Maya and Carina: Alternate Un...

Door KayLeigh1935

223K 4.3K 331

Maya got her promotion as captain but her team hasn't been to pleased about that. Three months of hell she ha... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Not an Update
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Not an update
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 19

7.8K 162 19
Door KayLeigh1935

The spaghetti dinner pt3

Driving back to the station was quiet, Maya was in a good relaxed mood. A little nervous about later but all in all feeling good.

Vic on the other hand was needing to talk to Andy. After Maya left to find her girlfriend who apparently everyone at the hospital knew about and knew about their relationship, she heard nurse Sandra say to the nurse beside her "god I wish I had a relationship like theirs."

"Same, just the other day I saw them together. The Captain was picking up Dr... apparently they were going for take out a a drive to the beach" unfortunately Vic couldn't catch the last name of the Dr. Just as she was about to hand back another nurse came by.

"What we gossiping about now" he questioned getting down to their level as they were sitting down.

"Oh just Captain Bishop and"

The male nurse cut her off "say no more, ugghh I'm so jealous of their relationship, I wish I had someone who looked at me the way they look at each other."

"Yeah" both female nurses sighed looking towards the direction the blonde went. Vic had had enough and handed them the paperwork back and left. She didn't have to wait long for Bishop to returned, she did however notice a smile that the blonde was trying to hide.

'Maybe I'm being to hard on her. Look at her she's happy. I've never seen her like this before. I miss her. I miss our friendship' the last two thoughts came into her mind as the reached the station. Jumping out Maya spoke.

"Hey I'm sorry I left I just had to umm" she's nervous, she doesn't know what to say. Maya was... is never nervous.

"It's okay you had to let your girlfriend know about Matteo right."

"Yeah thanks" with that Maya walked towards her office and Vic headed towards the beanery.

Ben was the first to spot her "please tell me Matteo is okay" saying this caught the eyes of the rest of the team.

"Oh yeah he's good, he actually told his group leader what to do to help. It was kinda cute too he also gave his friend a little hug before we left and said he hoped he'd feel better soon. He is actually the sweetest kid I've ever met"

*cough* *cough* "other than Pru" she said with a smirk towards Dean.

Laughing "with his mama a Dr, with his Uncle and the rest of the hospital as his family also with Maya being Maya that doesn't surprise me."

For the first time Dearborn spoke about about the situation. "Who is this little boy and the connection to Bishop?" She questioned as she sipped her drink.

"Oh Mayas son" Travis said as if it was everyday, common information.

Spitting her drink out shocked "Excuse me what, I didn't know she had a son"

"Well he's technically her girlfriends but Maya has taken on the roll of his mommy right" Dean commented looking at Warren for confirmation.

"Yeah pretty much."

"Wait back up Maya, the women who's downstairs, the women who doesn't let any of her hook ups stay over and kicks them out, and calls them Wednesday Bishop is in a relationship and has a son."

"Oh yeah I forgot you too hooked up" Andy mentioned. It was then that Andy noticed Vic getting her attention. Leaving the team with Dearborn to catch her up on what they knew which to be fair wasn't much.

"Hey what's up" Andy asked as the made their way towards the bridge.

"When did you talk to Maya?" Vic blurred out.

"What do you mean, Are you talking about the hoses because I checked them and the don't need to be replaced yet" The Latina spoke with a hint of confusion in her voice.

Waving her hands around "no no no not station stuff. Like have you spoke to Maya outside of the station. I remember you said you were going to think about it but I didn't know you had already"

"What are you talking about I haven't spoken to Maya yet" it was the truth she hadn't. She was going to after shift last week but she chickened out and just went home. "Why are you asking? Did she say anything to you?"

"No she didn't. Just on the call she was talking to Matteo and you know the spaghetti dinner is today and obviously she's being Matteo and her mystery girlfriend, who by the way are apparently so in love and the entire hospital knows about." Rolling hers eyes

"Vic back on topic what did she say to Matteo" Andy said knowing her friend has gotten side tracked. But made a mental note to ask about it later.

