the unhallowed affair - t.m.r

By marvoloism

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1942. a strange boy walks into borgin and burkes, and leaves with nothing. 1945. the strange boy returns, and... More

le retour
un événement étrange
la bibliothèque
un visiteur du passé
la vraie raison
une introduction inappropriee et quelques visages familiers
dynamique et pensées ivres
et ainsi, ça commencé
le jour le plus noir
une fille folle
l'anatomie d'anastasia lestrange
quand je suis à genoux, tu es comme je prie
ad bellum

un échange mortel sur middlesex street

321 17 18
By marvoloism

"a deadly exchange on middlesex street"

June Twenty-Ninth, 1945

According to the Bible, humans are in a constant state of suffering and sin from the minute they are born.

While the Death Eaters were the furthest thing from sacrosanct, the virtue still held true, whether they chose to admit it or not.

For example, right now, Juliette was travelling through space and time, profoundly aware that murder was in her near future.

But if the Christian God was real, and He had everything planned out, did He not see this coming? Did He plan this for her? Was this some sort of Divine Intervention, all to pay for her sins of Atheism?

She felt the knotting in her stomach cease, the spots in her vision clearing as she landed in Liverpool.

"I told you I hate Apparation." she complained.

"Get used to it." Tom bit back, holding out his arms to steady her on the cobblestone street.

"Why must you do that?" Juliette scoffed, taking in her surroundings. Currently, the four were standing in the middle of the street, row homes on either side of them.

"Do what?"

"Contradict yourself. Your words are harsh but your actions are delicate."

"You think attempted murder is delicate now? I thought you were angry with me." He smirked, looking down at her. Juliette opened her mouth to reply, but Miles spoke first.

"What was the number, Frenchie?" Miles called out in front of her.

"176." She gritted her teeth at the nickname, moving away from Tom.

"This is only 150." He sighed in response, taking note of the addresses.

"Bloody hell Miles, the walk won't be that bad." Eden cursed, laughing. He groaned, tilting his head back. Tom and Juliette trailed behind.

"Do you go by Juli often?"

"What?" She sputtered, confused as to where Tom's question came from.

"I heard Matthew call you Juli the other day."

"And you remembered that?"

"My mind wanders quite often. There's plenty of information to mill over, you see."

"Are you calling yourself intelligent?"

"Darling, I know I'm intelligent. There's no need to point out the obvious."

Juliette rolled her eyes in response, not bothering to answer.

Middlesex Street was quite compacted. The tiny row homes were practically stacked on top of each other, each of their brick exteriors faded from the sun and time. The groups' shoes clicked against the cobblestone street they walked on, announcing their presence to anyone nearby.

"There it is!" Eden exclaimed.

Sure enough, they stood in front of a brown brick building, though erosion caused it to look more beige than anything. It had a stunning white roof, matching the window shutters and front door.

"Juliette, you're going in first." Tom sighed.

"What? Why me?" Her eyes widened.

"Because she knows you. Just talk to her as though you want to catch up on lost time. Can you do that?"

"What about the rest of you?"

"Once she invites you in, make sure to follow after her, so she can leave the door open. After, Miles and I will sneak in, hitting her with a stunning spell to get what we need."

"Are you sure this will work?"

Tom thought for a moment. "If she shuts the door, make sure you talk loud enough that she won't hear the door open."

"And if a house elf answers?"

"You need to stop questioning me. Can you handle this or not?"

"I didn't want to be a part of this in the first place!" she whisper-shouted.

Tom gritted his teeth, glaring daggers at Juliette. He reached over her head and knocked on the door, quickly turning around and heading back down towards the cobblestone. Eden and Miles followed, leaving Juliette alone.

"Baise ma vie," she cursed under her breath.

The door opened after, and as suspected, a house elf answered.

"Hello, miss." The house elf smiled.

"Is Ms. Smith home?"

"Oh, yes, Ms. Smith is home. Hokey will take you to her. She is in the sitting room."

Juliette nodded, letting the door shut behind her out of spite.

"Hokey?" A shrill voice called. "Who's at the door?"

"Ms. Smith? It's Juliette Alderidge."

