unraveled, his sea green eyes gleaming with mischief. As his mom drove away, the trio turned to face the school — some excited, some nervous.

That's when Annabeth spotted her.

Annabeth was the only to know about Selene coming, as she told her before hand. The two were still best-friends, and they told each other everything.

Thalia and Percy still didn't seem to notice the daughter of Artemis. Looking past her and right at the academy's entrance.

That was until Annabeth practically screamed. "Sel!" The girl exclaimed, running up and embracing the girl in a hug.

Annabeth's sudden exclamation ruined any plan of them being incognito. Percy and Thalia, along with other people, now stared at the two girls strangely.

Selene hugged back immediately, Annabeth's presence slightly calming her, despite her yell.

Now that Annabeth is here, things will still go to shit but just...a little bit less.

As they pulled away, Selene locked eyes with Percy Jackson, who, clearly didn't want to be here.

She didn't blame him. Ever since the incident at the Dining Pavilion, they haven't spoken.

Selene cringed at the thought of her twelve year-old self, snapping at the boy who clearly meant no harm.

But she can't erase the past, so why not run away from it.

"Selene," Percy breathed — looking at her curiously. "What are you doing here?"

"C'mon Percy," Thalia scolded. "Be nice. You're Artemis's daughter, right? I'm Thalia Grace. Daughter of Zeus." She greeted, holding out her hand.

Selene frowned. She didn't really want to be known at 'Artemis's Daughter', but there was no going around it.

She shook Thalia's hand, smiling. "That's me. Selene Lock."

"Selene," Percy cut in, his expression looking more miserable by the minute. "You —"

"Percy Jackson," She interrupted, her eyes scanning over him. "Solve any prophecies lately?" She snarled.

"Go on any quests lately?" He shot back.

"Okay —"

"Guys!" Annabeth interrupted, already gaining a headache. She squeezed her eyes shut. "This is supposed to be an extraction. We have to stay focused."

Thalia silently nodded in agreement. "Let's go," She muttered, walking into the academy with her head held high.

Annabeth glanced at Selene, before following after her friend. Percy and Selene glared at each other for a moment, before Percy smirked.

"After you?" He mocked — causing her to scowl. She sent him the finger, before storming off.

Feeling Percy right behind her.

IF IT WAS possible, the temperature dropped once they were inside Westover Hall.

Goosebumps scattered across Selene's skin, as she walked besides Percy. He wasn't being annoying, so Selene could tolerate him. Slightly.

Annabeth and Thalia took the front. Both were armed, but cautious of mortals, Annabeth having the dagger strapped to her side while Thalia was gripping her silver charm bracelet, that held Aegis.

Aegis was apparently a replica that Zeus gifted to the girl. Selene had (unfortunately) seen it before, and it truly was paralyzing.

"This place is giving me the chills,"Percy whispered to no one in particular.

"Same," Selene agreed, silently regretting her decision of coming.

There was something big, chaotic coming around the corner — she could just feel it.

Percy loudly (and dramatically) gasped, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin. "She...agrees with me? To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Selene scowled, nudging his shoulder playfully. He nudged back with just as much force, and the two continued doing this. So much so that Selene practically got pushed halfway across the hall.

"You guys!" Thalia hissed. "Quiet!"

"Sorry," Percy mumbled — not really sorry.

Selene nodded silently in agreement.

As soon as Thalia had her back turned, Selene glared at the boy. "Nice going, Barnacle Boy," She hissed. It was technically her fault, but she couldn't bring herself to realize it.

"Thanks, Star Girl." Percy replied. "You just gonna really...be yourself, you know?"

"Fuck off," She mouthed to him, not in the mood to get scolded by Thalia, or, even worse, Annabeth, who was glaring at them.

Selene pushed past Percy (quite harshly), and maneuvered in front of the two girls, walking at a quicker pace in order to leave the boy.

Percy just smirked in victory, knowing he won and stayed trailing behind the group.

That was, until a woman and man cut Selene off — pushing her back.

She stumbled back, surprisingly gripped by Percy, who, steadied her. She couldn't help but give him a small glare — she was feeling a bit petty, okay?

It was silent for a bit, no one daring to say a word. Distant music was the only sound that echoed across the hall — and it was unnerving, as if the song was pulling them to their deaths.

The woman had short gray hair and and a military style uniform, with red trim. She had a wispy mustache, and her eyes were muted — showing no emotion.

The man had a similar look, however, he was clean-shaven. His eyes directly bored into Selene's, and she almost felt worse when Argus stared at her.

He had some kind of aura to him — her mind telling her to run while you can. She didn't know why.

But, (reluctantly), she stayed put.

"Well?" The woman questioned impatiently. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The man shifted his gaze off of her — and laughed, horribly. "Visitors aren't allowed at the dance! You shall be e-jected!"

He had a strong, thick French accent. His mouth twitched into a grin, as if he liked the idea of them all being...ejected.

Selene, however, did not. So, she thought quickly.

Her hand raised slightly as she snapped, loudly. The sound echoed across the halls, strangely drowning out the music for a moment. "Oh, but sir...we aren't visitors — don't you remember?"

