Bound by Fate (Sesshomaru Lov...

By Silver-Tigress

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Do you believe that demons could fall in love?~~ Sakura Shinguji is a princess and Priestess. After her famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Inuyasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (Special Chapter)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 1)
Chapter 32: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 2)
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 1
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Inuyasha The Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 24

508 7 0
By Silver-Tigress

Sakura's P. O. V:

The next morning, my group and I walk through the forest.

It's been a few weeks since the kidnapping incident, but a few days ago, Sesshomaru and I had felt Naraku's presence leave the world, which makes me think he was killed.

But then we'd felt his presence again sometime ago. Apparently, it was all because of Princess Kaguya, Ruler of Eternal Night.

If I had to have any guess, I'd say it was Inuyasha's group who defeated her.

I kinda wish I'd been apart of the action...

My neck was peppered with bite marks from Sesshomaru once again, when we'd kissed last night.

I ride Miyu as Shinobu rides next to me on Seiji, Karina perched on the bay horse's head.

It was rather peaceful, but then I hear three stomachs growling, causing my to blink my eyes a few times.

Shinobu speaks up, glancing between me and Rin and seeing that we're both hungry, "Sesshomaru-sama? We're starting to get really hungry! May we go and look for something to eat?"

Jaken snaps back, "Quiet! A forest like this will have nothing for you to eat! You'll just have to wait!"

"Yes, but..." Shinobu begins, only to be cut off by the imp.

"I don't want to hear any buts out of you! Just be quiet, and... huh?!" Jaken gasps when Rin, Shinobu and I dismount and Karina runs after us into the forest.

I shout back, "We'll be very quick!"

"Silly humans," Jaken was muttering. I hear annoyance in his voice. "You come back here right now, Sakura, Shinobu, Rin!!"

"Jaken, let them be," Sesshomaru interrupts calmly, tone laced with warning.

Jaken moans sadly.

We walk through the forest in search of food when Rin suddenly gasps, looking at the base of a tree.

"Oh!" We look to see her crouching by some mushrooms. We crouch next to her and Karina sniffs the mushrooms. "These are edible!"

Karina meows in agreement.

Shinobu praises, smiling at her, "Good eye, Rin-chan!"

"Let's pick them," I say.

Before we could do anything, however, Karina suddenly whips around and hisses violently, fur bristling. We look behind us and gasp to see something rising out of the earth.

A claws hand grabs Rin and she screams as she's lifted into the air. Dammit! How did I miss this demon?!

I was just about to cut off the hand holding my daughter, but someone beats me and Shinobu to it.

A moment later, there's a silver blur from the bushes and the demon's hand was suddenly chopped off. It hits the ground and Rin lands in the bushes behind Sesshomaru who lands in a crouch before the demon.

"You are absolutely brilliant, Sesshomaru-sama!!" Jaken and Shinobu praise as Jaken runs over.

Rin jumps to her feet and she and I say in unison, "You're so dashing, Sesshomaru-sama/Sesshy-kun!!"

We look up to see the demon's hand turning into giant wasps. Shinobu, Jaken and I gasp as we recognise the Saimyosho.

Jaken says, "The Saimyosho, Naraku's poisonous insects!"

I say as Shinobu and I step forward on either side of Sesshomaru and unsheathe our swords, "Stand back. Out of the way! That Naraku left behind some annoying vermin. Jaken, there should be a hive located nearby."

The imp says readily, "Yes! I'll go and look for it!"

The hand flies toward us but Sesshomaru, Shinobu and I block it with our swords before we kick off from the tree behind us and leap out of the way, Sesshomaru spinning in the air, causing the hand to embed in the tree behind us.

With a grunt, I slash my katana right through the arm of the demon, but it turns into Saimyosho too. We gaze at the large wasps wearily before landing. They fly off, buzzing.

"Jaken," Sesshomaru prompts as we glance back at them. Jaken whimpers as he gazes around for the hive.

"Look, Jaken-sama! That's it, the hive!" Rin announces, pointing to a tree in front of them. Gathered on the trunk is a swarm of large wasps.

Jaken was about to deal with the hive but he suddenly orders, pointing behind the girl, "Rin! Get down, now!"

"Alright!" She chimes, ducking into the bushes. I see the same swarm from before flying towards them.

"Feel the wrath of The Staff of Two Heads!" Jaken places his staff down and shoots flames at the incoming swarm. They fall as they burn, but more still come. Jaken runs over to where Rin and fires more flames. "Persistent pests!" They too fall to the ground. "Rin, keep your head down!" The wasps from the hive fly out and over to the imp. He starts waving his staff around. "What?! Still here?!"

