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By PrincessAnemoneXx

5.8K 213 105

Pokemon werent really your thing. They smell weird, they can only say their names, they shoot elemental beams... More

Chapter 1 |:| First impressions
Chapter 3 |:| Partner
Chapter 4 |:| Awkward
Chapter 5 |:| Goodbye
Chapter 6 |:| Train ride
Chapter 7 |:| Soaring!
Chapter 8 |:| Something called fear
Chapter 9 |:| But we arent.
Chapter 10 |:| What now?

Chapter 2 |:| NOPE

742 28 14
By PrincessAnemoneXx

Gonna be updating consecutively for a little bit to really kick this story off :)

F/n =fathers name
N/n =nickname


Y/n pov

I stared at the two of them in awe. Why on EARTH did Lucario think it was a good idea to let him in??

"Then again, he looks just about as uncomfortable as i do" you observed, noting how he awkwardly shuffled closer to the door and avoided eye contact with you. But before he could take his leave, Lucario practically dragged him to the kitchen and sat him down at the table, preparing tea and biscuits for him.

As much as you were dreading having to interact with him again, he must be seriously confused. As were you, but if you wanted answers, you would have to ask Lucario, who was currently boiling water for tea.

Without further hesitation, you gathered your courage and stepped into the kitchen.

Leon looked over at you, and silently waved, still avoiding your gaze.

"Lucario, why did you bring him inside?" You asked, sounding a bit rude towards Leon, despite not meaning to.

Lucario paused before turning to you and pointing at the fridge. "Lu, lucar" it shrugged, going back to preparing tea.

With a huff, you walked over to the fridge and saw a single sticky note. It read:
Meeting with champion today, meet at wedgehurst station. Serving as a reminder for your dad.

Now you were kind of suspicious. If Leon was supposed to meet your dad at wedgehurst station, why did he show up at our house??

"Leon, why are you here? Werent you supposed to meet my dad at wedgehurst station?"

Finally, he was able to meet your eyes, and everything seemed to click in his brain, "Ohhh, F/n is your dad. I was wondering who you were and why you were at his house. That explains it." He grinned, folding his hands neatly on the table.

"Uh...yeah, im here because i live here. And you didnt answer my question!"

"Whoops, my bad. Yes i was supposed to meet him there but...ah, funny story, I actually got....lost?" He said with a guilty smile.

"Right...you got lost...in your hometown. That's totally believable." You glared, crossing your arms.

"I swear its true! Im really bad with directions. I promise that i didnt come here just to see you and your wet shirt-" he blabbered, completely flustered.

Lucky for him, thats when my dad walked in.

"Hey N/n, did you happen to see a guy with purple hair walking around- oh! Hello Leon, i was looking for you" greeted your dad.

"Ah, hello D/n! You have a lovely home, your Lucario let me in" smiled Leon, standing up and shaking his hand.

"And i see you've met my daughter, Y/n! How wonderful, isnt she pretty?" Bragged your dad, giving Leon a wink.

Leon's mouth formed a playful smirk, and he turned to cast an award winning glance at you.

"Very much so." He said warmly.

"NOPE NOPE NOPE absolutely NOT! I REFUSE to be flirted with by the champion. I WILL NOT FALL FOR HIS TRICKS!! EVIL!!!" You thought furiously.

"Okay, nope, im going for a walk." You decided out loud. Pushing past Leon and your dad and going towards the front door.

"Oh dont mind her Leon, she doesnt know how to take compliments~" waved off your dad. "Did you know that she's your age? Single too" he chuckled.

"DAD. STOP." You asserted.

"Oh come on darling im only teasing, besides you need more friends!"

"I have friends!"

"You have a friend. That purple haired kid from next door."

Not being able to take any more of this, you stormed out the front door and ran towards the forest, a place you often went to think.

You ran and ran until you were completely enveloped in the fog that constantly floated around this place. It was dark and gloomy, but peaceful. You'd often heard people call this the slumbering weald, they would say that it was full of scary ghost types, but you'd never encountered any in your many times of coming here.

"WHY does my dad have to be so embarrassing?? I mean seriously! Telling the CHAMPION that im single, and also have no friends. Thanks dad, really appreciate it. Ten out of ten parenting."

"And then theres Leon. UGH the NERVE of that champion prick! He thinks he's soooo cool showing up unannounced at my house and then out of nowhere FLIRTING with me."

Your mind flashed back to the way he said "very much so",he was certainly attractive, thats for sure, but WHY ME.

He was probably just being friendly right? Yeah, he was definitely treating me like one of his fangirls. Thats gotta be the explanation, why else would he openly flirt with me??

With a huff, you found large tree and sat down at its base, leaning against its bark and closing your eyes with a sigh.

"I'll just wait it out, then Leon will be gone and i can get on with my life. I'll never have to see him again."

