[MTL] Crossing the Ancients t...

By Zelhobbies

148K 5.2K 313

Cheng Duo is struggling in the last days For ten years, he was betrayed by someone he regarded as a close rel... More

Chapter 1 He can be said to be penniless
Chapter 2 This is stronger than cows!
Chapter 3 How did you have the courage to save him
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 How do you want me to repay you?
Chapter 6 And he grabbed it righteously.
Chapter 7 How Do You Carry These Things With You?
Chapter 8 Rumors have already spread like this?
Chapter 9 I'm here to grow vegetables for you, not to cook
Chapter 10 Thank you then
Chapter 11 Where did the money come from!
Chapter 12 can't let a third person know
Chapter 13 It's not over if he loses face
Chapter 14 He brought Brother Yong back from outside again
Chapter 15 smiled meaningfully
Chapter 16 I Won't Marry Anyone Who Will Marry Him
Chapter 17 Then you might as well come to my house and make it for me
Chapter 18 Isn't Duo a Bandit?
Chapter 19 Are you looking for Captain Meng?
Chapter 20 It didn't feel bad to hold
Chapter 21 They must be at a loss!
Chapter 22 How come Brother Yong doesn't know how to persuade?
Chapter 23 This development is more and more like a tryst
Chapter 24 went to the county office, they at least have a way to survive.
Chapter 25 He will make a prophecy!
Chapter 26 Selling Meat.
Chapter 27 He is going to marry a wealthy businessman!
Chapter 28 Brother Feng, why is your silver hairpin black?
Chapter 29 That family is not a good thing!
Chapter 30 It turns out to be a wolf!
Chapter 31
Chapter 33 Is Brother Yong Called?
Chapter 34 The wild boar has come down the mountain
Chapter 35 Don't you know it's easy to be misunderstood
Chapter 36 He was rejected by Cheng Duo twice
Chapter 37 Is He Still Not Giving Up?
Chapter 38 What's the matter with you?
Chapter 39 This is really going to die!
Chapter 40 Can't die in a while.
Chapter 41 Is there a turning point?
Chapter 42 Bring his space too?
Chapter 43 We are finally out!
Chapter 44 It's Not That Brother Yong Is Like His Brother!
Chapter 45 What if I lose things in the village in the future?
Chapter 46 Want to see what's inside?
Chapter 47 Pull me out!
Chapter 48 Why are you searching for nothing?
Chapter 49 He has bad intentions!
Chapter 50 When will your father come back?
Chapter 51 It's not Brother Feng, it's Brother Yong.
Chapter 52 He might as well give it a shot!
Chapter 53 The brothers have two glass vases to take action
Chapter 54 They really want to know!
Chapter 55 It's all about money.
Chapter 56 Take it with me after I finish spending it.
Chapter 57 Father, Mother, What Are You Doing? !
Chapter 58 Why is there another one?
Chapter 59 Brother Yong, wait for me
Chapter 60 Do You Think Everyone Is Blind!
Chapter 61 You will regret it!
Chapter 62 These two are a perfect match
Chapter 63 I'm here to help Brother Cheng deliver the letter!
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 He sacrificed his life to accompany the gentleman
Chapter 67 Does their brother Yong love study so much?
Chapter 68 Brother Yong, how about we go treasure hunting?
Chapter 69 The news came back from Li Wang.
Chapter 70 Let's eat the one you said at noon... hot pot, right?
Chapter 71 A meal of hot pot is not boring at all.
Chapter 72 His Young Master Even Bibimbap The Soup Base!
Chapter 73 What, can you make money by making adobe?
Chapter 74 He can also call the shots!
Chapter 75 This person is Scholar Liu.
Chapter 76 He Married a Rich Master Surnamed Cheng?
Chapter 77 Dad, Don't Say It!
Chapter 78 Who Are You?
Chapter 79 Just ask you if the difference is big, right?
Chapter 80 Sorry, I misunderstood you.
Chapter 81 He lost again!
Chapter 82 Who is the husband of someone else's family?
Chapter 83 Brother Yong, I am your father
Chapter 84 Good wine, another sip!
Chapter 85 Is hot pot delicious?
Chapter 86 I'll show you something.
Chapter 87 The filial money given by my brother-in-law is not enough!
Chapter 88 He decided to start early.
Chapter 89 I have a magic weapon in my hand.
Chapter 90 They were so smoked that their eyes were a bit spicy!
Chapter 91
Chapter 92 Thank you, Brother Yong
Chapter 93 How does he feel that the relationship between the two has reversed?
Chapter 94 How to leak air everywhere!
Chapter 95 Then you hurry up and come back
Chapter 96 Why don't you take one or two home tonight?
Chapter 97 I'm tired of it
Chapter 98 Hit him until he moves!
Chapter 99 General Wei, what are you doing!
Chapter 100 Okay, I'll do it.
Chapter 101 What do you mean by this?
Chapter 102 He just lost his mind
Chapter 103 Go Home!
Chapter 104 He has been very satisfied in this life
Chapter 105 Don't you want to deal with Brother Cheng?
Chapter 106 End of text

