UNFRIENDED ( a novel. )


43.4K 1K 220

One year ago, Laura Barns (Heather Sossaman) committed suicide due to ridicule received over an embarrassing... More

-CHAPTER SEVEN ( final. )
-CHAPTER EIGHT ( update. )
-CHAPTER NINE ( another update. )
-CHAPTER TEN ( alternate ending, pt one. )
attention readers / nov 13th, 2016.

-CHAPTER ELEVEN ( alternate ending, pt two. )

3.1K 87 31

police sirens rang through the neighborhood, signifying that they already knew about the deaths of my friends.

my heart hurt with mental pain, while my wrist hurt from physical pain.

i sat up, straight, wondering if this was only a dream or if it was for real.

my eyes looked over to the side of my bed, my computer sitting on the side.

then i brought myself to pick it up, seeing that the skype call never ended in the first place.

even though all i could think about was the death of my friends, i couldn't seem to take my mind off them.

i also wondered why she let me live, why she didn't kill me.

then i saw lights turn on, then voices of my two parents.

making me fix my blouse and hair, my tears were beyond dried.

my mom knocked on my door, making it ring through my room.

she then opened it, "honey," she began to say, the sad expression that already i knew what she was going to say.

"your friends are dead." she said and i nodded, being sure to hold back the tears that threatened to come or to escape.

"i know." was my only response, my heart to hurt to say anything more.

"it's okay, honey." she said as she brought me into an embraced hug, making the tears escape as quickly as they dried.

i hugged her tightly, the thought of my friends dead, my boyfriend and my best friend only made the pain worst.

that i would've rather died then have lived, the pain that i felt only would take years of therapy to fix.

but i could get through it, it would take time but i needed to.

"it's okay." she repeated, sending chills through me, only because i knew it wouldn't be okay.

i then pulled away, nodding softly, wanting the tears to stop.

"i'm okay." i said with a smile, a fake smile, a smile that i always forced when i was sad.

she gave a doubtful smile, but nodded, letting go as she walked to the hallway.

tears beginning to escape again as she left, i hugged myself tightly.

my mind wanted to forget about the deaths that all of my friends shared.

they didn't deserve to die, at least some of them didn't.

sirens kept stinging in the air as police men scrambled inside of all their houses.

my body brought me to the window, looking out in the stars that filled the sky.

my computer still on, the skype call still running and rings filled the air.

which brought my body to walk to the computer, reading messages from facebook that cold-hearted people wrote.

clicking block on everyone who sent me the worst of messages but seeing laura message me something that only made the pain go away.

laura barns; blaire, you deserve to live. you may have hurt me, but you could fix my mistakes, i may of died as a person with flaws, mistakes and regrets, but you can fix them for me. but with a reward comes a punishment, you will live through your live with the pain of my death and the death of others. i didn't want it to be like this blaire, but you made a mistake, but you didn't mean it. at least i hope you didn't, the video is deleted but my only wish is that you live with pain, pain like i did, when you left me..

sincerely, laura

my eyes scanned through the message, making me relax, knowing that i would be fine, in a matter of years.

i then closed the skype call, memorizing what had happened tonight, not being able to tell everyone what had happen the night before.

of course, everyone was gonna ask what had happened to my friends, the video which laura had posted aswell.

no one would believe the words i was going to tell them, i wouldn't believe myself either.

i shut my computer closed, sighing as hiccups filled the air from the crying i had done all night.

sirens still filled the silent air, my head for the bed sheets, leaving me to look up at the ceiling.

my thoughts bothered me, thinking of my friends deaths, playing over and over agin in my head.

mitch didn't deserve what he got, i should've died, but i blamed him.

making me deserve it more, i wish i could've token back what i said, he didn't do it and i blamed him.

it made me even more upset at myself and pain rushed through me.

laura wants this, she wants me to feel pain.

i wouldn't blame her, i hurt her more then she ever hurt me in her lifetime.

but my mind still wondered what really changed her mind, and why it magically stopped her from killing me.

questions would be asked and they were be answered, tomorrow would be awful, having to wake up and remember what happened on the night before.

not being able to sleep because of the images floating through my small mind filled with big thoughts.

i then looked to the side of my room, seeing pictures of me and mitch scattered on the wall.

i missed him, a lot, and i couldn't bring myself to forgive myself.

it must hurt him to know that it was my fault for his death.

my mind wondered to the door, which voices could be heard behind it.

i closed my eyes for that moment knowing that my world would shut down in any moment and tomorrow would be a new beginning.

then my eyes opened, looking to see the morning sun going through my windows, i looked to the side to see my computer on my desk and me wearing a regular pajama shirt and bottoms.

i then heard my phone ring, bringing my slim arms to grab it and read the message;

mitch; goodmorning 💘

my mind relaxed, knowing that the previous events were just a dream, resulting in happiness.

i smiled, texting back to his sweet message.

blaire; goodmorning 🍥💕

i could imagine his smile, the smile that wouldn't end until his death.

but he survived, survived my awful dream, making me happy to see that my friends survived the dream.

but my mind wondered to laura, smiling.

my text messages prove that everything really was a dream.

blaire; hi! ☺️

laura; blaire! goodmorning haha 😊

my mind relaxed and i sighed in relief, happy that everything would be back to normal and this dream would be long to explain to them.

i got and got dressed for school, putting on a blouse and jeans.

then raced to school, sending me to meet my group of friends who stood by the school door.

laura stood with them, laughing and being happy like she always was.

"blaire!" mitch yelled as he hugged me tightly, making me more relieved then ever.

"mitch!" i yelled back, making him chuckle.

then i hugged laura, she giggled.

"something wrong?" she asked, "it seems like you miss me." she said and i nodded.

"just a dream." i replied, making her laugh.

"this must be good." she rolled her eyes playfully as we all entered class.

boy was i glad it was just a dream.

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