Lone Wolf of Cobra Kai

By chiza6996

73.1K 1.1K 241

Jackson Lawrence-kent moves into the valley right when his Dad opens up Cobra Kai, watch as he goes through... More

Bio/Info on Jackson for season 1-5
Ace Degenerate
Strike First
Cobra Kai Never Dies & First Time Together (18+)
Quiver & Helping a friend out
All Valley
Different But Same
All Valley (Mercy)
Mercy, Pt II
Back in Black
Fire and Ice
The Moment of Truth
All In
Take A Right
Glory of Love
No Mercy
Nature Vs Nurture
Now You're Gonna Pay
The Right Path
King Cobra
Getting Rid Of The Rust
The Good, The Bad, and The Badass (+18)
Feel The Night
December 19
Let's Begin
Focus & First Learn Stand
Then learn Fly
Open Season begins, Bicephaly
Match Point, The Hunt Continues
Silver Bullet
Party Time
The Fall
The Rise
Long, Long Way From Home
Downward Spiral
Extreme Measures
Bad Eggs
Head Of The Snake
Black Wolf cast
Return To The Pack
Fight Till You Can't Anymore...


2.1K 28 12
By chiza6996

~~3rd POV~~

Jack stood in the middle of his room punching and kicking away at the punching bag

Playing the song he usually plays when working out (Song at the top) letting out a scream with the last kick he gave the bag before stopping and taking off the boxing gloves sitting on his bed

And wiped the sweat off before throwing it in the hamper and got up walking over to his wardrobe and looked for an outfit he was gonna have to wear for tomorrow night

~~Cobra Kai Dojo~~

Miguel stood infront of the dummy punching it while outside Jack jogged across the mini-mall with his headset's on 

(Workout clothes for when his at the Dojo until he gets his gi)

He stopped after another lap and walked into the dojo pulling his headphones down panting

Johnny: You don't happen to have any friends who wanna learn karate, do you? Aw, what am I saying? You don't have any friends. Sorry

Miguel stops punching the dummy and looks at Johnny

Miguel: Hey Sensei, when are we gonna learn how to do some kicking?

Jack: What're you saying I already know how to kick, it's only you.

Miguel: Yeah what he said. And I was watching this video on YouTube of this guy kicking and breaking boards and it looked badass 

Johnny: Yeah kicking is badass. But you're not ready. Besides if I don't get more students in here, I won't be able to teach you guys anything

Jack: You have thought about advertising, right?

Johnny: Yeah, duh. Of course

Jack: *Thoughts* This motherfucker

~~Larusso residence~~

Amy looked through her closest while Moon sat on her bed watching her rip apart her closest

Moon: You really like this guy, huh Ames?

Amy: Isn't it obvious? And we're not even going to the Halloween dance, Ugh!. I can't seem to find anything.... What about this one?

She showed it to Moon who looked at the outfit up and down before smiling

Moon: Perfect

Amy sighed in relief that she found the perfect outfit while Moon stood up and walked up to her holding her by her shoulders

Moon: Look, Ames you're going to be fine. Just be yourself alright

Amy: *Sighs* Yeah, What would I do without you, Luna?

Moon: *Smile widens* That's why I'm your best friend, now c'mon we're gonna be late for school

~~Jack's POV~~

I sat in the cafeteria chatting with Amy on  my phone

Ames: So you ready for tomorrow tonight?
Jack: Or we could skip tomorrow as well?
Ames: Jacks, no!
Jack: C'mon that was last week
Ames: I'll talk to you later, okay
Jack: Okay, love you
Ames: Love you too

I switched my phone off and looked up to see everyone starting at our table and got stepped onto the lunch table

Jack: Oi! What the fuck are you all looking at?! If any of you look at my friend like that again, I'm going kick your asses and fuck your moms in front of you!!

Everyone looked away from the threat and went back to waht they were doing and I climbed off the table just to see counselor blatt standing there looking at me with her arms crossed

Blatt: Care to explain yourself, Mr. Lawrence?

