Found horse

By StephanieShear

10.9K 135 97

Going under major editing- Certain things may change. Josephine Williams has had a great life good parents, f... More

falling apart
saying good bye.
Found horse!!
Blue Hill High School!!
Abused and Drake
Meeting Trevor!!
Finding and Fixing Paddock
Beaten By The Bullies!!
Hostpial and meeting Peyton!!
Depressed Angel!!
Chole's party and singing!!
Riding Angel poop war!!!
The Phone Call And Water War!!!!
The Kiss and Saved Twice!!!
He Hit Me!!
The Date!!!!
Forgiving Lucas and Angel gets hurt!!
We never did get the milk or cat food...
Horse Show!!!
Josh and Lucas!!
Dad's Finds out!!!
I've Failed Her!!
We Found Her!
Saving Angel and Midnight!!
I don't care about me as long as Angel is safe!!
Please be okay Josie!
Move On!
Not a Update! Sorry! New Book!
Preview for Found horse Sequel..
Sequel is up!

Just a Dream?!?

169 3 1
By StephanieShear

Chapter 30!

Trevor's POV-Point Of View!

It's been 12 hours since Josie was rushed into the operating room, and still no news, No she's okay, no news on if she's alright, No nothing, it's now 1 in the morning everyone is sleeping in the waiting room, Nikki is cuddled up against Lucas and Lucas has his arms around her protectively, they fell asleep 2 hours ago, Peyton is on Drake's lap cuddled up with him they fell asleep 3 hours, But me I'm still awake I fell asleep for maybe 15 minutes once but woke up and haven't gone to sleep again, I'm so worried about my Josie I love her so much and I just can't lose her..

I sigh and get up to go use the restroom but stopped when a picture fell out of my pocket I bent down and picked it up tears instantly welled up, it was a picture of Josie and I on the day of the spring dance , my mom was trying to take a picture of us all dressed up but Josie was acting silly, Josie was wearing a turquoise dress with ruffles at the end and a bow right at her waist, her hair was curled to perfection, she had on light makeup, my mom had tried to get Josie to wear high heels but Josie wouldn't have any of it so she wore her cowgirl boots my mom wasn't to happy about that , Anyway back on the picture it was of her and I right before we left for the dance, she had her tongue stuck out onto my cheek, while I looked at her with a amused expression my eyes shinning lovingly at her, while she had a goofy look on her face while looking up at me with a mischievous glint in her eye, I smiled , my mom never did get a good picture of us that day, Josie was as I put it feeling her oats she was goofy and happy that day, she was so silly that day but I love her for that..

Suddenly I had a flashback to that day...


I sit here on the couch in my living room, waiting on Josie to come down so we could go to the spring dance at school, Josie was of course my date she is my girlfriend, I thump fingers on my knee as I wait, I wonder what my mom has done to her?, I sigh and look towards the stairs, ugh girls take to long to get ready, Well if it was just Josie she'd be done by now but my mom insisted on helping Josie get ready, and when my mom and dad go out she takes FOREVER to get ready, but Josie only takes 30 minutes for dressing up and 10-15 minutes for casually dressing, Gosh I love her. I was broke out of my thoughts when...

I heard footsteps pounding down the stairs and then..

"NO, No, No not happening" I heard Josie yell I looked up in time to see Josie running down the stairs and my Mom chasing after her. "Come on Josie, they would look cute on you with that dress" My mom said, I look at Josie to see she was wearing a turquoise dress with ruffles at the end, a bow at the waist, a silver necklace locket, lightly done makeup and her hair was curled to perfection. "No no and NO!, I'm not wearing those deathtraps" Josie yelled running to me, I stood up and she ran behind me and hid behind me using me as her shield, I looked at her with a confused expression...

"What's going on?" I asked, she glared playfully at my mom. "She's trying to get me to wear those deathtraps" she said pointing at my moms hands which held high heels , I chuckled of course Josie wouldn't wear those and I agree they do look like deathtraps. "Oh come on Josie, they'd look cute on you" Mom said I smiled there is no way she is going to get those things onto Josie's feet. "No No No, I won't wear them ever" Josie said still hiding behind me, Mom turned to me for help.

