Done with Lies

By ProblemChild1720

2.6K 61 12

Marinette is done with Lila's lies, she decides she can't take it any more. She wants to move. She eventually... More

Help Please
Who am I?
Am I Sure?
The Park
We Need to Talk...
The plan
The Interveiw
So Close Yet so Far
All I Know is Pain
Truth Be Told
A brief discussion
Is It Too Much To Handle?
Just Add Fun
Nearly There
The day has come (really long)
The Meeting
Leave Me Alone
The Date
My Happily Ever After
The End (A/N)

First Day Jitters

70 3 0
By ProblemChild1720

Like always I will start of my chapter with some weird words.

Imagine moving halfway across the country, no family to see, new classes to take. Some may have done that others may have not but important thing is that we all can move on. As said/hinted in the last chapter moving can get stressful but it will get easier. At least that's what Marinette thinks.



"UGHHHH, it's so earlyyy. I don't wanna get upppp," Marinette moaned as she got out of bed, forcing herself obviously. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she brought her toothpaste covered brush up to her mouth but before she could start brushing tears leaked through her eyes. They weren't genuine, it was like when your mother cuts fresh onions. Pushing through the pain, she scrubbed gently.

Unlike her regular days of school, she had to be ready for a whole new area. Oh, and new people, she couldn't be Miss. Pushover anymore. She had to defend herself. Although her morning routines leave her refreshed, she always has a hint of drowsiness. When she was Ladybug, it was like an unbearable weight crashing down on her. Now days, she felt free as if nothing could hurt her. Like Paris she didn't have to have a uniform just to wear respectful clothing. She had changed her style slightly in the sense that she prefers more comfortable clothes. Marinette picked out a pair of skinny jeans that went up to her ankles. To compliment the jeans, she had a top on saying 'daydreamer' which described her quite well. Her hair was in a simple loose plait. To finish off the look she wore a sage coloured baggy fleece that hung from her body, not outlining her figure that much. Marinette doesn't get enough credit for her figure. It's whatever society calls "Model like". (Everyone is beautiful:) She takes good care of herself believe it or not. Aside from her physique, she is naturally beautiful. Her gorgeous bluebell eyes catch everyone's attention, not to mention her glossy locks. She has small brown freckles that dust her face; pink plump lips kept hydrated. All in all, she was just stunning.

Slipping on her shiny new boots she headed out the door to meet her friends in the cafeteria. It felt so different, the halls were almost empty, yet they felt so full. A few tired students here and there but not much. Marinette felt so uneasy, but she carried on through the halls.

Once at the Cafeteria, she rested her bag down and slumped onto the bench. Now this place was packed, and she meant packed.  "Hey guys. Oh hey, Miki and Haru!"  Quite surprised to see theme there she greeted them with a happy face. "Hey girl, we wanted to introduce you to some friends!" "Oooo yay! Come on guys it be fun," Marinette beckoned her friends to come with and reluctantly they agreed. Although her herself was terrified she didn't let that stop her. "HEYYYYYYYYYY ANYAAAAAA!" Miki quite literally shouted across the hall. The red head responded with a "HEYYYYYYY GIRLLLLLLL," Definitely matched each other's energy. "I got to go; my friends are waiting for me. Bye guys, bye babe," He gave Miki a small peck on the cheek before joining his group of friends. "Boys, anyways, this is Marinette Chloe,Kagami,Nino and Luka. Other guys, this is Anya my BFF. And over there is Akari and right at the back is Yami," The three girls looked up to them and smiled. "Omg Hiiiii, so you're the newbies right. Well, we will keep you company. I'm Anya, as you know.  And don't mind Yami she is always tired. Akari is pretty laid back. You will get used to us,". The red head talked so fast that no one could comprehend what she was saying. "Hi, and nice to meet you," "Yeah what she said," Yami mumbled after Akari had greeted them. Once introduced they all sat down to chat. 'This is going well' Marinette thought.

(IMMA BE CRAZYYY. Nah jk it's pretty common. Can you guess the POV I'm gonna write innn)

Lila POV

'BE-'. Before the damn alarm clock could start blaring in smacked it. This was going to be long day. Lying is hard work you know.  I honestly don't get enough credit.
Those pesky fools don't know what the truth is, and I intend to make it stay that way.

I flipped my bag over my shoulder ready to leave until, "Not going to say bye to your mum,". I stopped dead in my tracks. What was she doing here. "I though you left for work. Your almost never here anyways so it's just habit," I replied, trying to sound as nice as I could, hints of resentment in my voice. "Aww come on don't be like that. I'm busy you know trying to keep this roof over our heads," "That's always the case with you, busy, busy, busy, no time for family. That's why dad never wanted you," I let slip out, instant regret spilling onto my face. "Oh really, w-well brat he left because of you and your crappy behavior. 4 years old and everyone hated you, even your own father. Don't try to make yourself feel better, worthless girl," She spitted. I could smell it from here, alcohol...