I walked up to her and whispered in her ear 

Jack: If you ever reveal information like that again. I will come to your house and beat the living shit out of you. And trust that's not a threat it's a promise

And I walked back to my seat leaving a scared counselor and sat in my seat and looked at Eli patting him on the arm

Eli: Thanks man

Jack: No problem, and stop listening to Demetri. If you want to do karate then you can join our dojo

Demetri: For the las-

I cut him off by glaring at him and he quickly shuts up and does an audible gulp and I get up walking out the cafeteria and pulled out a joint I rolled before I came to school and lit it while I walked through the halls and walked into an empty classroom

I sat at a desk took a pull from the blunt before someone took it from me and when I looked up I was met with the sight of  my beautiful girlfriend looking at me while she took a pull from the blunt

Amy: You seriously have to stop getting angry all the time

Jack: Yeah well you try living with IED

She straddled my lap and we started kissing which turned into a make-out session with me gripping her petite ass and her grinding down on my member 

And right before we could go any further the bell rang and she climbed off my lap not before giving one last kiss, and I tried to pull her onto my waist but she moved away giggling god I will never get tired of that giggle or that smile

Jack: I love you

Amy: Aww, You love me. *Kisses me one more time* I love you too~

Our moment was ruined was other kids started piling into the classroom and then the realization hit us this wasn't our class we looked at each other and hurried out of there before the teacher came in laughing our asses off


I waited outside the dojo with Miguel to  show dad something and he showed up pissed off

 Miguel: Hey, Sensei. you told us to be here by five. right?

Johnny: Yeah, but today's training's canceled

Miguel: What? Why?

Johnny: 'Cause I said so

He walked into the dojo and me and Miggs looked confused as hell before I walked into the dojo with Miguel following behind

Jack: There's something that we want to show you

Johnny: Look I'm really not in the mood, right now

Miguel: But I think you'll really like it

Jack: Just let us show you, old man

He sighed popping the cap from the Coors and took a sip and Miguel sat the laptop on the table before opening the webpage we made at school

Miguel: It's a Cobra Kai, right?

Jack: We made in study hall, I did the coding and Miguel made the design. Click on the snake

He click on it and a hiss sound came after before it loaded a sign-up page

Miguel: Ok this is the sign-up page, We were thinking, we can make an app where you track your progress, getting it out to the whole school or make a campaign. The possibilities are endless

Just then his phone started ringing playing "Round and Round" by Ratt, guess he did take my advice... well more like I forced him to listen to it

Miguel: That was my mom. I'll, uh, call her back later

Johnny: Hey, was that just...

Miguel: Ratt? Awesome, right?

Johnny: Yeah

Miguel: Well Jack forced me to listen to it but after that we ended up on this whole 80's-rock rabbit hole. That shit is dope

My phone chimed and I saw it was Robby who texted about hanging out and I replied that I'll see him at the skate park, I looked over and looked at dad

Jack: I gotta go

Johnny: Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you're at the school. Midnight

I nodded and walked out and towards my bike and got on speeding towards the skate park 

~~Skate Park~~

I got to the Skate park and saw him skating before he stopped when he saw me and he walked over and we did our handshake

Robby: I thought you weren't gonna come

Jack: Well I'm here now so stop worrying little bro

He chuckled at this

Robby: You're only older by a month

Jack: the key word in that sentence is older, little brother

We both laughed before he handed me his skateboard

Robby: You still know how to skate right?

Jack: Watch this

I went down and did a flip

Followed by

Before I fell down and groaned before getting back up and tried a different one on the lower side

I came back up and he had a smile while shaking his head and said

Robby: Show off

We both laughed before walking over to the shop across the skate park bought some snacks

Jack: So, what's wrong?

Robby: Nothing, it's just this idea I have

Jack: Lay it on me

Robby: What would you say about helping me piss off dad?

Jack: I'm in

Robby: You serious?

Jack: Yeah. Look the guy hasn't been there for either of us, so... What's the plan

We started talking about him going to work for Larusso and it sounded like a good idea

~~3rd POV~~

~~Larusso Residence~~

The family sat at the dinner table eating dinner while Sam talked about the Halloween dance and Amy just ignored everyone texting on her phone under the table 

Sam: I mean I feel bad for Aisha, but at the same time, I don't wanna dress up as a molecular compound

Amanda: Lia, what about you?

Amy: Hmm?

Amanda saw that she was distracted and looked at her hands and saw her texting someone with a smile on her face, Amy suddenly jerked her head to the side when Amanda snatched the phone from her hands

Amy: Mom! Give it back

Amanda: *Reads the Text messages* So you're not going to the dance?

Amy turned towards her father who almost choked on his water

Daniel: Wha-What? Why aren't you going to the dance? It'll be fun and your friends will be there

Amy: Define friends

Daniel: Okay, so what're you gonna do all night here at home

Amy: Go on a date.

Daniel: W-With who exactly?