"Borgin's niece?"

"That would be me," she smiled, coming upon the sitting room to find Hepzibah reading a newspaper. Her heart wrenched at the thought of what she was about to do to the woman.

"Isn't this a lovely surprise? How have you been my dear? You've grown!"

Juliette felt her cheeks heat up. "I'm well, I've graduated now."

"Wow." Hepzibah shook her head. "Time is of the essence, is it not?"

"Most certainly."

"What brings you here, love?"

Thinking quickly, she prepared her lies. "Matthew asked about you. Wondered if you had anything valuable you wanted to get rid of."

"Now that you mention it..." she tutted, standing up. Juliette followed, quickly glancing towards the front door. She could just vaguely make out the shadows on the front steps, and she knew that Tom was most likely trying to open the door.

"Ms. Smith, while you look, can I have a glass of water?"

"What? Oh- yes dear, that's fine. Kitchen's that way." She pointed towards the foyer, on the other side of the front door. She turned back around and headed back in the direction she was going, trusting Juliette enough.

She crossed the foyer quickly, just in time for the door to open, Miles stepping in.

"Where's Hepzibah?" He spoke at the same time Juliette asked where Tom was.

"You first." He forced.

"That way," she pointed. "What are you going to do?"

"Stunning spell, or the Imperius curse."

"No Dark Magic?" She begged.

"Not yet, love. Let's see how she cooperates first."

She nodded, sighing with relief. "Good luck, Miles."

"Not my first time," he shrugged, practically strutting out the door.

She braced herself for what was about to come. She followed close behind Mles, her heart beating faster with every step.

"Petrificus Totalus!" He whisper-shouted once she came into view. The woman fell over instantly, falling down on her side.

"See? Nothin' deadly yet, darling." He turned and winked at Juliette, causing her to rear back. The way Tom and his followers were so desensitised to violence made her shudder. How many gruesome crimes have they committed to get to this level of comfort?

Miles slipped past her, heading back out the front door. Juliette sprang to Ms. Smith, checking on her.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, her brows furrowing in concern.

Miles reappeared not a moment later, Tom and Eden in his wake.

"Religare," Miles muttered, pointing his wand at her hands. Ropes materialised out of thin air, binding her limbs. "Movere." He finished, removing the immobilising curse.

Now that she could talk, her words came out a mile a minute. "W-What- what is the meaning of this? Juliette, who are these people?"

"Ms. Smith, I'm sorry, but you should never trust someone whose gift is the Dark Arts." She whispered, half shocked that the words left her lips.

Tom raised his eyebrows in surprise. At this rate, she would have an Ouroboros tattoo on her arm in no time. "Where is the locket, Hepzibah?"

"What locket?"

"You know which one."

"The locket of Slytherin?"


"I-I don't own it. I don't know where it is- I've never seen it before."

Juliette spoke first, quickly trying to save the woman from Death. "Don't lie, Ms. Smith. You bought it from us years ago."

"Why do you need it back?"

"For the love of God, stop asking questions," Tom spit out. "Where is it?"

"T-The study!" she stuttered, choking back a sob.

Tom tsked. "We don't appreciate liars, Ms. Smith."

"Go see for yourself! It should be there!"

"Juliete, Eden, go look."

Juliette stood stark in shock. Eden grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from whatever it was that Miles was most likely about to do.

"They're going to kill her, aren't they?" she whispered, her voice breaking.

"Hopefully they'll do it quickly. She never harmed us in the past, so I don't see the boys dragging it out." Eden shrugged, peeking around to find the study.

Juliette's eyes widened, shocked by how casually Eden talked about this.

The girls wandered around the study, searching for anything that might stick out to them. Eden eventually groaned, frustrated.

"I hope she's still breathing, Riddle!" she yelled down the hall.

Juliette instinctually followed. So far, Ms. Smith was the same way she was when her and Eden left, which she took as a good sign. "We can't find it."

Tom's eyes flashed, turning towards Ms. Smith. "Did you lie to us, Hepzibah?" he asked in a condescending tone.

"No-no- I swear!" she cried, tears now pouring down her face.

Tom looked at Miles, running his tongue on the inside of his cheek. "Miles."