"Right so Matteo asked if auntie Andy was picking him up today and Maya said yes she is and that she will be bringing him her to the station."

"So you thought that I had spoken to Maya because she said that  auntie Andy is picking up him up and you thought it was me"

"Yep pretty much"

"Well it's not, truth be told I kinda chickened out talking to her"

Not knowing what to say to asked "so who do you think this Andy is? You don't she's got a new best friend called Andy do you" laughing not seeing the look on the latin womens face she continued "I'm just messing with you, I'm hungry though I need food" walking off and looking back "you coming"

"Yeah I'll be there in a minute" having been left alone Andy leaned on the side of the bridge and looked down towards the lobby and into the Captains office whispering to herself "God I hope not"

It was a few hours later Maya had just finished her paperwork. The team were still up in the beanery talking away. Maya went up to update them on what's going on.

"19, dispatch have officially put us on hold for call outs unless it's a four or five alarm." Maya announced to her team. "Since that is sorted and we are all set up, are we good on the food?"

"Yep food is all prepared we were going to wait another hour or 2 before we start cooking it." Travis responded.

"Perfect, thank you" making her way to the kitchen she got her self some lunch something simple considering she knew she was going to feast tonight on spaghetti.

Sitting down at the head of the table with a glass of water and turkey salad that she quickly threw together. Maya still didn't know what to think of her team or were she stood with them. She had heard a couple of comments today but not nearly as many as usual maybe it was for that fact that it was the spaghetti dinner tonight which brightened everyone's moods or the change in team having Dearborn with them. She couldn't figure it out, however she wasn't complaining too much.

"Hey Maya is your mystery women coming tonight with Matteo?" Dean asked with a smirk.

"Actually thanks for reminding me Matteo should be hear any minute now. But to answer your question yes, she will be here after her shift."

"So we will finally get to meet her?"

"Yep you will" maya spoke with a shaky voice. Maya didn't get nervous at many things but this, introducing the team to Carina as her girlfriend, made her extremely nervous. "Quite frankly I'd rather fight a five alarm but I highly doubt that'll happen" she mumbles but still loud enough for the team to hear.

"MOMMY!!" Matteo screamed taking everyone's attention away from the blonde.

"Hi bubba, how was the rest of your day" the Captain got up as Matteo ran towards her throwing him up in the air and catching him.

Matteo curled right into the blonde as she sat back down in her seat "fine but miss Emily kept asking questions about you" he mumbled taking a bit of her food off of her plate.

"What was she asking bubs?" She asked with a frown on her face with stroking his hair out of his face. Matteo just like his mama has a good head of hair, he has brown little ringlets that sometimes get in his eyes. Just shrugging he turns to Miranda with a questioning look.

"I have no idea all I know is that she had been asking about you since you left and was disappointed when I showed up. She purposely brought Matteo out to me and you could see that she was expecting you. Now I was a bit surprised at her reaction to me but then when I heard she'd been asking questions about you then it clicked. You might want to warn your misses about that." Bailey spoke in a pointed tone.

Sighing and leaning back in her chair "oh don't worry I already warned her. Well not really I told her that Emily slipped her number to me and shi... shoot I don't even remember where I put the thing." Almost swearing while holding her little boy and trying to find the number while talking came with great difficulty.

"Ha I bet that didn't go down too well, she's scary at the best of times" Travis shivering remembering his encounter with the Italian while eating his sandwich that he had made feeling hungry himself.

"Wait you know? He knows who she is" Dearborn questioned looking at the team.

"I'm sorry but who are you" Bailey glared at the unknown firefighter.

"Yes Travis had met her we ran into each other at the park. Literally. And Miranda this is firefighter Dearborn she filling in for Cutler this shift and also will be giving us a hand with the dinner tonight."

"Mmm sure okay" side eyeing her the Chief sits down next to Ben.

"Mommy uncle Mason coming later?" Matteo asked still snacking on Mayas food. She knows herself that she has lost her food to her son.

Reaching in the cupboard for a cup to make his wife some coffee Ben comments on what Matteo asked before Maya had time to answer. "I thought mason was in New Orleans."