"Jaken," Calls Sesshomaru. Jaken looks at him and I to see Kenatsu swirling around the blade while pink Kenatsu swirls around mine. Jaken frantically ducks down to avoid both waves of Kenatsu. They hit the wasps and destroy them and the hive with ease.

Along with the poor tree.

The tree hits the earth with a resounding boom.

Rin and Jaken get to their feet. Jaken calls gratefully, "You saved me, Sakura-sama, Sesshomaru-sama!"

Rin adds, "Thank you, mummy, Sesshomaru-sama!"

Just then, more wasps fly down to them and Jaken screams in pain as they pierce his right arm with their stingers.

"Jaken-sama!" Rin exclaims worriedly.

Sesshomaru says, gazing after the wasps, "They should lead me to him."

As he takes off, I call, "Sesshy-kun! Wait for us! Karina!"

She meows as she grows large. Shinobu and I mount her before the nekomata flies after Sesshomaru, leaving Rin behind to take care of Jaken. If she remembers those healing lessons I gave her, then she should be able to save Jaken.

I think...

Once we catch up, Sesshomaru forms his teleportation sphere around us and we follow the insects. It wasn't long before we catch up to Inuyasha's group, the Saimyosho dead in front of them.

We fly in between the monk and the rest of the group before touching down on the ground and revealing ourselves.

Inuyasha greets, "Shinobu, Sakura, Sesshomaru!"

I ask, "What happened to the Saimyosho? Did you... kill them?"

""Saimyosho"?" Inuyasha repeats before looking at the dead insects. "You mean those poison insects?"

Sesshomaru belittles, "You're so short sighted."

"What?!" Demands Inuyasha, flustered, as he jerks his head up at us.

"We were following them to Naraku but now we have nothing to lead us."

Inuyasha snaps, "Let me make one thing clear: I didn't kill those bugs!"

Sesshomaru remarks as he unsheathes Tokijin, "You have an excuse for everything. It does get so tiresome."

"Huh! I don't have to make excuses for you! I'm telling the truth," Inuyasha says insistently.

Kagome inputs, "Inuyasha isn't lying! He didn't kill them."

"Stay out of this, Kagome," Inuyasha tells her while unsheathing Tetsusaiga, and letting it grow. "He's so stubborn, he never understands!"

Sesshomaru tells him, "Inuyasha, I'm
Not feeling particularly magnanimous today. I won't go easy on you like I have on the past."

"Awe, cut the crap," Inuyasha retorts, "and don't come crying to me afterwards."

As they leap towards each other and clash blades, spinning and landing on the ground, I call in exasperation, "Come on, stop it, both of you! You're acting like children!!"

Shippo tells me, "You're wasting your breath."

Miroku adds, "Those two are constantly at odds with each other."

Sango says with Kilala in her arms, "I'll second that."

I make Karina go over to them as the two brothers clash blades, causing Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kagome to glance at me. I say appreciatively to Sango and Miroku, "I just wanted to thank you two for helping me rescue my daughter that day."

Miroku says with a pleasant smile, "No need to thank us, Your Highness. We were more than happy to help."

Sango asks, "How is she? Your daughter?"

I say, "She's fine. She's with Jaken at the moment."

Miroku says, "What you did with that spiritual sphere... that was incredible. Purifying several demons at once."

"Oh. I don't really know how I did that exactly. I guess I was just eager to get to Rin that it just sort of happened. Sesshy-kun's been training me with it lately."

"We ran into Koga recently, too," Sango adds.

"Oh? How is the Wolf Boy?" I query in an uncaring tone.

"His rib was fully healed the last time we saw him, but I think he might want revenge next time you meet. He seemed pretty angry for the injury you gave him," Miroku says, sweat dropping a little.

I say flatly, "Well, he deserved it for the pain he caused Rin-chan."

I look back at the fight to see Sesshomaru coming down towards his brother with his sword. Inuyasha blocks it with Tetsusaiga, causing electricity to crackle wildly. Inuyasha throws Sesshomaru back but runs after him.

Upon reaching Sesshomaru, Inuyasha swings his sword forward, but Sesshomaru blocks it.


As the fight goes on, Inuyasha yells, "Time for my Wind Scar!" He sends out three blades of wind at Sesshomaru but he shocks Inuyasha by slashing with Tokijin, then leaping up  and towards Inuyasha. "What?!" With a flick his Tokijin, Sesshomaru sends Tetsusaiga spinning away from Inuyasha, and the sword embeds into the ground.