Miles turned to Tom, awaiting his command.

"Animum regere," Tom whispered in Latin.

"Eden," Juliette tapped the brunette on her shoulder. "Translate that."

The Rosier daughter swallowed. "Control her mind."

Juliette's eyes widened in horror. "No, Miles no-"

"Imperio." Miles spoke over her.

Hepzibah's eyes immediately glossed over, all signs of struggle leaving her body.

Miles huffed, his next words a mere whisper. "Ut nos vas."

"Take us to the locket," Eden whispered to Juliette, knowing she was most likely to ask. She sighed, knowing there was nothing she could do now.

The woman stood almost instantly, her legs carrying her to the foyer and up the stairs. Miles shared a look with Eden, his eyes trailing her as she led the way behind Hepzibah.

Juliette's brows furrowed at the interaction, falling behind in step with Tom. "Are those two...?"

"Together?" Tom smirked down at her. "I was wondering about myself for some time now. I didn't think Eden cared much for men."

"Oh." Juliette nodded, processing the information.

"But I stood corrected on the matter. It appears she cares for men and women."

Juliette laughed slightly, the sight of Tom's rare humour a welcome distraction. "It's quite surprising."

"Why is that?" Tom wondered.

"Eden seems so... meek, compared to Miles."

"Opposites attract, I suppose." His eyes lingered at her, awaiting reaction.

"Yes..." she trailed, averting her gaze. "I suppose."

Hepzibah turned towards what was assumed to be her bedroom. The conversations halted, their attention turned towards the woman in front of them. Tom entered the room with her, the girls following behind. Miles stood in the doorway, his arm supporting his weight as he leaned against the door.

Hepzibah's body moved to her dresser, opening a drawer filled with sweaters. She shifted the clothes around, revealing the locket that was hidden between two dark brown sweaters.

"De id mihi." He commanded, the rasp in his voice giving Juliette chills.

Hepzibah floated towards Miles as if she were a ghost, dropping the locket in his hands. He tossed it to Tom, who's sinister grin made Juliette's heart stop.

"The Cup, Miles." He spoke, his eyes locked on the necklace.

"Ostende mihi vas."

Hepzibah opened her mouth, her throat making croaking noises. She was trying to talk, but the spell was preventing her.

"Levare," Eden said, realising what was going on. Hepzibah fell to her knees, her consciousness rushing back to her.

"Where is the Cup, Hepzibah? Don't lie to us again."

"I sold it!" she screamed, coughing.

"Sold it?" Juliette exclaimed, angry. "To whom?"

Miles, sensing her irritation, pushed himself off the wall, placing his wand at Hepizbah's neck.

"Hawksley!" she cried. "His name is Fredrick Hawksley!"

Tom nodded ominously, taking a look around the room. "And where can we find Mr. Frederick Hawksley?"

"He- he's a travelling man. Ger- German, I think."

"He's German? Oh, well isn't that just brilliant." Miles groaned.

"He lives in Yugoslavia!"

The room became silent, despite her cries. The four looked at each other, all words unspoken.

"Right, well. I say we need Theo for this next adventure, don't you think Riddle?" Miles asked, smirking. He lowered his wand, grabbing Eden's wrist and leading her out the door. Once again, Tom and Juliette followed.

The three stood in the hall, while Tom turned on his heels back into the bedroom. "Ms. Smith, one last thing..." he said.

"Ut occidere ac gravibus!"

Juliette wasn't sure when she headed down the hall, or down the steps, or into the foyer, or out the door and onto the street. She wasn't aware of Eden grabbing her hand and taking her there.

She wasn't sure when Tom appeared either, taking her face in his hands. "Juliette, focus on me," he said to her. "Christ, we don't have time for this." He mumbled to himself.

Her eyes were frantic, scanning up and down Tom's body, almost as if she was making sure he was real.

"You- you just-"

"I've done it before." He said. "I'll do it again."

"But- but she-"

Tom's frustration was growing. He thought back to everything he's studied and mimicked about traumatic situations. He thought back to their conversation on the way here. "Juli, love, you can mourn her later if you must. Right now, we are going to leave, do you understand?"