Thats when you heard a rustling in the branches above you. At first you thought nothing of it, but when it seemed to be getting closer, you opened your eyes and peered into the leaves.

Apon your gaze the branches went still.

"Huh, weird."

Before you could look away, a ghastly leaped out, heading straight for you.

You shrieked and covered your head with your hands, expecting an impact.

But it never came.


Opening your eyes curiously, you saw it laying on the ground a couple feet away from you, fainted.

"...what...?" You breathed, leaning forwards.

Thats when the air in front of you gave a ripple, and a massive pokemon revealed itself, looming over you.

A lump formed in your throat as you met its cold, yellow reptilian eyes.

"what....are you....?!"

The creature leaned forwards, huffing a gust of hot air that ruffled your hair as it grew closer and closer. Only when it was mere inches from your face did it stop. Staring at you intently.



"BOWSER! FLASH CANNON!" Yelled a familiar voice.

Your head snapped towards them as they gave their commands. A few meters away stood Leon and your dad, both with their strongest pokemon out.

The two beams hit the large pokemon head on, causing it to shriek in pain and disappear into thin air as it camouflaged itself.

When it was gone, the two men ran towards you, your father picking you up off the ground and cuddling you as if you were a traumatized Noibat. And Leon brisking over your form for injuries with gentle hands"

"Y/n! My baby! Are you okay?? We heard you scream so we came running, did the big scary pokemon hurt you?? Why didnt you take Hei-Bai with you when you left??" Your dad gushed.

"Because Absol is YOUR pokemon. Not mine, and LEON GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME IM FINE!!" You demanded, squirming out of his grasp.

"I was just checking to see if you were hurt..." he frowned, genuinely saddened by your attitude.

"Yeah, suuure you were, thats what all boys say as an excuse to touch frightened girls!" you hissed, getting in his face.

"Wh- huh???!!! I would never!" He gasped, looking very hurt that you'd think such things.

Narrowing your eyes at him, you backed off and turned back to your dad.

"Why did you guys attack that pokemon? It wasnt hurting me"

"That pokemon was a Dragapult. They are extremely protective of their young and wont hesitate to seriously injure anybody who gets near them. If it didnt already try to hurt you, it was definitely planning on it" Explained Leon.

"Their young? I didnt see any"

"Every Dragapult has babies that it takes care of. Take a look." Said Leon, tossing a pokeball into the air.

Out emerged a much smaller, much friendlier looking Dragapult, however this one had two little green pokemon inside its triangle shaped tusks.

"No, im confident that the Dragapult you just attacked didnt have those little green guys"

"Y/n, theyre called Dreepy" sighed your father.

"Same thing."

"Regardless, we should get out of here before it comes back." Warned Leon, returning both his Charizard and Dragapult.

"Thank you again Leon for helping my dear Y/n" smiled your dad.

The two of you currently stood atop your front porch, seeing Leon off. Since today was so eventful, him and your dad never really ended up talking about whatever they needed to discuss, so they both made plans to meet up another day.

"It was my pleasure." Said Leon smoothly, fixing his gaze on you.

Looking back at him awkwardly, you muttered out, "yeah...thanks"

Despite you obviously not meaning it, this seemed to please Leon, who gave you one last heart-throb smile before leaving.

"Good riddance" you thought to yourself as he walked away.

Both you and your dad returned to your house in silence, but as you were about to go up to your room, your dad spoke.

"Y/n." He said, tone suddenly serious.


"Today served as an example of how dangerous this world can be. And i wont always be around to protect you."

"Okay...? I can take care of myself dad."

"No, you cant. You have no protection against wild pokemon. Or bad pokemon trainers who use their pokemon for evil deeds."

"Alright...whats your point?"

"Im going to get you a pokemon. It will be yours and you are going to raise it."

"Wha-??!! But dad i already told you i-"

"No Y/n. This is non-negotiable. Its happening and i wont hear any complaints." He asserted in his no-nonesense tone.

He was serious.

You bit your tongue as you silently walked to your room. As soon as the door closed, your thoughts ran rampant.

"WHY??? WHY ON EARTH IS HE SO CONVINCED THAT I NEED A POKEMON TO PROTECT ME??? I dont want a pokemon, i have NEVER wanted a pokemon. Taking care of HIS pokemon is hard enough!! Now i have to raise my own little brat??? No way! I wont do it!!" You thought rebelliously, but deep inside you knew that there was no use fighting it, once your father decided on something like this, there was no changing his mind.

Laying down on your bed, you closed your eyes. Hoping that a nap would make you feel better.

"I hope...he at least gets me a cute one...." You thought reluctantly right before you drifted off.


Done and done~ any guesses as to what
Y/n's new pokemon might be?

Stay safe friends ❤️✌🏼

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