(Book 1) Warriors: Separation...


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Tensions rise among the forest as all four clans become increasingly unstable. Traitors and tyrants infecting... Еще

(Allegiances) *SKIP PLEASE*
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 21

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Skystar looked around the camp. Everything was peaceful. Sunkit and Badgerkit were play-fighting. Skystar remembered that they were going to be apprentices in just a moon. How fast time flies... He thought, reminiscing about everything that had happened before then.

After Speckledstones was exiled, Skystar decided to make Hawkfire the new deputy. Hawkfire was the oldest and most experienced warrior, as well as being trustworthy and super rigid about sticking to the warrior code. Sorrow washed over Skystar as he remembered how great of a deputy Speckledstones was. And then he just had to ruin the peace and harmony of our clan by becoming mates with our medicine cat... he thought angrily.

"Deadfang, Oakpaw, Tigerjump, Honeypaw and Leaffire!"

Skystar looked down at Hawkfire sitting at the base of the Tall Rock. The deputy was calling out names for the dawn patrol. The three warriors and two apprentices that were called began drowsily emerging from their dens, blinking away sleep, Skystar observed.

Skystar yawned. Ever since the whole Whiteclaw debacle, there hasn't been much to do around here... Skystar remarked. Bored, he hopped down from the Tall Rock and headed for the camp entrance, giving a slight dip of his head in acknowledgement to Hawkfire. He trotted up the tunnel leading in and out of Windclan, waving his tail in greeting to the guards.

Skystar relaxed as the wind flew gently over the moors, ruffling his fur and the bushes, and sending tumbleweeds bouncing across the earth. Skystar let out a long, relaxed sigh. At least here I don't have to remember everything that happened... he thought sadly. He missed Speckledstones. The former deputy could be annoying at times, but Skystar grew to really lean on him. Hawkfire was a good deputy as well, and he handled the job like he'd been a deputy since the moment he was made a warrior.

Skystar padded farther from camp, heading toward the barn at the edge of Windclan territory. Part of him hoped he might find Speckledstones and Emberheart there. Maybe they'd been able to make a home there. The farm was big and full of mice, Skystar was sure that any cat could survive there.

But however much he hoped, he knew it wouldn't make a difference either way. Speckledstones and Emberheart were exiled from Windclan, and Skystar himself did it. There was no way he'd be able to face them now after betraying their trust like he did.

As the blurry shape of the barn became larger and more detailed, Skystar thought he could make out the small shapes of cats lingering around and inside the barn, however he couldn't be sure.

Getting closer, he finally realized that he really was seeing cats there. He quickly darted toward a small bush near the fence of the barn, making sure that know one from the barn saw him. What if Speckledstones and Emberheart are there... he thought dreadfully.

Peeking through the wooden fence, Skystar could make out a cat with tabby fur and some lighter stripes, as well as a burn on their face. He continued watching as another cat appeared, their fur dark brown, and their belly and paws looked a little brighter. The cat was very robust, Skystar shuddered at thinking what would happen should he happen to get in a fight with the cat. A gray-ish blue cat padded out of the barn carrying a half-eaten mouse, and a hairless cat following them. What a strange group... Skystar thought, intrigued.

Skystar was about to get up and leave when he heard some voices behind him.

"What if they caught you? There's no way it would've ended well!" An angry she-cat seemed to speak.

"Relax! I was extra careful. If anything, me and my brother look similar enough for people to think it's just Skystar." Another voice responded.

Skystar's blood ran cold as he realized who the speaking cats were.

Emberheart and Speckledstones!

Skystar crawled further into the bush, staying as low as possible. The paw steps of the two cats stopped, and Skystar's heart began beating so fast he thought it'd burst.

"Hey, it kinda smells like Skystar over here." Speckledstones mewed. Skystar suppressed a gasp. Oh Starclan, what have I gotten myself into?! He thought dreadfully. Emberheart chuckled. "Maybe he just needed some time from his clan. It is a little weird that he would come this close to the barn though." she wandered. Speckledstones sniffed the air. "This is a really fresh scent. Do you think he just left or something?" he mewed to Emberheart. Emberheart sniffed the air as well. "Come to think of it, yeah. Maybe we can find him."

Skystar widened his eyes, confused. Why would Emberheart and Speckledstones be looking for him?

Speckledstones sighed. "What use is it? What happens if we run into him? He's either gonna tell us to get away from Windclan territory, or refuse to consider letting us back in the clan. We're fine like this, aren't we?" he told her.

"But Rainbowpaw..." Emberheart trailed off sadly. Speckledstones seemed to pick up on Emberheart's grief for leaving Rainbowpaw and softened his tone as he said, "Hey, if Starclan wants us to leave the clan, they'll somehow find a way to make it work. And if that means making a medicine apprentice a full medicine cat without a mentor, then they'll do that." he reassured. Emberheart seemed to brighten up. "Yeah, you're probably right. Still, I just miss her." she mewed.

The two padded up to the fence and leaped over it, Speckledstones landing clumsily on the ground. Once Skystar was out of earshot, he darted out of the bush, running as fast as he could away from the barn. It would be bad if they caught me... He thought, his heart racing.

"Skystar! Skystar, wait!"

Skystar froze, paralyzed with shock as the voice and paw steps grew closer. No doubt about it, Speckledstones had noticed him.

Nervously, he turned around. He was immediately met with Speckledstones, who collapsed on the ground for a moment while heavily panting. Skystar inwardly groaned. There was no escaping him now.

