Bullying turns to Love?

By Colvinnnk

986 82 12


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Last a/n

Chapter 7

51 5 2
By Colvinnnk

Madison's POV

"WHAT?! HOW AM I NOT THE HOTTEST?! HOW DO YOU NOT WANT ME?! EVERYONE WANTS ME!!!" I screamed at Luke. He was walking away from me.

Hell no.

I ran after him and grabbed his forearm. I spun him around with all of the strength I have.

Which was hard let me tell you.

"Do not walk away from me." I scowled at him. I made sure every word was dripping with venom. The cafeteria was in absolute silence at this point. It was so quiet that you'd be able to hear if a drop of mascara hit the floor.

"I already told you. Now please don't make a scene Madison see you later friend." Luke told me calmly. He put extra length on the word friend.

I know my face just got redder. Luke spun on his heel and slowly walked out of the cafeteria.

I started to hear laughter. I spun on my heel and searched for who was laughing.

Justin and Jasmine.

I glared at them. They stopped and looked at each other.

Yeah that's right be scared and shut up.

They just started laughing again! How are they not scared of me. Well you better know that they will regret that. I whipped around and left the cafeteria. I was beyond pissed.

No one and I mean no one has ever embarrassed me like that in front of MY school. And then I get laughed at? Hell no.

He's going to be mine.

Jasmine will disappear.

And as for Justin? He will just be another popular shadow of the school.


"Hey Maddy! Gurllll what you up to?!" I smiled wickedly at the sound of my best friend, a.k.a my partner in crime.

And when I say crime I mean crime.

"I have a little job we need to do."

Please say she's not busy?! I chanted in my head.

Wait a minute who am I kidding? It's me. Everyone is free when it comes to me.

I know I sound like a spoiled little rich kid who gets whatever she wants. But trust me I'm not.

Oh wait I am. Haha oh well people will get over it.

I knew my last victim did😏😈🔫

"Alright. I'm in. Give me the details about the girl."

I smiled. I knew she would come through.

"Well it's this girl named Jasmine....."


Jasmines POV

"Oh my gosh did you see her face when we started laughing again?!" I blurted out in between my laughter.

Justin and I are currently laying on my bed laughing our butts off about earlier at lunch. Oh god it was soooo funny!!!


"Do not walk away from me." She scowled with every word dripping with venom. We could hear her perfectly since the whole cafeteria was dead silent. It was so quiet that you'd be able to hear if a grain of sand brushed against the floor.

"I already told you. Now please don't make a scene Madison see you later friend." Luke told her calmly. He put extra length on the word friend.

Her face just got redder. Luke spun on his heel and walked out of the cafeteria.

I looked at Justin. We both started laughing. Madison turned to us. You could see the smoke coming out of her ears. It just made us laugh harder.

End of Flashback:

Present time:

"Oh my gosh her face screamed I will kill you for this." Justin said in a high pitched voice.

"Oh my gosh! Please don't ever do that again!" I couldn't breathe from my laughter. I was literally crying.

"JASMINE!!! YOUR FRIEND IS HERE TO SEE YOU!!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I looked at Justin and raised an eyebrow. "Friend?" ️We said together.

"Oh honey I'm also leaving for work your friend is in the living room. Don't keep her waiting now hurry up! Bye bye sweat heart love you!!" My mom added.

I looked at Justin again. "Her?" We both said. We literally jumped up almost falling in the process. We stumbled down the stairs as I saw my moms car pull out of the driveway.

We went into the living room. There sitting on the couch was Madison.

"Madison?!" Justin and I shrieked. Well I shrieked he said it really angry.

She stood up and turned around. She had an evil smirk on her face. "I'm here to warn you." She started. She stepped around the couch and came closer to us.

"I have a friend coming up. She's gonna help me. Luke is going to be mine. You understand me?!" Before I could answer she slapped me hard on the face.

Justin went to hit her but something stopped him. I saw two really built body guard looking guys holding him.

He couldn't move at all because of the way they had him pinned. "I don't want any interruptions with getting my man. So therefore you will disappear. Justin here will go into being just another popular cutie at school. I'll have my man all is well." She smiled.

"No not all is well!! I'm not going anywhere. Luke will never ever be yours. Justin will stay the same. And you will still be rejected by Luke."

My statements really seemed to push her over the edge. She knocked me down to the ground. Justin tried to get out of the guys's grips but they held him tighter.

Madison started kicking me in the stomach. I turned over and coughed out blood.

Talk about gross.

"Now you will disappear speak again and I'll kill you now. Enjoy your fun for now. But I will be back. And when I am I'll return, you'll be the one who doesn't bye bye."

She looked at the guards/men and nudged her head up. They dropped Justin. Justin mumbled get off me.

He bent down to help me sit up. Madison and her guys were gone. Justin cradled me in his arms. I cried and bled into him.

I can't believe what just happened.

A/N the pic is just some of the damages not what Jasmine looks like

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