The man still looked unsure, so Thalia stepped in, saving Selene from an embarrassing failure.

"In case you've forgotten," She added quickly. "I'm Thalia Grace. This is Selene, Percy, and Annabeth. We're in eighth grade."

The man's eyes narrowed.

"Ms. Gottschalk," The man whispered. "Do you know these students?"

The woman blinked profusely — having a double-take. "Why...yes I — I believe I do. Selene. Percy. Thalia....Annabeth. What are you doing away from the gymnasium?"

Selene opened her mouth to think of an excuse, but words were not in her favor currently. "Uhm, well Miss....Gottschalk. We were simply —"

Thankfully, Grover managed to run it, practically wheezing as he managed not to fall to the ground. "You....you made it —!" He managed to breath out — a grateful grin etched across the satyr's face.

The man's eyes narrowed, considering Grover's words. "What do you mean...made it, Mr. Underwood?" He questioned, his hands swinging behind his back.

His mouth shifted into a knowing smirk. "According to Ms. Gottschalk, these students live here. Unless, I'm wrong....?"

"No, sir." Selene answered hurriedly. "Grover was just talking about how we made the punch. It's quite good, you know. Should try it some time."

Grover cast her a confused look — probably concerned on why she should be here.

She just answered him with a glance, though.

Ms. Gottschalk stepped in. "Yes, the punch is quite good." She said, sighing. "But this is no time for small chat. You all are dismissed, and are not to leave the gymnasium again."

"Yes sir — I mean ma'am," Percy quickly corrected, earning a slap on the arm from Selene.

They quickly exited, the man's eyes still boring into Selene's head as the group retreated into the shadows.

"Thank the gods!" Grover whisper-exclaimed, as soon as the teachers were out of sight. "I was scared you wouldn't show up."

The satyr then turned to her. "Thanks for coming as well, Selene."

"No problem, Grov." She chirped, seeing Percy stare at her out of the corner of her eye.

She stared at him back, and he quickly broke the eye contact, which was...quite unlike him.

I mean, she wouldn't know...but she always knew Percy to be a quite bold boy.

She shrugged it off, however — blaming it on the rushing adrenaline after what just happened.

"Right this way!" Grover called. He turned away, Annabeth and Thalia following suit. Selene was about to follow, when Percy grabbed her arm, forcing her to stay back.

She didn't know why, but she didn't shake herself out of his grip. Instead, she turned to face him. "What?" She asked.

"What was that snapping thing you did? It was like Chalk lady was in a trance...."

Selene snorted. Percy gave her a blank stare, so she quickly answered. "It's a trick of the mist, Barnacle Boy. Mortals can get manipulated by it easily."

Percy nodded in understanding.

Selene was about to leave when Percy stopped her, again. The trio was getting farther and farther away, and Selene managed to hide her annoyance by giving him a sickly sweet smile — that was clearly cracking and showing how angry she was.

"Hey I just wanted to say....I'm — I'm sorry for being a jerk."

She knew exactly what he meant, but she raised a brow anyway.

"Two years ago. I was dumb, and I — overstepped. I understand how...defensive you were. I'm like that too, with my dad. So I, I'm —"

"I swear to the gods, if you assholes don't come here I'm going to steal your brains!" Annabeth threatened.

"Percy doesn't have much brains, so it won't be that hard!" Selene shot back.

Annabeth didn't respond, so Selene put a hand over his (which was still placed on her arm) and squeezed it. "Thanks, Percy. It means a lot. It wasn't only your fault — I was a bit of a stuck-up pre-teen back then. I was just finding reasons to hate you because I was probably jealous of all the glory you were getting."

"Glory?" Percy questioned — he frowned, "You're the only daughter of Artemis. Wouldn't you — understandably — get some fame too?"

Selene sighed. "I was famous alright. But not in the way that you think. Not in — the same way that you were."

"What are you talking about —"

"SELENE! PERCY!" She could hear Thalia's voice echo across the hall. "Let's move it!"

She sent Percy an apologetic look before stalking away — leaving a very confused Percy behind her.

"THERE THEY ARE," Grover sighed. "Bianca and Nico Di Angelo."

"Angelo," Selene echoed. "They must be Italian. 'Angelo' after all is Italian for 'Angel.'"

"How do you know Italian?" Percy questioned.

"My...non-godly parent's side is Italian. I picked up on a lot of words when I was younger."

Percy raised a brow on her hesitance, but Selene quietly sighed, avoiding his gaze and not explaining anymore.

The girl, probably the eldest, wore a floppy green cap, tilting it down as if she didn't want to be seen. The boy was definitely her younger brother, as they had the same jet-black hair and olive skin. The youngest was shuffling some playing cards, while the girl was quietly scolding him, looking around warily.

"Do they...I mean, have you told them?" Annabeth questioned, staring at them with sympathy.

Grover shook his head. "Y'know how it is. Once they know, it makes their scent stronger. Makes them more well-known to lurking monsters."

"Then let's get them out of here," Percy said, determined.

Selene rolled her eyes. "Yes Barnacle Boy, let's simply grab them, tell them their life is a lie, then leave into the upcoming snowstorm. Awesome idea."