"Where are we going? What about Ms. Smith? What about the house-elf?" Juliette's hands latched onto Tom's, that were still on either side of her cheeks.

"Rosier and Dolohov are dealing with that. We are going to leave."

"But we can't leave without them!"

"They will be fine. I can get you back to Malfoy Manor right now. Would you like that?"

She shook her head frantically. "No, no, I want to make sure nothing happens to them."

"How loyal of you," Tom replied, impressed. He removed his hands from her face, his right hand travelling to his pocket. "Can you do something for me?"

She nodded, scared to see what she was agreeing to.

He took his hand out of his pocket, revealing the locket that was inside. With his free hand, he brushed her wavy hair out of the way and placed Salazar's locket over her head. He then proceeded to take the chain in one hand, and her shirt in the other, moving her shirt slightly so the locket was tucked away under it. "Can you wear this for the time being?"

"What- Isn't- Isn't a piece of your soul in this? Isn't it a Horcrux?"

"Smart girl," he smirked, fixing her hair back to its previous state.

"Then why aren't you wearing it?"

"Because I'm sending you back."

"Back?" she exclaimed. "Back where?"

"To the manor." He replied simply.


"Transferre Malfoy Manor,"

Within a matter of seconds, Juliette felt the newly familiar feeling of Apparation. She wondered how the Death Eaters figured out Magic this difficult, as she knew that being able to Apparate another person was incredibly hard (and thankfully unknown) Magic.

Her legs hit the marble floors below her, reaching her hands out for anything to steady her once again. Fortunately, she clutched to the mantle over the fireplace unconsciously, supporting her weight.

Alarmed by the noise, Abraxas rushed out of their home library. He stopped short when he saw Juliette- quite unkempt- clutching to the mantle in the sitting room.

"Juliette, is that you? Are you alright? Where are the others?" He called from the doorway.

"They're..." she panted, everything starting to catch up to her. "Liverpool. Still in Liverpool."

Abraxas rolled his eyes, but crossed the room and placed a hand on the back of her shoulder. "Let's sit down, yeah? You can tell me everything once you've calmed down."

"I don't- I can't-"

It quickly became apparent to the Malfoy heir that Juliette wasn't going to be able to speak coherently any time soon. He sighed, trying not to show his frustration. The Death Eaters needed information, and they needed it now. An idea struck. "Let's sit down, okay?" he repeated. "Stay here."

He moved with her to the couch, where she sat down, her eyes hazed over in shock, staring at the wall. Abraxas rushed out of the room, heading back to the library. His eyes scanned the room, desperate to find the grey-eyed boy, no doubt buried amongst the shelves. "Macnair?" he called, not concerned if any of the other Death Eaters noticed.

Preston's head snapped up, shutting his book and putting it back on its place on the shelf. He walked quickly to the origin of the voice, finding the blonde hair peeking between the shelves. "Brax?"

"Alderidge is in the sitting room."

Preston raised a brow. "And?"

"And, your assistance is needed." Abraxas bit out, not wanting to deal with the newcomer himself, although he couldn't if he tried.

Preston sighed, reluctantly following Abraxas out the door and into the sitting room. Juliette was exactly as Abraxas left her, which was not a good sign.

"She came back here by herself, all out of it. She said something about the others being on Middlesex still. No clue what she means."

"And you want me to enter her mind, I take it?"

Abraxas nodded.

Preston hummed in response, not making any notion to move. After a moment's silence- and a long look at the state Juliette was in- he turned back to Abraxas. "Leave us."

"Leave you? It's my bloody house-"

Preston opposed Abraxas' demeanour, staying calm. "I said leave. Do you want my help or not?"

Abraxas narrowed his eyes, flexing his jaw. He ran a hand through his hair, then stepped out of the room.

Preston sighed with relief. He knelt in front of Juliette's trembling figure, still sitting on the couch. "Juliette, let's talk, shall we?"

She bit her lip, her eyes flickered down to Preston for a brief second. She swallowed. "My mind- I'm so-"


She opened her mouth and closed it again, grateful Preston was able to determine how she felt. "Yes... yes that's the word."

