Lost Wonders (Stray Kids x Ho...

By Lix_Lovrr

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⚠TW; Disturbing topics, talks of suicide, mentions of murder/distortions/cults⚠ Being trapped with nowhere to... More

No Turning back
The Red Dream
Longer wait
Wrong Move
Thin Wire Left
Weeping Boy
🎃Halloween Special (one shot)🍬
🦃Thanksgiving Special (one shot) 🍗
🎄Christmas special(one shot)🎁

Weeping Boy Pt.2

109 5 0
By Lix_Lovrr


if the warnings don't disturb or trigger you, enjoy the chapter 

Jeongins POV

The next thing I know I'm in a dark, old, run-down room with Chan sitting in a chair facing me....

"Chan!" I tried to scream but it was muffled by the cloth in my mouth.  He started to walk to me and pulled the cloth down. We stared at each other in silence, I started to cry not knowing why he was doing this.

"Why..." I got out between sobs; He squat down to my level, and I backed up afraid of what he was going to do.

He put his hand out as if he was going to touch me, he hesitated for a bit until he just...hugged me? 

"I'm sorry..." He started to squeeze me, I feel him shaking a bit and I'm starting to get confused. He pulled away looking at me with guilt in his eyes "I'm sorry, I don't have a choice, the stress and pressure of what my dad was putting on me got the best of me and you made me snap over text and I-...I've gotten myself too deep into this rabbit hole, there's no other way to end this...." I stared at him trying to force myself to say something, but nothing came out. 

I could tell he was waiting for me to say something, so he started to talk again. "I wish I could turn back time and make things up to you..." "Then let me go" I was surprised, so was Chan at what I said, I didn't expect myself to say something "I wish I could, but now that you're here, you have only one way out" confused I asked, "One way out?".

Thats when he pulled the cloth back into my mouth and left the room, leaving me confused.

I stayed there for about 1 month or so alone in the dark with Chan bringing me food every day in secret, he was only supposed to feed me once a week, but he felt guilty so that was the least he could do.

One day A tall man walked into the room with people behind him.

He then asked, "Are you ready?" as any normal person would answer I looked at him confused but responded no, though it sounded muffled it was clear. He left the room for a few hours then came back.

He picked me up by my arm yanking me to follow him and the other people. He put me in a room that was wood all around, with weapons and a chair in the middle with straps on it. My eyes widen as I see all of the stuff. The man pushed me inside and strapped me down to the chair. He left once again for a few minutes then came back with Chan.

Pushing Chan inside he tried to step out again but got pushed back in. "I'm not doing this I already told you this!" Chan tried to protest but the man was not taking no for an answer.
"Do it or I'll kill you along with him" My heart starts racing knowing what was going to happen to me now. 

Chan started to walk up to a knife taking it into his hands looking at it. He walked up to me and placed it by my neck. I start to cry shaking my head to make him stop, "Chan! Please, stop!" I tried to yell but it was muffled. I didn't want to die, not like this, not by him. He hesitated for a long time, about a minute goes by with him just staring at me and the knife. "I'm sorry" was all I heard before I felt a pricking sensation in my neck. He had sliced my neck open.

It wasn't deep to kill me instantly but enough to kill me slowly. Tear were streaming down my face with the pain stinging. I started to gag and cough up blood onto the cloth. I saw every moment in my life, from the moment I could remember to now, all the good times and bad, especially with Chan.

A certain memory stuck with me, 

It was my first day in high school and I had no friends no one to go to. I would sit alone for weeks on end before I met Chan, he was nice to me welcoming me with open arms. We got along and I felt like I truly had a friend. We never fought nor argued, we were like two puzzle pieces we really did fit together. We were like friend soulmates, Chan introduced me to the others and that's why we all were always together. Even though we argue or fight a couple of times, we still loved each other like family. Even when Chan left high school, we still were friends and hung out even more than before. I always thought we would live peaceful like that. I always thought his dad was a little weird and when he got sent to a psych ward, I never really thought much of it.

Until this moment. 

I stared at Chan one last time with pain and betrayal in my eyes, I would have never thought this would've happened to me especially by Chan. I took one last shaky breath before everything went black for me.

Moments later I woke up Feeling cold, but I was in the same room. I thought I survived what just happened, but I was wrong. I noticed I couldn't feel my heartbeat and I felt light. I raised my hand Infront of my face and saw I could see right through it. 'I'm dead?' I thought, backing up I looked at my body in the chair. 

The blood was trickling down the sides on my neck with a huge gash on it. I heard the door open, and I saw the man, Chan, and a few people with them. The other people unstrap my body and bring it into a different room with an operating table in it. They placed my body one it and the worst thing I witnessed happened.

They took machetes out and started to rip off my limps one by one. I watched in horror with the ripping and cutting sounds ringing in my ears. They placed each limb into a bag except my torso, I wanted to run away but I had nowhere to go, I'm dead no one can see me.

Later that night I went to find Chans room and I saw he was squirming in his sleep. He was crying in his sleep repeating 'I'm sorry' over and over. I stood and watched him squirm as a feeling of guilt fills my senses. He suddenly shoots awake and sits up breathing heavily as he turned his head to me.

Chan looked at me as if he could see me, he started to back away from me. "Jeongin?" he let out in a breathless tone, I was shocked he could see me, he started to cry saying sorry repeatedly. I looked at him with pity, I knew he didn't want to kill me, he didn't want to die either. I hugged him, knowing I could feel him, but he can't feel me. I just mumble 'It's okay' and loosen my grip as I leave the room.

Months later I seen that one of the members got almost every one of my friends. I'm sure Chan didn't know because he would've taken care of them like he did me. I tried to communicate with them but none of them could see me beside Minho. I explained to him what happened to me, half telling the truth because I didn't want to scare him by telling him the whole truth. I knew he wasn't easily scared but he would get worried for the others safety.

When he asked if I saw the leader, I said no, but I tried to describe who killed me , I didn't tell him who it was, so I said I didn't remember much. I knew he would feel betrayed by Chan. I gave him help on how to survive but never answered most questions. 

Now we are both waiting for their time to be up.

sooner or later.


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