Looking back at her friend not missing the looks from Andy at the mention of her brother. "He was he got back three days ago and has been in his paint room ever since so I might be forcing him to come tonight." Maya chuckled as she remembers the phone call with Mason and him whining that he has so much inspiration from his travels that he wants to get it on paper. Maya teased and joked with him that his nephew has missed him and that he did promise to draw with him when he got back from his travels. At this he agreed to attend. "So yes my little food monster he is coming tonight" she said while tickling him as he had finished her food.

Stopping as he curled up to her "will he draw with me" he yawed out. Kissing his head she whispered "Of course he will. You tired?"

"oh Bishop he hasn't had a nap today" Miranda  piped up drinking her coffee.

"Thank you, I didn't think he would after what he saw I might take him down with me and see if we can get a nap in" she said while rubbing her hand up and down his back.

Hearing this didn't go down too well with Matteo "nooo mommy no nap, I don't wanna" he wimped, wriggling around on her lap trying to get away.

"Yes Matteo, no whining. Now say night night and you'll see everyone later" Maya gripped onto him tighter so he didn't slip when she stood up. Still whining "Matteo bubba calm down. Thank you Miranda for picking him up. 19 I'll be in my office." And with that she left with a squirming Italian.

Miranda had a smile on her face, she has seen first hand the growth Maya has done over the past 6/7 months. She remembers the Maya Bishop before, granted she didn't know there was a nick name for her but knew Maya didn't do relationships or kids from the stories that Ben had told her.

"It still amazes me that that is Maya" Travis said with a dream like voice. Everyone was staring off to the stairs were the duo left.

"If you would have told me that Maya Bishop who I hooked up with was now in a relationship and has a kid I wouldn't have believed you. I still don't and I just saw it with my own eyes" Charlotte was stunned. She did have the intention of possibly hooking up with Maya again maybe even possibly during their shift but seeing Maya now she knew she couldn't do it. She may look around to see who comes in later. She has heard some of the guys talk about the doctors and nurses at GreySloan.

Laughing "yeah I bet she's not the same Bishop you knew huh?" Miller joked.

"Nope, who's mason though" Dearborn asked to anyone.

"Her brother" Vic answered

"I didn't know they were back in contact" the Latina commented

"Oh yeah for a couple of months now, but that's not my story to tell. It'll be good to see him again." Ben said clearing up some confusion.

Once again Andy was in her head again feeling like she just wanted to cry. She excused herself making her way to the bathroom. The minute she closed the door the tears started streaming down her face. She remembers driving around in the aid car the Maya looking for her brother a couple of years ago after they saw him at one of the homeless camps that they were giving vaccinations in. The countless conversations they had with Ryan about finding him but never could just wishing she could get him back in her life again. Now she got her wish she got her brother back and he is sober, travelling and is happy.

Thinking 'I should have been there with her when her brother came back. I should have been there when she had met Matteo I know she would've been freaking out. And I should have been there for helping her plan date with her girlfriend. I should have been there like a best friend should. I should've been there'

Calming down after a while and washing her face she made her way out of the bathroom passing Mayas office who happened to have a sleeping Matteo in her arms working away. He obviously didn't want to be put down or he was fighting his sleep she thought.

It was coming closer and closer to the time were the community would be coming together so Travis, Dean and Vic went to finish off the cooking and the rest of the team stayed around down stairs incase anyone showed up early.

Not long after Miranda spotted three of her doctors walking into the barn. "Afternoon"

"Hey Bailey" Teddy spoke first.

"Hi Bailey wow okay I'm first down the pole" 

"Amelia" teddy and Miranda scolded her.

"What unless Deluca here already got first dibs" she winked towards Carina.

Shaking her head she mouthed stop and said hello to the Chief.

The four surgeons made their way up stairs to the beanery with the team. Jack was trying to talk to Carina but she was in a world of their own, seeing as they had to walk by the Captains office Carina glanced and saw her love working away with their little boy curled up on her lap. She wanted to take a picture of the two but decided against it. She wanted to see how long they could keep their secret. Of course she wasn't stupid she knew it would come out tonight but why not have a little fun with it. She did however text her captain to let her know that she was here.