"Mom you might as well give up, she isn't going to wear them" I said chuckling, she groaned. "Fine but what shoes are you going to wear Josie?" she said frustrated , Josie walks out from hiding spot behind me and walks over to her cowgirl boots and slips them on and then looks at my Mom smiling innocently.

"These" She said pointing to the boots on her feet, My mom made a face. "There is No way you are wearing those" My mom said I rolled my eyes, my mom doesn't understand that Josie is not a girly and into girly things like she is... "Well to bad I'm wearing these, I ain't wearing those deathtraps of yours" Josie said putting a hand on her hip, and cocking her hip to the side, I chuckle she's so sassy sometimes, She's so beautiful and the most amazing girl ever.

"Fine, Wear the boots, lets just take some pictures" Mom said grabbing her camera, Josie smiled in victory, I chuckled and grabbed her hand. "Okay, Lets take the pictures over by the fireplace" mom said pointing to the fireplace , Josie and I walked over and stood in front of it, I slipped my hand around her waist and she did the same, my mom came and stood in of us a few feet away with the camera.

"Okay , Smile big" Mom said, we both smiled and mom put her finger on the snap button , right as mom was about to snap the picture Josie leaned over and stuck her tongue out onto my cheek, her eyes were shinning with mischief and amusement, I turned my head to look at her amusement and love in my eyes, and that's when the picture was snapped, Josie took her tongue off my cheek and laughed and I laughed with her, My mom groaned at her silliness.

"Seriously Josie, Lets try and get a normal picture" Mom said, Josie laughed more, I took her by the waist and leaned down and connected our lips, FIREWORKS Exploded we moved our lips in sync with each other, she moves her hands up to rest upon my neck, Then I hear a 'click click' the snapping of a picture being taken, I groaned and pulled away from Josie to glare at my mom, She smirked.

"Mom seriously" I groaned , Josie giggled. "Oh hush... Now lets get at least one normal picture" She says I roll my eyes, just then Josie grabs my hand and..

"RUN!" she yelled and we took off running past my mom who had a look of pure shock and out the door and down the drive hopping in my truck and drove off, Laughing our butts off.

Flashback Over...

I sat there in the uncomfortable chair staring at the picture of us tears rolling down my cheeks and dripping onto the picture, She's so silly, even when we were at the dance she was acting so silly but I love her for that, I love her so stinking much it hurts, I just hope beyond hope that she will be okay, I couldn't bare if she didn't make it, Please be okay Josie I love you to the moon and back, Please be okay, Let this all be some bad nightmare that I will wake up from any minute , But I know this is no dream its real all of it is so very real, My Josie is hurt and its all my fault if I had just gone with her...

"Sir" I heard a voice breaking me from my thoughts, I look up seeing it was the doctor, I jump up anxious to hear about Josie. "Yes is Josie Okay?, Will she be okay?, can I go see her?" I asked anxious, the doctor gave me a sad look and my heart sunk. "You all are the friends of Josephine Williams Correct?" he asked motioning to all of us by now everyone was awake rubbing the sleep out of there eyes and looking at the doctor with anxious eyes. "Yes is Josie Okay?" I asked getting impatient, He sighed sadly.

"Well Josephine she's in tough shape, she has four broken ribs, a broken wrist, a pretty bad concussion, and the stab wound she lost a lot of blood from that so she will need a blood transfusion to get the lost blood back into her system, she got stitches in the deep gash in her back, and as goes the stab wound she got from the knife it went deep and she will need surgery for it, which we will begin in 15 minutes, Oh and one other thing she fell into a Coma" He said, I sat then stunned and my head spinning wide eyed, Blood transfusion, Concussion, Surgery and Coma...WAIT SHE"S IN A COMA!.

"She's in a Coma?" I asked wide eyed and tears once again fell for the millionth time since I found Josie beaten up, The Doctor nodded sadly with pity in his eyes. "Yes I'm so very sorry sir, but I have to get back and perform the surgery and the blood transfusion on her" The doctor said walking away.

