Time Fall

By gtllamabear

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - End chapter
Thank you from Author

Chapter 18

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By gtllamabear

Sky was walking down the hall and she noticed that everyone was looking at Cleo. Sky walked over to ask why everyone was looking at Cleo in such a weird way.
    "Hey Cleo, what's going on?"
    "What Sky, do you not like the new me?"
    "What do you mean new you?"
    "How do you not notice, nobody likes you anymore Sky, your old news, that's why nobody looks at you anymore. You can live just like I once did, pain and misery."
Cleo gave Sky a harsh stare that made her uncomfortable.
    "Cleo, what's gotten into you?"
    "Shut up!"
Cleo pushed past her, but it wasn't a normal shove, it sent Sky flying into the lockers. Sky screamed in pain when her back hit the lockers, she couldn't seem to get up off the floor, it was almost as if every bone in her body was broken. She was able to lift her upper body off the floor and when she did she saw Storm talking to Cleo, but it looked like he didn't even realize that it was Cleo. Sky had finally regained feeling in her legs and she walked over to Cleo and storm. Storm looked Sky in the eyes and his expression changed.
Cleo's eyes turned incredibly red and her whole body structure morphed into a slender, thin woman with deep emerald eyes and long, straight black hair and a black, form-fitting dress that went all the way to the floor as she stomped the ground she stood upon.
"You've ruined everything! You couldn't have had me have just one day, could you?"
Her voice turned low and demonic, as she separates Storm from Sky.
"Get out of my sight you slut."
Cleo raised a hand and it sent Sky across the school hallway.
"My dear, sweet child. You have no idea what your friend has done, do you"
"What is happening?!"
    "What's happening is, I've been watching you, mortals, waste your lives away with silly, tedious matters such as boy problems, wars, and the whole world. There was a thing of morality and decorum when I was alive, however, none is alive in these modern times. Seems as though as you humans wasted your lives, so you must remember who's in charge."
Sky felt her knees slamming to the ground, and her head looking straight up at the woman
"You have no idea who I am, do you? Well, I go by many names, but you may call me Narcissa. Nice to finally meet you, child."
"Where are we?!"
    "Do you ask this many questions? We are on the Ethereal Plane, and you my child, must be away from Cleo. You've caused a lot more damage than good"
"Stop! It's time to be silent my child, we'll talk later"
Narcissa lifts her hand, and raises a cage under Sky, but sending her off to a different part of the plane. All sky saw was fields of dark, green grass and a deep, violet sky. Her mind raced as she felt glued to the ground and her clothes changed to a violet corset, followed by a black, velvety dress that covered the ground below her.

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