Tears were spilling from my eyes. We had fights but not this bad. "Stop just s-stop talking," I stuttered. "Why, can't take it. Useless, can't even handle her own words. I don't know why I kept you. Useless little s**t,".  


SMASH! Hundreds of tiny shards of glass flew, darting everywhere. Sheltering themselves for the floods of tears to come. "Get out. Go to school, I don't want to see your face today. Do whatever you want I don't care. You come here to eat and sleep nothing else." With that she left, not bothering to clean the glass.

Wiping the dried tears from my face I ran to school. I still had around 15 minutes to fix my mascara. I needed to focus on my make up but I couldn't stop thinking about my mother's words. I was out of line sure but she didn't even remember the most important thing. My birthday...
Sure she may have been there to surprise me but I doubt it I mean she deserves nothing even if she does remember, no happy birthday or I love you. Just work this and work that. Whatever, I can't show weakness to people who are below me.

I strutted into class expecting to see each and everyone of my minions there. Just asalways they greeted me with a hey girl or sup Lila. Mrs Bustier wouldn't be there for another 15 minutes so I decided to have a little fun my mortal "enemy". Pridfully, I looked down on her just to see that she wasn't there. When I first met matinette she was quite the late sort but she got more punctual.  I was surprised but I guess old habits don't die hard.

I hadn't realised  how much time had passed for I was interrupted by loud "Morning class, Please take your seats. Welcome back to another year of high school!" Everyone greeted her with small 'hello' in response. Not really enthusiastic but ready to learn. "Now I'm going to take the register. Adrien, ah! Good to see you. Ivan, nice too see you too. Alya, yep! Julia, love the hair. Mylene, perfect. Max, present. Alix, Nice shoes. Rose, I'm liking the perfume.....      
Alright thats everyone! So today our new topic i-". she finished, her voice sounded almost forced. What did she mean that's everyone. "Uh Miss, you forgot Marinette," I pointed out. "OH and Chloe and Nino," Rose added. Suddenly Mrs Bustier got quiet. "Well class. I have some unfortunate news. Our classmates for over 10 years have sadly left our school. Now I was given a note and I was to read it to the class later but I think we should probably wait until the afternoon to read it but I understand that it may be intriguing you ," WHAT! THAT PUNK LEFT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME, UGHHHH!!! She had no right.

"Well this is a sad day but after tomorrow we shall all act as normal.,". As she teared open the seal I feared what was to be read. Despite the faith the teacher had in me I still feared what was to be said
"Well, all listening.

Dear my ex - class and teacher,
I would like to start off with a positive. I think I can speak for all three of us when I say we had enjoyed most of our time at this school. I had made many kind friends (and foes) but for the last 8 years I had fun. Now comes the negative. You may have notice 8 years was said quite harshly. These last two years had been hell. I had no trust, no safety among anyone one. Believed or not I had been beaten and abused for the remainder of my life there. I shall not go into too much detail f-for I am tok traumatised to t-talk about such things much less to write. I h-hope you can see my reasoning and feelings and I wish you the best in your futures.
As much kindness and regret,
M-marinette Chloe a-and Nin-no," she broke down, sobing, screaming. "Miss, you can't possibly believe her much more trust her, she is a lying cheat," Alya pointed out.

Trying to cmpose herself Mrs Bustier turned from upset to furious. "I feel so  stupid. I should have believed her, and you! You pushed her away, you should be ashamed no mortified at yourselves. I know I am,". She looked disgusted at us, at herself. She didn't believe that surely. I am always right. "Miss Rossi is the worst of it, you are in big trouble," .
Just then around 7 cops walked in. Slowly and surely they edged closer and close until right infront of me and my followers they stood, feirce and tall. "Miss Rossi you are under arrest for bullying  harassment,  abuse  in two forms and assault. Same goes for your friends ," W-what no they couldn't do this. "I was forced, they did it. Please don't I'm innoc-" " save  it! We have video proof that we wod actually like to share,". Just then a video of popped up onto the screen.