Coma, coma, coma, Is all that kept ringing through my head, She's not Okay, What if she doesn't make it out of the surgery?, What if she never wakes up from the Coma?, Tears ran freely down my cheeks these thoughts swimming around in my head over and over again, I shut my eyes tightly as a sob left my mouth.

"She'll be okay Trevor, she's a strong girl" Nikki said coming over to me and laying a hand on my shoulder, And that's when I snapped how could they just sit here and keep saying she'll be okay and that's she's strong when she's in a freaking Coma. "No!, She's not okay, she's in a coma, She has to have surgery, A Blood transfusion, She's not okay how can you just sit here and say she'll be okay and, she's strong when she's in a FREAKING COMA" I yelled tears rolling down my cheeks rapidly and sobs racking my through body, Nikki looked stunned at my outburst staring at me with wide eyes, Lucas walked over putting a protective arm around Nikki as he stared at me.

"Trevor you need to calm down I get your upset we all are but that doesn't mean we need to yell, we all are worried about her but we have to stay strong for Josie" Lucas said softly but sternly. "No!, She's the love of my life and she may not even make it, and its all my fault all my fault" I yelled, Sobs broke out of me in waves I sobbed uncontrollably , I was such a emotional mess, My knee's buckled underneath me and I fell to my knee's on the floor and sobbed into my hands my shoulder shaking, My Josie is in a Coma.

Nikki came over despite Lucas protest and bent down hugging me rubbing my back while I sobbed. "Its all my Fault all my fault" I sobbed, Nikki shook her head taking a deep breath to keep herself from crying. "She'll be okay Trevor, we have to keep hope for Josie" She whispered in my ear, I kept on sobbing while she comforted me for a good hour..... But she is right we have to keep hope for Josie....


Its been 6 hours since Josie has gone into surgery, its 7:00am and the total of hours we've been here is 18 hours, I haven't slept a wink Nikki and Peyton keep trying to get me to get some sleep but I don't, How can I when I don't know if Josie will be okay or if she will make it, Please Please Josie be Okay, I love you so much more than anything else I love you Josie please be Okay...

"Friends of Josephine Williams?" A gruff voice spoke breaking me from my thoughts, I looked up seeing it was the doctor, I quickly jumped up as did everyone else. "Yes, That's us" I said anxiously waiting for what he had to tell us about Josie. "Josephine surgery went very well so did the Blood transfusion, She is stable but is still in the Coma" The doctor said I breath a sigh of relief her surgery went good, Wait Coma she is still in the coma?????

"She's still in a Coma?" I asked totally heartbroken, the doctor nodded sadly. ""Yes she is I'm very sorry" He said I nodded tears rolling down my cheeks. "When will she wake up?" Lucas asked the question that was on the tip of my tongue, tears brimmed the edges of Lucas's eyes, the doctor gave us a sad look pity in his eyes. "I'm sorry but we don't know when she will wake up or if she even will that is" The doctor spoke with sadness in his voice, I closed my eyes tightly his words ringing in my head, She may not wake up, She may not make it, This is all my fault. "So..What.. your saying is that she may not...wake up?" Lucas asked his voice crackling and his tears threatening to fall,. "Yes I am so very sorry sir" The doctor spoke Lucas nodding letting his tears fall and I let a sob out and looked at the doctor.

"Can we go see her?" I asked hope filling my voice, he nodded. "Yes her room is 455 and please only two at a time for today " He said I nodded and jumped up Lucas got up also I gave him a confused look. "I'm coming with you" he said I nodded and we walked off in silence both of us to consumed in our thoughts and worry over Josie to talk, when we got to Josie's room I took a deep breath and opened the door and gasped at what I saw tears rolling down my cheeks, There she layed on the hospital bed peacefully sleeping, hooked up to machines and connected to wires and tubes, bruises on her face and body from her 'Father' , her face was sickly pale and all I wanted was for her to open those brown eyes of hers and tell me it would all be okay, that she was fine and she loved me...