"Let's organise your thoughts, then. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I don't think. So much happened in such a short time, and Riddle- he..."

Preston's eyes flashed, now understanding why Juliette was so shaken. He took a deep breath. "Will you let me see the memories?"

"You're an Legillimens?"

"The very best," he winked. "I think seeing it from an outside point of view will help, what do you think?"

She nodded, her eyes drifting to meet his grey ones. "Your eyes are grey."

"That they are. Couldn't tell you why." He laughed. "Has anyone ever entered your mind before?"

She shuddered, thinking back to the night in Borgin & Burkes, how Tom threw her against the wall and forced himself into her mind, and how much Preston contrasted him. She wondered how Preston fit into all of this, for he did not seem as evil as Riddle and Dolohov. She nodded.

"Right, well, that makes this easier." A sharp pain sparked her vision as she felt Preston enter her mind. She watched in horror as every second on Middlesex Street replayed in her brain. Once she saw Tom raising his wand against Hepzibah, she forced Preston out of her head.

"Okay, calm down, alright?" Macnair hurried, placing his hands on her forearms. "So, to be clear, you entered Hepzibah's home as a distraction while Riddle and Miles found their way in, leading to an interrogation?"

She nodded.

"Then, you found the locket thanks to Miles' manipulation?"

She nodded once more.

"You then found out the man she sold the cup to lives in Yugoslavia, and Riddle ushered you all around the room, leading to her death?"

She sucked in a breath, biting her lip. "Yes."

"That answers most of my questions."

"Most?" she whispered, her voice cracking.

"I want to know what happened after."

"Tom, he... he sent me back here. Used Apparation on me. I didn't think Magic like that was possible."

Preston nodded. "Sel- Oliver figured it out a while back. Bloody brilliant, he is."

Juliette hummed. "Eden and Miles were apparently still in the house, dealing with things inside."

"The locket?"

"No, no, the locket- Tom gave that to me."

Preston's blood ran cold, taken aback. "To you?"

"Yes, to me."

"Where is it?"

Juliette opened her mouth and closed it again, her shaking hands reaching beneath her shirt. Preston's eyes followed her hands, unbreaking. The eye contact made her face flush, which he noticed.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, darling."

She closed her eyes, expelling a breath. It was all too much, too much, too much, too much.

She took the locket in her hand, lifting it from its hiding place. He reached his hand towards it, and she flinched.

"It's Riddle that wants it, not me, Juliette. Besides, Riddle's ego will be severely bruised if it were you or I who told the rest, to which we would all suffer."

She laughed slightly, moving closer to him once more. His touch was feather-light, brushing the tangled hair from her neck to examine the necklace.

His eyes flicked up, looking up at her. "Is it the real thing? You're positive?"

She nodded once more. "It should be, we sold it to her."

"Yes, you're Burke's niece, correct?"

"Borgin's," she corrected.

"Forgive me," he apologized, his eyes going back to the locket on her collarbone. "May I?" he asked, tugging at the chain.

"What are you going to do?"

"See if it's the real deal," he shrugged. He stood at full height, so much so that Juliette's eyes were now aligned with his lower stomach. Preston proceeded to take off the locket, twirling it in his hand.

"Ad supernatet," Slytherin's locket began to suspend itself in the air in front of them. Juliette stood, curious to see what Preston was about to do.


For a brief second, Juliette's heart dropped. What if it disintegrated in front of their very eyes? If Tom didn't kill her last time, he certainly would now.

But to her surprise, nothing happened.

"What's that mean?" She asked, bewildered.

"Legend has it Salazar placed a shit ton of protection spells on this. It appears the legend was true."

"And you know this how?"

"Theo," he smirked, grabbing the locket from the air.

"He seems to be a walking novel."

Preston sighed. "That he is," he turned to her, so they were face to face. "Here," he whispered, placing the necklace around her neck gently, trying not to pull at her hair. "We wouldn't want Tom getting angry, would we?"

Right as she was about to respond, his cold hands slipped under the collar of her shirt, re-tucking in the locket. Her breath hitched.

He chuckled at her reaction. "Are you always this skittish?"

"Only when I'm touched like that." she whispered meekly, hiding her face from him in embarrassment.