Fool I have all your useless friends under my control. They don't understand anything. Soon you will be so disliked that it will become unbearable. Every second of life coming closer. I vowed to make your life hell and I will go through with it. Your stupid friends will make sure of it
". The video ended there, I just kept my head low, avoiding all the stress I got form my basically ex friends. I awaited the second the screams would come but it didn't. Instead, an uncomfortable silence. Its lasted a few minutes until I heard a, "How- How could you? You tricked us, hah! You tricked us. Its all your fault. Your fault were in this situation, you cau-," Alya ranted, cut off by Adrien. "Stop Alya, this is no ones fault but our own. Lila can deal with her mistakes and us with ours. Don't blame anyone. You were the ones who bullied her, I bullied her and I regret it. I may not have physically harmed her, but God knows how mentally broken she was," He finished, horrified at himself. "Now we have a list of names of people who have to come into the station. Lila Rossi, Alya Cesaire, Ivan Bruel, Alix Kubdel and Le Chein Kim. From our intel, you are the ones to have physically harmed her. Now, unless Miss Dupain - Cheng calls to press legal charges against any of you, you are off the hook. But what you did was not right and the only person who seems to recognise this is Mr. Agreste. Now, come on," He paused and grunted to Mrs. Bustier, who nodded sadly, and left, taking me and the others to what would become my worst nightmare.                        

(Did you like it?)

Marinette POV

It had been the most eventful day; it had gone so quickly. I had made a few friends but warned myself not to get too close. I got on with my work and my teachers all seem to like me.  That wasn't the best part of my day. I got the most exciting news of my life. I never though this day would come. I mean I imagined this was a sick joke but it was real and I have never been happier.

'Ughhh, I'm so tired, I hate walkingg' I thought as I trudged through the halls, I loved the place but I kept getting lost. Me and the guys were walking through the halls until I looked around I saw a familiar set of locks. A muted head of hair walked by in the halls, head lowered. 'Oh uhh Noah?' I questioned, it could be anybody. I was lost in thought (as I always am) until 'BRING BRING' My phone rang. Chloe looked at me as I went to silence it. Almost ignoring it, I notice the number was 112! 'WHAT DID I DO,OH MY GOD, AHHHHHH!' I internally panicked until I realised I had to pick it up. The others now notice my worried face and theirs became overcome with shock when they realised who was calling. "WELL PICK IT UP!" Nino almost shrieked. "NO WHAT IF THEY NEED TO ARREST HER!" Chloe counter screamed. For once even Luka seemed panicked. "W-what do we do?". "I can't believe you guys, we are in Japan. Why would Paris call her to arrest her,". Although Kagami was panicked she had a point. What I didn't realise was that it was still ringing
"STOP AGRUGING!" I shouted, answering the phone. "H-hello," I stuttered, AGAIN. "Hello is this Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" The operator asked. "Y-yes speaking,"
"We are calling to inform  you of recent events. You may want to sit down, and I believe I hear friends in the background. Would any of those happen to be Miss Bourgeois and Mr Lahiffe?" "Yes, they are?" I replied, ushering everyone to sit down on the nearest bench. "Well, I have quite some interesting news for all of you. Earlier today, in Paris, a Miss Lila Rossi, Miss Alya Cèsaire, Miss Alix Kubdel, Mr Ivan Bruel and a Mr Le Chien Kim...

Have been arrested," He finished

"Take your time Miss Dupain-Cheng. It is quite overwhelming. I would just like to add that unless you would like to charge any of you other classmates for verbal abuse we cannot do anything,"
"U-uh t-thank you, T-thank y-you very m-much," I stuttered, almost bursting into tears.
"Just doing our job, Miss. Thank you. I shall call back in two weeks to hear your decision on the charges," He paused and said his goodbyes.
I. Broke. Down.
Tears leaped out of my eyes as I sobbed but for once not of sadness but happiness. 'Its finally came, karma came..'.
"Mari, you know what this means. Well two things  1, they got what they deserved, your free. And 2, you can charge the others. They can all pay for what they did," . I froze and shook my head. "Charging them won't make me feel better, it will only make me feel guilty. You guys can though if you wish. They did things to you too," Chloe looked stunned but her face softened. "I won't if you won't, what about you Nino," He smiled and agreed.

"OK guys, this is the best news we've ever had but we really need to get to class," luka reminded us. With that we dashed off.

Runing in the corridors actually gave me time to think. I could finally be happy, I could finally sleep at night, I had justice. They got what they deserved. And the others well, they will have to live with the fact they bullied the innocent,"

No ones POV

Reaching the classroom, they all stepped inside

Not knowing someone was watching them.

SO SO close to being finished. I'm so eager to start my new book. I have quit many books so I though best to carry this on. I want to say again that thank you for the reads. I wanted to make this longer but I just can't find time. Hopefully the next chapter will be out soon. I have actually written it but I have go stagger my release dates so yeah. Im sorry I haven't posted in a while Thanks for the patience and hope you enjoyed.

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