Chapter 32 seems to be a heartbreaker without a doubt

1.3K 51 2
By Zelhobbies

When Li Wang was young, his family was indeed not very good. It was not until he was in his twenties that his parents found him a daughter-in-law. His daughter-in-law's appearance can only be said to be not ugly, but she is just as honest as him, and Li Wang is still very content.

    After three years of marriage, they had two sons. The joy of the parents at the beginning of the marriage turned into worry and dissatisfaction. Especially his mother, because his daughter-in-law has to take care of two children and can't work in the field, she often beats and beats at home, accusing Sang and scolding Huai.

    Li Wang also felt aggrieved when he heard it. In order to support his wife and children, he soon followed the people from the nearby village to find work.

    But he was unlucky. Once at work, he encountered looting Rong people. Those Rong people took him as a slave, and later sold him to the Wuhe tribe outside Guan.

    Young Master Jin Ti is the youngest son of the head of the Uhe clan. He was born beautiful, smart and good at learning. He traveled with the clan to do business since he was a child, and he knew many clan languages.

    He was especially curious about Daxia's things, and at first he would gesture to him in lame Daxia language when people weren't paying attention. Li Wang was in a very bad situation at that time. He was injured and his physique was not as strong as those of the aliens.

    In order to save his life, he taught Young Master Jin Ti to speak the Daxia dialect and have a good relationship with him. Young Master Jin Ti did protect him, and slowly he recovered from the injury. Young Master Jin Ti also learned the Daxia dialect better and better, and there was almost no obstacle for the two of them to communicate.

    He had been away from his hometown for several months at that time, and was very worried about his wife and children at home. Young Master Jin Ti took pity on him, so he secretly let him go during a later tribal migration, and gave him money to return to his hometown.

    He was naturally grateful. Before leaving, he told Young Master Jin Ti the exact location of his hometown, and promised that whenever Young Master Jin Ti came to him in the future, he would do his best to repay him.

    Li Wang covered his face in shame when he said this: "You are my benefactor, he entrusted you to me before he left, but I didn't keep my promise. I lost what he left for you. Yin Qian, and raised two bastard sons, let you suffer with me... I'm sorry for him!"

    "Father, you have done a good job, and I don't think our life is hard..."

    Li Wang shook his head and interrupted him: "No, Brother Yong, you don't understand, you should have lived a life without worry about food and clothing like Brother Feng. When you get married, there will be a large dowry, and you will marry whoever you want. Who is it for...you have all planned for you, I am too stupid! Let your own mother steal the property that belongs to you, and the dowry that Feng Ge'er was deceived should have been yours!"

    Li Since Wang has decided to tell Brother Yong, he has no intention of concealing it. He has said everything.

    "..." Brother Yong didn't know what to say for a while. His father didn't mention anything in the past, but today he said so many things in one breath. He is a little confused now.

    Li Wang wiped his face: "Now you understand, why did I cut off relations with the Li Mancang family? You don't have to pity them, they all stole the good days from you, and now it's just what they deserve. !"

    Brother Yong nodded dumbly, according to his father's words, he really couldn't sympathize with Brother Feng, and he was not a saint.

    It's a pity that all the things he left to him were deceived by the liar...

    Brother Yong thought for a while, and asked, "What happened to me, why did he come to Daxia alone to find him? Dad you?"