Percy grinned. "I know, right?"

"Well, it won't be that easy, guys," Thalia cut in. "Look. Mustache's looking."

She discreetly tilted her head. Selene's eyes followed hers, and she was immediately met with the teacher from earlier. His face was drawn back in a scowl, his fists clenched and eyes narrowed.

"Guess my trick didn't work," She mumbled, silently cursing herself.

"It wasn't your fault." Grover sighed. "Because Dr. Thorn isn't mortal. It won't work."

"Don't tell me..." Annabeth started to say.

"He's a monster, of some sort, yeah." Grover confirmed. Selene resisted the urge to groan.

And I was starting to favor Percy's dumb idea, too.

"Don't look at the kids, then," Thalia ordered. "We're four powerful half-bloods. Our presence is clearly confusing him. So dance, mingle. Whatever. Just don't loose sight of them."

They all nodded, and Percy quickly glanced at her, though she didn't understand why.

Thalia looked around, groaning as she glared at where the music was playing. "Ugh. Who chose Jesse McCartney?"

Grover made a hurt face. "I did."

"Gods, Grover. Can't you play like, Green Day or something?"

"Green what?"

Thalia shook her head. "Nothing. Let's dance."

"I uh...can't, really —"

"You can if I'm leading," The daughter of Zeus cut in. "C'mon, Goat Boy."

With clear reluctance from Grover, the two awkwardly waddled onto the dance floor.

Selene snorted at the sight, and so wished she had a camera to record this.

Annabeth caught sight of something, and smiled. "Hey. I think I spotted my old friend over there!"

Selene realized quickly what her best-friend was doing. "Annabeth —"

"I'm gonna go have a chat with 'em. Keep an eye on the kids, but let loose. Especially you, Selene!" She scolded, causing the girl to turn bright red.

With a final grin, Annabeth turned away, walking towards her 'friend'...which she was pretty sure was a stranger.

"Let loose, huh?" Percy teased once Annabeth was out of earshot.

Selene sighed, leaning against a wall. "Annie-boo over there thinks I'm too tough on myself. It's easy for her to say. She can probably make a whole new body, if she gets suddenly murdered. Daughter of Athena shit."

Percy stared at her, amused. His sea-green eyes seemed to glow under the party light. "Well, personally, I think she's right."

"Well, personally, I didn't ask for your opinion." She shot back, poking him in the chest.

Percy's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he hummed, sneakily circling an arm around her waist. "Well that's just too bad, huh?" Percy whispered, the motion giving her butterflies.

'Ew.' She thought, immediately after.

"What are you doing?" She demanded, desperately trying to escape his grip. Percy lead them to the dance floor, his mouth twitching into a smirk.

"'Dance. Mingle. Whatever.'" Percy repeated Thalia's words. "I mean, standing in a corner seems very suspicious doesn't it, Selly?"

"Yeah, but I'd rather not dance with...you."

"And what was it that Annabeth said?" He questioned innocently. "Let loose?"

"Are you so stupid you have to copy what everyone else says?" She said, in the same teasing tone Percy had used.

Percy ignored her and now put both arms around her waist, pulling her closer. "Dance, idiot," He laughed. She rolled her eyes, hesitantly reaching up and locking her fingers behind his neck.

"Fine," She mumbled, dancing along to the music. Contrary to her belief, Percy was actually quite the dancer, swaying along peacefully to the music.

Even though it was quite annoying when he teased her about stepping on his feet.

"What happened with your other parent?" Percy suddenly asked, bringing her back to the present.


"You seemed to hesitate when you mentioned them earlier," He pointed out, his brows furrowing in worry. "Did something happen?"

Selene was getting flashbacks to when they were twelve, back at the Pavilion. When he asked her about her mom, and she snapped at him.

It seemed the same, but this time, he wasn't asking about her godly parent.

She frowned. Percy quickly added "You — you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I understand —"

"No, it's fine, Percy," She interrupted, quickly. "My...other mom, she...she died, when I was younger. Car accident. Ever since then, I've never talked to her family. They all blame me for their death."

"What?" Percy said, frowning, as he spun her around. "But that's stupid. It wasn't your fault at all."

She gave him a grateful smile once she was spun back around to face him. "Maybe, but, they've suspected who Artemis was for years, Percy. They were smart people. Maybe they were doing the smart thing, too, sending me off."

Percy stopped dancing suddenly, almost causing Selene to trip. "Do you — honestly think that?"

Selene sighed. She managed to shift her gaze, now landing on the Di Angelo kids.

Or....what was, the Di Angelo kids.

"Percy," She whispered. She pointed over to the spot where they were. "They're gone."

Percy's eyes widened in alarm. He looked around frantically. "Shit." He cursed. "Dr. Thorn's gone too."

"We have to — we have to go tell —"

"No," Percy interrupted, grabbing her hand. "There's no time."

"Percy —"

"This extraction isn't going to be a failure." He insisted. "We have to go, now."

Without waiting for her answer, he dragged her out the door, leaving the other members of their party behind.

However, the only thought that Selene could think of in that moment was...

'Damn. I knew this was going to go to shit.'

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