After a moment of heavy breathing, Speckledstones got back up. He faced Skystar, determination blazing in his eyes. "Skystar, would you please let us back in Windclan?" he pleaded. Skystar widened his eyes, confusion welling up inside him. "Didn't you say you didn't even think you had a chance to get back in?" he remarked. Speckledstones' ears perked up in surprise. "How did you know I said that?" he pressed. Skystar's heart dropped. Maybe I'm worse at hiding things than I thought. He thought, annoyed. "I was in the bush right next to you and Emberheart during your guys' discussion," he confessed.

Speckledstones stared at Skystar for a moment, then burst out laughing. "Oh, so that's what it was! I thought I was going crazy, like I could smell you but you weren't even there." he chuckled. Skystar suppressed a small huff of amusement, trying hard to keep his expression blank.

Skystar sighed. "Listen, I really wish you could rejoin Windclan. Rainbowpaw needs Emberheart, she's been overwhelmed with all her duties. And even though Hawkfire is an excellent deputy, you were great at it as well." he admitted. Speckledstones' eyes lit up happily. Skystar avoided his gaze and continued, "But the clan would never let me hear the end of it if I let you guys back in. Hawkfire especially. He's not one to let the warrior code slip." he explained. Speckledstones' eyes immediately clouded with sadness.

Skystar stared at his paws, not knowing what else to say.

Wait a second... Skystar thought, an idea crossing his mind. He looked back up at Speckledstones hopefully. "I have an idea, though it isn't guaranteed to work." he told Speckledstones. His half-brother perked up, his eyes hopeful.

"Have you ever heard of the tribe that lives in the mountains? The Tribe of Rushing Water, I'm told they were called." he asked Speckledstones. Speckledstones shook his head no, clearly confused. Skystar continued, "They had a certain way to make big decisions for their tribe. The leader of the tribe would set out multiple stones, one for every tribe member. Each member could move one stone to the left or the right to vote for what they wish to do. It's called the casting of the stones." he explained. Speckledstones stared at Skystar thoughtfully for a moment, then happiness lit up his gaze. "So what you're saying is, you'll host this sort of ceremony, and your clan can decide whether or not me and Emberheart rejoin the clan!" he squealed. Skystar nodded. "Again, there's no guarantee that it'll work, but there's a chance." he reminded Speckledstones. The former deputy nodded. "Great! Well, make sure the news gets back to us when it's over, alright?" Speckledstones made his half-brother promise.

"Yeah. If it works, I'll be glad to have you back." he conceded.

Dipping his head goodbye to Speckledstones, he quickly padded back off to Windclan camp, determination strong in his chest. He spotted the tunnel leading into Windclan's camp, and began slowing his pace. The sun was starting to set, casting beautiful orange rays of sunshine across the sky.

Skystar jumped up on the Tall Rock, Hawkfire just beneath him.

"All cats old enough to run the moors, gather below the Tall Rock for a clan meeting!" he called out. Cats started gathering around the Tall Rock, placing themselves down and gazing up at Skystar.

Once he was sure that everyone had arrived, he began.

"This is a somewhat special clan meeting. All of us will pitch in to decide something very important." he mewed. He watched as nervous gazes swept through the clan, many eyes were glazed with confusion.

"I want everyone to grab one rock and place it in front of the freshkill pile." he ordered. Confused gazes quickly spread throughout the cats, however they did as they were told. Everyone began looking for rocks and setting them down in front of the freshkill pile.

Once everyone was finished, Skystar continued. "You all may recall Emberheart and Speckledstones, and the reason that they were exiled, correct?" he recalled. Some cats hesitantly nodded, others just sat there, confused.

Skystar continued, "Well, you all know as well as I do what valuable assets they were to Windclan. Emberheart was an amazing medicine cat, and without her, Rainbowpaw may not be given a full medicine cat name." he explained sadly. He caught Rainbowpaw's eye, the she cat's gaze filled with sorrow.

"And Speckledstones–no offense, Hawkfire–was an amazing deputy as well. Despite having a past as a rogue, he served us well. Hawkfire isn't an elder yet, but he shouldn't have to bear this weight since he's much older than most of the other cats." he conceded, with an apologetic glance to Hawkfire. The tom's gaze was filled with anger and confusion, but he kept his mouth shut. Looking back at his clan, Skystar continued, "Well, I'm going to have each one of you cast a vote. Each cat shall move one rock to vote for whether or not we should let Emberheart and Speckledstones rejoin Windclan." he explained calmly.

Murmurs of disbelief and confusion spread throughout the clan, and some cats were casting mistrusting glances toward Skystar. Ignoring them, he continued. "If you move your rock left, that means you wish to keep Emberheart and Speckledstones in exile. If you move your rock right, that means you wish to allow Emberheart and Speckledstones back into the clan. You may not change your vote after you have already cast it." he told his clan.

One by one, Skystar began calling out names for cats to come and cast their vote.

Almost everyone had voted.

Rainbowpaw, Deadfang, Oakpaw, Tigerjump, Hollypaw, Leaffire and Dawnpelt had all voted for Emberheart and Speckledstones to rejoin Windclan. Nettleclaw, Finsplash, Waspstrike, Noonfeather, Honeypaw, and Mousepaw had all voted for them to stay as exiles. Only two votes remained, Hawkfire and Crowsong.

Hawkfire went before Crowsong, and obviously chose for Emberheart and Speckledstones to stay out of Windclan.

Crowsong was the last. Skystar observed that Crowsong's eyes were heavy with nervousness, and tension filled the air as Crowsong laid his paw on the last rock.

Seconds felt like days as Crowsong decided what to do.

However, his decision was finally made.

Speckledstones and Emberheart were never to set foot in Windclan camp again.

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