Not your soulmate♡

By Rozbunny

138K 8.6K 5.4K

BTS OT7-soulmate au BTS×OC poly They say getting your soulmark when you turn 20 is the best thing to happen i... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
~Chapter 47~
~Chapter 48~
~Chapter 49~
~Chapter 50~
~Chapter 51~
~Chapter 52~
~Chapter 53~
~Chapter 54~
~Chapter 55~
~Chapter 56~

~Chapter 9~

2.5K 143 28
By Rozbunny

Turns out I don't know myself at all. Here I thought I was anti-social and hated talking to other people for too long but then I proved myself wrong at the moment.

Surprisingly after the nervous moment it seemed as if me and Jimin just clicked as we started talking. We both found things we had in common and things we didn't have in common at all which only ended up in fun discussions about why we both thought we were both right. I felt so at ease talking to him that I never realised that I lost my filter speaking to him and my thoughts didn't overpower my words.

It felt...nice. I felt more free to not be as afraid to speak to others just like I speak with Aera or how I spoke to...well yeah.

I shake my head trying to forget the name my mind came across for a second as I smile at the loud light laughter Jimin gives across from me as his eyes are almost shut with his head thrown back. I don't even mind that he is actually laughing at me at the moment when only one word is on my mind.


"Are you serious?! You really walked into a tree breaking your phone once?!" He laughs and I groan lightly hiding my smile from his laughter.

"Yes but I have a reason! I thought the tree was more to my right when I looked up so I didn't think I would walk into it if I looked down for a bit..." My words go softer as he laughs louder again but my eyes go wide as he almost falls off the chair laughing. Well not almost...he kinda did.

"Oh Jimin are you okay?!" I jump from my seat to help him up but he quickly waves it away while still laughing and pushing himself up. I sit down again but the surpise came when he sits back down with a growing smile as he looks at me.

What now? What has he thought about now?

"You called me without any formality" He says with a toothy smile and I choke on air.

I did?!

"Oh I'm sorry I must have-"

"No no I didn't tell you to correct you!" He waves his hand and I nod slightly.

"I just wanted to say that you can just call me Jimin or any nickname you want. I mean we are friends now aren't we?" He says and I freeze.

We're friends? Is this how you make friends...wait he said it so yes?

How do you even make friends...ugh I'm confused but let's just roll with it like Aera would yes!

I nod at my thoughts missing the amused smile across from me as my expression shows my thoughts before I turn to him with a small smile.

"Okay I'll stick to Jimin since my mind is blank on any nicknames to give you but the same for my name you can call me whatever you want"

"Okay my tree walking friend" He smirks and I groan shaking my head causing him to laugh. "No~ I take it back don't call me that please it was only one time!"

He raises his eyebrow giving me a "you sure" face and I falter for a second.

Shoot...well I can't tell him I usually walk into things like glass doors or just doors or walls...

"Yes I'm sure it only happened once" I try to give him a serious face but my face betrays me by the corners of my mouth tilting up giving away I'm lying. His eyes light up seeing the weird smile form on my lips before he bursts into giggles.

"Well it seems like you two are having fun right?" I look up seeing Hoseok approach us with his beaming smile as he looks between us and I finally see behind him the empty café.

Wait how long have I even been here?

"Oh hi hyung!" Jimin smiles as Hoseok pecks his forehead before the both of them look at me and I freeze.

"So I guess I can say that our service here outmatched any other café since you stayed here for the whole morning right?" Hoseok asks and I frown lightly processing his words before my jaw drops and I pull out my phone to look at the time only making my eyes go wider.

I spent the whole morning here and I even came here early! It's even later in the afternoon too!!

"Oh wow I'm so sorry I never expected to stay for do long wow um-"

"Hey I was only teasing it's nice to see someone enjoy their time here and it's definitely a bonus seeing one of my soulmates enjoy their time off too." He gives me a soft smile and I nod.

"Well...then I guess you can say this place really did outmatch any other café especially their workers" The two of them laugh and I can't help but laugh too before I purse my lips looking at Jimin.

"But Jimin, I just realised how long we've been talking, haven't you already gone over your break time?" I ask and his smile falters slightly while Hoseok let's out a loud laugh patting hid back and Jimin let's out a anxious laugh.

"Oh he definitely did and Jin-hyung is gonna hang him for this!" He laughs and Jimin glares up at him. My eyes widen slightly at his words.

"Sorry for making you get in trouble Jimin I-"

"Oh no no please don't apologize he was only joking Jin-hyung is one of our soulmates so it's really not bad at all" Jimin waves his hands and elbows Hoseok in the side as he gives a small smile to me. I relax again but this time I smile to myself as I realise something.

Must be nice for 3 soulmates to be working together...

"You keep on scaring my new friend hyung, you need to be careful before you lose your chance at making friends with my clumsy friend" He points at me and I blink twice a trying at his finger still new to him calling me friend before I smile and look away as I can't seem to find anything to say.