    "I don't know." Li Wang shook his head: "When I saw him, he was seriously injured, and he only told me that the Wuhe people are gone, don't take you outside the customs, You can't let others find you..." The

    Wuhe people did not say that they could not be cremated. He cremated his body according to the request of the son, and brought it back to bury it on the back mountain of his family. He didn't even dare to erect a monument.

    Brother Yong goes up the mountain to worship every year, and of course he remembers the tomb bag with nothing. When he thought that there was that young master Jin Ti, who had not forgotten to plan for him before his death, and his relatives buried in it, and he didn't even have a tablet, he suddenly had a pantothenic acid in his nose.

    "Then my dad... I mean, where is the man who gave birth to me with me, A-Me?" When he

    mentioned this, Li Wang had a weird expression. He didn't want to say it at first, but he was afraid that Brother Yong would misunderstand. I still told him: "Young Master said, your father is a heartless man, so I don't want to go to him."

    He didn't even have a name, so he had to find something to find out.

    However, Young Master Jin Ti was born beautiful. He suspected that he was deceived by a certain man, and then gave birth to Brother Yong.

    "Oh..." Forget it, he was so miserable, that man never showed his face from beginning to end, it seemed that he was indeed a heartless man.

    After everything was made clear, Li Wang hesitated for a moment: "Where is Cheng Duo...what do you think?"

    "What do you think?" Brother Yong's eyes moved, and Li Wang could see at a glance that he was acting stupid .

    However, the little brother is thin-skinned, so Li Wang didn't have to expose it, he just said: "Brother Yong, I have already told you your background, your background is no worse than anyone else, even better than everyone in this village. Although there is no dowry, I will find a way to earn it back for you, it doesn't even matter if I come to pay an IOU, but you can't give up on yourself..." I want to be a child.

    Young Master Jin Ti knew that he would be so angry that he would come back to his senses.

    However, he raised his benefactor's child like this. The first thing Jin Ti did when he came up was to clean him up...

    Brother Yong understood Li Wang's unfinished words, and immediately blushed: "Father, I I don't think so!"

    Li Wang sneered at him: "Since I don't think so, stay away from him in the future. Dad will go to the flower matchmaker in a few days to find out if there is anyone suitable for you, your two The bastard brother is not here, so it shouldn't be difficult to say kiss." The

    main reason is that their brother Yong has become better-looking, and Li Wang has caught the men in the village peeking at him more than once. Although my brother is not as good as a girl, if his brother is handsome, those guys don't have to be girls.

    "Father, I'm not in a hurry."

    Li Wang sighed, as if he hadn't heard: "It's all my fault, otherwise you can find someone to marry you."

    Brother Yong was afraid that his father would fall into self-blame again, so he could only hurriedly say "Whatever you want. Daddy," and ran into the kitchen under the pretext of cooking.

    Because the shock of hearing about his life experience was too great the night before, Brother Yong tossed and turned all night, and got up before dawn the next day.

    He wants to go to the back mountain to see him.

    Taking advantage of the hazy morning light to leave the house, when he turned around, he found a man standing outside his yard. That one was tall and strong, who wasn't Cheng Duo?

    Brother Yong was startled: "What are you doing?"

    Cheng Duo raised the things in his hand and said vaguely, "I'm going up the mountain in a while, I'm afraid you can't find anyone, so I'll give you the wages for the past few days first. Bring it here."

    "Don't be in such a hurry..." Brother Yong is a little embarrassed, his family is too poor, does Cheng Duo think that if he doesn't pay the wages as soon as possible, their family will run out of food?

    In fact, he and his father collected a lot of wild vegetables, mountain goods, etc., plus the copper coins they earned before, it would be no problem to support them for a month or two.

    Cheng Duo didn't know why he had to come and have a look. In order not to look awkward, he even made an excuse to go up the mountain. In fact, he would not go up the mountain for more than a day each time.

    In order to hide his guilty conscience, Cheng Duo had nothing to say: "So early... Where are you going?"

    "No, just go to the back mountain."

    "The back mountain?"

    Brother Yong thought about it, and simply said: "I Ah, buried there."

    Since his father dared to tell him, he should think it's fine, after all, it's been more than ten years, and he admits that it's no big deal.