Amy: Jackson

Daniel: Amy listen t-

Amy: Nope I'm not listening to you and rivalry with his dad, so please stop the lecture. Leave me alone to date who I want to date!

She got up and walked up the stairs and into her room slamming the door

Daniel: *Sighs* I'll go talk to her

Amanda: No. You stay right there, I'll go talk to her

~~Jack's POV~~

I parked my bike just as dad pulled into the parking lot and we all walked into the school with flashlights in hand

Me and Miguel stood confused as dad  stood infront of us

Jack: Uh, what are we doing here at midnight?

Miguel: Are you sure we're supposed to be here?

Johnny: Yeah, don't worry, my buddy's the might janitor. All right let me see your hands

He walked up to me and tied my arms and did the same to Miguel

Johnny: When you're in a fight, your first instinct is to use your hands, right?

Jack/Miguel: Yeah

Johnny: You gotta unlearn that... And think with your legs

Jack: How... do we do that?

Johnny: Well, you just, uh...

And then he pushed me into the water

Miguel: OH MY GOD!!

He then proceeded to push Miguel in as well

I started kicking with my legs until I floated above the water gasping for air


Johnny: Relax just be happy you didn't drown

Jack: *Growls*

I looked over to my side and saw that Miguel wasn't coming up before dad grabbed him by his wet hair  

Miguel: I'm drowning

Johnny: Drowning is for pussies, all right? Don't be a pussy! Use your legs!

He let go of him and waited

Johnny: Should've asked him, if he knew how to swim

Jack: Well, no shit you shitfucker

after a minute he grabbed him by the head again

Miguel: Please not again! I'm gonna die!

Johnny: "Cobra Kai Never Dies." Say it

Miguel: Cobra Kia Never Dies

Jack: Like your depends on it

Miguel: Cobra kai Never Dies!

Johnny: Now, I'm not gonna help you this time. You have all the power in your legs you need. Use it to kick your way up. Do you understand?

Miguel: Yes, Sensei!

He let go of him and he sunk back into the water and I was getting tired of kicking in the water and I started encouraging him

Jack: Come on, Miggy!

Still underwater

Jack: Come on!

he started kicking more and it happened, he burst out the water gasping for and shook his head like a wet dog and we all cheered for him 

~~3rd POV~~

Training Montage

Jack Stood infront of Johnny in the Dojo and kicked through the board in one try 

before scene changed to them back in the pool hands tied and kicking to stay above 

Scene changed to Miguel kicking the board 

Johnny: Come on, princess

Scene change back to the pool and then to the dojo as Miguel started kicking the board harder trying to break the board

Johnny: Keep that leg up, like man!


Johnny: Kick your enemy in the face!

Scene changes to Jack standing in front of a wooden structure took out the one labeled kneecaps and then chest before taking out the face as Johnny and Miguel cheered him on

Scene changes to Miguel doing the same with Johnny and Jack standing behind him 

Johnny: That's it

Scene changes back to the pool as Jack sat at the edge panting and watched Miguel do his ten minutes before the doors opened up and the janitor walked in

Janitor: Hey! What're you doing in here?! You're not allowed in here after dark

Jack got up and pulled Miguel out the pool as Johnny pulled them towards the exit

Johnny: C'mon we got to go

Miguel: I thought you said you know this guy?

Johnny: Of course not. I lied

Training Montage Ends

Miguel sat on the mat putting his socks on while Jack was in the back getting ready to go pick up Amy

Miguel: Oh man, I wish I could show my mom what I did to those boards, where I was right now, she would kill me

Johnny:  Put your costume on. I'm taking you to the dance, where's Jack? *Looks around*

Right on cue jack came walking out all dressed up

Jack: How do I look?

Miguel: You look good.

Johnny: Ain't you goin' to the dance

Jake: hell naw. I've got a date tonight

Johnny: That's my boy! One question though is she ho-

he cuts him off by showing him a picture of Amy and Johnny whistles and they high-five and looked over at Miguel who was wearing some-kind of superhero bullshitting rip-off

Jack: What the fuck are you supposed to be?! Poor Man?

The father-son duo share a laugh at the expense of Miguel

Miguel: Ha ha ha. Laugh it up, my yaya made this for me

Jack: Well, your yaya needs to stop sewing for good

After he walked over at Miguel and pulled the costume off of him and looked at his father

Jack: You still got that skeleton costume

Johnny: Yeah

Jack: Good, 'cause I'm running late, Sayonara

With that he walked out the dojo and climbed onto his bike before starting it and doing doughnuts in the road and sped off

~~Larusso Residence~~

Jack pulled up into the drive-way and switched off his bike before walking up the porch and stood infront of the door rung the bell waiting a couple minutes before the door opened revealing Amanda standing there arms crossed over her chest

Jack: Hi... Is Amy ready?