"Is that so?" He cocked his head to the side, his grey eyes seeming to stare into her thoughts- hell, he could be seeing her thoughts for all she knew.

Juliette looked back up at him throughout her lashes. "Preston..."

A popping noise cut the invisible string that seemed to be pulling them together, Juliette jumping at the noise and turning around to face the door. Preston dropped his head in the unfortunate timing.

"Juliette!" The voice called, contrasting the drawn out whispers Preston was speaking in.

She sighed, her stresses returning. Riddle walked in the room, Eden and Miles flanking his sides.

"Where is it?" He nodded, taking in the scene he entered upon.

Juliette rolled her eyes, taking out the locket, her face flushing at the recent memory of how Preston tucked it in. The grey-eyed boy seemed to notice, and smirked.

She ignored him, tossing Tom the necklace. He caught it with ease, fascination playing in his eyes.

"Son of a bitch," a smile tugged at his lips, and he quickly left the room, leaving the others to trail in his wake.

Eden looked at Juliette, shrugging. The four followed Tom out of the study, following the sound of his footsteps into the dining room. By the way the others rushed in, Juliette knew Tom used the tattoo on his arm to summon the others.

Tom sat at the head of the table- as expected- and Juliette found a seat near him. Preston Macnair took the seat across from her, his eyes solely focused on her.

Juliette looked at him too, this time truly trying to take him in, desperate to keep her mind off of the inhumane atrocity she witnessed earlier tonight. Instead, she chose to focus on the person who calmed her down.

His brown hair was slightly in his face, partially covering his stone-grey eyes. Perhaps it was his eyes that drew Juliette in- or, was it the way he looked at her with his stone-grey eyes? Either way, his eyes found hers, and he nodded at her for confirmation she was okay. She nodded back, although her eyes most likely deceived her.

Tom's eyes shifted throughout the table, making sure everyone was in the room, his eyes narrowing. "Important news." Was all he said, merely a whisper, but the entire table turned silent, their heads turning.

"The locket has been located, and it's now in our possession."

Faces across the table lit up with relief, but Juliette merely rolled her eyes. Of course, with his ever-fragile ego and desperate need to stay at the top, he would word it as such. Of course, he would word it as if he did it all on his own, completely brushing past the others' help he surely needed.

"Give us the details, Riddle!" Elliot Carrow jeered, the smirk on his face on full display.

"It was on Middlesex Street, in the possession of an older woman."

"Is she dead?" Carrow asked again, bloodthirsty from boredom.

The blood rushed out of Juliette's face, her ears ringing as she began to relive their deadly exchange. Her eyes found Preston's, his eyes still on her, reading her like an open book.

"Yes," he said slowly, his eyes still on Juliette. "She's dead."

"What makes you say that? You weren't even there!" Anastasia quipped, her gaze darkened.

"Have we ever left survivors in the past?"

"Well- no, but-"

"Yes," Tom sighed. "We all know of your utter desperation to torture someone, Carrow, but today is not that day. Rosier, Dolohov, Alderidge, and I handled it just fine."

Her heart skipped, anger rising. How dare he?

"What we need to focus on now," Riddle continued. "Is our means of getting to Yugoslavia."

"Yugoslavia?" Bella exclaimed. "How exactly will we do that, Riddle? You're asking us to go through Axis territory!"

Their leader waved a hand. "We will get there by magical means. However, we do not know how long we will need to stay. You were there recently, correct Yaxley?"

"I was," she nodded. "Which is why I know for certain this is a terrible idea."

"You will go and find lodgings for us, then."

The blonde scoffed. "I take it that's not a request?"

"Isabella, dear, it never is." He smiled in a way that made Juliette's stomach turn.

"Why exactly are we going to Yugoslavia?" a quiet voice spoke. Juliette turned her head to the lanky brunette boy in the corner, his figure mirroring that of Riddle's own. He was gaunt, his cheekbones prominent. Juliette had never heard him speak before, not at the table like this. Oh, Dieu, was his name Xavier?

"It appears Hepzibah sold the cup to a man named Fredrick Hawksley, and last the woman knew, he lived there."