Bambina😍😘: Ciao Bella. At the station in the kitchen. You both made my heart jump when I looked and saw you in your office. X

"Right shall we do introductions I know we pretty much all know each other in passing but we have Dearborn over here who isn't quite as familiar with all of you as we are." Jack spoke winking at Carina as he finished. Carina tried so hard not to roll her eyes, she only succeeded as she felt another pair of eyes on her. The eyes belonged to Dearborn.

Teddy saw right through Jack and spoke with a bit of attitude towards him " sure since you know us so well why don't you introduce us and just so you know I expect first and last names"

Stuttering "S..sure uhh so we have Dean Miller, Victoria Hughes, Andy Herrera, Travis Montgomery, Charlotte Dearborn, Mir" Bailey gave him the Bailey look "sorry Chief Miranda Bailey, Dr Amelia Shepherd, Dr Teddy Altman and Dr Carina Deluca." Trying not to laugh at him Amelia and Teddy move closer to the kitchen and ask for a drink to which Travis obliges.

Charlotte approaches Carina with a slit smirk on her face. "Hi I'm Charlotte"

"Ahh quindi sei quello che ha chiamato mercoledì." Hearing this as she was taking a drink Andy choked. She may not speak or know Italian, but both Italian and Spanish are similar enough to pick up a few words. Everyone turned to look at Andy with questioning looks.

"Sorry it went down the wrong way" she said glancing at Carina who caught on and realised she may have understood her.

Ignoring the Latina Dearborn faces Carina again. "You know I don't think Gibson introduced to right."

"Oh really why's that"

"Well if I was the one introducing you I would have said 'the gorgeous Dr Carina Deluca'"

"Thank you for the compliment" Carina just smiled, wishing Maya would just look at her phone and come and save her.

"I have dropped patients off at GreySloan and I can assure you I would have recognised someone with your beauty". Dearborn spoke as she clearly made it obvious she was checking Carina out.

"Thank you again but I am in a relationship" having enough of the conversation. Trying to walk away.

"Aww come on I'm sure they're great but being with a firefighter I bet you'll see the difference in stamina." Everyone was trying to mind their own business but still listening in on the conversation. Miranda, Teddy, Amelia, Ben and Travis trying not too laugh or draw attention to anything. Jack was annoyed anyone looking at him could tell.

"Trust me Dearborn if anyone was going to show Dr Deluca the stamina we firefighters have it would be me plus I am a lieutenant and have more stamina than you"

Carina was so ready to blurt out but not as much as their Captain who was a former Olympian but she held her tongue. She was saved by her though as Maya made her presence known. Well Amelia made it known she was there.

"FIREFIGHTER BARBIE damn you do look good in uniform" Amelia shouted and looked Maya up and down.

"Really still with the nick name." Maya shook her head. She looked towards Carina and saw desperation in her eyes. The glanced behind her and saw Jack and Charlotte and already they knew they had been trying to get Carina to out with them 'too late she's mine' she thought with a bit of jealousy.

"Wait bishop where's Matteo?" Andy questioned before the two started getting Carinas attention again.

Carina was wondering that herself knowing she saw Matteo with the blonde before they made their way to the beanery.

"He is sleeping in my bunk"

"Wow bishop just leaving your kid alone while sleeping. Some mother you are" jack muttered but made sure it was loud enough for everyone to hear. Carina almost slapped him. She knows how insecure Maya still is of being a good parent. It's something that she has been battling as she doesn't want to turn out like her father.

"For your information Lieutenant he is in my office bunk, I have put pillows round him incase he rolls and I also have this." Pulling the baby monitor that she had clipped to the back of her belt. "The other half of the pair is siding on the my desk beside my bed incase he wakes up and I'm not there I will hear him and go and get him. So anymore comments on me being a bad mother?" She asked him but glanced at her Italian for confirmation that she did a good job to which she got a subtle nod in reply.

"No sorry Captain" he said.

"So what were you guys talking about?"
She asked moving in between Travis and Teddy.