I walked over to her bed and sat on the chair beside the bed, I took her small, cold, and pale hand into mine, I bit my lip hard to keep the sobs from breaking through, i brought my other hand up to stroke the hair out of her face and leaned down placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Oh Josie please be Okay, I love you...I...I need you, we need you, Please Josie be okay" I said softly tears rolling down my face freely, Lucas walked over and sat down on the chair on the other side of the bed and he took her other hand gently into his tears rolling down his face also. "Josie please be alright, I don't know if I've ever told you this but I consider you my little sister, I love you liked I loved Leah, i know you already have a brother and you love him but I love you, your my little sister, and I can't lose you like i lost Leah, Please be Okay Josie" Lucas said then broke down into sobs and he leaned down and gently kissed her forehead in a brotherly way, I stroked her hand with my thumb and ran my hand through her soft hair softly.

"Please please be okay Josie, I can't live without you, I love you so much please wake up for me, for Angel and for all of us" I whispered and broke down into sobs again, I kissed her forehead again.

"Please be okay Josie" I whispered.


Josie's POV- Point Of View... Unconscious state.

I was in total darkness then suddenly a light shined blinding me , and then out of nowhere i felt myself falling I closed my eyes and released a scream of fear, I expected to feel pain when I hit the ground but I felt nothing so I opened my eyes to see I was laying in a grassy meadow, it was beautiful it had yellow, red, purple and white little flowers everywhere it made the meadow look so pretty, There was a little creek with water streaming down the creek making a whistling sound making it so peaceful, the wind was blowing the leaves around and the grass long so it was flowing the way the wind was, all in all everything about this meadow was so beautiful, I stood up still in awe of my surroundings , I looked down at myself to see I was in a white sun dress that went to my knee's , my hair was in shiny waves and my feet were bare , I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, How did I get into this dress?, How did I even get here? the last thing I remember is being in Trevor's arms telling him I loved him then everything is black from there , So my number one question is what happened after I blacked out?, and how did i get to this mysterious but beautiful meadow??.. i thought to myself

I sigh I have no I idea how I got here but i was gonna enjoy it while it last..with that thought i started to twirl around my white dress twirling and flowing with me, The feeling of the grass beneath my feet and toes and the wind blowing my hair out behind me, I stopped to stand with a smile on my face after twirling, i looked up to the sky with a smile seeing the blue sky, I turned back around and started to walk to the creek to get a better look once there i gasp in total awe, the flowing ,streaming creek was crystal blue the water sparkling from the sun hitting it, you could see all kinds of beautiful rocks in the ground below the water, there were huge rocks that glistened when the sun hit them by the creek as if for to sit on, the stream made a whistling sound as the water flowed down the litter creek, there where white and blue flowers all around the creek along with grass, leaves and trees and there was even one pine tree and a palm tree, and lastly there were fishes, frogs, turtles and ducks swimming around in the creek..

My jaw was wide open with awe, and my eyes wide, I blinked and closed my jaw, going to the edge of the creek I sit on my knee's and look into the creek smile I run a hand slowly through the water watching as the water crinkled beneath my hand, I smile and get up walking over to the rock i sit down on it enjoying this peacefulness not having to worry about anything but to being able to feel peaceful, I take a deep breath a permanent smile graced my face..

But suddenly I heard..

Thundering Hooves of horses it sounding like it was a whole herd of horses not just a few..and along with the thundering of hooves nickers and neighs from the horses were heard, they sounded near but yet i saw none just as i was about to get up to look for them, a gray stallion broke through the trees, his gray coat was dabbled and it glistened as the sun hit down upon him, his eyes were were wild yet strong, and independent yet soft, kind, and warm, he stood at the top of the hill searching the area for danger so that's how I knew he was the lead stallion, I looked him from head to toe, one ear perked hearing any sounds of danger the other ear listening to his herd, his eyes searched the place with protectiveness and need to protect his herd, his nose was wide and strong built his nostrils flaring blowing hard making his nostrils look red, his chest was broad and strong, his legs were long and strong, his hooves were strong and looked hard so he could endure all the tuff surfaces he would have to trek and run through and on including big rocks, his shoulders were strong and muscled, his neck was muscled and strong but not to big with muscles, his back was strong and muscled just as you would want a horses back to be, his stomach was lean but showed no ribs of any sorts, his butt was the same as his shoulders and back strong and muscled, his back legs same as was the front.. All this concluded to me knowing he was a strong and amazingly magnificent horse, .. He was the lead stallion..