"That doesn't entirely narrow it down, Riddle." Theo ran a hand through his hair, sighing with exasperation.

It felt like Juliette was watching a play, with the way the group moved. Their dynamic was that of tyranny- however moments like these made her feel like she was sitting in on ancient Greek society, privy to an Oligarchs' meeting.

"Avery, look into the man, see what you can find. If you find nothing, then she buried the location with her, and we are back to square one." Tom sat down at the table, signalling he was done speaking. It was comical, really: a tyrant delivering the words of war and destruction and leaving his subjects to quake in his wake.

"I will make my way to Yugoslavia tomorrow. But if none of you hear back from me within the next three days, blame him." Isabella seethed, pointing an accusatory finger at the group, then at Tom.

"Excellent." Riddle smirked. "Anything else?"

The room stayed silent.

"We leave in three days' time, earlier if Yaxley gets back sooner." Tom finished.

The black chairs the Death Eaters sat upon scuffed at the floor as everyone moved to stand. Most of them chose to leave by Apparation, and this time, Juliette did as well, her body mostly numb from the day's events.

She took a deep breath, letting her posture slip as she stood. Closing her eyes, she focused her attention on her flat, awaiting her in London-


Her eyes snapped back open, met with a pair of slate ones staring at her. She cleared her throat, remembering they were in the presence of others, trying not to let her mind wander at his hands moving her hair out of the way, or the way he stood above her (and kneeled below her), or the way his hands slipped- no!

"Macnair." she nodded.

He smirked, running his tongue along the inside of his cheeks. His eyes glossed over her exhausted figure once again, and he shook his head. "Macnair..." he repeated.

"Do you want something?" she asked, her eyes glued to the floor, refusing to look at him again.

"I want a lot of things," he shrugged, stepping closer, placing his hands in his front pockets.

"Like what?"

"Well," he sighed. "Right now I want to know if you think it's safe to Apparate on your own."

Her head cocked, taken aback. "Elaborate."

"You don't Apparate often-"

"You don't know that-"

"So," he glared, angry at the interruption. "I was going to offer to escort you home."

"I don't want you finding out where I live." She laughed, amazed at his audacity.

"Love, don't you realise I have other means of finding that out?"

She understood his place now. For he wasn't soft spoken or delicate. At the end of the day, he was still one of them. A criminal, a gabler, a murderer, a swindler.

"Je te reverrai, Macnair."

She spun on her heels, heading out of the dining room as she prayed Preston did not follow in her wake.

Her eyes narrowed, searching for Tom's looming figure. He was easy to spot, as he was probably the tallest man here, second to Atlas.

"Riddle." She spoke behind him, waiting for his back to turn and face her.

He spun around slowly, as if he was annoyed by her presence. "Yes, Juliette?"

"I would like to head home."

"And you're asking my permission?" He smirked.

She glared up at him. "I will never ask for your permission. I am simply letting you know I was leaving."

"As much as I appreciate the sentiment, you don't need to do such a thing. Are you sure you can Apparate safely on your own?"

She rolled her eyes. What was it with men and needing to play the saviour? "I will be fine."

"You were incoherent less than an hour ago."

"And whose fault is that?"

"None but your own."

She scoffed. "I understand your ego must be bruised at the idea of a woman not wanting your help, but I'll manage."

Tom let out a bitter laugh. "I am not a Westerner, Juliette. You women can do as you choose, as it is of no importance to me. My ego is not as fragile as you think, either, darling."

"You didn't strike me as the joking type, but after that, I think I've changed my mind."

Tom rolled his eyes, drifting back to the original topic. "You're not fearful of being splinched?"

"I have greater fears."

"Such as?"

"Not being able to escape your cult."

"You can leave whenever you so choose."

"And who's to say you wouldn't follow me?"

"I never said I wouldn't."

Their gazes locked, his eyes burning fires into Juliette's. The silence was weighted and long, and Juliette wasn't quite certain what he would do to her at that moment.

The fear of his power overtook her senses, and she backed away.

He smiled triumphantly. "Au revoir, Juliette."

She shuddered, bracing herself to Apparate out of the manor.

Until we meet again.

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