Love Hurts, Real Love Heals

By Azsan6

33.2K 2.8K 127

Falling in love for the first time, being in love for the first time, feel happy as a lover for once then the... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 44
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45

Part 5

853 76 6
By Azsan6

-not edited-

Tee is panicking alone, he doesn't know what to do and tell his friends about his sins. He never feel so stupid like this before, he regrets a lot. He is also embarrassed to meet his father today, he can't lie to the old man but he knows his father wants to know about his anniversary.

"Tee!" two voices call for Tee excitedly. Kit, Farm and Tee live together in an apartment, they share the rent together. Tee did spend his time at his house too and he always spend the night there if his father ask him to do so.

Kit and Farm sit beside Tee, making Tee sits in the middle of them. They can't wait to hear Tee's happy stories. They did feel a little weird why Tee is home so early this morning but they didn't ask more.

"should I ask or you are not ready to tell us yet?" ask Farm carefully, he doesn't want to sound like a nosy person, it's Tee's personal life after all.

"we broke up" mutters Tee slowly and his eyes brimming with tears again.

Kit and Farm are lost for words, they are reading shocked with that. They can't believe it too.

Kit pulls Tee into his arms, he doesn't want to believe it but he doesn't want to make Tee feels alone too. Farm also hug Tee and let Tee bawling his eyes out. They are shocked because James and Tee look okay when the last time they saw the couple together.

"He cheated on me with Nin" add Tee still crying.

Farm and Kit get double shock today. They know Nin very well. How could family did all this to their own family members. Kit keep thousands curse words in his head and Farm is ready to go and attack James and Nin. They were too much.

"it's been six months. Nin already pregnant with his baby. I'm so stupid, I don't know what to do"

Kit can't stop himself anymore, he is cursing and praying hard that both of the cheater will face bad things in their life. Farm wants to go and talk to James but Tee didn't  allow it.

"if this happened last night, where did you sleep? Why you didn't call us last night? We should face it together"

Tee started to cry harder when he get the question making Copter and Farm panic. Why Tee suddenly crying harder?

Kit and Farm wait for Tee to be calmer, they keep hugging him and rubs his back to make him calm.

"I did an unforgivable sins last night. I was sad and want to revenge on Phi James. I enter a bar and drank alcoholic drinks. I was drunk, I swear I didn't mean to seduce and slept with a married man! I'm so stupid and dirty!" Tee bawls again.

His friends are shocked and speechless with Tee's action but they didn't want to add more burden in Tee's head so they just keep quiet about it.

"I'm so stupid! He took me to his home, I was almost naked on his bed this morning. The man was nice, he prepared me tomato juice and painkillers this morning. I saw his photos with his wife. I'm so crazy for doing this sin!" adds Tee more.

"Tee, maybe he did married but maybe he lost his wife. Maybe he is not cheating on his wife and you didn't sleep with a currently married man with a wife" Kit try to ease Tee, he feels baffled with the news and don't know what to say.

"Kit is right and maybe you didn't have sex with him at all. You were drunk and he let you sleep at his because he is a nice man" Farm to make another possible story that happened last night.

"I want to think so too but look, he gave me his shirt, it's bigger on me and this!" Tee is ashamed but he shows them two red hickeys on his neck.

Kit and Farm once again surprised, they need to see doctor if Tee continue make them shocked like this. They can see it clearly since Tee's skin is so white.

"oh my god. Tee you are not virgin anymore!" why Kit sounds excited just now?

"Yeah but I lost it to a stranger! A married man too. I'm so going to hell"

"Tee,you didn't know. Don't blame everything on yourself"

"what's the different between me and Nin. We both slept with someone else man!" Tee really can't accept his bad behavior, he feels guilty toward the wife.

Farm and Kit sigh together, it's not Tee's fault at all even though that man has a partner. It's his fault for bringing another person home and slept with them.

"Tee, you didn't know he is married. Stop blaming yourself and think more positively. You won't see him again and you won't drink again" Kit a little bit scolding Tee and Farm agree with Kit.

"What you did is not right but it happened because you can't think straight. It's all Phi James and Nin fault!" Farm still can't let James and Nin go just like that. He wants to slash at them!

"You should forget about last night. Tomorrow, we will start anew, okay?"

"that's right. You have us with you!" Farm and Kit hug Tee again. This time tighter than before.

Tee smiles a little and his tears start to pour out again but this time not because he is sad but he is touched with his best friends. He lost a man he love but he has best friends that will be with him forever.

"thank you guys. I don't know what to do if I don't have you guys" Tee returns their hug.

"true! Next time, if you have any problem come to us. Don't go drinking alone like last night. We will always ready for you" Tee nods his head and rest his head on Farm's shoulder.

Tee feels a lot better now, he is still sad and angry but he wants to move on so he needs to be strong. James never care about their 2 years relationship so there is no meaning for him to mourning on that too.

Love is hurt and Tee didn't think he will be able to love anyone again. He can't face another pain like that again. It's hurt deep inside and he doesn't know when he will fully recover. He is afraid that he will live with the pain forever.

He can't run away from Nin because they are family, if Nin and James get married, they both became somewhat related to him. Can he face it? What should he do?

Tee has alot in his mind but he decided to free up his thoughts for today. He will take shower, eat delicious food and then visit his dad like he promised.

'Dear self, be strong' Tee only can pray to be strong. He hopes and he wants to stronger than now but his heart hurt so much.

Tee still return to his dad's house even though he doesn't want to see Nin or James but he promised his dad to go home today.

Tee enters the big house with a big sigh, Tee is not very good in studying that's why he work at a hotel as a maintenance team. He loves his job and his dad never say anything about his job.

Tee's eyes want to shed tears again when he see James and Nin are having nice and sweet conversation in the living room. Tee ignored them and walk directly to his dad's room.

"my son, come here" Brem ask his son to sit at his side. Tee smiles and take his usual seat.

Tee knows his dad's health is not improving much but as long as he can see his dad happy that's all he asked for.

"happy second anniversary son" wish Brem, he even remember Tee and James's anniversary.

"Nothing to celebrate por. We broke up" Tee doesn't want to hide the truth from his dad because he knows if he start lying now it will continue to more lies in the future.

Brem is shocked with the bad news.

"Por, he loves someone else and I respect his decision. It's the best to break up since  it's not me in his heart anymore. I don't want to be in a painful relationship" Tee sounds calm and matured, he try his best to cover the pain.

"it's his lost to lose you" Brem doesn't know how to comfort his son, he only able to touch Tee's hair softly.

"we end our relationship in a good way. He and Nin love each other por"

"Nin? Nin,,,"

"Yes. Maybe I'm the one who become their red thread. It's okay por, it's not their fault they fell in love with each other" Tee smiles a little.

"oh my son, I'm sorry you have to face it"

"it's okay por. I was hurt but even if I fought to keep my relationship it will bring nothing but pain. I'm letting it go and accept the fate. It's hurt but it will be away by time"

"I don't want to talk about it anymore. Let's talk about the drama I suggested you to watch" Tee laughs trying to cover his sadness.

Brem knows Tee is sad but he respects Tee's decision to stop talking about it. They have a good time as father and son and Tee feels a lot better after talking to his dad.

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