Amanda: Why don't you come in and wait for her till she finishes getting ready

Jack: Ookay

He walked into the house and saw little fat kid playing games on an ipad before walking and sitting next to the kid who looked at him for a moment 

Before going back to what he was doing

Jack: Hey there little guy, what's your name

Boy: It's Deez...

Jack chuckled at that before whispering in the boy's

Jack: I'm gonna tie you up and make you watch me as I break your ipad, phone, Xbox and any other electronic you have here and then I'm gonna kill you and your sister and your dad and your momma leaving only Amy. So tell me what's your name? 

Boy: A-Anthony

Jack: Oh, I almost forgot next time you try acting smart with me I'm gonna make sure to break your stupid little drone and kill you so delete that fucking footage or you won't live to eat another chocolate bar. You little fat pig *Oinks*

He sat back as Anthony's face was full of fear before standing up when he saw Amy walk down the stair and he was left in a daze by the way she looked

Jack: *Mouth agape*.... Wow

Amy: *Blushes* Ready to go?

Jack: Yeah, let's go

They walked to the door and right when they were about to open the door Amanda

Amanda: Hold on!

She walked up to the couple and looked at Jack

Amanda: You have her by 10:00 not later than that, are we clear?

Jack: *Thoughts* Stupid ass bitch. Yes Ma'am

Amanda: Good, now you guys can go

They walked out the door and towards Jack's bike

Amy: You're not gonna do what she says, right?

Jack: Nope. For next *looks at watch* Two hours you are mine, so you ready to have some fun?

Amy nodded with a smile on her face excited for what he has instore for her and hopped on behind him and he started the bike before speeding down the street

Amy: Whooo!

~~Golf N' Stuff~~

The couple stood side by side as they played a dancing game waiting for the next level to come up and it was level 2 they started to the beat laughing before they lost

Jack: Ahhh! C'mon! 

He steps up to the side of the machine before banging on it

Jack: This thing cheated me of my coins, I want them

While Amy just stood there laughing watching her boyfriend fight a machine after a few seconds Jack gave up and walked away and towards the laughing Amy

Before he looked up and behind her and saw a Photobooth and grabbed Amy by the hand and dragged her to the booth 

(The Guy is Jack and The Girl is Amy)

They stepped out taking the photos before walking over to the other arcade games


They walked over to the cashier to cash out their tickets looked over anything available

Amy: Ooh! Those two *Points at two stuffed wolves* Those two!

Jack: Okay, stop acting like a kid

They each get one and they walk out the arcade and towards a nearby hotdog stand and bought two Hot dogs

Amy: So what're we gonna name them?

Jack: It's obvious this one should be Alpha

Amy: And this one?

Jack: What about Luna?

Amy: Why?

Jack: Because the Luna wolf is the better half of the alpha wolf, just like you and me

Amy: Aww, So it's settled she'll be named Luna

They sat in silence which was not awkward but actually peaceful just enjoying each other's company looking up at the starry night sky holding each other hand

~~Larusson Night~~

Amy hopped off the bike once it came to a stop and stood infront of Jack smiling and he hopped off his bike cupping her cheek and kissed her while she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him down seeing as he was 5'10 and she was 5'4

They pulled apart and rested their foreheads together

Amy: I really had fun tonight

Jack: Me too. Pick you tomorrow

Amy: Yeah

They kissed once more but this one lasted a bit longer before they pulled away for air and Jack leaned against his bike watching her walk to the front door but as she opened the door she looked back and winked at him

He smirked to himself and got onto his bike and sped off


When Jack got to the apartment he found the door opened and saw his dad laid out on the floor knocked out cold and next to him was a six pack and crushed beer cans

He sighed to himself to his picked Johnny up dragged him to his room before dumping on the bed and took his shoes off

And walked out the room and sat on the couch turned towards the TV just to see it's on the floor cracked, he again sighed and fished a cigarette from his pocket and lit it before getting up and walking to the kitchen opened the fridge and took two bottles of beer

He walked back to the couch sat down and drank finishing a bottle in one go before going for the next one and took a pull from the cig

And once was done with that he got up walked into his and fell onto his bed falling asleep

|||||| To Be Continued|||||||||

(Was bored and had some time to kill this and study at the same time)

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