Finally I look at his face again to see he was staring at me his eyes boring into me inspecting me for any sign that I could be a danger to him I stared back at him for a while but when he striked one fore foot at the ground and started to paw the ground a sign for sure that he thought I was a danger to his herd, I quickly lowered my head in a type of submissive position?, trying to tell him that I was no harm to his herd, my heart beating faster pure minute as I heard the stomping stop and a loud snort, I slowly look up through my lashes when I heard him go silent just as our eyes connected again he rears up on his hind legs striking the air with his front hooves he comes back down only to go back up again with a glint in his eyes that I couldn't pin point what it was, He came back down again fear griped me that he was gonna attack me when he struck the ground again with his front hoof , but then he nods his head and trots back into the woods. I sigh in relief but furrow my eyebrows in confusion..

But then the gray stallion trots back out with his lead mare with him the mare was spotted Appaloosa, with a kind face and kind eyes. Then after them the rest of the herd came out from whites, bays, blacks, grays, chestnuts any color you could think of was there most were mares but there were some young colts and fillies, I looked in awe as they grazed and and drank water from the creek, I looked up at the grey stallion and the spotted mare to see they were standing on the top of the hill looking out on the herd the stallion looks at me with a kind eye then rears and so does his mare beside him I smile I knew what he meant he accepted me as no harm to him herd..

Suddenly though a pure white mare cuts through the woods she was absolutely beautiful but that's not what shocked me she had a rider on her, a woman who rode her with nothing no halter, no bridle just holding on to her mane, they walked closer and that's when I about fell off the rock I was sitting on, the woman had auburn shiny wavy hair, hazeled eyes, shiny palish skin but at the same time still tan, her smile was pure white teeth, shiny and wide, her eyes shined with happiness, she was wearing a white dress like mine but it was more flowing than mine, and she wore no shoes just like me also,.. This mysterious and beautiful women was and is... My Mother..

I gasp my eyes wide with shock, as I stared opened mouth at my mother as she walked closer to the creek stroking her horses mane, she looks up and sees me and smiles brightly, I blink unable to believe she was actually here, my eyes fill with tears as flashes of her death and the months after her death flash through my head making a couple of the tears trickle down my cheeks, she guilds her horse through the little creek then she stops about a foot from me and dismounts her horse, the mare lowers her head and grazes, My mother walks over to me with a smile I stand up and launch myself into her arms letting the tears flow down my cheeks, she wraps her arms around me in a tight mother hug, I cry into her shoulder overwhelmed with happiness, grief and guilt... The old guilt I had felt when my mom had first died coming back to me.

I pulled away and wiped my tears looking into my moms eyes I see no tears just happiness and a smiling face.. "M-Mom" I choke out through my tears and shock she smiles wider her teeth shining white. "Yes Josie baby girl it's me" she said smiling and that's when I break down again more tears spilling down my face and I collapse back into my mothers arms , she wraps her arms around me tight and guilds me to the rock I had been sitting on and sits me down on it and then sitting beside me herself. I wipe my tears and snuggled holding back more tears, I then turn to my mom who was looking at me intently.

"You've grown to be such a beautiful young lady Josie, I'm so proud of you you that right?" She said I bite my lip but nodded , How is this even happening?, how is this possible that I'm sitting beside my mom on a rock?? How?, I sigh and turn back to the horses that were grazing peacefully with out a care in the world. "There beautiful aren't they" she says putting a arm over my shoulder and gazing at the horses too, I nodded and turn my head to look at her confusion overtaking my features. "Yeah they are but... How I mean what.. How" I stumbled over my words in attempt to form a sentence, she looked at me with confusion and interest, I take a deep breath and start again. "What I mean is how is this possible mom I mean don't get me wrong I'm ecstatic that you are here and all, but this is not possible so how are you here?, Were even am I? What is this place? What is going on mom?" I asked desperately trying to figure this all out, her faces falls and she bites her lip and turns towards the horses again with a sad glint in her eye, she turns back to me with a sad smile.