"Well Gibson and Dearborn are trying their luck with Dr Deluca." Dean laughed.

Trying not to laugh herself "oh really and how is that going" she said which earned her a glare from Carina and a look from Andy.

Andy could see now that both women were in a room how they were looking at each other. From the comment she heard from Carina about Dearborn being called Wednesday and now this. She had a suspicion that Dr Carina Deluca was the girlfriend of Captain Maya Bishop.

"Well Charlotte mentioned if she has tried out the stamina of a firefighter and Jack just finished saying that he has more stamina and is better as he is a lieutenant" Vic filled her in.

Unable to hold it she burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I shouldn't laugh. It's not funny" she said giggling now "but Gibson, Dearborn made lieutenant a few weeks ago. She is the same rank as you."

"Wait you are?"

"Yep you see these bars." She smirked.

"I bet I still have more stamina than you." He looked down on her smugly.

"RIGHT enough you both can measure each other's balls later. We public will be here any minute I want Travis to stay with the food and everyone else downstairs and welcoming them in. Doctors you are welcome to go anywhere" the team left with Miranda following.

"I feel like I need a shower" Carina shook her body. "And you Captain, that was not funny" she pointed at Maya who playfully bit her finger "heyyy stop it" she tried to act all serious but couldn't help but smile at the childish act of her girlfriend pulling Maya into her and finally gave her a kiss.

Travis was watching them in aww he could see the love they shared for each other and seeing Maya in this light, made him think about Michael. He misses his late husband so much.

"Get a room you two" Teddy broke the couple from their bubble as they hadn't broken their kiss yet.

"We are in one" Carina replied not understanding.

"She means stop the pda babe, or go find a room just the two of us" Maya closed the distance and gave Carina a kiss.

"Ohh stupid American idioms"she muttered. Earning a kiss on her cheek from the blonde next to her.

"Dr Deluca since we are making spaghetti do you want to help me and lean your expertise since you are Italian" Travis asked her. He wasn't quite sure if he could call her Carina yet as when he called her Carina before she corrected him and said Dr Deluca. But that was after the park incident so it should be okay now, right?

"Yeah sure, oh and you can call me Carina" she smiled at him. He nodded in response. Amelia and Teddy decided to head down to the team. Maya stay with the duo, she always loves watching Carina in the kitchen at home so why should this be any different.

Vic came back upstairs into the kitchen just and Carina and Travis were putting the food in big bowls to put on the tables. "Oh wow that smells good" hearing another voice Maya stood up straight from where she was leaning on the island watching. 

"Perfect timing Hughes you can help us bring these down to the barn" Travis said as he put a bowl in each of her hands.

"Damn it I came up at the wrong time" she muttered to herself as she did a 180 to head back down.

It only took a couple of trips to move all of the food to the barn where everything was set up. Just as they were looking at their handy work the baby monitor that Maya had attached to her started making noise. "Well that's my cue" so she made her way to her office not before glancing at Carina who was talking to Jack.

Opening her office door she heard the voice that can make her melt in any situation "mommy"

"Hi bubba I'm here"she said as she pushed her bunk door open. "Did you have a good nap?" Lifting him up into her arms he cuddled in nodding slightly.

Just as she was making her way out her phone rang. It was the chief not just any chief, it was chief Dixon.

Looking around and spotting Ben she called him over "Warren, can you take Matteo really quick the chief is calling." Walking away with Matteo in his arms. Maya answered the phone.

All the chief wanted was to wish her good luck for tonight in a condescending tone. She rolled her eyes thankfully he didn't come in person and thanked him. Unfortunately that wasn't what he wanted to talk about. He called to tell her that she will be receiving a new probie next shift, he didn't elaborate though as he hung up before she could ask any questions. "Really you could have sent an email you dick" she spoke as she put the phone down.

Sighing as she stood up although quickening her pace as she heard Matteo crying.

Sorry guys I thought I could get the last part all in this chapter but it's getting too long in my opinion. I promise though next chapter will be the last part of the spaghetti dinner.

Why do you think Matteo is crying?

Thank you for the votes and comments. Please keep doing so.
K x


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