"Aww your friend is adorable~" I choke slightly on air as I stare at Hoseok as he loud laugh.

"See? Ahh this is going to be even more fun to see one of my younger soulmates have a good friend that is equally as kind."

I smile yet wonder how they both seem to already see me as a good person so quickly. I mean just look at how fast they wanted me to become friends. It's strange yet I guess there is no harm in it right? I mean it's not like I'm trusting them with my address or my bank account for them to be this kind to me so maybe it's just because I still need to get used to making friends again.

"Oh hyung why don't you join us?" Jimin suddenly asks and my eyes go wide. Does he mean that he wants me to stay longer than I have? Isn't that overstaying my welcome here though?

"Ah no it's okay, I don't think Jin-hyung will be happy knowing that we left him to work alone while we both take off" Jimin left out a huff and I can see Hoseok smile warmly at him.

I look around again and see the café is really calm as in it is empty except for us. I know I don't know alot about cafe's and how busy they get but how did it manage to go from extremely busy to empty.

Hmmm suspicious...

"Hey Eun-hye something wrong?" I snap out of my thoughts as I look at Jimin and Hoseok look at me and I give shake of my head before smiling.

"Ah sorry no it's offence but where are all the people? It's just that I'm sure you guys are really popular here with how many people.were here earlier and now it's just...empty?" I blurt out and cringe at how I overthink over my tone while saying it.

Shoot I hope they don't find it offensive. I really need to word my sentences better...ughhh

I look at them both ready to try and apologize by trying to explain but before I could say anything Jimin's eyes widen as he finally takes in the empty café.

"Huh? Oh wait this place really is empty!" Jimin says shocked as he looks around before he turns to Hoseok. The moment he looks at him Hoseok's cheeks light up in a light pink colour as Jimin narrows his eyes at him.

"I didn't do anything! Well...I mean I didn't do anything I don't usually do. You will understand if you look at the time" Hoseok says and Jimin looks at the watch on his wrist with a frown before he let's out a loud gasp and nearly jumps in his seat.

"Oh my- it's break time already?!" He asks and Hoseok nods with a large smile. My gaze flicks between the two of them confused at the scene my question triggered. Luckily my silent torture ends as Jimin looks at me with a sheepish smile.

"So turns out the reason why it is so empty is because technically it's closed? Like we have a 2 hour break where we close the café to spend time together and usually we have our other soulmates join unlike today yeah."

My jaw slightly drops as he gives me a sheepish smile.

Does that mean I somehow didn't realise that I was sitting and talking to Jimin while the whole café was closing?!

"Wait you mean that I have taken some of your break? Oh why didn't you say anything now I feel bad since it it the time you both need to spend together" I say with a slight frown. I feel bad about it since it's clear it's the time where they spend together.

"Oh no don't say that. Believe me that it's really a good thing to have you here since your company here is really pleasant. Also Jin-hyung wasn't going to join us today since he needs to finish things in the kitchen. Plus we always spend time together and I'm sure Jimin didn't complain for a second right?"

"He is right Eun-hye. Plus because of that I got talk to my new friend longer right?" Jimin says with a bright smile and I can't help but nod agreeing.

This is strange but I mean it doesn't feel like it? Maybe it's just my mind going numb for nice people...oh well.

"Thats true I guess and it was-" My sentence got interrupted when my phone dinged a notification and I instantly took it out knowing there is only one person who would call or text me.

It's unusual for her to call or text me during the time she has her shift so that means that it has to be important. I give Jimin and Hoseok and apologetic smile as I unlock my phone and read the message. My eyes widen slightly when I read her text saying "come home quickly".

Scenarios run through my mind at the urgent message sending my mind into panic.

"Is everything okay?" I look up meeting the concerned eyes of the two men and I stop giving them a soft smile.

"Ah sorry I just got a message from my roommate saying that I need to get home urgently and it seems like an emergency."

Their smiles drop as they nod understanding only making me happy of how kind they truly are.

"Sorry that I need to cut this short but I guess this goodbye until I come back, see you guys soon!" I give them a toothy smile but just as I'm taking my bag and standing up I feel a hand wrap around my wrist making me look up at the owner of the hand that quickly retreats.

"Oh sorry I just wanted to ask before you go if you wouldn't mind us exchanging numbers?" I blink twice at Jimin processing it before nodding and his eyes light up before his hands fly out to his phone in his pocket. The exchange happens so fast that I didn't even realise that I gave him my phone before he gave it back.

I clear my throat and give them a small head bow. "Thank you both for the company and hope you both have a good day."

"Same to you see you soon!" They both waved as I turned and the bell jingle once I exited. I turned around to see the both of them still looking at the door but when my eyes catch the kitchen entrance open and a figure step out I smile knowing they were going to spend some time together now.

Lucky them to have so much love

I shake my head out my thoughts as I remember why I was in a hurry. I quicken my pace into a steady speedwalk. Hopefully it's not something big that is wrong but my biggest worry is why she is home so early.

Time to go home and see what is wrong!

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