"Josie all of this the horses, the meadow and me are all a dream.. Your dreaming all of this" she said seriously smiling still I looked at her mouth wide open and eyes wide with shock.. What how??, a dream all of it just a fragment of my imagination but it feels so real. "A dream?" I gasped out in shock and a hint of sadness that this wasn't real and just a dream. "Yes it's all a dream baby girl, I'm sorry that you are disappointed that it wasn't real" she said sadly tears pricked my eyes but I pushed them back and turned my head to face her. "But how can it just be a dream?? It feels so real?" I exclaimed jumping up and staring at her like she was crazy to think this is all a dream, she sighs and looks at me with pain in her eyes..

"Josie after you blacked out your friends called the ambulance and... Well long story short is you fell into a coma and you put yourself in a safe and peaceful place.. Meadows and horses were always your safe spot so you put yourself here and you just so happened to put me into your little dream" she said I stared at her tears started to cascade down my cheeks, "No no no, I can't be no no" I started to historically cry and shake my head my mom stood up and gathered me into her arms whispering soothing nothing's into my ear, I started to sob into her chest, I can't be in a coma I can't, Why did my dad have to do this to me??, Why is he so abusive?? Why??..

I look up at my mom lifting my chin off of her shoulder and looking into her eyes. "Why did dad have to become so abusive?, Why did he hurt me so much? Why did he do this to me?" I cried tears flowing down my cheeks in little rivers, she hugs me tighter to her and rubs my back. " I don't know sweet baby girl, I guess it one of those thing in life that makes you stronger, one of those things that happen for a reason, but I do know this it will get better, I know it will, don't live in the past baby you got to move forward from this and everything your dad has put you through okay?, promise me one thing baby girl that you will try to move on from this??" She said wisely I blinked but a smile graced my lips and I nodded. "I promise Mom" I whispered she smiled and hugged me tight. "I love you baby girl, it's time for me to go and you to return back to your friends okay" she said I furrow my eyebrows but then as she started to fade away what she said clicked in my head.

"What no Mom please stay don't leave me" I cried out desperate and panicked, "I love you baby girl" she whispered and that's when everything disappeared the meadow, the horses and my mom, tears flowed down my cheeks I need my mom but she's not here and never will be again, "I will always be in your heart Josie I will never leave you altogether, I will always be with you" my moms voice whispered in my head I sigh and take a deep breath as I once again float in darkness, "I love you too mom" I whispered into nothingness...

I wish I could get out to go back to Trevor, Lucas, Nikki and Peyton and the most important is Angel I need her especially now with all of this with my dad and now with this dream with my mom, I need her and I know she needs me we need each other to survive... How can I wake up?, How can I get out of this darkness?? How?...


Authors note!!

Comment and vote! Tell me what you thought of the chapter:)

Hey guys so here's the update so sorry for the wait been super busy. but here it is i hope you all enjoy it I know i enjoyed writing it.

So tell me what you thought of the chapter?, Liked hated?, Love?, What did you think of Trevor's flashback?, And Josie being in a Coma?, What about the dream Josie had while still being in a Coma?, Let me know what you thought of the chapter by commenting on this chapter:)

So I have some news its bitter sweet news, Sadly found horse will be coming to a end here soon there's about 2-3 chapters left and found horse will be finished, i know this is sad news for my followers and fans of the book, But there is simply not much more I can write in this book it had to come to a end sometime., I hope you have all enjoyed my book and thank you all for reading and getting my book to 7000 reads, Thank you all I love you all very much thank you so much for your support.

But good news is after I'm finished with this book i will be working on another horse book so once its up you should go check it out:)

I do not know if there will be a sequel to this book, If you guys want one message me or comment that you would want a sequel and also if you have any ideas for a sequel message or comment them to me I would love to know them:)

Thanks love you guys:)


Happy readings:)

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