
By tropicalbreezed

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Book 1 of the Mastery Series. Two average teenagers discover they are part of something much bigger than the... More

New Phone
Playing With Fire
First Kiss
The Phonecall
Dave or Rory?
The Bath
What happened
Made For Me
The Job
The Letter
Quantum Physics
Like A Teenager
The Attic
The Girl With The Daisies
The Game
The Party
I'm Four
The Same Kind
Questions With Questions
Author's Note


22 0 0
By tropicalbreezed


See you at the game on Wednesday?

Wednesday was the biggest football game of the season and Dave really wanted me to be there. After that day outside when i rejected him, strangely enough we ended up hanging out a lot. I wouldn't necessarily call them dates or anything but sometimes in the weekend he would pick me up and we'd go for ice cream and stuff. I liked being around him and he always made me laugh. I knew he wanted me there Wednesday for support so i decided to go.


I checked the time. It was 9:16 and Mia and Lana were supposed to come over at nine for girl's night. It was a Monday but we didn't have school the next day because it was one of the many unimportant holidays and frankly there were to many to even remember which. I grabbed my laptop and put it on my lap as i leaned back on my pillows. I was scrolling through Facebook when i heard Mia's voice downstairs. My mother must've let them in. They giggled as they tiptoed their way upstairs so they wouldn't wake up Diana and David. They quietly opened my door and Mia jumped onto my bed excitedly.

"Guess who just got asked to proommm???"

I tapped my finger on my chin sarcastically and pretend to stare thoughtfully into the distance.

"That's why we're late!"

Lana threw her backpack onto the floor and crawled under the sheets next to me.

"Max came over with his little sister and when i'd opened the door she went 'wiw you go to pwom with Max?' And they both made these adorable puppy eyes and how could anyone ever say no to that?"

That did sound pretty adorable. Mia reached into her purse and pulled out a bottle of something I guessed was alcohol. I was just about to present my case and tell her how my mother would flip if she ever saw me drinking when she cut me off.

"No no no... we are toasting to this. Lana and Benjamin, me and Max... and probably you and Dave are going to PROMMM!!"

She took a big gulp out of the bottle and passed it to Lana. We were all laughing at how ridiculous Mia was being. My face blushed bright red when she said 'you and Dave'. Was he really going to ask me to prom? A message popped up on Facebook. It was Rory.

Haven't seen you in a while. Everything okay? call me 0682574040

Rory. I thought about him every time my hands warmed up. And then that warmth would travel to my stomach and face. I'd mastered the art of lighting up candles with the tip of my fingers and i had to admit that i was pretty proud of myself. I wondered every time how he was holding up and if he too had been practicing his skills.

"Hey who's that?"

I quickly closed my laptop and put it on my nightstand. I didn't need Lana knowing my business and telling the others me and Rory were talking.

"No one"

I flashed her a quick smile and grabbed the bottle out of her hand. I put the tip to my mouth and let the cold liquid burn it's way through my throat. The feeling was horrible but the effect eventually made me lighter and happier.

Eventually we lay on my carpet, staring at my ceiling and giggling. The bottle lay empty in Mia's arms. Suddenly, she started crying.

"I.. i don't think i'm going to graduate guys... Mrs. Gullivan isn't going to let me pass her class and my gpa's already lower than her tits"

We all laughed at her stupid joke but it eventually died down to her quiet sobbing until we all fell quiet.

"Amanda are you still a virgin?"

It was Lana this time.

"Uhm... yeah... why?"

"I am tooooo but Mia isn'tttt"

She was really drunk and she talked really slowly. Funny thing was that there were rumors that she had already screwed half of the football team and almost all the cheerleader's boyfriends. That might be the reason they always gave us (well, mostly Lana) dirty looks in the hallways.  

"Will you have sex with me Amanda?"

Being drunk could make someone do a lot of stupid things, but losing my virginity drunk on my bedroom floor to my best friend was a big no from me.

"Shut up Lana" I grunted.

"How about you Mia?"

Mia didn't respond. My room was dark and a little light fell inside from a streetlamp outside. It fell right onto Mia's face and she was fast asleep with her mouth open. After a while, Lana's breathing slowed down too. I sat up with my back to the side of my bed even though my head was spinning. I grabbed my phone and laptop, blinding myself twice with their bright and sudden flashes of light, and dialed the phone number. I tiptoed my way downstairs and I was grateful for my pink fuzzy socks that made sneaking around easy. I felt to my right to find the light switch of the lights in the hallway and flipped it on. Now half the kitchen was visible. The phone rang a couple of times till he finally picked up.


"Yes... hey Rory"

To avoid stumbling into anything i sat down against the island and looked up at the microwave. It was 3:25. What would he be thinking? He stayed quiet for a long time and i thought he fell asleep.


"Yeah how are you?"

"I'm doing great i guess... you?"

"I'm managing"

Another silence.

"It really hasssss been a while.."

"Yes it has... So, how are your... powers?"

He either meant it sarcastically or he had finally accepted the term powers.

"I can light candles now" I said a little too cheerful.

"Wow, that's great"

His sleepy voice was the most sexy thing i'd ever heard and combined with the alcohol, it was doing things to me.

"Listen... i want to see you again"

That was drunk-three-am-Amanda on the phone.

"You know where to find me"

That was true. Why hadn't i gone over to his house all this time? Oh yeah... Dave. I sat there listening to his breathing until i was sure he fell asleep and hung up.

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