It returns to its katana form as Inuyasha lands on his back. Sesshomaru lands before him with Tokijin pointed right at his throat. Inuyasha scowls as he glares up at his brother.

Sesshomaru tells him, "I win this time. Are you prepared to die, Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha huffs, "Huh! I don't care about my life. Kill me and get it over with!"


"Wait!" Kagome yells desperately as she runs forward. What is she doing?! "Do you wanna know where to find Naraku?! Then head for the Ox Tiger! Someone sensed Naraku's presence heading that way."

"Kagome, shut up!" Inuyasha snaps before looking back at his brother wearily.

"In the direction of the Ox Tiger?" Questions Sesshomaru. "That's all I need to know. Thank you." Sesshomaru pulls Tokijin back and Karina goes after him as he turns and walks away from Inuyasha. "You we're fortunate this time, Inuyasha."

We catch up to him as Inuyasha calls in confusion, "Wait, Sesshomaru! Why are you after Naraku?"

All Sesshomaru replies is, "I have a score to settle."

We walk away from Inuyasha's group.

As we walk, we hear Rin screaming for us, the sun having started setting awhile ago:


Gritting my teeth, Karina flies at her fastest in the direction of the scream, having heard it too as she growls worriedly. Sesshomaru beats us to the ravine and he catches Rin bridal style in one arm as he flies under her, before they fly back to the top of the cliff.

My heart nearly leaping from my throat, Sesshomaru lands beside me and I take my daughter from him. The three of us gaze down at the unconscious Rin, a bunch of blue berries in her hand.

Those are Senenso Berries, used for treating demonic poison...

Damn that Jaken, putting my daughter in danger like that!

I hug Rin close to me as we return to the forest where we left Jaken. We find him sitting against a tree, writhing and groaning in pain.

"The poison is spreading!" He gazes at the setting sun. Jaken closes his eyes as he leans back against the tree. "Rin... didn't make it back in time with the antidote..." Jaken opens his eyes and blinks them into focus, seeing Sesshomaru standing before him with the berries. Jaken rubs at his eyes to clear them. "It's you... Sesshomaru-sama!" The dog demon throws him the antidote which Jaken catches. "The antidote!" Jaken proceeds to bite into them as Sesshomaru steps back over to me, still holding the unconscious Rin in my arms. "Mmm! Not bad!"

I blink down at the brunette as she murmurs, still unconscious, "Jaken-sama, don't die on me."


We find a place to camp for the night as we wait for Rin to regain consciousness. Jaken, Shinobu and I sit beside Rin, Karina in her small form beside me. Sesshomaru stands ahead of us, gazing up at the darkened sky. Miyu and Seiji were lying on their knees beside A-Un. Those three have gotten along really well since we began travelling together, and the dragon has taken a strong liking to Karina.

Rin's eyes peel open when the moon was high in the sky.

"Oh. You're awake," Says Jaken as Rin wakes up,

She gasps, looking at him, "Jaken-sama! You're all better now." Rin sits up to face us. "Either that, or maybe I died when I fell off the cliff."

"Oh, Rin, you silly fool! Sesshomaru-sama, Shinobu-sama and Sakura-sama brought you back here. You didn't die," Jaken informs her.

"Do you mean they saved me?" Rin asks in surprise.

"That's right! And you'd better stop causing them so much trouble, young lady."

Rin apologises, "I know. I'm sorry." She then hugs the imp, tears of relief in her eyes. "Jaken-sama! I'm so glad you're well again! I was so worried about you!"

Jaken says, waving, "Stop, Rin! Get away! Shoo!"

Rin denies, "I won't!"

I hug Rin as I say in relief, "I'm so glad you're alright. Don't ever scare me like that again, Rin-chan!"

"You gave me a heart attack," Shinobu adds, also relieved.

Sheepishly, Rin says, "I'm sorry, mummy, Shinobu-kun." We then get up and go up to Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Rin and Shinobu say in unison.

"Sesshy-kun!" I chime.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Jaken says.

Sesshomaru tells us, "We're going."

Shinobu and I take the horses and Karina sits on Seiji's saddle, while Jaken leads A-Un, he, Rin, Shinobu and I laughing joyously.

Jaken says, "We're all together again, My Lord! Isn't it wonderful?!" He giggles like a little girl.

We then travel the rest of the night under a sea of glistening stars.


The part at the beginning about Naraku's death was a nod to the second Inuyasha movie. I decided not to do it because Sesshomaru was in it for only a split second.

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