    Ah... it should be Brother Yong's mother?

    Cheng Duo successfully equated, and simply said: "Okay, then I'll go with you." It was

    not yet dawn, he was alone, it would be bad if he encountered a wolf or some other beast. What's more, there are snakes in the wilderness...

    "No need." Brother Yong quickly refused, he went to worship his relatives, what happened to Cheng Duo together?

    Cheng Duo didn't think about it that much, just thought that Brother Yong didn't want to trouble him, so his tone changed, and he became strong again: "It's okay, a trip won't delay me going up the mountain, hurry up and get my things in, I'll go to the back road and wait. You."

    Brother Yong didn't say anything when he heard his tone of voice that couldn't be refused. Forget it, if he wants to follow, just follow, he may not be able to see...

    Brother Yong took the bag that Cheng Duo handed over, only to find that in addition to the copper plate, there was a piece of meat and a chicken. He thought about it, said nothing, took the bag and went in.

    The two went up the mountain one after the other, and the woods were very quiet. Apart from the crickets, there were only occasional birdsongs from Qingyue.

    Brother Yong was walking in the woods in the dark, but he couldn't see the road under his feet very clearly, but when he thought of Cheng Duo behind him, he unconsciously quickened his pace...

    Of course, Cheng Duo didn't have any troubles in the dark, and he could even see the little boy clearly. Brother's slender and straight legs, a thin but not woody waist, and the little dome that stretches up from time to time as he lifts his legs up...

    I wonder if his eyes are too penetrating, and Brother Yong suddenly stepped on his feet. As soon as he slipped, he fell backward uncontrollably: "Ah—"

    Cheng Duo didn't even think about it, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the small waist in the middle. The touch is still the same as the previous few times, it is soft and soft, and it seems to slide down softly when he is holding it... Cheng Duo couldn't help but exert a little more force.

    Brother Yong bumped into Cheng Duo's arms, and the other's broad chest was like a wall of flesh, firmly attached to his back, and the familiar breath lingered in his nose. And on his waist, he was still holding the other party's big hand...

    Brother Yong's heartbeat suddenly became chaotic, and he quickly pushed Cheng Duo away to stand up straight: "Okay...Okay, I'm standing, let go."

    Cheng In fact, Duo really wanted to pinch it twice. This has nothing to do with lust, but a man's inferiority. He couldn't help itching when he touched a Q bomb...

    Of course, if he did it again at this time, it would be harassment, so Cheng Duo stepped back. One step, decisively let go.

    Brother Yong bit his lip, turned his head and continued to walk up the mountain. He felt that it was a mistake to promise Cheng Duo to go up the mountain together. Obviously last night his father told him to stay away from this person, he turned his head and got together with the person again, what was he thinking!

    Mr. Jin Ti's grave, Li Wang, is still very clean. He planted a pine tree next to it. After more than ten years of growth, the pine tree has grown very high.

    Brother Yong swept the leaves on the head of the grave, knelt before the grave and kowtowed three times. He was a little embarrassed, thinking that he would buy some more incense paper money when he came to see him next time.

    Cheng Duo was actually a little puzzled. It was not a festival, why did Brother Yong suddenly want to go up the mountain to worship? Did you quarrel with his father?

    Cheng Duo didn't ask, when people worship their relatives, he still understands the most basic respect. He took out the hatchet, went around to the side, and chopped off the dead branches around the grave, which looked much brighter.

    At this time, the sun had already risen, and the misty morning light fell on Yong Ge'er's face, illuminating his whole person into a blur. Cheng Duo watched quietly, he always felt that Brother Yong had discovered something he didn't know?


    Because Cheng Duo was there, Brother Yong didn't stay in front of Ah Mo's grave for too long. He finally kowtowed and stood up and said in a low voice, "Okay, let's go back."

    Cheng Duo's eyes were sharp, and he noticed that when he got up, his eyes twitched. Slightly reddened. Although he quickly turned around to cover up the past, he couldn't hide the low aura on his body.

    On the way back, Cheng Duo looked back to see Brother Yong several times. He hadn't found out that the "nosy thing" he was the most lazy to care about in the past, but now he takes the initiative to care about it...

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